MATH 513 - Homework 10 (due Thursday, Dec. 11 2014) 1. (6pts.) Consider the optimization problem in infinite time horizon: Z ∞ cos x(t)e−t dt maximize 0 subject to x(t) ˙ = u(t) = [−1, 1] , x(0) = y . Call V the optimal value function. In other words, V (y) is the maximum discounted payoff that can be achieved if the initial state is x(0) = y. (i) Write the Hamilton-Jacobi PDE satisfied by the function V (this is actually an ODE, because x ∈ IR). (ii) Find the optimal control u∗ (x). Note: this control should steer the system toward points where the running payoff is maximum: it is easy to guess what it should be. (iii) Using (ii), explicitly compute the value function V (y). Hint: By periodicity, it is enough to compute it on [0, 2π]. To explicitly compute the d e−t (sin t−cos t) total cost by an integration, note that dt = e−t cos t. 2 (iv) Check that the value function provides a viscosity solution to the Hamilton-Jacobi PDE. 2. (4 pts.) Consider the conservation law ut + u3 3 = 0. x (i) Decide which of the following piecewise constant functions are weak solutions. Are they entropy-admissible? 1 if x < t/3 u1 (t, x) = −1 if x > t/3 0 if x < t u3 (t, x) = 3 if x > t u2 (t, x) = u4 (t, x) = 1 0 −1 if x < t/3 0 if x > t/3 if x < t/3 if x > t/3 (ii) In the t-x plane, sketch the entropy-admissible solution to the Cauchy problem with initial data 1 if x < 0 u(0, x) = −1 if x > 0 1 MATH 513 - Homework 9 (due Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2014) 1. (3pts.) Let V = V (t, x) be a continuous function that provides a viscosity solution to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation Vt + H(x, ∇V ) = 0. Write the equation satisfied by W (t, x) = −V (t, x), in the viscosity sense. Justify your answer. 2. (3pts.) Let W = W (τ, y) be the value function for the following optimal control problem with running cost and terminal payoff: Z maximize: T ψ(x(T )) − L(x(t), u(t)) dt , τ subject to x(t) ˙ = f (x(t), u(t)) , x(τ ) = y, u(t) ∈ U . Write a PDE satisfied by W , in the viscosity sense. (Hint: you can transform the above into a minimization problem, and use the results proved in class). 3. (4pts.) Consider a forced pendulum, governed by x ¨(t) + sin x(t) = u(t). (1) Here t 7→ u(t) ∈ [0, 1] is an external force, which we use as a control. For a given initial data x(τ ) = y1 , x(τ ˙ ) = y2 consider the optimization problem: minimize: x2 (T ) x˙ 2 (T ) + . 2 2 Write a PDE satisfied by the value function V = V (τ, y1 , y2 ) in the viscosity sense, together with appropriate boundary values. Knowing V , write a formula for the optimal control u = u∗ (τ, y1 , y2 ). Observe that, in general, this will be discontinuous. On some regions, the value u = 1 will be optimal, on other regions, the value u = 0 will be optimal. (Hint: start by writing the second order ODE (1) as a first order system). 2 MATH 513 - Homework 8 (due Tuesday, Nov.18, 2014) 1. (3pts.) Let Ω ⊂ IRn be a bounded open set. Let u1 , u2 be two viscosity solutions of 3 x ∈ Ω, u + |∇u| − 1 = 0 x ∈ ∂Ω . u = 0 Assuming that u1 is continuous while u2 is continuously differentiable, prove that u1 = u2 . 2. (3pts.) In the x1 -x2 plane, consider the open rectangle n o . Ω = (x1 , x2 ) ; |x1 | < 2 , |x2 | < 1 . Show that the function x ∈ Ω, u(x) = dist(x, ∂Ω) measuring the distance of a point x ∈ Ω to the boundary, is a viscosity solution of x ∈ Ω, |∇u|2 − 1 = 0 u = 0 x ∈ ∂Ω . (Write out explicitly the function u. Take advantage of symmetries to reduce your computations.) 2. (4pts.) For t0 < T , consider the optimal control problem . minimize: J(t0 , x0 , u) = x(T ) + Z T [x2 (t) + 4u2 (t)] dt , t0 subject to x(t0 ) = x0 , x(t) ˙ = x(t) + u(t), u(t) ∈ IR. • Write a PDE satisfied by the value function: . V (t0 , x0 ) = min J(t0 , x0 ; u), u(·) together with suitable boundary conditions. • Write a formula providing the optimal feedback control u(x), assuming that the function V is known. 