Kingdom of Thailand Bond Market Financing Thailand’s Future & Connecting ASEAN Highlights MOF awards 2013 & ILB Achievements Savings Bond & Money Expo 2014 Government Bond Auction Schedule Q3/FY2014 T-Bill Issuance Program Progress Update Greenshoe Option: MOF Outright PDs Privilege in FY2015 Bond Switching & Consolidation Work Plan GGLB Rollover Plan Towards ASEAN “Preferred Destination” Basic & Essentials • • • • • Public Debt Outstanding and Its Composition Bond Market Capitalization and Its Composition Total GOVT Bond Supply Issuing in FY2014 Government Bond Auction Result in First Half of FY2014 Non-Resident Holding in Domestic Bond Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand Domestic Bond Market Development A. Highlights • • • • MOF Awards 2013 & ILB Achievements Savings Bond & Money Expo 2014 Government Bond Auction Schedule Q3/FY2014 1 T-Bill Issuance Program B. Progress Update • • • • Greenshoe Option : MOF Outright PDs Privilege in FY2015 Bond Switching & Consolidation Work Plan GGLB Rollover Plan Towards ASEAN “Preferred Destination” 12 C. Basic & Essentials • Public Debt Outstanding and Its Composition (As of Jan 2014) = 5,466,198 THB Mil. (45.75% of GDP) • Bond Market Capitalization and Its Composition (As of Mar 2014) = 9,202,573 THB Mil. (76% of GDP) • Total GOVT Bond Supply Issuing in FY2014 • GOVT Bond Auction Result in First Half of FY2014 • Non-Resident Holding in Domestic Bond NR Holding in THB Bond (As of Mar 2014) (GOVT Bond : 559,677 THB Mil., BOT Bond 118,713 THB Mil., Corp Bond : 747 THB Mil.) Net Change in NR Holding (Jan – Mar 2014) = -28,238 THB Mil. = 679,137 THB Mil. (GOVT Bond : Net Sell -36,164 THB Mil., BOT Bond : Net Buy +7,926 THB Mil.) This booklet is produced and printed in-house by Bond Market Development Bureau Public Debt Management Office , Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand This booklet can be downloaded at e-book 18 A: Highlights • MOF Awards 2013 & ILB Achievements • Savings Bond & Money Expo 2014 • Government Bond Auction Schedule Q3/FY2014 • T-Bill Issuance Program 1 MOF Awards 2013 Presented at Best Bond Awards 2013 on April 1, 2014 Organized by Thai Bond Market Association Winner Runner Ups (In alphabetical order) : Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited : Kasikorn Bank Public Company Limited : Krung Thai Bank Limited (In descending order) Winner Runner Ups (In alphabetical order) : Deutsche Bank AG., Bangkok Branch : Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited : Citibank N.A. (In descending order) 2 *Highest percentage share of allocation of all GOVT Bonds issued in FY2013 in the primary market. **Highest percentage share of trading of all GOVT Bonds issued in FY2013 in the secondary market . There are approximately 25-30 participants in the market. MOF Awards 2013 Presented at Best Bond Awards 2013 on April 1, 2014 Organized by Thai Bond Market Association Winners (Tied) : Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited : The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Bangkok Bank PCL. Deutsche Bank AG., Bangkok Branch The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited *** Highest scores voted by PDMO’s Executives 3 Looking Back @ ILB Innovation for sophisticated investors Instrument to hedge against Asian Inflation First and only ILB in ASEAN since 2011 Achievement awards Deal of the Year 2013 From Best Bond Awards 2013 (Thai Bond Market Association) (L) Dr. Prasarn Trairatvorakul, Governor, Bank of Thailand (R) Ms. Chularat Suteethorn, Director General Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance 1 April, 2014 - Best Thailand Deal 2011 - Best Local Currency Bond 2011 From Finance Asia Achievement Awards 2011 Mr. Suwit Rojanavanich, Bond Market Advisor, PDMO, MOF 2 February, 2012 (Hong Kong) - Deal of the Year 2011 - Most Creative Issue 2011 From Best Bond Awards 2011 (Thai Bond Market Association) (L) Dr. Prasarn Trairatvorakul, Governor, Bank of Thailand (R) Dr. Pimpen Ladpli, Acting Executive Director, Bond Market Development Bureau 10 May, 2012 (Bangkok) Best Sovereign Bond Deal of the Year 2013 in Southeast Asia At The 7th Annual Alpha Southeast Asia Deal and Solution Awards 2013 (R) Mr. Nattakarn Boonsri Director, Government Bond Market Development Division 23 January, 2014 (Kuala Lumpur) 4 • Best Sovereign Bond Deal of the Year 2013 in Southeast Asia Thailand Capital Market Deal of the Year 2011 • Best Thailand Deal 2011 • Best Local Currency Bond 2011 Outstanding Issuer of the Year 2011 • Best Thailand Deal of the Year 2011 • Best Sovereign Bond of the Year 2011 The Most Impressive Local Currency Bond 2011 • Deal of the Year 2011 • Most Creative Issue 2011 • Deal of the Year 2013 Deal of the Year 2011 Looking Forward Building up ILB283A to 100,000 MB Enforcing market making responsibility as