Role of Magnetic Symmetry in the Description and Determination of Magnetic Structures IUCR Congress Satellite Workshop 14-16 August Hamilton, Canada MAGNETIC POINT GROUPS Mois I. Aroyo Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao, Spain Historical Briefs 1929-30 Heesch: 4-dim groups in 3-dim space: 122 anti-symmetry point groups Shubnikov: re-introduces the concept of ‘anti-symmetry’ 1945 1951 Shubnikov: describes and illustrates all two-color point groups 1953 Zamorzaev: derives the magnetic space groups 1955 Belov, Neronova and Smirnova: complete listing of the magnetic space groups; BNS notation Birss: tensor properties of crystals with magnetic group symmetry Opechowski and Guccione: complete listing of the magnetic space groups; OG notation Koptsik: diagrams of magnetic space groups 1963-4 1965 1966 2001 2009-11 Litvin: corrected OG notation Litvin: tables of magnetic subperiodic and space groups Heesch-Shubnikov groups 1st type(32): M=G, 1’∉ M (classical crystallographic groups) 2nd type(32): M=G + 1’G, 1’∈ M (grey groups) 3rd type(58): M=H + 1’(G-H) |G|/|H|=2 (black-and-white groups) Black-and-white groups Example The group of the square 4mm (C4v) Symmetry operations of 4mm: {e 4z 4z 2z mx my m+ m-} Stereographic Projections of 4mm general position symmetry elements Black-and-white groups Example M=G(H)=H+1’(G-H) G=4mm: H1=4: {e 4z 4z 2z mx my m+ m-} {e 4z 4z 2z } Black-and-white group M=4mm(4) = 4mm : {e 4z 4z 2z mx my m+ m-} Black-and-white groups Example M=G(H)=H+1’(G-H) G = 4mm: {e 4z 4z 2z mx my m+ m-} H = 2m+m-: {e 2z m+ m-} Black-and-white group M=4mm(2mm) = 4mm : {e 4z 4z 2z mx my m+ m-} Black-and-white groups Example M=G(H)=H+1’(G-H) G = 4mm: {e 4z 4z 2z mx my m+ m-} H = 2mxmy: {e 2z mx my} Black-and-white group M=4mm(2mm) = 4mm : {e 4z 4z 2z mx my m+ m-} Black-and- white point groups Bradley and Cracknell The mathematical theory of symmetry in solids Magnetic point groups (types I and III) International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. D.! Borovic-Romanov, Grimmer. Chapter 1.5 Magnetic properties Magnetic point groups derived from the representations of 4mm(C4v) magnetic groups 4mm 4m’m’ 4’mm’ 4’m’m —— Indenbom (1959), Bertaut (1968) Bilbao Crystallographic Server H. Stokes, B.J. Campbell Magnetic Space-group Data D.B. Litvin Magnetic Space Groups v. V3.02 Bilbao Crystallographic Server Magnetic Point Groups (under development) coordinate triplets axialvector coefficients Geometric interpretation matrixcolumn presentation Bilbao ! Crystallographic ! Server Curie’s principle characteristic symmetry of a phenomena (the invariance group of a phenomena) the maximum symmetry compatible with the phenomena A phenomenon can exist in a system which possesses either the characteristic symmetry of the phenomenon Pphen or the symmetry of one of the subgroups of Pphen PG ≤ Pphen PG ≤ Pphen1 ⋂ Pphen2 ⋂ … ferromagnetism (spontaneous magnetization Ms - axial vector): Pphen= ∞/m2’/m’ ferroelectricity (spontaneous polarization Ps - polar vector): Pphen= ∞ m1’ Polar and axial vectors polar vector polar axial ∞m ∞ /m Marc De Graef ©2009 IUCr" Transformation of polar and axial vectors under space and time inversion polar vector polar ∞ m1’ axial vector axial ∞/m2’/m’ The groups in red are compatible with both phenomena Grimmer, Leuven 2006 Transformation of an axial vector parallel to the 2-fold axis point group 2/m grey point group 2/m1’ Marc De Graef ©2009 IUCr" Transformation of an axial vector parallel to the 2-fold axis point group 2’/m point group 2/m’ point group 2’/m’ Marc De Graef ©2009 IUCr" Transformation of an axial-vector parallel to the mirror plane under " the operations of the point group 2/m and 2’/m’ Marc De Graef ©2009 IUCr" Tensor properties of non-magnetic crystals (brief summary) Tensor representation of physical properties ︷n Tijk…l (3n components) physical property crystallographic symmetry intrinsic symmetry pyroelectric coefficients pyroelectricity: electric dipole moment change electric conductivity: current density ∆Pi = pi ∆T i=1,2,3 electrical conductivity ji = X ij Ej temperature change applied electric field j i,j=1,2,3 piezoelectric modula piezoelectric effect: polarization pi = X jk dijk Sjk stress tensor Tensor properties of non-magnetic crystals Crystallographic symmetry Transformation properties under W ∈ PG X polar tensor: d0ijk...n = Wip Wjq ...Wnu dpqr...u p,q,r,...,u 0 d axial tensor: ijk...n = |W | Neumann´s principle X Wip Wjq ...Wnu dpqr...u p,q,r,...,u The symmetry operations of any physical property of a crystal must include the symmetry operations of the point group of the crystal X Wip Wjq ...Wnu dpqr...u polar tensor: dijk...n = p,q,r,...,u axial tensor: dijk...n = |W | X p,q,r,...,u Wip Wjq ...Wnu dpqr...u Tensor properties of non-magnetic crystals polar tensor: dijk...n = X Wip Wjq ...Wnu dpqr...u p,q,r,...,u axial tensor: dijk...n = |W | Simple examples: W= -1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 polar tensors: if n=2k+1 axial tensors: if n=2k Tabulations: X Wip Wjq ...Wnu dpqr...u p,q,r,...,u dij...m ⌘ 0 dij...m ⌘ 0 Nye (1957): Physical Properties of Crystals Birss (1966): Symmetry and Magnetism Sirotin, Shaskolskaya (1979): Fundamentals of Crystal Physics Intrinsic symmetry Tensor isomers Tensor properties of non-magnetic crystals 0 Ti1 i2 ...ip k1 k2 = Tk1 k2 i1 i2 ...ip symmetrization: arithmetic average of all isomers of A 1 A[ik] = (Aik + Aki ) 2 1 A[ijk] = (Aijk + Akij + Ajki + Ajik + Akji + Aikj ) 6 antisymmetrization: arithmetic average of all isomers of A (+) cyclic permutations (-) non-cyclic permutations 1 A{ik} = (Aik Aki ) 2 1 A{ijk} = (Aijk + Akij + Ajki Ajik Akji Aikj ) 6 partial symmetrization/antisymmetrization: Bijk = Ai[jk] : Bijk = Bikj Bijkl = A[ij][kl] : Bijkl = Bjikl = Bijlk = Bjilk Symmetric polar tensor of rank two generators -1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 ¯1 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 ¯1, 2y -1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Nye notation ¯1, 2y , 2z ¯1, 2y , 2z , 4z ¯1, 2y , 2z , 4z , 3+ xxx Piezoelectric effect electric polarization p produced by mechanical stress S polar vector pi = X polar symmetric tensor of second rank dijk Sjk jk polar tensor of third rank symmetric in the last two indices matrix presentation: i k 11 22 33 23 13 12 ↵" 1 2 3 4 5 6 pi = i = 1, 2, 3 pi = " (3x1) X di↵ S↵ ↵ ↵ = 1, ..., 6 " di↵ S"↵ " (3x6) " (6x1) Symmetry restrictions on form of piezoelectric tensor Grimmer, Leuven 2006 Tensor properties of magnetic crystals M=H+S’H |M|/|H| = 2 magnetic point group subgroup of non-primed H = {Wi} symmetry operations additional generator S’=S1’ 1’ (+) i tensor (-) c tensor non-primed symmetry operations X polar tensor: dijk...n = axial tensor: dijk...n Wip Wjq ...Wnu dpqr...u p,q,r,...,u X = |W | Wip Wjq ...Wnu dpqr...u p,q,r,...,u additional primed generator S’ polar c tensor: dijk...n = ( 1) X Sip Sjq ...Snu dpqr,...,u p,q,r,...,u axial c tensor: dijk...n = ( 1) |S| X p,q,r,...,u Sip Sjq ...Snu dpqr,...,u Tensor properties of magnetic crystals Example: magnetic group 4’22’=222+4’z 222 polar tensor of rank 2: ij non-primed subgroup 222: ij = X Wip Wjq pq pq additional primed generator: 4z= i tensor ij = X Sip Sjq pq pq 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 11 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 33 c tensor ij = ( 1) X Sip Sjq pq 11 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 33 11 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 33 pq Tensor properties of magnetic crystals n even i tensor c tensor n odd i tensor c tensor polar axial polar axial polar axial polar ¯1 + — + — — + — + 0 1 + + — — + — — 10 ¯1 + — — + — + + + — magnetization Ms - axial c tensor of rank 1 polarization Ps - polar i tensor of rank 1 axial Tensor properties of magnetic crystals Symmetry-adapted forms of the spontaneous magnetization M axial c tensor of rank 1 non-primed operations Mi = |W | primed operations X Wip Mp p Mi = ( 1)|S| X Sip Mp p ferromagnetic (pyromagnetic) effect in 31 magnetic point groups Tensor properties of magnetic crystals Grey groups: M=G+1’G n even i tensor polar ¯1 + 0 1 + 10 ¯1 + n odd c tensor i tensor c tensor axial polar axial polar axial polar axial — + — — — + + — — + — — — — + — + + + + — c tensors: must be null in any grey group i tensors: the form of any tensor in M is identical to that of G 0¯ grey groups with 1 1 polar i tensors of rank 2k+1: null axial i tensors of rank 2k: null Tensor properties of magnetic crystals Black-white groups: M=H+W’H n even i tensor polar ¯1 + 0 1 + 10 ¯1 + n odd c tensor i tensor c tensor axial polar axial polar axial polar axial — + — — — + + — — + — — — — + — + + + + — Birss, 1966: i and c tensors of ranks up to four i tensors: the form of any tensor in M is identical to that of G=H+1’W’H c tensors: more complicated relation to classical groups axial c tensors of even rank and polar c tensors of odd rank are null for 21 M ∋ ¯ 1 polar c tensors of even rank and axial c tensors of odd rank are null for 21 M ∋ 10 ¯ 1 Magnetoelectric effect indiced magnetization X applied electric field linear effect Mi = Qij Ei (electrically induced) j polar i tensor axial c vector magnetoelectric tensor Q: non-primed Qij symmetry operations Curie, 1894 Astrov, 1960 axial c tensor of rank 2 X = |W | Wip Wjq Qpq pq X primed Q = ( 1)|S| symmetry operations ij Sip Sjq Qpq pq the effect can occur in 58 type I and III no effect in type II (grey) groups Indenbom, 1960 Birss, 1966 X T ‘inverse’ magnetoelectric Pi = (Q )ij Hj effect (magnetically induced) Xj X higher-order Mi ⇠ Qij Hj + Rikl Hk Hl + . . . magnetoelectric effects j kl Bilbao Crystallographic Server Symmetry-adapted form of the magnetoelectric tensor for all magnetic point groups Grimmer, Leuven 2006
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