IQM INSTITUTE OF QUARRYING MALAYSIA FOR MEMBERS CIRCULATION ONLY JAN-JUNE 2014 (VOL 1) KDN NO: PP8487/06/2013(032604) MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada semua ahli IQM. Sekali lagi kita dapat berjumpa dalam bulletin ini , semoga semua dalam keadaan sehat dalam keadaan sehat dan terbaik dan terus menyumbang kepada Negara kita. Seperti tahun tahun yang lalu IQM masih terus menjalan aktibiti biasa seperti kursus dan juga “technical talk” yang sentiasa mendapat sambutan yang amat baik dari ahli dan juga rakan rakan kita yang bekerja di industry kuari. Kita akan terus berusaha untuk meramaikan ahli supaya kita akan terus menjadi Institusi premier atau Institusi pilihan untuk professional dalam Industri ini. Untuk membolehkan lebih ramai lagi menjadi ahli IQ, IQM bersama dengan IQ pusat di United Kingdom dan juga di Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong dan Afrika Selatan telah memperkenalkan gred baru untuk mereka seperti Technician, Shotfirer dan lain lain semi professional yang bekerja dalm industry kuari. Mereka ini boleh meningkatkan Gred mereka kepada Ahli Korporat melalui mendapatkan ijazah atau pun Quarry Managers Certificate dari IQM ialah Technical Member atau pun yang setaraf dengannya.Kita berharap lebih ramai lagi rakan kita dalam industry ini akon menjadi ahli IQM. Sokongan dari ahli IQM amatlah dialukan. Dari beberapa insiden seperti yang terjadi umpamanya batu berterbangan , menunjukkan keperluan untuk ahli mengambil kursus bersepadu seperti contohnya untuk Shotfirer mengambil kursus seperti Health and Safety dan juga Drilling Course dan mungkin juga kita akan memperkenalkan kursus Geology yang lebih mendalam atau kursus lanjutan .Kita juga memerlukan pensyarah yang “hand-on” yang berpengalaman kerana penyampaian nya lebih berkesan. Saya percaya dalam industri kita di Malaysia ada ahli yang mempunyai keupayaan untuk menyampaikan ilmu yang mereka ada kepada generasi yang akan datang. Baru baru ini IQM menganjurkan Kursus Praktikal untuk mereka yang telah lulus peperiksaan Theori Shotfirer untuk membantu mereka mengambil ujian Praktikal yang perlu diambil dan lulus bagi mendapatkan Sijil Pembedil. Sambutan sangat baik dan kali kedua akan di buat di Serawak pada akhir tahun ini. Selain dari itu IQM sedang menimbangkan akan membuat Kursus Lanjutan untuk Shotfirer dan juga Undang undang yang berkaitan dengan Industri Kuari. IQM memerlukan pensyarah baru untuk kursus kursus ini dan juga pelapis masa hadapan. Dalam keadaan industry tersepit di antara orang awam berkehendakkan kehidupan yang lebih baik tanpa gangguan dari kesan operasi kuari dan kos produk kuari yang berpatutan , kita perlu melihat kehadapan dengan menggunakan teknologi terkini yang dapat membantu kita membuat keputusan terbaik. Penggunaan perisian computer terkini contohnya dapat mempercepatkan pemerosesan data dan membantu pengurusan membuat keputusan terbaik dan tercepat. Ini memerlukan pekerja mahir dan lebih ramai professional yang lulus dari Institusi Pengajian Tinggi tempatan atau pun dari luar Negara. Pekerja baru ini perlu dilatih dan diberi pendedahan kepada praktis peringkat antarabangsa dan yang terbaik diserapkan. Mereka yang berpeluang menghadiri kursus, seminar dan juga workshop di luar Negara kita minta supaya menyumbang sedikit ilmu berkenaan dengan menyediakan kertas kerja dan bentangkan di seminar, konferen atau workshop yang dikendalikan oleh IQM. Dengan ini pembelajaran secara berterusan dapat diperaktik dengan kos yang sederhana dan mampu dibayar oleh semua peringkat industri. IQM, In Sha Allah akan terus menjadi fasilitator untuk membantu ahli kearah yang lebih cemerlang di masa hadapan. Kepada ahli yang berugama Islam selamat berpuasa dalam bulan Ramadan yang di nantikan oleh semua muslim. Ir Hj Look keman bin Sahari Editor WHAT’S IN STORE FOR THE 2ND HALF OF 2014 Courses / Activities for 2014 1. Environmental Management Course 2. IQM Conex 2014 3. Training Course for Shot-Firers 4. Shot-Firer Practical Course : : : : 11 – 14 August 2014 (IQM) 14 – 15 October 2014 (IOI Resort) 10 – 15 November 2014 (IQM) 28 - 29 November 2014 (IQM) Please note that courses listed in italic are part of the requirements for the Quarry Managers Certificate issued by IQM. All other Courses are part of Continuous Professional Development planned by IQM and many more will be planned to ensure our