5. Work with colors fills and outlines We were talking about work with curves, colors and fills in chapter 3. In this chapter we will deeper explain working with colors for fills and outlines. But before we do so we have to explain how different color models which enables mixing of colors and which computers uses for simulating real colors Program Corel Draw offers mixing colors in color models RGB, CMYK, HSB, HLS, Lab, YIQ and some others. It is important to mention that no color models are equivalent. Every color model can describe only a part of visible spectre. Therefore is very important for all objects in graphic to use the same color model. If objects were not using the same color model, we could see some color changes on printed output of graphic. Another important thing is that human eye can see more colors than any monitor or printer can show. But we can work with all the possible colors using different color models and see these color for example in direct colors from PANTONE pattern book or in professional prints. The most known and used color models are RGB and CMYK, which uses principle of mixing basic colors. RGB system uses basic colors red/green/blue, and is used mostly for monitors, screens and CCD chips used in digital cameras or scanner CCD sensors. CMYK model is using basic colors cyan, magenta, yellow, black. These colors are optimal for printing documents, photographs, and all printed output. Other systems has basic components for example hue, intensity, brightness, color additions or transits etc. Select Color - universal tool for selecting colors Program Corel Draw uses for selecting colors one universal tool Select Color in some different modifications and at all the places where the color needs to be chosen. Dialog has three basic tabs - Models, Mixers, Palettes. The first tab - Models - offers functions for selecting color in many different color models and shows values of the color in different color systems. The first option - Model offers change of color model. There are many models in the list: CMY, CMYK, RGB, HSB, HLS, Lab, YIQ, Greyscale and Registration Color. More about color models and colors will be written in next chapters. For now we need to know only that RGB color model is best used for web graphic and CMYK is the best choice for printed graphics. Bellow this option is the tool for interactive selecting of the color. Default set is for HSB system (the right column is used for choosing the hue and in the left square is used for selecting intensity and brightness for selected hue). This system is the best for human understanding of colors. This selecting of color can be changed into another one in potion under button Options/Color Viewers. All options are showed on the picture in the right and all color selectors are showed on next page. page 22 HSB - Hue Based HSB - Brightness Based HSB - Wheel Based RGB - 3D Additive CMY - 3D Subtractive CMYK - 3D Subtractive In the right corner is option Reference which is used for showing original color and new mixed color. Bellow this option is box called Components where can be set exact values in selected color model (Model). Next to these dialogs is current color showed in alternate color system, which can be set in option Options/Value 2. Semifinal option in this tab is Name option, where can be chosen preset color by its name. These colors are showed in the right in the main screen of program. The last useful options in this tab are buttons Add to Palette, Options, OK, Cancel, Help. The fist buttons adds our color into the palette. Button Options was mentioned before. Now about the others functions of this menu. Function Swap Colors changes color in part Reference, Gamut Alarm allows turn on alerts if the color is out of gamut of color system (more about gamut will be in the theory of 11 chapter). Next buttons accepts or cancels our color select or call help about this dialog. page 23 Tab Mixers offers options for selecting more than one color at the same time using presets color harmonies. Some options of this tab is the same as were in the previous tab Models (see right picture) therefore we will talk only about new options used for mixing colors, which consists of color wheel and color grades below (color harmonies). The color wheel is used for selecting main color and other colors which number can be set in menu. Color harmonies from these colors are automatically updated in color harmonies below. Basic selections of Hues is: Primary - only one primary color, Complement - complementary color for the main color, Triangle 1 - primary color, complementary color and the third color. In this choice and all the rest is optional choice of changing also position of other colors. Colors which can be moved over color circle are showed as white circles. Primary color is always black circle. Triangle 2 - primary color and two other colors in isosceles triangle. Rectangle - primary, complementary and third and fourth color creating rectangle in color circle. Pentagon - primary color and another four color symmetrically over color circle creating pentagram. Option Variation selects type of color harmony and the scrollbar Size sets the number of colors in color harmony. Types of harmonies are: None - the same option as Size = 1. Cooler - grade from the main color to colder colors (based on blue color), Warmer - grade from the main color to warmer colors (based on red color), Darker - grade from the main color to darker colors (black), Lighter - grade from the main color to lighter colors (white), Less Saturation - grade from the main color to less saturated colors (grey). Button Options has one new option - Mixers, where can be the color wheel changed into square with grades between corners (Options/Mixers/Color Blend) - see right picture. The color in the corners can be changed and the colors in the square are updated. The number of grades in the color square can be changed from 3x3 to 32x32 moving srollbar bellow. The tab Palettes shows selecting of colors from direct palettes. There is plenty of pattern books from many companies. For example PANTONE, TRUMATCH, FOCOLTONE and many others. Selecting of the pattern book can be set in menu Palette. These direct colors are exactly defined and can be seen in printed pattern books for exact printed color. We will tell more about them in next chapters. On the right from the list of patterns is icon for other pattern books . After selecting pattern book all the colors is showed and can be selected. Direct colors has a small square in the corner to differentiate from other