G A L I L E E Bible-Presbyterian Church 202 Pandan Gardens, Singapore 609338 Tel. 6560 2410 Fax. 6560 2909 “In Galilee… There’s A Great Light” Acting Pastor : Asst Pastor : Acting Pastor: Pastor : Email: [email protected] Website: www.galileebpchurch.org Rev Ong Hock Khee Rev Simon Nagarajan Rev Freddy Yong (MWS) Rev Philip Heng [On Sabbatical Leave] 9.00 am, Lord’s Day ORDER OF WORSHIP “O Worship The Lord In The Beauty Of Holiness” Ps 96:9 [Please do not let your hand-phone distract] SINGSPIRATION [8.45 am] PRELUDE.… INTROIT [# 216] CALL TO WORSHIP OPENING HYMN # 104 INVOCATION GLORIA PATRI [# 812] SCRIPTURE READING [Responsively] HYMN (Projection) OFFERTORY (The Westminster Shorter Catechism, Q & A) HYMN # 295 27 April 2014 Organist: Jonathan Cher Pianist: Timothy Cher Josiah Wang, Reginald Ng “The Lord Is In His Holy Temple” Dn Tai Fatt Weng “O Worship The King!” “Glory Be To The Father” Proverbs 16:1-16 Dn Nelson Lim “Look To The Lamb Of God” “Tell Me The Story Of Jesus” [Pr 1-6 children leave for Junior Program after the 2nd stanza] [Creche/Nursery/Kindergarten children leave for Sunday School] HYMN # 596 PASTORAL PRAYER MESSAGE “OUR REDEEMER LIVETH” Job 19:23‐29 CLOSING HYMN (Projection) BENEDICTION ANNOUNCEMENTS POSTLUDE ……. Hp. 9642 4117 Hp. 9858 4865 Hp. 8309 8157 Hp. 9792 9183 ”I Surrender All” Rev Peter Tan “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” TODAY’S PROGRAM 9.00 am MANDARIN WORSHIP SERVICE [03-01] Preacher : Rev Yap Beng Shin DUTY ROSTER (Pastor, Olivet BPC) Ushers/Greeters : Dr Jonathan Teo, Goh Hoon Poh Message : “The Harvest Is Plenteous” Joseph Mok, Joseph Tai, Marcus Tan Matthew 28:18-20 Joanna Lim, Teresa Ho N/W : Gabriel Chia, Kenneth Wong 9.00 am YOUTH WORSHIP SERVICE [Level 4] Samuel Tan, Tan Guo Xin Preacher : Elder Richard Ng Eileen Tay, Jaime Goh Chairman : Mr Alex Goh Organist [N/W] : Daniel Chia Message : “Having Joy In Living Pianist [N/W] : Isaac Chung P.A. Operators : Guek Soon Hock, Amos & Elaine Wee A Worthy Life” Phil 1:27-30 Eileen Tay, Desmond Lye 9.30 am Junior Program N/W : Michael Ho, Daniel & Maxine Ong 9.30 am Sunday School[Creche/Nursery/Kdgn] Ang AiXin, Daniel Tan 10.30 am Sunday School Offering Counters : Maureen Teo 11.00 am Senior Catechism Class: [Church Office] Kathy Ng, Annie Goh N/W : Maureen Teo Rev Simon Nagarajan Lee Ling Suah, Gideon Tan Topic: God – The Holy Trinity Flower Donor : Janet Tan 11.00 am Ladies’ Bible Study: Mrs Har/Mrs Yong/ N/W : [Slot available] Mrs Ling Topic: “Women of the Bible” Fruit Donor : Elder Richard Ng 11.15 am Adults’ Sunday School [Rm 03-02] N/W : Mr & Mrs Alan Wee Rev Ong Hock Khee Topic: Book of Daniel 12 noon Junior Catechism: Mr David Cher We welcome Rev Peter Tan, [Rm 03-03] Associate Pastor of Calvary-Jurong BPC, 12 noon Choir Practice: Mr Jonathan Cher [Sanctuary] who brings God’s Word to us