sEcTloN sEE:"Ę 7P AG E vlNYL ll JULY 201 )14 E80 l ffi § UK t4.10 WWW.hi_fi FREE READER cl.AsslFlED ADs lN THls lsslJE! sxcr,t]§Nri! c*fffiTlTlON .WOBIH f 1200! (UK 0NtY) integrated amplifier ENrEflO FfirenEEnnCE ffimE}D7[CIlDEDHfims EremOuRn2[ollD§fHfims MnGilHnfinR uG fl fl reIlDEpHfiHs sOnMmnPffiBIIilmDIreHfim $xcr§§Nri! c g o o Q,q o,o'1 ! .rqĄj§ qsuŃqii" o ROHDE&SCHWARZ MEAsUREMEl{T 1"- ,łf :rź ,ź,-a. ,||ilililIJl||lililil[ [||||[|l -:]:- REvlEW r§#:;i ,-€+-ą"-* 'r* :i:Jr,., ę**:ł7;-' , n,l{ll:h ,, "noilii,";,*u,", lY -§\i-ub w IUY Big, bold and beautifu| sounding...Jon Myles finds thete's nothing not to like ahout Mclntosh,s latest iuggemaut of an integtated amplifier Blue heauen hen Mclntosh announced a new luxury integrated amplifier in the shape of the f l 0,000 MA8000 we were l<een to be the first to get our sweaty hands on it.And sweaty was indeed the operative word once we'd hauled it into our listening room. For this is a juggernaut of an amplifier weighing in at over 45kg -in its pacl<aging) (60.3l<g to be the very definition of a two-man lift, Not only is it heavy it's also imposing in size, measuring some 44.5cm x 24cm x 55.8cm (W/H/ D). mal<ing it amongst the biggest amplifiers out there, be they power 10 JULY 20,14 or integrated.This Mclntosh is purposed as a complete digital and analogue audiophile system hub. As such, in addition to its conservatively-rated 300 Watts per channel of output power (our Measured Peńormance gave a 450 Watt figure into 8 Ohms), the MA8000 features a total of l 5 inputs, a proprietary digital-to-analogue convertor (dubbed the Mclntosh Digital Engine), high-quality headphone output and a fully-adjustable dedicated MM and MC phono stage.And, if so required, a HomeTheatre pass-through allows for incorporation into a multichannel domestic cinema system. Digital connectiviry comprises many pairs of assignable coaxial and optical inputs, p|us asynchronous USB 2.0, capable of decoding files up to 3ż-bitll9żl<Hz. Additionally, there are six line level and two balanced analogue connections, while the MM and MC phono sections feature adjustable cartridge loading and impedance matching so they can be optimised to suit a wide range of turntable and cartridge configurations. For headphone lovers there's a dedicated high-drive circuit able to handle almost any set of cans you choose from 20 to 600 Ohms and the MA8000A also sports a discrete analogue eight-band tone control to allow for manual adjustment of the sound although this can be by- - REVIEW ,_- 4].'",:_ ,)assed for the Purists out there. ln true Mclntosh styIe the output ł,lr':,.. ":_"* '1 :ransistors are autotransformercoup|ed (see Measured Performance and Noel Keywood's box out) meaning ż,4 and 6 Ohm taps ry are available on the rear for accurate Ioudspeaker matching - unheard of in transistor ampIifiers. And, finally, two big, blue-lit power meters let you l<now just how many of those 300Watts per channe| you're using. lts probably true to say the Mclntosh design is a look that divides opinion - but, personal|y. l love it. There's something about those big, blue meters and the illuminated green brand |ogo that just screams 'serious hi-fi'- perhaps the nearest any sold-state amplifier comes in looks to replicating the romance of valve equipment. SOUND QUAIITY with those blue-tinted meters illuminating our listening room and connected to a pair of Spendor's new D7 floorstanders (see review in this issue) it didn't take the Mclntosh Iong to reveal its prowess. ln short, it loo|<s big - and it sounds big too.With a|l that power on taP the MA8000A has the muscle to drive almost any speal<er you care to name and it gripped the Spendors like nothing else l've heard.What that translated to was an eminently Iife|ike digging deep with ,.'.. a beautiful bloom and solidity. .,."l lt's not power but a sonic signature that is relaxed yet completely controlled. Yes, the reserves of power are there - but the Mclntosh doesn't force the sound at you in the way of some multi-Watt behemoths. lnstead it Iets the music f|ow in a totally organic and refreshing manner. ln this the MA8000 is more reminiscent of a good tube amP than a heavyweight so|id-stater. The mid-band is lush, generous simply '\§&uć'' and totally satisfying. But it doesn't do this at the expense of dynamic or detaiI retrieval. The Minnesota Orchestra! rendition of Ravel's'Rapsodie Espagnole' conducted by Stanislaw SkrowaczewsI<i was crisp and atmospheric, individual musicians p|aced securely in their place within shading lllrlnloshrlem lilrEGRATED ffi:;*" Ę- a" . a" r. +" cĄćJlt |l r,, \ \\§): ,§/ § Y :. , Ł-i\ , you can see fhe of power Mclntosh also thrives with hardcharging rock tracl<s. The Jesus & Mary Chainl'Psychocandy' sounded ferocious and suitably menacing, the bass deep and firm with the feedbacl<-drenched rhythm section sPitting and howling above it. MA8OOO's output transformers in their black shielding cases at left and right of the mains transformer. Big heatsinks provide cooling, allowing high power to be delivered con- tinuousĘ lmportant|y, the Mclntosh has the resoIution and timing to let you know this CD is not merely a sonic squall but a carefu||y-crafted piece of me|odic invention a|lied to some fearsome, visceraI guitar Iines. lmpressive|y, the Mclntosh to retain that sense of c|arity and authority even when p|ayed at lower volumes.This is d.$ ^MPllalEF { ..