members will be always up to date with the current legal, management and also technological development. CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IQ United Kingdom has recommended that every member of IQ should endeavour to accumulate at least 30 CPD hrs every year to ensure all members are up to date in knowledge or expertise in the industry. This 30 hrs can be accumulated through some of the following activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Attending seminars, conferences or workshop Attending technical talks Technical visits to quarries, factories etc related to quarrying activities Studying or reading related literatures Representing IQ in meetings Giving talks or lectures on related subjects The hours should be recorded as a document proving that the member earned the CPD hrs. For more information the member should go to the IQ UK website. COUNCIL MEMBERS (2014/2015) IR LEE KAM FATT HJ MUSTAPHA MOHD LIP CHEN NYET LIN DATO’ PROF IR DR ERIC GOH IR HJ LOOK KEMAN SAHARI PRESIDENT DEPUTY PRESIDENT HON. SECRETARY HON. TREASURER COUNCIL MEMBER MOHD ZA’IM ABDUL WAHAB IR NORHAMIDI MD DIN PANG KANG NGEN CHUNG TING YEW NIRMALA DEVI COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL MEMBER MANAGER ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION FOR 2014 Please be informed that the Annual Subscription (Membership Fee) for 2014 is due for payment. Kindly ensure that your subscription is paid in time to avoid termination of membership. Kindly send in your payment by crossed cheque / bank draft / money order made in favour of “Institute of Quarrying Malaysia Bhd”. The following subscription rates apply for 2014. Fellow (FIQ) Member (MIQ) Associate Student : : : : RM200.00 RM180.00 RM170.00 RM 25.00 I ____________________________________ Membership No : ___________________ enclose my crossed cheque/bank draft/money order no. ___________________________ for RM ________________ being Membership Fee for year ______________ payable to INSTITUTE OF QUARRYING MALAYSIA BHD. E-mail : _______________________________ Handphone No : ___________________ Membership Payment Scheme To encourage members to retain their membership on a long term basis, IQM is offering a new membership scheme, for an advance payment of five (5) years membership fee the member will be given a free one year membership fee. This will benefit not only the member but also reduce the administration cost. IQM hope more members will accept this beneficial scheme. RAMADHAN In the holy month of Ramadhan muslim fast for whole month from dawn to sunset. Ramadhan is the ninth month of Hijrah. It is also when the holy book Quran was first revealed to the last and final Prophet of Islam Muhammad (peace be upon him). Devout Muslim welcome Ramadhan not only because all the good deeds are multiplied in rewards but also sins are also forgiven. At the end of the month the muslim pays zakat fitrah which is used to help the poor and the needy and to give them opportunity to celebtrate the joy of Ramadhan and subsequently the Aidil Fitri or hari raya puasa. It is the time when Muslim become more generous and more helpful to fellow muslim and also to fellow human being. It is also the time when the family members try to be home for iftar or breaking fast together. In Malaysia it is common for Muslim to break their fast at the mosque to be followed by maghrib prayer by jamaah. It has become a common practice also today for non-muslim to join the iftar especially at the mosque. In fact they are welcome at least in the multi-religious and multi-cultural societies of Malaysian life. Quite often our poliricians and also businesses also contribute f und for iftar. This can be considered part of CSR. After the night ( Isha’) prayer the muslim perform the terawih prayer every night . After Ramadhan the muslim celebrate the end of fasting by having Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. To all Muslim members of IQM and also their families’ Selamat menyempurnakan ibadah berpuasa dan seteruskan merayakan hari raya Aidil Fitri. Mohon Maaf Zahir dan batin dari kami dari IQM’ With the immense success and popularity of the Quarry Directory 2013, IQM is now introducing yet another issue of the Quarry Directory Malaysia 2014. Companies who wish to advertise in the next issue of the Directory can contact the IQM Secretariat, Madam Nirmala Devi at 603-80624194 / 5 or email to [email protected] to enquire on the rates and artwork. You could also visit our website to download the Space Order Form at If your company is not listed in the Directory, and you think it should be, send us your updated details immediately. Institute of Quarrying Malaysia 23, Jalan Utama 1/7, Taman Perindustrian Puchong Utama (Puchong Perdana), 47100 Puchong, Selangor. ORDER FORM 2014 I………………………………………… enclose my Cheque / Bank Draft / Money Order No.