this morning! Preaching Engagement: Rev Simon Nagarajan at Moriah BPC, 9.30 am WeeklyDiary:28 April–4May 2014 Wed 30/4 7.30 pm 8.30 pm Bible Study Class: Rev Ong Hock Khee [Rm 03-01] Topic: Book of Proverbs Bible Study Class: Rev Simon Nagarajan [Church Library] Topic: Book of 2 Kings Prayer Meeting: Dn Nelson Lim [Rm 03-01] CF/JF: “Big Question About Prayer 1/2” I/C: Mrs Adeline Simon TF/YF YAF AF – Speaker: Dr P.N. Chong [Kdgn Music Rm] 7.30 pm Sat 3/5 2.00 3.30 3.30 5.30 pm pm pm pm Sun 4/5 8.45 am 9.00 am 9.00 am 9.30 am 9.30 am 10.30 am 11.00 am 11.00 am 11.15 am 12 noon 12 noon Singspiration: Tan Siong Teck, Irvin Ling ENGLISH WORSHIP SERVICE [Sanctuary] HOLY COMMUNION Preacher : Rev Ong Hock Khee Chairman : Elder Richard Ng Scripture Reader: Mr Matthew Wee Message : “Pursuing The Life God Desires For Us” Romans 6: 15-23 MANDARIN WORSHIP SERVICE [Rm 03-01] Preacher : Preacher Daniel Nge Message : “Christ Apprehended Me” Phil 3:1-16 Junior Program Sunday School [Creche/Nursery/Kindergarten] Sunday School Senior Catechism: Rev Simon Nagarajan [Church Office] Topic: “Christ – Diety” Ladies’ Bible Study: Mrs Har/Mrs Yong/Mrs Ling Topic: Women of the Bible [Kdgn Music Rm] Adults’ Sunday School: Rev Ong Hock Khee [Rm 03-02] Topic: Book of Daniel Junior Catechism: Mr David Cher [Rm 03-03] Choir Practice: Mr Jonathan Cher [Sanctuary] CHURCH THEME VERSE 2014 Acts 1:8 “Ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” TOGETHER IN CHRIST AND FOR CHRIST ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. 2. FLORAL/FRUIT CHARTS Floral: 4, 11, 18 & 25 May Fruits: 11 & 25 May Mr David Cher In NS, 15-28 April GALILEE CHURCH CAMP 16-19 JUNE 2014 Last day of registration for 2014 Galilee Church Camp is 11 May I/C: Bro Matthew Wee GALILEE CHURCH MAY HIGHLIGHTS The Westminster Shorter Catechism Q.84 What doth every sin deserve? Every sin deserveth God’s wrath and curse, both in this life, and that which is to come. Sat, 3 May (5.30 pm) Adults’ Fellowship [Kdgn Music Room] Speaker: Dr P.N. Chong Lord’s Day, 11 May 9.00 am Singspiration: Elder Charles Phua, Daniel Chia ENGLISH WORSHIP SERVICE – MOTHER’S DAY Preacher : Rev Ho Chee Lai (Associate Pastor, Sharon BPC) Chairman : Rev Simon Nagarajan Scripture Reader: Mr Timothy Woon Mon, 12 May (8.00 pm) Board of Elders’ Meeting [Church Office] Lord’s Day, 18 May 2.00 pm Session Meeting [Kdgn Music Room] Sat, 24 May YAF 7TH ANNIVERSARY Lord’s Day, 25 May 9.00 am YOUTH WORSHIP SERVICE [Level 4] Speaker : Mr David Cher Chairman : Dn Nelson Lim Message : “The Joy Of Christian Unity” Phil 2:1-11 Fri, 30 May (8.00 pm) SONG SERVICE [A. V. Studio] I/C: Mr Tan Siong Teck WELCOME TO GALILEE CHURCH! All worshippers are cordially invited to join us for light refreshments in the Fellowship Hall after Worship Service.
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