PDs’ duties Possible issuance of 30yr ILB to extend ILB Yield Curve Including in global indices (1.6% weight in Barclays EMGILB Ex-Argentina Ex-Columbia Constrained Index, as of April 2014) To be issued in FY 2015 100,872MB* 5,000MB 5,000MB 5,000MB To be issued by end of FY 2014 64,160MB* TTM ILB217A ILB283A 7 14 To be launched in FY 2015-16 30 * Outstanding at the end of Q2/FY14 Thailand’s Inflation during the past 3 decades “Moderate & stable” (headline = 3.5% / core = 2.8%) (1985-2014 avg.) Past 10 year avg. 3% 1.5% Source : Bank of Thailand 5 MONEY EXPO 2014 “CONNECTING LIFE” IMPACT CHALLENGER HALL 2 – 3 8th – 11th May 2014 Booth # M2 The Launch of SAVINGS BOND* (SB175A) 3-year tenor MONEY EXPO 2014 Impact Challenger Hall 2 – 3 8th – 11th May 2014 Public Debt Management Office Booth [M2] * Eligible for Individuals and Non-Profit Institutions such as foundations, Thai Red Cross Society, and the National Council on Social Welfare of Thailand SAFE HAVEN SAVINGS BOND 6 08 2545 Structure Shift… between Non-Resident and Retail Investor Holding in GOVT BOND THB Mil. % Share of Government Bond Non-Resident holding in Government Bond % Share of Government Bond Retail Investor holding in Government Bond % Share of Government Bond 29% Savings Bond for FIDF 4% Savings Bond for Deficit 16% 8% 424,311MB 483,839MB 381,796MB 366,490MB 255,675MB Today 7% Outstanding size 137,733MB v v 25,000MB 1% 90,160MB (End of Mar 2014) -0- 31,577MB -0- Between FY 2002-2011 Average Savings Bond Outstanding is equivalent to 400,xxx THB Mil. Savings Bond : The Safe Haven for Retail 09 The last series will expire in FY 2018 10 11 12 13 (Current Outstanding : 259,470 THB Mil. , 11 Series) A FY2014 Expiration of SB 137,733 THB Mil. (53%) B FY2016 Expiration of 3 SB 90,160 THB Mil. (35%) C FY2018 Expiration of 1 SB 31,577 THB Mil. (12%) Today 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2561 334 MB 1. SB145A 2. SBST147A 80,000 MB 3. SB148A 43,303 MB 78 MB 4. SB148B 5. SB149A 10,821 MB 6. SB149B 459 MB 7. SB149B 2,738 MB A 8. SB15NA 9. SBST166A 10. SB16DA 11. SB189A 3,930 MB Zero 82,230 MB 4,000 MB B 31,577 MB C Bond Tenors -0- 8 : 20,000 5,000 10,000 LB296A = LBA37DA = LB446A = LB616A = LB196A = 2. LB = ILB283A = Maturity Date 13-Jun-2019 (Re-open 16-Jun-2023 3.625% (Re-open (Re-open (Re-open 12-Mar-2028 1.25% 22-Jun-2029 4.875% (Re-open (Re-open (Re-open 12-Dec-2037 4.26% 29-Jun-2044 4.675% ) 17-Jun-2061 4.85% 3.875% Coupon 113,000 18,000 9,000 40,000 Total 15,000 9,000 9,000 25-Jun-2014 16,000 - 20,000 18-Jun-2014 11-Jun-2014 16,000 9,000 28-May-2014 4-Jun-2014 - 15,000 14-May-2014 21-May-2014 - 7-May-2014 19,000 29-Apr-2014 9,000 Total 9,000 LB616A 50-yr 23-Apr-2014 15,000 LB446A 30-yr - 10,000 25-yr LBA37DA LBA37DA 16-Apr-2014 16,000 5,000 LB296A 15-yr 25,000 20,000 15-yr ILB283A ILB283A Amortized Bond 9-Apr-2014 LB236A 10-yr Government Bond Auction Schedule for Q3/FY2014 - 5-yr LB196A LB196A Inflation-Linked Bond 2-Apr-2014 Auction Date Exclusivity MOF Outright PD ONLY Exclusivity 9 ACHIEVEMENTS PUBILC DEBT MANAGEMENT OFFICE INNOVATION INFLATION-LI NKED BOND PIONEER PDDF CGIF DEDICATION BENCHMARK BOND FISCAL DISCIP LINE COMMITMENT BOND MARKET DEVELOPMENT ACHIEVEMENTS PUBILC D EBT MANAGEMENT OFFICE INNOVATION INFLATION-LINKED BOND PIONEER PD DF CGIF DEDICATION BENCHMARK BOND FISCAL DISCIPLINE COMMITMENT B OND MARKET DEVELOPMENT ACHIEVEMENTS PUBILC DEBT MANAGEMENT OF FICE INNOVATION INFLATION-LINKED BOND PIONEER PDDF CGIF DEDICATION BE NCHMARK BOND FISCAL DISCIPLINE COMMITMENT BOND MARKETDEVELOPM ENT ACHIEVEMENTS PUBILC DEBT MANAGEMENT OFFICE INNOVATION INFLATIO N-LINKED BOND PIONEER PDDF CGIF DEDICATION BENCHMARK BOND FISCAL DI SCIPLINE COMMITMENT BOND MARKET DEVELOPMENT ACHIEVEMENTS PUBI LC DEBT MANAGEMENT OFFICE INNOVATION INFLATION-LINKED BOND PIONEER PDDF CGIF DEDICATION BENCHMARK BOND FISCAL DISCIPLINE COMMITMENT BOND MARKET DEVELOPMENT ACHIEVEMENTS PUBILC DEBT MANAGEMENT OF FICE INNOVATION INFLATION-LINKED BOND PIONEER PDDF CGIF DEDICATION BE NCHMARK BOND FISCAL DISCIPLINE COMMITMENT BOND MARKET DEVELOP MENT ACHIEVEMENTS PUBILC DEBT MANAGEMENT OFFICE INNOVATION INFLAT ION-LINKED-BOND PIONEER PDDF CGIF DEDICATION BENCHMARK BOND FISCAL DISCIPLINE COMMITMENT BOND MARKET DEVELOPMENT ACHIEVEMENTS PU BILC DEBT MANAGEMENT OFFICE INNOVATION INFLATION-LINKED BOND PIONE ER PDDF CGIF DEDICATION BENCHMARK BOND FISCAL DISCIPLINET COMMMITM ENT BOND MARKET DEVELOPMENT ACHIEVEMENTS PUBILC DEBT MANAGEMEN T OFFICE INNOVATION INFLATION-LINKED BOND PIONEER PDDF CGIF DEDICATIO N BENCHMARK BOND FISCAL DISCIPLINE COMMITMENT BOND MARKET DEVE LOPMENT ACHIEVEMENTS PUBILC DEBT MANAGEMENT OFFICE INNOVATION IN FLATION-LINKED-BOND PIONEER PDDF CGIF DEDICATION BENCHMARK BOND FI SCAL DISCIPLINE COMMITMENT BOND MARKET DEVELOPMENT ACHIEVEMEN TS PUBILC DEBT MANAGEMENT OFFICE INNOVATION INFLATION-LINKED