……………………. for RM.…..…….......… being purchase of …………..... copy / copies of Quarry Directory Malaysia 2014 payable to “Institute of Quarrying Malaysia Bhd”. Kindly mail Directory to : _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ The Directory is sold at RM40 a book. Additional RM5 will be charged for postage and RM10 for courier. For further information, kindly contact Madam Nirmala Devi at Tel: 03-80624194 / 5 Fax : 03-80618258 E-mail: [email protected]. Note : Payment by cheque can be mailed to IQM or Bank-in to MBB 014187208342 (kindly fax us the bank-in slip) RYING AND QUAR QUARRIES QU ology nt, Green Techn Developme ry will find quarrying indust mia and the ew of the captains, acade ehensive overvi s, industry ed es a compr Government complement ce which provid worldwide ble referen ing industry ing sector. this an invalua by the quarry of the quarry ges faced sustainability ces in holistic challen s economic strategic advan strategies toward rt ranges from book by unique state-of-the-a tional legislation, in this interna al of respective Information al,occupation , impacts nment pment e enviro develo logy; effectiv ch (R&D) sustainable dly) techno es, resear nmental-frien industrial practic green (enviro ement and ement, best risk manag health manag certification, ead the safety and ement spearh to quarry manag master plan th of this innovations, l development The streng the minera nce. by d excelle integrated supplemente level of global concepts of to another the overall quarrying quarrying sector manner that s effective ce lies in the sed toward practical referen for ease of tions are discus methodically quarrying innova presented quarries and This handy rs have been readership. The chapte range of global stewardship. the government s a wide ble guide to ion to addres as an invalua material, comprehens ng useful teachi mic is appropriately pment; as acade ide. reference book able develo (R&D) worldw towards sustain development and industry research and t for further and as a catalys Sustainable Lip • YSIA RYING MALA Utama OF QUARPerindus trian Puchong DE, INSTITUTE Utama 1/7, Taman Puchong, Selangor Published by: Mohd • Mustapha Chen Nyet Lin • • Eric Goh • • Nirmala Devi • Lee Kam Fatt Governments, industry captains, academia and the quarrying industry will find this an invaluable reference which provides a comprehensive overview of the holistic challenges faced by the quarrying industry worldwide complemented by unique strategies towards economic sustainability of the quarrying sector. Information in this international book ranges from strategic advances in sustainable development, impacts of respective legislation, state-of-the-art green (environmentalfriendly) technology; effective environmental, occupational safety and health management, best industrial practices, research (R&D) innovations, quarry management certification, risk management and supplemented by the mineral development master plan to spearhead the quarrying sector to another level of global excellence. The strength of this practical reference lies in the manner that the overall concepts of integrated quarries and quarrying innovations are discussed towards effective quarrying stewardship. The chapters have been presented methodically for ease of comprehension to address a wide range of global readership. This handy reference book is appropriately useful as an invaluable guide to the government and industry towards sustainable development; as academic teaching material, and as a catalyst for further research and development (R&D) worldwide. RYING D QUAR ices and Best Pract ARRIES AN 47100 No. 23, Jalan 03-8061 8258 , Seksyen 1, 8062 4195 Fax: .my (Puchong Perdana) 603-8062 4194, [email protected] Malaysia. Tel: E-mail: Website: www.iqm The cost of this publication is RM150 for IQM members and RM200 for non-members. Additional RM10 per book will be charged for postage. To purchase a copy, please fill in the order form below and send it to us with your payment. QUARRIES & QUARRYING ORDER FORM I………………………………………… enclose my Cheque / Bank Draft / Money Order No.