Name of Deceased (Surname first) BROPHY, Annie Address, description and date of death of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be given and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives Date before which notices of claims to be given 83 Talbot Road, Wiraton, Bournemouth, for- Eaton, Cocker & Newman, St. Stephen's Chambers, Richmond Hill, Bourne- 7th April 1975 mouth. (Jack Geoffrey Newman.) merly 80 Fitzharris Avenue, Bournemouth, Spinster. 29th January 1975. CULSHAW, Jane 27 Milner Street, Preston, Widow. December 1974. ROSKELL, Alfred 30 Bristol Avenue, Farington, near Preston, Blackhurst Parker & Yates, 9 Cannon Street, Preston, Solicitors. (Mary Ann 14th April 1975 Roskell, Alexander Alfred Roskell and Doris Sawyer.) Retired Motor Works Metallurgist. 10th December 1974. (099) PENNEY, Jeannette St. Edmunds Nursing Home, Victoria Park Stanley Richards & Frowen, Westminster Bank Chambers, Paignton, Devon, 12th April 1975 Elizabeth. Solicitors. (May Annie Bethia Smith.) Road, Torquay, formerly 83 Hayes Road, Paignton, Devon, Widow. 7th January 1975. (100) GARDNER, Mary Emily... St. Edmunds Nursing Home, Victoria Park Stanley Richards & Frowen, Westminster Bank Chambers, Paignton, Devon, 12th April 1975 Road, Torquay, formerly 10 Nelson Road, Solicitors. (Arthur Douglas Robinson and Muriel Kirsopp.) Brixham, Devon, Spinster. 18th January 1975. (ioi) HAWKE, Annie Dora ... 177 Winner Street, Paignton, Devon, Widow. Stanley Richards & Frowen, Westminster Bank Chambers, Paignton, Devon, 12th April 1975 8th January 1975. Solicitors. (Thomas William Hawke.) (102) DAW, Ethel Annie 25th Blackhurst Parker & Yates, 9 Cannon Street, Preston, Solicitors. Thompson and Leonard Michael Craven Waller.) (David Sheard 14th April 1975 (096) (098) W i (103) 18 Southfield Road, Paignton, Devon, Widow. Stanley Richards & Frowen, Westminster Bank Chambers, Paignton, Devon, 12th April 1975 21st January 1975. Solicitors. (John Frank Renwick and Sidney John Fuller.) (104) HERRCHELL, Gladys 11 Derwent Drive, Worthing, Sussex, Widow. Stanley Richards & Frowcn, Westminster Bank Chambers, Paignton, Devon, 12th April 1975 Mary. 23rd January 1975. Solicitors. (Dorothy Bowen and Arthur Douglas Robinson.) (105) "The Bungalow," Woodland Park, Paignton, Stanley Richards & Frowen, Westminster Bank Chambers, Paignton, Devon, 12th April 1975 GAY, Arthur Joseph Devon, Warehouseman; (Retired). 7th January Solicitors. (Mabel Gay.) Lanyon. 1975. (106) BARRON, Leonard George Dunbar House, Saltshouse Road, Kingston Gosschalk Wheldon & Co., 30 Silver Street, Hull, HU1 1JR. (Geoffrey Waters) 7th April 1975 upon Hull, North Humberside, formerly Humphreys. 762 Beverley High Road, Kingston upon Hull. 2nd November 1974. (879) 15 Ashfields New Road, Newcastle-under- Sproston Slaney & Swann, 3 King Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, 7th April 1975 WILLIAMSON, Harold Lyme, Staffordshire, Retired Post Office ST5 1EU, Solicitors. (Brian Edward Fitchett.) Walker. Clerk. 17th January 1975. HARRIS, Harold Arthur 42 Bickerton Road, Headington, Oxford, Mallam, Lewis & Norris, 21 Beaumont Street, Oxford. (Frederick George Harris 10th April 1975 Retired Professor. 29th August 1974. and Ian Maxwell Barton.) Q w 240 Totnes Road, Paignton, Devon, Spinster. Stanley Richards & Frowen, Westminster Bank Chambers, Paignton, Devon, 12th April 1975 25th January 1975. Solicitors. (John Frank Renwick and Sidney John Fuller.) MASON, Fanny i o (880) (881) H K M W §
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