BOND P IONEER PDDF CGIF DEDICATION BENCHMARK BOND FISCAL DISCIPLINE COMMM ITMENT BOND MARKET DEVELOPMENT ACHIEVEMENTS PUBILC DEBT MANAGE MENT OFFICE INNOVATION INFLATION-LINKED BOND PIONEER PDDF CGIF DEDI CATION BENCHMARK BOND FISCAL DISCIPLINE COMMITMENT BOND MARKET DEVELOPMENT ACHIEVEMENTS PUBILC DEBT MANAGEMENT OFFICE INNOVATIO N INFLATION-LINKED BOND PIONEER PDDF CGIF DEDICATION BENCHMARK BON D FISCAL DISCIPLINE COMMITMENT BOND MARKET DEVELOPMENT ACHIEVE MENTS PUBILC DEBT MANAGEMENT OFFICE INNOVATION INFLATION-LINKED-BO ND PIONEER PDDF CGIF DEDICATION BENCHMARK BOND ACHIEVEMENTS PUBIL C DEBT MANAGEMENT OFFICE INNOVATION INFLATION-LINKED BOND PIONEER PDDF CGIF DEDICATION BENCHMARK BOND FISCAL DISCIPLINE COMMITMENT BOND MARKET DEVELOPMENT ACHIEVEMENTS PUBILC DEBT MANAGEMENT OF 10FICE INNOVATION INFLATION-LINKED BOND PIONEER PDDF CGIF DEDICATION BE To Meet : Short Term Demand To Manage : Funding Risk T-Bill Supply FY 2014 Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand Basis Point Allocated Participated Million Baht bps Wednesday 7 May 2014 75,000 BCR 4.49 2.56 12 1M (32 Days) : 20,000 MB 3M (95 Days) : 20,000 MB 2.45 50,000 8 2.75 1.63 2.60 1.20 1.32 1.26 1.03 1.01 0.56 25,000 2.13 1.53 1.18 1.08 0.98 1.91 1.93 1.73 0.77 3M 20,000 2.42 1.45 2.60 1.79 1.58 4 1.07 1.02 20,000 1 M 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.6 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.4 15,000 1.3 1.27 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 19,275 25,000 24,491 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 14,006 25,000 25,000 25,000 27,135 1.15 T-1=0 - 0 -0.5 -0.8 -0.5 -1.0 -1.3 -1.8 -25,000 -3.9 -3.0 -3.5 -2.0 -2.2 -2.3 -2.9 -2.4 -2.5 -2.9 -3.3 -4.2-4.4 -4.6 -2.5 -2.9 -3.7 -3.9 Q3/FY14 -4 -4.6 -4.9 -5.2 -50,000 -8 Sep Sep 13 Oct Oct 13 Nov Nov 13 Dec Dec 14 Jan Jan 14 Feb Feb 14 Mar Mar 14 Apr Apr 14 May 14 May Jun 14 11 B: Progress Update • • • • 12 Greenshoe Option: MOF Outright PDs Privilege in FY2015 Bond Switching & Consolidation Work Plan GGLB Rollover Plan Towards ASEAN “Preferred Destination” • Upgrade MOF Outright PD Privilege Maintain • Option Exclusivity in 5-yr Greenshoe Option Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand Cu r rent Pr ivilege FY 2013-20 14 Exclusivity in 5-yr tenor of Government Benchmark Bond MOF Preferred Counterparty Quarterly dialogue with MOF of plan Bond Auction Schedule BOT outright counterparty Benefit of Incentive program from SET “Potential” Privilege to be launched in FY2015 Greenshoe Option 5 years 10 years Greenshoe Option Term and Condition: Exercising at the AAY (Average Accepted Yield) Price Exercising within 1-2 days next to the auction date (T+1 to T+2) Right to buy indicated LB in Additional of 10-20% of the allocated amount Survey Results for Upgrade MOF Outright PD Privilege (13/13PDs) Note: Under the normal market condition, PDs are expected to exercise Greenshoe option when Market Yield < AAY 1 13 5 12 11 10 9 3 2 Most Prefer Least Prefer 7 6 7 8 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 1 GS 5 Yrs. GS 10 Yrs. 2 2 Exclu. 10 Yrs. GS 15 Yrs. Exclu. 15 Yrs. GS 7 Yrs. GS 3 Yrs. GS 30 Yrs. Exclu. ILB Exclu. 3 Yrs. GS ILB Results from All 13 MOF Outright PDs Between 27 Jan 2014 - 13 Feb 2014 1st Rank Additional MOF Outright PD Privileges Survey 1. What is the most preferable Additional Privileges? Please Arrange 1-5 in Space By 1 = Most Prefer 3 = Prefer 5 = Least Prefer . . . . . .Exclusivity in 10 yr. Benchmark Bond .Exclusivity in other Tenor of Benchmark Bond please specific yr. .Greenshoe Option in 5 yr. Benchmark Bond .Greenshoe Option 10 yr. Benchmark Bond .Greenshoe Option in other Tenor of Benchmark Bond please specific 2. Other Privileges Greenshoe 5 Yrs 2 = More Prefer 4 = Less Prefer Greenshoe 10 Yrs yr. Exclusivity 10 Yrs 7 4 2 PDs 11 PDs PDs PDs 13 Bond Switching and Bond Consolidation Timeline Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand FY2014 Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan FY2015 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Week 4 : Kick-off Examine the problem and obstacle • • Gathering the Problem and Obstacle Planning to Eliminate Meeting with Related Organization • • • • • • • -Tentative- The Revenue Department The Securities and Exchange Commission Federation of Accounting Professions Commission Office of Insurance Commission ThaiBMA BOT Others Set Transaction Format • Bond Selection • Calculation • Exchange Approach Marketing & Roadshow BS & BC Execution 18 Months 14 GGLB = BAAC = 100,000 75,000 Bonds of Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives. The principal and interest of the Bonds are guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance, and the Government of Thailand undertakes to make repayments of the principal and interest throughout of the Bonds in all