……………………. for RM.…..…….......… being purchase of …………..... copy / copies of QUARRIES & QUARRYING payable to “Institute of Quarrying Malaysia Bhd”. Kindly mail book to : __________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ For further information kindly contact Madam Nirmala Devi at INSTITUTE OF QUARRYING MALAYSIA No. 23, Jalan Utama 1/7, Taman Perindustrian Puchong Utama (Puchong Perdana), Seksyen 1, 47100 Puchong, Selangor DE, Malaysia. Tel: 03-8062 4194/5 Fax: 03-8061 8258 Website: E-mail: [email protected] TRAINING COURSE FOR SHOT-FIRERS 19 - 24 MAY 2014 GAYA CENTRE HOTEL, KOTA KINABALU, SABAH OSH FOR QUARRY MANAGERS 9 - 12 JUNE 2014 IQM, PUCHONG, SELANGOR (SITE VISIT AT SAROMA KAJANG QUARRY) SHOT-FIRER PRACTICAL COURSE 25 & 26 JUNE 2014 FOUR POINTS BY SHERATON, KUCHONG, SARAWAK TECHNICAL TALK BY DESSAULT SYSTEMS GEOVIA AUSTRALIA PTY LTD EXTRACTING MORE VALUE OUT OF YOUR INDUSTRIAL MINERALS OPERATIONS 21 JUNE 2014 HOLIDAY VILLA SUBANG, SUBANG JAYA, SELANGOR. Professionalism and Technology At the recent technical talk given by one sponsor was relating to the role of computer software in improving work efficiency and eventually improving productivity and also reduction in total cost. No doubt computer software are not cheap but correct software do help in speeding up work and help to complete assigned job much faster and enable management to make decision faster and thus enable him to do more work in lesser time. More work in less time mean more profit for the company. However software are only a tool in providing better efficiency in the workflow. It cannot replace competence manpower needed to use it. Only competent engineers can make use of specific engineering problem otherwise a famous quotation in computer family that is garbage in garbage out is applicable. Similarly, in other discipline s such as accounting, science or research and development. One need to be competence in his own particular discipline first before he can be fully utilize the capability of computer software. specialist subject for the professional membership of Institute of Explosive Engineers, United Kingdom. It is also considered as a security subject. As such there are very limited numbers of people who can teach these subjects. In fact, all lecturers in the Shotfiring Course were and are from the Government because government officers are given permission to attend such courses on the need to know basis. The government officers are given scholarship to study at postgraduate level while in the private sector you do so at your own cost. The local cost for a Master level degree can easily be RM 20-40 Thousands. Same course that I took 24 years ago now cost RM160,000 in tuition fee alone. May be that could be the reason why those experience professionals are reluctant to teach because the return is minimal. A two day course in Blasting Technology in Australia would easily be RM15,000. The most expensive course I had attended in Malaysia which was “Safety Audit and Inspection” was US 2000/= for a three day course. For example as a blasting engineer before I can use a blast design software effectively I need to be well versed in blasting technology, explosive technology, geology and the approved standard applicable to a particular state or country. I need to know what I am aiming for. To complete manually an assignment may take me days or even weeks. With the use of a blast design sofwares which may cost a few thousands ringgits to purchase, the job can be completed in a matter of hours provided of course all the available data are in order and collected in a proper manner or recommended standard practice. All these will require continuous professional training as technology continue to improve. Otherwise all the effort can be negated in a court argument over improper application of technology. The condition is the same in all other courses conducted by IQM where we rely heavily on government officers or ex-government officers to teach. Quarrying, even at the lowest level is not taught anywhere in any Malaysian College. Explosive technology also is not taught at any college. It can even be considered as a controlled