NAISARGIK AGRITECH (INDLA) LIMITED (CORPORATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: LO 1 1 1 9 G J 1 9 9 4 P L C 0 2 3 3 3 6 ) Regd. off. : 439144013 NR. PATEL ESTATE, NEAR ANAND ' . . RESTAURANT, HIGHWAY, ISANPUR, AHMEDABAD - 3 8 2 443. . Email id: naisargikagritec~,; P h no: 079-25735589 . .. Website: ' Date: 7th April 2014 ' ' To. DY. GENERAL MANAGER (CRD) DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATE SERVICES, THE BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE LTD. PHIROZE JEEJEEBHOYTOWER, DALAL STREET, MUMBAI 400 001 (SCRIPT CODE :531365) - SUB : SUBMISSION OF SHARE HOLDING PATTERN AS PER CLAUSE 35 FOR THE QUARTER ENDED ON 31sT MARCH 2014 .. Dear Sir, With Reference to the captioned subject, please find enclosed herewith Shareholding pattern for . , quarter ended on 31" MARCH,2014. You are requested to take the same on your record. Thanking you, Your Faithfully . . or, Naisargik (India) Limited - Agritech : '. . . .. Jigneshkumar Patel Director ~ n c:'As i Above . ' STATEMENT SHOWING SHARE HOLDING PATTERN FOR THE QUARTER ENDED ON 31/03/2014 COMPANY NAME: NAlSARGlK AGRITECH (INDIA) LIMITED .SCRIP CODE: 53?365 , . Partly Paid up Shares No. of Partly As a % of total Paid up Shares no. of partly As a % of total no?of shares of Held by promoter /promoter group held by public Total .. . . 'Outstanding Convertible Securities .. No. of Outstanding Securities no. of no. of shares of convertible . . Total Warrants the company assuming full conversion of . . Held by promoter /promoter group held by public Totdl ''. . , Total Paid up Capital of the comparly assuming full 'conversion of Warrants and Convertible Securities For Naisargik Agritech (India) Limited - Jigneshkumar P Patel Direcrtor i(l) (a) STATEMENT SHOWING SHARE HOLDING PATTERN FOR THE QUARTER ENDED ON 3010912013 SCRIP CODE: 531365 COMPANY NAME: NAlSARGlK AGRITECH (INDIA) LIMITED CatelCatenow of Shareholders INo of INo of INo of I Total Shareholdins as I Shares Pledged or cod; ' - . Share Shares Shares ,% o f Total No. o f shares Otherwise .. Held in As %age of As %age o f As a No. of Holders Held Shares Demat (A+B+C) Percentage (A+B) A of promoter and . promoter group Indian 1 IndividualsIHUFs a Central Gofl./State Govts b. . c Bodies Corporate Financial InstitutionsIBanks d e l~n~other 01 0 0 0.KJI 0.001 0.001 0.00 lSub Total A ( l ) I 21 6447701 6447701 10.571 10.571 0.001 0.00 2 l ~.~ o r-~ eei ~. an I I I I I I Non Resident IndividualsIForeign Ind. 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 b 0.00 0 Bodies Corporate 0 0.00 0.00 Institutions 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 . C 0.00 d Anv others 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 . I ~ u Total b A(2) 0.001 0.00 0.001 0.00 0 0 10.571 10.571 0.001 0.00 21 6447701 6447701 ITotaI Share Holding of prom'oter group B IPublic Shareholding. I 1 I I I I I 1 Institutions a ~ u i u aFundsIUTI l Financial lnstitutionslBanks b Central Govt./State Govt. c. d Venfure Capital Funds e . Insurance Companies Foreign lns!itutional Investors f Foreign Venture Capital Investors 4 h t ~ other n ~ 01 0 0.00I 0.001 0.001 0.00 ISub.~otalB(1) I 01 01 01 0.00I 0.001 0.001 0.00 lNon Institutions I I I I I I 2 Bodies Corporate 3 0.19 11500 0 0.19 0.00 0.00 a bl Individuals-shareholders holding normal 821 865900 234800 14.19 14.19 0.00 0.00 Share capital upto Rs 1 lac Individuals-shareholders holding normal 111 4579900 4075800 75.05 75.05 0.00 0.00 , b2. Share capital in excess of Rs 1 lac Any Other (1) NRI c. 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . . Clearing Membeis (3) lndepeident Director .. 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total B(2) 935 5457300 4310600 89.43 89.43 0.00 0.00 Total Public Share Holding B(1) + B(2) 935 5457300 4310600 89.43 89.43 0.00 0.00 Total A + B 937 6102070 4955370 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 C. Shares held by Custodians and against . which Depository receipts have been issued 1 Promoter and Promoter group 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 0 2 . Public 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .Total C 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' lshar&olding I ' 1 1 a . ~ I - 1 ' 1 . . 