respects Bonds of Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives. The principal and interest of the Bonds are guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance. PA ST Now BAAC148A BAAC14OA BAAC14OB BAAC152A BAAC152B BAAC152C BAAC153A BAAC156A BAAC156B BAAC157A BAAC157B BAAC157C BAAC159A BAAC159B BAAC159C BAAC15OA BAAC162A BAAC163A BAAC164A BAAC166A BAAC169A BAAC16OA GGLB16NA BAAC16NA BAAC172A BAAC179A BAAC189A BAAC189B BAAC192A BAAC192B BAAC208A BAAC238A BAAC238B GGLB16NA Series 32 1 50,000 BAAC GGLB 69,580 THB Mil. Outstanding (THB Mil.) 191,800 69,580 BAAC238A BAAC238B BAAC238B BAAC238B BAAC192B BAAC192A BAAC189B BAAC189A BAAC179A BAAC172A GGLB16NA GGLB16NA GGLB16NA Series 13 20 BAAC GGLB BAAC238A BAAC238A 50,000 BAAC16NA BAAC16OA BAAC169A BAAC166A BAAC164A BAAC163A BAAC162A BAAC15OA BAAC159C BAAC159B BAAC157C BAAC159A BAAC157B BAAC156B BAAC157A BAAC156A BAAC152C BAAC153A BAAC152B BAAC152A BAAC14OB PRESENT BAAC208A 75,000 BAAC208A BAAC208A 100,000 BAAC14OA - BAAC148A 25,000 Outstanding (THB Mil.) 20,000 240,380 69,580 THB Mil. Roll Over BAAC192A BAAC192A BAAC192B BAAC192B GGLB189A BAAC189A BAAC189A BAAC179A BAAC179A BAAC172A BAAC172A GGLB16NB GGLB16NA GGLB16OA BAAC169A BAAC169A GGLB166A GGLB164A GGLB163A GGLB162A GGLB15OA GGLB159B GGLB159A BAAC159A GGLB157C GGLB157B GGLB157A GGLB156B GGLB156A GGLB153A GGLB152A BAAC152B BAAC152B BAAC152A BAAC152A GGLB14OA GGLB148A - BAAC14OA BAAC14OA 25,000 29-Mar-14 GGLB148A BAAC14OA GGLB14OA BAAC152A BAAC152B GGLB152A GGLB153A GGLB156A GGLB156B GGLB157A GGLB157B GGLB157C BAAC159A GGLB159A GGLB159B GGLB15OA GGLB162A GGLB163A GGLB164A GGLB166A BAAC169A GGLB16OA GGLB16NA GGLB16NB BAAC172A BAAC179A BAAC189A GGLB189A BAAC192A BAAC192B BAAC208A BAAC238A BAAC238B GGLB148A Parallel with SOE Bond Development As of 27 March 2014 Building a Benchmark Enhancing Liquidity Consulting Market Issue Bond Under GGLB Code to be Benchmark for SOE Bond Re-open GGLB to Build-up Outstanding Size to Enhance Liquidity Publicize information in all dimensions. To Increase confidence in the market. A 100,000 Coupon 3.53% 3-Yr Benchmark Bond (re-open) 7-Yr Benchmark Bond (new) B GGLB148A C GGLB189A 20,000 THB Mil. Coupon 4.02% GGLB2XXX Coupon .. % BAAC192B BAAC192A GGLB189A FY2017 BAAC189A BAAC189A BAAC179A BAAC179A BAAC172A BAAC172A GGLB16NB GGLB16NA GGLB16OA FY2016 BAAC169A BAAC169A GGLB166A GGLB164A GGLB163A GGLB162A GGLB15OA GGLB159B GGLB159A BAAC159A BAAC159A FY2015 GGLB157C GGLB157B GGLB157A GGLB156B GGLB156A GGLB153A GGLB152A BAAC152B BAAC152A BAAC152A GGLB14OA - BAAC14OA 25,000 BAAC238A 10 Aug 2014 FY2018-2023 BAAC238B 50,000 BAAC208A 75,000 GGLB16NA Super Size GGLB16NA A B C GGLB148A มี.ค. 57 8A OA OA 2A 2B 2A 3A 6A 6B 7A 7B 7C 9A 9A 9B OA 2A 3A 4A 6A 9A OA NB NA 2A 9A 9A 9A 2A 2B 8A 8A 8B Code Name Changed : Almost BAAC are in the scope of GGLB 15 Linking CGIF & BAHT BOND to the Development of Bond Market Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand 10,000 CGIF 9,000 8,000 150,000 Total Outstanding 9.2 THB Trillion 7,000 6,000 Baht Bond 5,000 (Foreign Issuers Bond) 2,850 4,000 BAHT BOND End of March 2014 109,174 1% THB mln. 100,000 (For Asian Bond 0.03% CGIF Market Initiative) THB mln. 3,000 2,000 1,000 Corp Bond 22% SOEs Bond 8% 50,000 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 IBRD IBRD KEXIM (30,700 m) Natural Hedging Inv’t Grade BOT Bond 31% Hana CABEI (18,000 m) AFD KDB Woori ING Targeted Industry GOVT Bond 38% (13,000 m) (10,000 m) IBK ADB (10,500 m) Citi (12,300 m) (11,553 m) Why now? What next? Thailand (PDMO) is a Board member Set criteria Select corporate Toward becoming regional hub Increasing AAA Supply Broadening Issuer Base : Lao PDR (PDDF.) Timeline For Baht Bond Application Process Nov Dec SUBMISSION CONSIDERATION Jan Feb 1 Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Issuance Period 9 months (Jan - Sep) SUBMISSION CONSIDERATION 2 Issuance Period 9 months (May - Jan) SUBMISSION CONSIDERATION 3 Issuance Period 9 months (Sep - May) SUBMISSION CONSIDERATION 1 Issuance Period 9 months (Jan - Sep) APPLICATION PROCESS: 3 rounds per year (9-mth issuance period for each round) * The approval period is based on the fiscal period under Thai government law (October – September) 16 103,434 THB mln. THE OUTSTANDING BAHT BOND Classified by issuers based on TTM 56% Due within Y2015 THB mln. 40,000 Hana 9% (64,590 THB mln.) 32% IBK KDB (9,600 THB mln.) KEXIM (36,690) Woori AFD 21 35,000 CABEI % 30,000 36% 24% (13,040) (27,900) 25,000 SEK CA-CIB 19% Woori (22,409) CA-CIB 70% CBA Citi ENBD (71,800 THB mln.) ING SEK ADB KEXIM ENBD Citi 20,000 (22,034 THB mln.) IBRD Lao PD Noble KEXIM 15,000 IBK 8% KDB 10,000 (9,066) 3% Hana 5,000 3% (3,874) Hana 4% 2% (5,000) (3,000) (2,235) 2% 1% 2% (2,800) (1,500) (2,000) IBRD 0 IFIs & ABMI Korean Issuers Others Completely Due (as of March 2014) Source: PDMO As of March 31st, 2014 Broadening Issuer’s “Qualification” to achieve “ASEAN Chosen Destination” Twin Inaugural 2004 IFIs 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 … 2020 II Credit Rating IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SPV -0- Issuer’s Government Guarantee CGIF CGIF / Local Credit Rating AAA ??? LAOS I I NOBLE Possible Next Step COPORATE BOND MARKET CLASSIFICATION 300,000 BY CREDIT RATING 400,000 0 BY TTM 150,000 AA A BBB BB BY SECTOR 200,000 0 0 AAA 400,000 0–3 4–5 6 – 10 10+ ENERG BANK PROP FIN CONMAT FOOD TRANS PETRO COMM ICT AGRI SPV HELTH PAPER AUTO TOUR MEDIA ETRON 800,000 17 C: Basic & Essentials • Public Debt Outstanding and Its Composition (As of Jan 2014) = 5,466,198 THB Mil. (45.75% of GDP) • Bond Market Capitalization and Its Composition (As of Mar 2014) = 9,202,573 THB Mil. (76% of GDP) • Total GOVT Bond Supply Issuing in FY2014 • GOVT Bond Auction Result in First Half of FY2014 • Non-Resident Holding in Domestic Bond NR Holding in THB Bond (As of Mar 2014) = 679,137 THB Mil. (GOVT Bond : 559,677 THB Mil., BOT Bond 118,713 THB Mil., Corp Bond : 747 THB Mil.) Net Change in NR Holding (Jan – Mar 2014) = -28,238 THB Mil. (GOVT Bond : Net Sell -36,164 THB Mil., BOT Bond : Net Buy +7,926 THB Mil.) 18 Public debt Outstanding (as of January 2014) = 5.47 THB Trillion (45.75% of GDP) Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand Components of Public Debt Units : THB Mil. 1. Government Debt (excluded FIDF) 2. Government Debt (for FIDF) 3. Non-Financial Sate Enterprise Debt 4. Special Financial Institutions Guaranteed Debt 5. Autonomous Agency Debt 2,731,161* 1,107,240 1,090,502 536,460 835 Public Debt Outstanding 5,466,198 Special Financial Institutions Guaranteed Debt 9.8 % 0.54 THB Trillion Autonomous Agency Debt 0.02% 0.001 THB Trillion *including 71,901 THB Mil. of External Debt Non-Financial Sate Enterprise Debt 19.9% 1.09 THB Trillion GOVT Debt 50.0% 2.73 THB Trillion GOVT Debt (for FIDF) 20.3 % 1.11 THB Trillion Source : Information Technology Centre, PDMO Forecast Public Debt to GDP % of GDP 70% 61.7% 60.9% 60% 50% 40% Sustainability Framework Public Debt to GDP < 60% 60.6% 56.9% 52.2% 50.6% 48.3% 51.0% 43.5% 35.6% 45.5% 41.7% 45.86% 42.6% 45.2% 39.6% 37.3% Balance Budget 30% 20% 14.6% 9.12% 10% 10.87% 12.52% 11.54% 11.26% 12.61% 10.20% 4.84% 9.98% 7.41% 0% Public Debt to GDP Repayment Budget/Budget Expenditure Source: Policy and Planning Bureau, as of 2 January 2014, Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance 19 Full Capacity* of All Government Funding Instruments 1,150,000 THB Mil. per Year ($35 Bil.)** * Under favorable market liquidity + using All funding instruments Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand % LB 3 yrs LB 5 yrs LB 7 yrs LB 10 yrs LB 15 yrs LB 20 yrs LB 30 yrs LB 50 yrs ($4.6 Bil.)** ($4.0 Bil.) ($2.4 Bil.) ($2.4 Bil.) ($1.8 Bil.) ($1.8 Bil.) ($0.9 Bil.) ($0.6 Bil.) 150,000 THB Mil. 120,000 THB Mil. 80,000 THB Mil. 80,000 THB Mil. 60,000 THB Mil. 60,000 THB Mil. 30,000 THB Mil. 20,000 THB Mil. Thailand’s Loan Bonds (LBs) weighting in international indices GBI-EM Global JP Morgan iBoxx Asia ex Japan Markit 7.7% Asian Local Markets HSBC 7.8% 7.8% Benchmark Bond Last Update : Feb 2014 50 30 20 15 10 7 The “Missing Composition” of Leader role in the Bond Market 5 Government Funding Instruments Infrastructure 3 liquidity Benchmark Bond ($20.4 Bil.) ($3.5 Bil.) ($3.5 Bil.) ($2.8 Bil.) Benchmark Bond ~600,000THB Mil. (52%) Savings Bond ~100,000THB Mil. (8%) Amortized Bond ~100,000THB Mil (8%) Inflation-Linked Bond ~80,000THB Mil. (7%) ($1.4 Bil.) ($1.0 Bil.) ($7.0 Bil.) Promissory Note ~40,000THB Mil. (4%) Floating Rate Bond ~30,000THB Mil. (3%) Bank Loan ($40 Bil.) Total ~200,000THB Mil. (18%) 1,150,000 THB Mil. (100%) TTM (yrs.) Source: ThaiBMA Government Bond Yield Curve as of 31 March 2014 20 **Source: BOT Exchange rate as End of Mar 2014 Average-Time-to-Maturity (ATM) = 8yrs 4mths Average Cost = 4.19% Fixed : Floating = 87 : 13 As of Jan 2014 Total GOVT Debt = 3.77* THB Trillion * Excluding 71,901 THB Mil. of Foreign Debt Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand Assumptions : 6 months BIBOR = 2.47%, 6 months Fixed Deposit Rate = 1.79%, Inflation = 1.93% FIDF 1 300,000 GOVT Debt (for FIDF) = 1,107,240 THB Mil. 128,000 200,000 ATM Avg. Cost Fixed : Floating Callable FIDF 3 = 4yrs 7mths = 4.29% = 85: 15 = 13% Maturity Profile 60% 35% 35,000 14,000 101,850 5% 39,000 69,000 40,000 101,800 37,900 75,000 68,441 39,836 25,000 27,887 58,440 141,963 64,124 40,000 100,000 0 Next 5 yrs 6-10 yrs 10 yrs + TTM Fiscal Year Budget Deficit On-lending Loan Water Decree 22,000 TKK Callable 41% Next 5 yrs 6-10 yrs 10 yrs + 0 95,205 27,800 29,800 14,000 20,000 95,936 5,500 6,500 71,000 35,000 41,900 33,581 2,200 192,730 67,000 47,000 43,000 15,700 18,900 