subject even at Certificate of attendance level as conducted by IQM in cooperation with JMG. It is considered as a IQM would love to teach many of such course such as Quarry Design, Blast Design etc using computer programs but the cost would be many times higher. We want experience lecturers to impart their expertise to the industry especially now when so many of our quarries are virtually surrounded by residential area. With complaints against quarrying activities rising and accidents from quarrying activities on the news we need to improve our professionalism which mean continuous upgrading of our technical, management, safety and environmental expertise and also involve in the community. The era of cheap labour is probably over already. Whatever it is, technology continue to advance and if we don’t keep up we are going to be left behind and a few bad incidents will be enough excuse for the Authority to close our operation for good. Kejadian batu batu berterbangan di Kuari Kejadian batu batu berterbangan di Kuari bukanlah satu perkara baru tetapi satu kejadian yang sentiasa berulang setiap tahun bukan sahaja di Malaysia tetapi juga di Negara yang disebut sebagai Negara maju. Subjek ini juga menjadi ulasan dalam banyak journal di peringkat antarabangsa tetapi juga di tulis oleh pensyarah, pelajar dan juga professional dalam kerja letupan. Ramai orang telah cedera dan mati kerana terkena batu terbang ini termasuk pembedil sendiri. Batu terbang adalah phenomena yang paling merbahaya sekali dari kesan kerja letupan selain dari gegaran bumi dan ledakan udara. habuk dan asap kerana ia mampu menyebabkan kerosakan harta benda dan jika terkena manusia boleh menyebabkan kecedaran dan juga kematian. Dalam banyak kertas kerja teknik atau penyiasatan teknikal biasanya keadaan geology seperti rekahan, lubang dalaman dan factor struktur dipersalahkan. Penggunaan bahan letupan dalam keadaan yang tidak sesuai juga menjadi sebab yang di sebut. Tetapi sebab sebenarnya ialah factor manusia sendiri. Kita tidak boleh menukar geology sesuatu kawasan, kita perlu menyesuaikan rekabentuk letupan mengikut geology begitu dengan pemilihan cara penggunaan bahan letupan. Ini bermakna pembedil perlulah berupaya mengenal pasti keadaan geology dan berupaya membuat rekabentuk letupan yang sesuai mengikut geology di samping mampu mereka bentuk kearah mana batu di tuju’ Kita juga perlu sedar bahawa letupan seperti “bulk emulsion” akan memenuhi semua rekahan dan akan menyebabkan berlebihan bahan letupan di isi. Kelalaian mengambil kira berapa kg telah di pam kedalam lubang contohnya adalah faktor penting menyebabkan hal ini boleh berlaku. Ini sebenarnya bukanlah masalah teknikal tetapi lebih kepada masalah kompetensi ia itu kekurangan ilmu atau pun kurang pendedahan. Dalam bidang kerja letupan dimana kesilapan pertama mungkin menjadi kesilapan terakhir pendedahan kepada teknik pencegahan melalui pembelajaran berterusan amatlah penting. Kes kes kejadian hendaklah dibentangkan pada workshop atau seminar untuk menjadi contoh kepada yang lain. Cara tindakan pencegahan yang diambil hendaklah dibentangkan. Tidak ada yang perlu disembunyi kerana ia akan menjadi sempadan kepada generasi pembedil yang akan datang. Sehingga kini tidak ada pembedil kita yang berminat untuk membentangkan pengalaman masing masing dalam seminar yang boleh di anjur oleh oleh IQM dan jurutera letupan atau pun konsultan yang ada sedikit kemahiran dalam bidang berkenaan pula tidak mempunyai pengalaman tersendiri untuk di persembahkan. Hanya bila kejadian telah berlaku baharulah mereka ini di panggil untuk menyiasat. Sebenarnya penglibatan dari A-Z amat perlu meningkatkan kepakaran. Lebih baik lagi jika mereka di libatkan dari muda lagi. Lulus sijil pembedil sahaja tidak memadai , tetapi bagi jurutera muda mereka mempunyai kelebihan kerana telah mempelajari mata pelajaran lain yang berkaitan seperti geology, rock mechanic, asas bahan letupan, perundangan, kesihatan dan keselamatan dan banyak lagi subjek lain di peringkat university. Kita memerlukan lebih ramai jurutera letupan yang perlu menjadi pemimpin dalam bidang ini. Jangan lupa bidang berkaitan dalam dalam tapak pembinaan, terowong, kerja kerja letupan dalam bandaraya ‘ demolition’ dan banyak lagi berdekatan tempat yang sensitive. Ir Hj Look Keman bin Sahari Council Member
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