1 1 01 ' 01 '1 ' / /GrindTotalA+B+C I I 9371I 61020701I 4955370 I 100.00 I 100.00 1 0.001 FJr Naisarqik Aaritech (India) Limited - - Jigneshkumar P Patel . . ' 0.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . '. . . .; . . .. , . . . , . . . . . . . ,', . (I)@) Statement i h o i i n a h o l d i n a ofsecuritibs (includina shares, warrants, convertibje securities) o f Demons b e l o n a i k t o t h e .. c a t e a o w "Promoter a n d Promoter Group" sr. - D e t a a o f warrants I Details of conveti~ble Total shares (~ncluding E n c u m f n s h a r e s (') As a As a X of N u m b e d As a % I Number of I As a X underlv~na . - shares grand total convertible total of total I percentage assuming full (A)+(B)+(C) warrants number o securities number of conversion of warrants held warrants held of subconvertible and convertible of the securities clause (I)(a ) securities) as a % o f same of the Qame diluted share capital class class 1 NO. of shares held grand total (A) +(El +( . (11) (I) 1 ALPA BlPlN PATEL 2 BlPiN MANGALDAS PATEL (IVJ 9.09 1.48 (I#) 554.610 90.160 I TOTAL 1 644770 c) 1 10.57 (V) 0 0 1 0 (VI)=(V)/(lINJ.100 OOQ 0.00 I . I 0 (vlll) (vll) 0.00 0.00 0 (IW Nil Nil Nil Nil I I Nil I NII , I (xl Nil Nil (XI) Nil Nil I Nil I (XI!) Nil Nil I Nil ('1 The term "encumbrance" has the same meaning as assigned to it in regulation 28(3) of the SAST Regulations, 2011 For Naisargik A ritech (India) Limited A Jigneshkumar P Patel Director I Nil (l)(c)(i) Statement'showinci holdiria of securities lincludina shares;warrantf, convkrtible securities) b f Dersons belonainq to the cateaow "Public" and holdina more than 1%of the total number of shares . . . . underlying shares assuming full (i.e., Grand Total (A)+(B)+(C)indicated in Statement at para warrants and convertible securities) For Naisargik A m ( l n d i a ) Limited cl=&s&& Jigneshkumar P Patel Director (I)(c)(ii) Statement showina holdina o f securities lincludinq shares, warrants, convertibleseeuritiesl o f persons ltoaether with PAC) belonainq to the cateaow "Public" a n d holdina more than 5% o f the total number o f shares o f the company Sr.'No. - . . umber Name(s) of the shareholder@) and the Persons Actina i n Cqncert (PAC) with them of shares I . . . Details of warrantg Shares as a perceniage of total number of shares {i.e., Grand Total IAI+IBI+(CI indicated . in statement at para Number of/ AS a %total (()(a) warranti numberof warrants of the ' same class I I . 1 - I ...... ( - . Details of convertible securities I I Number of conve$ible securities held I I I w.r.t total number of convertible securities of thesame I Total shares (including underlying shares assuming full conversion of warrants and ,conveti~ble securities) as a % of diluted share capital - 1 JBAJRANGSINH u W P U T I TOTAL 365000 5.98 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 365000 5.98 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Director (I) (d) STATEMENT SHOWING DETAILS OF LOCKD IN SHARES SCRIP CODE: 531365 COMPAY NAME: NAlSARGlK AGRITECH (INDIA) LIMITED Name of Shareholder Sr. No % to Total No of Shares No of Locked-in Shares NIL NIL NIL TOTAL LOCKED IN SHARES NIL NIL (n) (a) STATEMENT SHOWING DETAILS OF DEPOSITORY RECEIPTS (DRs) 1~ rNO. . ( INIL I Type of Outstanding DR I I No of Outstanding DRs INIL I I 1 No of Shares Ishares underlying 01s underlying DRs as %of Total Shares 0Is)DRs. lindicated in Statement lat para (I)(a) above. INIL I INIL I (11)(~ISTATEMENT SHOWING HOLDING OF DEPOSITORY RECEIPTS (DRS) WHERE . UNDERLYING SHARES ARE IN EXCESS OF 1% OF THE TOTAL NO. OF SHARES 1 Sr. No I Name of ' tpe of Oubtanding d No of Shares Ishares underlying - 01s the ((ADRs, GDRs. SDR underlying DRs as % o f Total Shares DR indicated in Statement 01s DRs. Holder at para (I)(a) above. NIL . . NIL NIL NIL ~ . . . . (11) (c) STATEMENT SHOWING DETAILS OF DEPOSITORY RECEIPTS (DRs) WHERE UNDERLYING SHARES BY "PROMOTER1 PROMOTER GROUP ARE IN EXCESS OF 1% OF THE TOTAL NO. OF SHARES I ~ rNO. 1 Name of b e of Outstanding - d No of Shares Ishares underlvinq - 01s the ((ADRs, GDRs. SDR underlying DRs as % of Total Shares DR 01s DRs. (i.e. Gr. Total(A)+(B)+(C) Holder indicated in Statement at para (I)(a) above. NIL NIL NIL NIL - . . . . . . . . Jigneshkumar P Patel Director I
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