32,500 80,025 100,872 184,110 273,994 5,783 123,704 = 8% Maturity Profile 33% 26% 9,250 114,271 164,297 242,222 100,000 187,727 T-Bill GOVT Direct Debt (exclude FIDF) = 2,659,260** THB Mil. 16,000 86,630 11,257 10,000 60,000 58,247 200,000 13,248 300,000 ATM = 9yrs 10mths Avg. Cost = 4.15% Fixed : Floating = 88 : 12 TTM Fiscal Year **Excluding 71,901 THB Mil. of Foreign Debt (1) (2) (3) (4) Well-Developed Bond Market Improved GOV’T Direct Debt Profile Dramatically ATM Lengthened Cost Lowered Well-Balanced Fixed-Float Ratio Well-Distributed Maturity Profile Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand Note : Government Direct Debt = 2.66 THB Million (exclude FIDF) As of Dec 2007 Average-Time-to-Maturity LENGTHENED by 5 yrs As of January 2014 ATM 9yrs 10mths ATM 5yrs 3mths Avg. cost Avg. Cost LOWERED by 40 bps. (While ATM Lengthened by 5 yrs) 4.5% Avg. cost 4.1% Floating Well-Balanced Fixed/Floating Ratio (Target : Fixed/Float ratio = 80 : 20) 5441 % % Well-Distributed Maturity Profile 10% Floating Fixed Fixed 90% 88% 28 26%% 33% 18% 41% 26% 12% 33% (Maturing Debt in the next 5 yrs is less than 50% of Total Debt) next 5 yrs year - 6 -10 10 yrs + next 5 yrs year 6 -10 10 yrs + 21 Bond Market Cap. = 9.2 THB Trillion GOVT Bond = 3.4 THB Trillion ($107 Bil.)* ($283 Bil.)* Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand % Share of GDP Domestic Bond Market Classified by Issuer 140% 128% 120% Baht Bond 103% 100% (For Asian Bond CGIF Market Initiative) 0.03% 101% 80% 1% 76% 60% Corp Bond 22% SOEs Bond 8% BOT Bond 31% 24% 40% Asian Fin. Crisis 20% 12% Mar 2014 0% Bank Loan /GDP Equity/GDP 2,835,122 THB Mil. Bond Market / GDP Maturity Profile BOT vs GOVT Bond BOT ATM = 8mths GOVT ATM = 8yrs 4mth GOVT Bond 38% 3,492,013 THB Mil. 11% BOT 76% 17% ≤ 24% 17% MOF 28% 27% 1<yr≤3 3<yr≤5 5<yr≤10 10<yr≤50 BOT Bond Supply Rose Dramatically (2004 – Mar 2014) *Source: BOT Exchange rate as End of Mar 2014 End of Mar 2014 Market share rose nearly… 3 Folds Outstanding size rose by… 9 times Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand 60% % Share of Domestic Bond Market 54% (1,286,620 THB Mil.) Domestic Bond Market 2014 38% GOVT 50% 40% BOT 31% 30% 20% Classified by Issuer Baht Bond CGIF 0.03% Corp Bond 22% SOEs Bond 8% BOT Bond 2,835,122 THB Mil. 31% Corp Bond 22% GOVT Bond 10% 1% (Foreign Issuers Bond) 13% (312,340 THB Mil.) SOEs Bond 8% 3,492,013 THB Mil. 38% Baht Bond 1% 0% Mar 2014 22 End of Mar 2014 FY2007 – FY2014 Innovation of GOVT Debt Securities Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand • Lengthen average-time-to-maturity of Total Government Debt Portfolio • Meet Long-term investors’ demand Floating Rate Bond • Increase floating debt ratio of Total Government Debt Portfolio • Promote BIBOR (Bangkok Interbank Offered Rate) Step-up Savings Bond • Broaden investor base – Retail investors • Low interest burden at the initial periods of bond Fixed Rate Promissory Note • Broaden investor base – Insurance / Long-term investors • Non-Benchmark tenors 50-yr Benchmark Bond • Combat low interest rate + Lengthen average time-to-maturity • 4th country in the world (1st : UK 2nd : France 3rd : China) 10-yr Inflation-Linked Bond (ILB) • Strong anti-inflationary signal • Deepen the Development of the Bond market • 1st country in Emerging Asian Economies Electronic Retail Savings Bond • Lower Minimum Amount to Purchase / Offer throughout the year • Develop the retail bond into an electronic form Scripless System • Can be purchased via ATM, in addition of Bank Retail Branches Amortized Bond • Suitable financing instrument for the government’s investment mega-project in the form of PPP • Pay back the bond principal by installments Promote the government’s fiscal discipline FY 2012-2014 FY 2011 FY 2007-10 30-yr Benchmark Bond Bond Switching & Consolidation • Allow both issuer and investors to improve their portfolio • Larger outstanding size + Less bond series Enhance liquidity in the secondary market PDDF Activated Upgrade PD Privileges (Public Debt Restructuring and Domestic Bond Market Development Fund) 15-yr ILB CGIF Activated Baht Bond (Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility) Equilibrium of Domestic Bond Market Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand Issuers • 77 percent of Thailand’s debt securities are issued by Government, Bank of Thailand and State-Owned Enterprises Credit Rating • 97 percent of Thailand’s debt securities are classified as Investment Grade Investors • Thailand’s government debt securities are held by a wide group of investor types Domestic Bond Market (Classified by Issuers) Domestic Bond Market (Classified by Credit Rating) BBB Non-rated 2% 3% Baht Bond CGIF 0.03% Government Debt Securities (Classified by Types of Investors) 1% A Corp Bond 8% 22% AA 4% Government Government 38% SOEs 8% 38% SOEs 8% BOT BOT 31% 31% Total of 9.2 THB Trillion Source : ThaiBMA (End of Mar 2014) Total of 9.2 THB Trillion Source : ThaiBMA (End of Mar 2014) NR 17% Household and Non-profit BOT 6%% Insurance and Other Corporation 36% 7% Depository Corporation 33% 34 Total of 3.4 THB Trillion Source : BOT (End of Feb 2014) 23 FY2008-FY2013 Key Success Indicators 1. 