Noticeto all parents All parentsareherebyinformedthat in vierlv of the Notificaticrn givenby the West goaid Bengal of sbcondaryEducation dated 2s/og/2014, the schoolwill reopen on Octobert3,2Ot4 (Monday). TheCircular is T9 Ms.S.Sen TH€ BSS S(HO()I lt I Frof.Dn KalyanmcYGangulY WeetSengalBoardof liecorrdary[duraticn Nivedita Sl'*wan, Karunanrtyee illu;k I IJJ-& $ectsr-il, $alt l,ake, K$ikata Z{$ 091 Adwinistrator Dats : !5/09/t0l{ No r 159/Admin/[4 N(}T'IF'IC.^\TION "[o The Hcadstil"*lI rtcogniz.cdScconcln11' in West lSeHgat' lnstitr.rtirlr$ ln ,compliancr with lhe ortJ,craf the Seerttary, Sclrool F.tlncatiott llcparrnrcnt, (;uvrrnmcnt of wtst llerns*l,vide Mtmo No. {92-${iEll4 tfnied 24.09.201C,all tiave.rnnren,t,Gcvernment sponsored and ll{on(jovernmrnt $idetl rrnd xnnirludssh*nlsrvill re*pen tin lSIl'Octobur,301'1 in roir,wof eornple{irrgthc cl*tso* in tfiis tcademic yenr. aftcr puja holidr*_vs ] { Ka['anntoy Gangttl"r,* Adrninisirator Menrol*o: l59l;ldrrrinll4il ( I {.lt []ate : 25ltl9i2{ll4 Cop-vfi:rwar{etl f'or infarrnntiott ;tnrl ncccs.$firynction to tht : (lovt.of w.B. liduc*tianllcpartrncnt, t, t}.s, Mlc. sctr$sll 1, Secret*ry.Stltoolfiducaticnl]cpartment'Crrwt-ol'W.ll. 3. Commi$sitlnerof $chrml .litluention,$elrorllHdttc.ati*ttllepartmento G*vt. of W"13. 4. ?rcsidrn{,}v.l}" crrneil of ll.igher$*rondary lllducatiou 5. Pre*icteni"W.ll. Board of Primary litltlctttiott $ . n . L o f S c h o u l (sl ; t r ) , . " ' " . . . ' " . . " . (A l l I ) i s t r i t t s) ?. Altlleput"v Secrsfrlriesof' {t. All RegionalOllicsrs ol'W.B.I}.$.lil. 9: P.A, ttr Admrinistrnfor,\t.$.8.$.8' W.13.ll.S.ll. I0.P.ii. to $ecrttnr"-v, t'"a.l"x--.' *VW\- (itngul.l: ) { K*l3.rlnruor' fha** : 2391-508*,fax :2.*21.$01X, f-rnail r wbbse0sgyahooco"in
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