3 MATH 513 - Homework 7 (due Thursday, Oct. 30, 2014) 1. (3pts.) Find a solution to the first order PDE u2t + u2x = 4 , (1) u(0, x) = sin x . (2) with initial data at t = 0 Sketch the characteristic curves. Find the maximal time interval t ∈ [0, T ] on which the solution remains smooth. Locate the points where the regularity first breaks down: |ux | → ∞. 2. (3pts.) Find a solution to the PDE ut + uux = 0 (3) with initial data (2). Sketch the characteristic curves. Find the maximal time interval t ∈ [0, T ] on which the solution remains smooth. Locate the points where the regularity breaks down. 3. (4pts.) For the following PDEs, write the equations of characteristics. (i) ut + xux = sin u, (ii) ut − uux = 0, (iii) ut + ux = u2 . Given the initial data 1 , 1 + x2 in which cases can we say that a globally defined smooth solution exists? u(x, 0) = 4 MATH 513 - Homework 6 (due Thursday, Oct. 16, 2014) 1. (4 pts.) Let u ∈ C 2 (IR × [0, ∞[ ) be a solution of the wave equation in one space dimension: utt − uxx = 0 in IR× ]0, ∞[ , and assume that the initial data u(x, 0) = g(x), ut (x, 0) = h(x) have bounded support. Define the kinetic energy K(t) and the potential energy P (t) as Z ∞ 2 Z ∞ 2 ux ut . . dx , P (t) = dx . K(t) = −∞ 2 −∞ 2 Prove that (i) E(t) = K(t) + P (t) is constant for all times t, (ii) There exists a time T sufficiently large so that K(t) = P (t) for all t > T . Hint: assume g(x) = h(x) = 0 for |x| ≥ R. Check what happens to the solution for t > 2R. 2. (3 pts.) Consider the wave equation with additional elastic source utt − c2 uxx + u = 0, with smooth initial data u(x, 0) = g(x), ut (x, 0) = h(x) . Using an energy method, prove that the Cauchy problem can have at most one solution. 3. (3 pts.) Let u ∈ C 2 (IR3 × [0, ∞[ ) be a solution to the wave equation in a three dimensional space: utt − ∆uxx = 0 in IR3 × ]0, ∞[ , and assume that the initial data u(x, 0) = g(x), ut (x, 0) = h(x) has compact support, say g(x) = h(x) = 0 for |x| ≥ R. prove that there exists a constant C such that C x ∈ IR3 , t > 0 . |u(x, t)| ≤ t 5 MATH 513 - Homework 5 (due Thursday, Oct. 9, 2014) 1. (4 pts.) We say that v ∈ C 2 (Ω) is a subsolution of the heat equation if . in ΩT = Ω×]0, T [ . vt − ∆v ≤ 0 (i) Let u be a solution and let v be a subsolution of the heat equation, such that u, v are continuous on the closure ΩT and v ≤ u one the parabolic boundary ΓT of ΩT . Prove that v ≤ u on the entire domain ΩT . (ii) Let φ : IR → 7 IR be smooth and convex. If u solves the heat equation and v = φ(u), prove that v is a subsolution. 2. (3 pts.) On the Euclidean space IRn with variable ξ = (ξ1 , . . . , ξn ), consider the gradient flow n X k2 2 ξ˙ = −∇Φ(ξ), Φ(ξ) = ξ . (1) 2 k k=1 (i) Explicitly write the corresponding system of ODEs for (ξ1 , . . . , ξn ) P (ii) Prove that the function u(x, t) = nk=1 ξk (t) sin kx is a solution of the heat equation t > 0, x ∈ ]0, π[ , ut − ∆u = 0 , u(0, t) = u(π, t) = 0 t≥0 if and only if t 7→ ξ(t) = (ξ1 (t), . . . , ξn (t)) is a solution of the gradient flow (1). 3. (3 pts.) (i) Show that the general solution to the PDE uXY = 0 is u(X, Y ) = F (X) + G(Y ). (ii) Performing the change of variables X = x + t, Y = x − t, show that utt − uxx = 0 if and only if uXY = 0. (iii) Using the above, give an alternative derivation of D’Alembert’s formula. 