no w leasin g Gerber INN Town Center sacramento :: ca F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N P L E A S E C O N TA C T: power inn rd SEQ gerber road & power inn road Jon Schultz Lic. 00844740 +1 916 446 8261 [email protected] Starbucks CBRE, Inc. 500 Capitol Mall, Suite 2400 Sacramento, CA 95814 T +1 916 446 6800 F +1 916 446 8778 gerber rd S I T E WAREHOUSE SUPERMARKETS W E B S I T E now leasing Gerber INN Town Center SEQ gerber road & power inn road sacramento :: ca area map location map SITE Florin Florin SITE French French Rd Rd Bllvvdd kttoonn B SSttoocck Power Power Inn Inn Rd Rd Florin Rd Rd Florin Gerber Rd Rd Gerber Ave Elsie Ave Elsie yy rr PPkkww CCeennttee N Sacramento Sacramento Elk Elk Grove Grove N MAPS NOT TO SCALE FOR MORE IN F O R M AT ION P LEASE C ON TA C T Jon Schultz Lic. 00844740 +1 916 446 8261 [email protected] d emo g rap h ics ( 2 0 1 4 E S T. ) P R O P E R T Y I N F O R M AT I O N : Gerber Inn Town Center is a planned retail center adjacent to the Power Inn Center anchored by FoodsCo, located on the southwest corner of Gerber Road and Power Inn Road, Sacramento, CA. This ±41,000 SF project has restaurant, pad, and shop space available. The property is near the heart of the rapidly expanding Sacramento County, North Vineyard Station, Vineyard Springs, and Florin/ Vineyard specific plan areas. With over 50,073 existing households and over 6,900 new homes (existing, planned, or currently in development) within the primary trade area. The center offers high traffic counts, strong and growing demographics, good street visibility, and easy access from Gerber Road and Power Inn via reciprocal access to the Power Inn Center, and offers an exceptional opportunity to serve this high growth area in southeast Sacramento County. :: Restaurant, Pad, and Shop space available :: Two proposed drive-through locations :: High traffic counts :: Strong growth area with significant residential development :: Strong daytime population with over 40,000 people employed in a 3-mile radius of the center :: Attractive architecture and ample parking Population 3-mile 5-mile 166,810 345,540 Average HH Income 3-mile 5-mile $53,159 $57,487 Median HH Income 3-mile 5-mile $42,134 $45,208 Daytime Employment (3-mile) Employees 38,044 Significant Employers (3-mile) Employer Methodist Hospital-Sacramento Keiko K Damon Sierra Springs Water Co Siemens Transportation Systems Sacramento Unified School Dist Airco Mechanical Pepsi Bottling Group Employees 1001 861 586 450 400 400 300 Source: Claritas E x istin g T enants in I mme d iate A rea : ::FoodsCo :: UPS Store :: Save Mar :: Papa Murphy’s Pizza :: Rite Aid :: Taco Bell (Coming soon) ::Starbucks T raffic C o u nts ( 2 0 1 0 ) Gerber Road Power Inn Road Source: County of Sacramento 16,880 ADT 32,924 ADT Gerber INN Town Center now leasing SEQ gerber road & power inn road sacramento :: ca preliminary site plan WAREHOUSE SUPERMARKETS (nap) * LOI or Lease Pending SITE PLAN IS NOT TO SCALE -ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. FOR MORE IN F O R M AT ION P LEASE C ON TA C T Jon Schultz Lic. 00844740 +1 916 446 8261 [email protected] shops 3 ±15,200 SF available ps 2 sho00 SF 2 , 7 ± ilable ava s1F op00 Sle h s ,2 ab ±7vail a pad 3 ±6,000 SF available pad 2 ±2,678 SF avail. * now leasing Gerber INN Town Center SEQ gerber road & power inn road sacramento :: ca floor plans s h ops 1 s h ops 2 s h ops 1 : F ront ele v ation SITE PLANs are NOT TO SCALE -ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. FOR MORE IN F O R M AT ION P LEASE C ON TA C T Jon Schultz Lic. 00844740 +1 916 446 8261 [email protected] now leasing Gerber INN Town Center SEQ gerber road & power inn road sacramento :: ca floor plans pa d 3 s h ops 3 s h ops 3 : F ront ele v ation pa d 3 : F ront ele v ation SITE PLANs are NOT TO SCALE -ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. FOR MORE IN F O R M AT ION P LEASE C ON TA C T Jon Schultz Lic. 00844740 +1 916 446 8261 [email protected] Gerber INN Town Center no w leasin g SEQ gerber road & power inn road sacramento :: ca ckt on florin rd b lv d WAREHOUSE SUPERMARKETS elk grove florin rd sto Rainbow Foods power inn rd Walmart N Starbucks (Proposed) S I T E Methodist Hospital Cosumnes River College gerber rd Sam’s Club WAREHOUSE SUPERMARKETS calvine rd © 2014 CBRE, Inc. This information has been obtained from sources believed reliable. We have not verified it and make no guarantee, warranty or representation about it. Any projections, opinions, assumptions or estimates used are for example only and do not represent the current or future performance of the property. You and your advisors should conduct a careful, independent investigation of the property to determinutese to your satisfaction the suitability of the property for your needs. All logos displayed on this map are the property of their respective owners, used solely too indicate that businesses associated with those marks are located in buildings displayed on the map. All Rights Reserved. 80725149-10892
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