colors. The last option is option for Tint, which can be selected from 0-100% of direct color. Button Options has one more functions - Value 1 and Value 2 for showing color values in selected color models. Show color Names shows the color names for selected colors. If this option is not set, the color name is showed in small help after moving cursor of the mouse over selected color. Postscript Options is option for selecting type of interpolation selected color using the language Postscript. page 24 Type of fills Docker Object Properties, as was mentioned in chapter 3, shows most of the properties of object. Properties of fill is also here. Fill can be showed only on closed curves (but if the object is not closed, the type of fill can be changed and will show after closing the curve). Type of fills are: Uniform Fill , Fountain Fill, Pattern Fill, Texture Fill, Postscript Fill and No Fill (transparent). All these options are showed on the right picture in the order. Now we will tell about these fills more: Uniform Fill - one color fill. You can select the color from a list of colors which is the same as the right color palette. For mixing our own color is there button Edit, which opens dialog explained before - Select Color. Fountain Fill - gradient fill. In basic selection you can choose from four types of gradients (see the top picture) - Linear, Radial, Conical, Square Fountain Fill. And only the first and the last color of the fill can be changed. By clicking into the gradient preview you can move the direction of the gradient or its center. But button Edit offers much more options - see right picture. In the top, there is list menu Type for choosing type of gradient (linear, radial, ...). Option Center Offset is for all types except linear gradient and specifies the center of the gradient. Values are in percents and value 50% means the edge of object. The frame Options offers extended options of gradient (not all option can be used for every gradient type). Angle sets angle of rotation in grades 0-360, Edge Pad means the distance of gradient end from the end of object. Steps sets the number of gradient steps. There is good to leave automatic number of steps. Only in case we want exact number of steps is useful to change it. All three options can by changed interactively in gradient preview window. The frame Color Blend offers options for changing the color of the gradient and its position in the gradient. Using option Two Color offers only selecting beginning and ending color of the gradient. Mid-poit sets the position of the middle color (middle color is the color half of the first and half of the last color). Icons left from the color circle offers to change the way which will go the gradient through the color circle (can not be changed interactively). This pass through the color circle is showed in the picture in the right. Much more options for changing the gradient if we set to mode Custom, which offers to us to create nearly any gradient. In this mode is showed the gradient from the first color to the last color and in the right is color selector. Double clicking on the top of the gradient is created a black triangle showing position of the new color in the gradient. This color can be set in the right color selector, or moved. Removing of any color can be done by double clicking on it. In the bottom is option for choosing preset gradients or option for saving our own gradient for using in the future. page 25 Pattern Fill - in basic choice is option to select from three types of pattern fills - Two Color Bitmap Fill, Full Color Pattern Fill and Bitmap Pattern Fill. The first option offers two color patterns. Quality of these patterns is not very high (max 64x64 pixels), therefore it is not recommended to use them. Next option offers vector pattern fill in full color mode. In extended options can be loaded own pattern and can be set the value of the scale, rotation, skew, mirroring, etc. of the pattern. The last option is for bitmap pattern. This option offers to load any bitmap and use it as a pattern for vector objects. This option can be also used for loading picture and trim it using any vector shape. Texture Fill - this kind of fill has a big power for use. This type of fill is described by mathematical functions which are stored in seven libraries. There is about 50 different functions in these libraries and every have different parameters to set (see picture in the right). Changing any parameter or the color can be crated completely new effect. Variety of the effects are unimaginable. These functions are computed into the bitmaps at the end. PostScript Fill - is a geometrical type of fill described by the language PostScript. Use of this kind of fill is a bit better than Pattern Fill. But this type of fill has only a few preset fills and in extended parameters there is only a few options for every fill to be changed (they are different for every one type of fill) No Fill - this option sets the object transparent. in the left toolbar. This For applying the fills, there is one very good tool - Interactive Fill Tool tool offers manually to set position or rotation of gradient or pattern fill. For pattern fills there is option for setting the size or skew of the pattern interactively. This tool is very good for fast and interactive setting or editing of the fill. Another tool hidden under the button Interactive Fill Tool is Interactive Mesh Fill Tool (key M), which changes existing fill into the grid of points and lines over the edges of object and inside the object. Every point of the grid can be moved or colored. This tool offers drawing of nearly any color fill - see right picture. This tool is very good for precise color setting of object. Disadvantage of the tool is that it can take a very long time to edit all points in a complex grid. During the work with this tool, toolbar with extended options changes into: Grid Size -the number of the lines in vertical and horizontal direction. More the lines is more points is and more time it takes for editing. - these functions are the same as for editing the curve points, described in chapter 3. Functions offers adding, deleting points, changing the type of arcs - from beziere to line, etc. Copy Mesh Fill Properties From - copies the mesh from other object. This function copies only the number of points and its colors. Exact position of the points is lost. Clear Mesh - this function keeps the number of the points, but clears their positions and the colors of the points. page 26
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