6 MATH 513 - Homework 4 (due Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014) 1. (3 pts.) Let u be a smooth solutions of the heat equation ut − ∆u = 0 in IRn × ]0, ∞[ . (i) Prove that uλ (x, t) = u(λx, λ2 t) is another solution of the heat equation, for every λ ∈ IR. (ii) Using (i), prove that v(x, t) = x · Du(x, t) + 2tut (x, t) solves the heat equation as well. 2. (3 pts.) Write an explicit formula for the solution to the non-homogeneous problem ut − ∆u + cu = f (x, t) (x, t) ∈ IRn × ]0, ∞[ , u(x, 0) = g(x) x ∈ IRn . Here c ∈ IR. Hint: write an equation satisfied by the function v(x, t) = ect u(x, t). 3. (2 pts.) Let p(x) = a0 + a1 x + · · · + aN xN be any polynomial. Prove that the solution to the one-dimensional heat equation ut = uxx u(x, 0) = p(x) is given by the exponential formula u(t, x) = ∞ k X t ∂ 2k p(x) . k! ∂x2k k=0 Notice that only finitely many terms are 6= 0, hence the series trivially converges. Formally, the right hand side can be interpreted as et∆ p. 4. (2 pts.) Let Ω ⊂ IRn be a bounded open set, call ΩT = Ω× ]0, T [ , and let ΓT be the parabolic boundary of ΩT . Let u be a solution to ut = ∆u + f u =g (x, t) ∈ ΩT , (x, t) ∈ ΓT . Assume f (x, t) ≤ K, g(x, t) ≤ M . Prove that u(x, t) ≤ K + tM for all (x, t) ∈ ΩT . 7 MATH 513 - Homework 3 (due Thursday, Sept. 25, 2014) 1 (4pts). Consider the unit circle Ω = {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ IR2 ; x21 + x22 < 1}. Write an integral formula for the solution to the boundary value problem ∆u = 0 x ∈ Ω, u(x1 , x2 ) = x21 x ∈ ∂Ω. Explicitly compute u(0, 0), i.e. the value of the solution at the origin. (Hint: use polar coordinates). 2 (2+2 pts). Consider the half plane Ω = {(x1 , x2 ) ∈ IR2 ; x2 > 0}. (i) Write an integral formula for the solution of ∆u = 0 u(x1 , 0) = g(x1 ), x ∈ Ω, with g bounded and continuous, g(x1 ) = |x1 | for |x1 | ≤ 1. (ii) Show that the gradient Du is not bounded near the origin. (Hint: estimate u(0,h)−u(0,0) as h → 0+). h 3 (2pts). On the bounded open set Ω ⊂ IR2 , consider the problem ∆u = x1 sin x2 x ∈ Ω, u(x1 , x2 ) = ex1 x ∈ ∂Ω. We wish to characterize the solution u as a minimizer: I[u] = min I[w] w∈A Write out a suitable integrand I[w] and the set A. 8 MATH 513 - Homework 2 (due Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2014) 1 (4pts). Prove that, for every smooth function φ : IR3 7→ IR with compact support, one has Z 1 ∆φ(x) dx = C · φ(0) . R3 |x| Explicitly compute the constant C. 2 (3pts). We say that a function v ∈ C 2 is subharmonic if it satisfies the inequality −∆v(x) ≤ 0 at every point x of its domain. Let now u : IRn → 7 IR be a harmonic function and let φ : IR 7→ IR be a smooth convex function, . so that φ00 ≥ 0. Prove that w(x) = φ(u(x)) is subharmonic. 3 (3pts). Let v be a subharmonic function on an open, bounded domain Ω, with v continuous on the closure Ω. Show that, for every ball B(x, r) contained in Ω, one has Z . v(x) ≤ −− v(y) dy = [average value of v on the ball B(x, r)] B(x,r) Deduce that max v(x) = max v(x) . x∈Ω x∈∂Ω 9 MATH 513 - Homework 1 (due Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014) 1. (3 pts) Consider the function u(x, t) = a ebx+ct . Find for which values of the constants a, b, c ∈ IR is this a solution (i) of the heat equation: ut = uxx (ii) of the wave equation: utt = uxx (iii) of the Laplace equation: utt + uxx = 0 2. (2 pts) Classify the following PDEs (i) ut + uxxx = 3u + sin x (ii) utt − (eu ux )x = 0 (iii) u2x + u2y = x2 + y 2 (iv) ut + 3ux = u2 + uxx 3. (2 pts) Find a function u(t, x) such that ut − ux = x2 + t , u(0, x) = cos x . 4. (3 pts) Let u be a solution to the Laplace equation: x ∈ IRn . ∆u = 0 Let R = (Rij ) be an n × n orthogonal matrix, so that RRT = RT R = I, where RT is the transpose of R and I denotes the identity matrix. Prove that v(x) = u(Rx) is another solution to the Laplace equation. P Hint: consider the additional variable y = Rx, so that yi = j Rij xj and v(x) = u(y). Compute ∆v using the chain rule. 10
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