1. Trading Volume 2. Turnover Ratio 3. 3. Demand Concentration 4. Auction Price Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand Benchmark Bond 5 yrs and Below : Highest secondary trading volume in every year Unit: % Share of Market Trading Volume 5-yr Benchmark Bond’s Higher Turnover Ratio : Even the higher outstanding size, turnover ratio is still more than 2 times Unit: Times LB155A LB133A 9 29% 28% 27% 20% LB145B 20% 7% LB15DA 3.1 LB133A 21% 4.2 LB176A 2.8 2.4 1.5 4.2 LB196A 2.9 Top 10 GOVT Bond Series : Accounted for 90% of all GOVT bond trading volume in secondary market Well-Developed Benchmark Bond Pays Off : Even with greater size of issuance, the cost of funding is still at market rate Unit: % Share of Secondary Trading Volume Unit: USD Bil. +0.9 bps 90% 90% +3.2 bps 84% 75% 76% 77% 80% +1.4 bps +1.2 bps 14.7 12.8 15.9 13.7 7.5 -0.4 bps To be Updated 24 16.5 -0.2 bps Tier 1 > 100,000 THB Mil. in Size (90% of Trading Volume) (3,021,XXX THB Mil.) Tier 2 > 50,000 THB Mil. in Size (as of Q2/FY2014) (8% of Trading Volume) Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand Tier 1: >100,000MB THB Mil. FY2014 Q2 Market Share of Trading Volume in Secondary Market Tier 2 Tier 1 (9 Series) 300,000 5 250,000 Outstanding size (THB Mil.) 90% 0 8% 2% 8% 50 100 200,000 Tier 2: 50,000 – 100,000MB 10 (15 Series) 150,000 50 LBA 100,000 100,000 25 15 ILB 15 50,000 LB267A LB24DA LB191A LB14DA LB175A LB25DA LB316A LB171A LB214A LB19DA LB157A LB244A LB22NA LB183A LB406A LB446A LB446A LB145A LB396A LB383A LB416A LB183B LBA37DA LBA37DA LB296A LB296A LB17OA LB27DA LB193A LB213A LB326A ILB283A ILB283A LB283A LB16NA LB198A LB167A LB233A 0 LB196A LB196A LB176A LB21DA LB236A LB236A LB155A LB15DA LB145B LB616A LB616A ILB217A 30 FY 2014 on-the-run Benchmark Bond FY 2014 on-the-run Innovative Bond Source : ThaiBMA Well-Distributed Bond Maturity Profile (as of Q2/FY2014) The outstanding size of loan bond maturing in the next 5 years is 1,069,019 THB Mil. (35% of Total GOVT Bond) Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand THB Mil. Current Outstanding Current Outstanding Current Outstanding 300,000 ≥ THB 100 Bil. = THB 50-100 Bil. ≤ THB 50 Bil. FY 2014 on-the-run Benchmark Bond 5 250,000 FY 2014 on-the-run Innovative Bond 200,000 10 150,000 50 LBA 100,000 100,000 ILB 15 25 15 50,000 1 Source : ThaiBMA 2 3 4 5 6 – 10 years LB616A LB244A LB24DA LB25DA LB267A LB27DA ILB283A ILB283A LB283A LB296A LB296A LB316A LB326A LBA37DA LBA37DA LB383A LB396A LB406A LB416A LB446A LB446A TTM LB191A LB193A LB196A LB198A LB19DA LB213A LB214A ILB217A LB21DA LB22NA LB233A LB236A LB236A 30 LB145A LB145B LB14DA LB155A LB157A LB15DA LB167A LB16NA LB171A LB175A LB176A LB17OA LB183A LB183B LB21DA LB176A Total GOVT Bond = 43 Series 11 – 50 years 25 FY 2014 610,xxx THB Mil. Total Fund Raising Plan Last Updated: March 2014 Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand Water Q: Will the “pause” of the 9,xxx Savings Bond Dollar Bond Non-Benchmark New Product Bank Loan Infrastructure 6 mths – 4 yrs 250,000 MB. New Borrowing (As of Sep 25th,2013) 250,000 A: No, they will not. 123,000 Savings Bond and Others Deficit Water Decree and Infrastructure Bill affect the Announced Government Bond Supply? The Water Decree and Infrastructure Bill were planned to be raised through short-term “Bank Loan” which provide more flexibility and cost saving. Then, they will be converted to long-term instrument later. 55,000 Amortized Bond – 25 years Inflation Linked Bond 25,000 360,124 MB Roll Over Benchmark Bond (5 - 15 - 30 - 50-yr) Rollover Govt Debt 231,000 Rollover FIDF Debt 278,000 129,124 Benchmark Bond (10-yr) 82,000 Promissory Notes 47,124 By Instruments By Bills FY 2014 Government Bond Supply 7 Fixed Coupon Bonds 5 Benchmark Bonds Series 1 Inflation-Linked Bond 1 Amortized Bond Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand FY 2014 Indicative Benchmark Bond Plan-to-issue Amount in FY 2014 Outstanding Amount as of the beginning of FY 2014 Super size 300,000MB 300,000 ($10 Billion) 120,000 10 15-yr 25-yr Inflation-Linked Bond Amortized Bond 200,000 82,000 50 26 50,000 50,000 LB446A 30 81,205 54,000 LBA37DA 55,000 55,000 25,000 50,000 58,000 LB296A ILB283A 115,850 LB236A LB196A 0 181,994 15 100,000 LB616A Outstanding size (THB Mil.) 5 D P L Firm FY 2014 Government Bond Auction Result GOVT Bond Auction is decoupled from political situation Classified by Quarterly Auction Schedule : red Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance 5-10 yr Benchmark Bond Amortized Bond 13 Million Baht 15-30-50 yr Benchmark Bond Inflation-linked Bond 75,000 Basis Points Basis Points 15 Dissolution of the parliament 10 50,000 6.3 5 25,000 3.9 3.2 2.9 10,000 12,000 2.7 T-1= 0- 20,000 7,000 5,000 13,000 5,000 0.8 5,000 20,000 8,000 12,000 9,000 4,160 10,000 20,000 9,000 13,000 16,000 LB5y LB15y LB50y LB10y LB30y ILB15y LB5y LB50y -25,000 LBA25y LB15y LB10y LB30y ILB15y LB15y -1.2 LB5y LB50y -5.4 -6.1 ution of ament 9,000 -0.2 -0.4 LBA25y LB10y 0 LB30y -5 -5.4 -7.0 Dec 13 -7.8 -8.3 -8.9 -50,000 -75,000 -10 -15 FY 2014 GOVT Bond Auction Results Classified by Tenor A B Q2/FY14 26 Mar 14 19 Mar 14 26 Feb 14 19 Feb 14 19 Feb 14 5 Feb 14 29 Jan 14 29 Jan 14 8 Jan 14 12 Feb 14 Q1/FY14 Dec 13 18 Dec 13 11 Dec 13 11 Dec 13 3 Dec 13 27 Nov 13 20 Nov 13 13 Nov 13 6 Nov 13 -15.0 6 Nov 13 MC : apered -8.1 -9.6 ALL Benchmark Bond : Fully Allocated 30-to-50-yr Benchmark Bond : Avg.Accepted LOWER than Market Price Public Debt Management Office, Ministry of Finance 5-10 yr Benchmark Bond Million Baht 15-30-50 yr Benchmark Bond Basis Points Benchmark Bond 5 – 10yr 25,000 10yr 5yr Basis Points Benchmark Bond 15 – 50yr 15yr 30yr 15 50yr (Exclusivity) A 20,000 Fully Allocated 15,000 10 10,000 5 5,000 3.9 T-1= -0 20,000 20,000 20,000 13,000 12,000 16,000 7,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 9,000 9,000 5,000 8,000 9,000 0 -0.2 -0.4 -5,000 3.2 2.9 2.7 -1.2 B -5 -10,000 -6.1 -7.0 -15,000 -7.8 -8.9 -8.1 -8.3 -10 -9.6 -20,000 -25,000 -15.0 -15 27 Net Change in Non-Resident Holding (YTD) Net Outflow = -28,238 THB Mil. BOT : Net Buy +7,926 MB. GOVT : Net Sell -36,164 MB. Sell -26,727 MB. Buy +34,653 MB. Sell -48, 902MB. Buy +12,738 MB. End of Mar 2014 THB Mil. Non-resident Net Buy/Sell in BOT Bond Non-resident Net Buy/Sell in GOVT -28,238 THB Mil. BOT GOVT BOT Bond +7,926 0 -36,164 GOVT Bond 2014 YTD (End of Mar 2014) 2014 (The past 13 weeks) End of Mar 2014 YTD in Non-resident Holding BOT Bond & GOVT Bond THB Mil. T BOT Bond + + + +7,926 THB Mil. + 0 GOVT Bond -36,164 THB Mil . 2014 28 Peers Comparison NR Holding in Thai GOVT Bond End of Mar 2014 is 559,677 THB Mil. or 16% of Total GOVT Bond Outstanding Relatively “moderate” share of NR holding by region average 40% Percentage share of Non-resident Holding in Local Government Bond (Mar 2008 - Present) Indonesia 32.54% Dec’ 13 Malaysia 29.4% 30% Dec’ 13 Peak @ 19.1% (Apr’ 13) 20% Thailand Korea 9.5% 16% End of Mar’ 14 Sep’13 10% Japan 8.02% Dec’ 13 2008 2009 2010 2012 2011 Mar-14 Dec-13 Sep-13 Jun-13 Mar-13 Dec-12 Sep-12 Jun-12 Mar-12 Dec-11 Sep-11 Jun-11 Mar-11 Dec-10 Sep-10 Jun-10 Mar-10 Dec-09 Sep-09 Jun-09 Mar-09 Dec-08 Sep-08 Jun-08 Mar-08 0% 2013 2014 Source : AsianBondsOnline, ThaiBMA 2014 Outstanding Non-resident Holding in THB Bond = 679,137 THB Mil. (7.38% of Thai Bond Market Capitalization) (% share of Bond Market) Thai Bond Market Cap. = 9,202,573 THB Mil. Classified by Issuer (End of March 2014) Non-Resident Holding (THB Million) Issuer End of Mar 2014 % Share of Thai Bond Market Cap. (9,202,573 THB Million) GOVT Bond 559,677 6.08% 1% BOT Bond 118,713 1.29% CGIF Market Initiative) 0.03% SOE Bond 0 Baht Bond (Foreign Issuers Bond) (For Asian Bond Corp Bond 747 22% SOEs Bond 8% GOVT Bond Outstanding 3,492,013 31% 7.38% BOT Bond Outstanding 2,835,122 THB Mil. Non-Resident 559,677 THB Mil. BOT Bond 0.01% 679,137 TOTAL Corp Bond 0% THB Mil. Non-Resident 118,713 THB Mil. % % 2,835,122 THB Mil. GOVT Bond 38% Domestic Investors 2,932,336 THB Mil. 84 % 3,492,013 THB Mil. Domestic Investors 2,716,409 THB Mil. 95.8 % 29 Chularat Suteethorn Director-General, Public Debt Management Office Suwit Rojanavanich Bond Market Advisor Bond Market Development Bureau, Public Debt Management Office Ministry of Finance, Kingdom of Thailand For Further Information : Pimpen Ladpli +66 2271 7999 ext. 5802 [email protected] Senior Expert on Bond Market Development Acting Executive Director of Bond Market Development Bureau Nattakarn Boonsri +66 2271 7999 ext. 5803 [email protected] Director of Government Bond Market Development Division Sophida Sritomya +66 2271 7999 ext. 5804 [email protected] Director of Fund Management and Bond Market Infrastructure Development Division Nakarin Prompat +66 2271 7999 ext. 5812 [email protected] Acting Director of International Bond Market Policy Division Chakrit Phothisuk +66 2271 7999 ext. 5811 [email protected] +66 2271 7999 ext. 5806 [email protected] +66 2271 7999 ext. 5816 [email protected] +66 2271 7999 ext. 5809 [email protected] +66 2271 7999 ext. 5818 [email protected] +66 2271 7999 ext. 5801 [email protected] Economist Kasirat Suwanpen Economist Phimonphan Tanwattana Economist Kittiya Chaithep Economist Chanikarn Chaiyasena Economist Pathida Rattanapinyo Economist ็ ฒ
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