^ mean the manages §; .*T*;."r.;.a:*tr"§ a 9 _". :. ]. ': ';, |: ($ł e:::!c*:.'_._,;6 _ \ a 1 z ę\.! {ę ź-źź one amplifier that doesn't have to flex its musc|es to give of its best ł§ -§ "§ - somethin8 that those of you who indulge in Iate-night listening sessions will doubtless appreciate. On top of that it is also adept at throwing out a wide soundstage as well as imparting realistic height and depth. AlI this was with the eight-band tone control section in by-pass mode. Dialling it in and trying various settings showed that the facility is effective at subtly altering the sound of some tracks - and was useful Balanced analogue inputs and outputs through XLR sockets on the rear panel, massiye loudspeaker terminals, and digital connectiviĘ including asynchronous USB. in taming the tizzy, digital-edged and captivating sound. lndividual instruments are rich in timbre and bass especially rolls into the room with captivating force. Eleanor McEvoy's'|'ve GotYou To See MeThrough'is an exquisitely recorded track where the five-string bass underpins an upbeat piano/guitar refrain.Through the Mclntosh the Iow notes were fabulously convincing, the overal| soundstage with the harshness of some modern pop and attacl< and decay of instruments rock recordings. beautifully nuanced. Played through a pair of the new Magneplanar 1.7 loudspeakers (see review this issue) and the orchestra was portrayed in its fulI majesty - the sound swelling gloriously to fill the room. Having said that, the MA8000 sounds just so naturally'right' most of the time l can see many users simply leaving it alone. Moving to high-res playback through the in-bui|t DAC - sorry, Mclntosh Digital Engine - and the MA8000 remained as sure-footed as Not surprisingly, those reserves WWW.hi-fiWorld,cO,Uk JULY 2014 11 REVlEW With cD. The crunching opening guitar chords of The Clash's London Calling (24196) crashed true and c|ear from the loudspeal<ers.And when PauI Simonon's descending bass line cuts in, it is as full, c|ear and rounded as l have heard from any amplifier regard|ess of price. Similarly ażĄ196 download of GetThe Blessing's'OC DC' revealed the MA8000's ability to latch onto a rhythm and push tracks along with a purpose.Treble was detailed yet easy on the ear while leading edge transients - such as the initia| stril<e of a cymbal - were clean and clear. lf there's a criticism to be made it's perhaps the fact that the Mclntosh's DAC section isn't quite as open or fine|y-etched as some other stand-a|one units l've heard. lti not bad or disappointing in any way but doesn't quite hit the exemplary heights of the rest of the Packa8e. your musical collection for hours on end whether it be on vinyl, CD or in digital download form.And N(IEI sAYs Output transformers in a transistor amplifier? Barking mad! They add to size, weight and cost - and transistol amps don't need 'em. 0r do they? An auto-transformer allows the transistors to drive a high load - the that, after all, is what we transformer. This minimises distońion, whilst also acting as protection for the buy hi-fi for. output devices by shielding them from the loudspeaker, a low load. cOilctus!01{ sounded fabulously strong-armed and poweńul as a result, whilst having clear No doubt about iq the MA8000A is a tour-deforce design. lt has massive reserves of power making Counter-intuitive it definitely is, but also very cunning. The MAB000 yet sweet treble. lt drove every loudspeaker we had superb|y, gaining full marks at Hi-Fi World towers. Brilliant, it capable of driving almost any loudspeaker on the planet yet a detail and subtlety to its presentation that is truly beguiling. At first sight that f l0,000 price tag might make you catch your breath - but putting to8ether a comparable system of preamp, beef power amp, DAC and ad|ustable phono stage at this level could well cost a lot more - especially when you factor in the cost of cables and nterconnects. Factor in its classic looks, bombproof build and sheer versatility and the MA8000 has everything it takes to form the heart of a seriously impressive high-end i That really is nit-picl<ing though. Taken as a whole the MA8000 is a genuinely desirable and sweet- sounding piece of hi-fi exotica. ln short it's just the right piece of equipment to have you dipping into set-uP. MIA§uBED PERFllBMANGE The MA8OB3 produced a massive 450 ampliliel is not a con§tant voltage source, fiequency response extended to 43kHz, Watts into an 8 Ohm load, fal!ing slightly but a generator lequiring a matched Distońion levels were high from the to 440 Watts into a 4 Ohm load. The load, like a valve amplifiel |ts 2 Ohm tap DAC however, measuring 0.33% with presence oi output auto-tfansfolmerc can survive just about any load and is -60dB 24bit resolution signal; most DACs (a single winding with taps) accounts ior power not doubling as usual; this ideal {or electrostatic loudspeakers, that manage commonly sink to 2 Ohms at 20kHz. input isn't distinguished, As a result EiAJ Distońion was unusually low at FREQUENCY RESPONSE speakel output and 'l 08dB thtolgh the XŁR l;ne output§. These are unexceptional Thele was no sign of clossovel distońion, {igures ('l20dB is possible}. The MA8000 ls enormously powerful, measurement shows, and has biassed quite strongly into Class A. super low distortion, due to the use of stages were very good. Only the DAC's MM phono stage had a 4mV sensitivity linearity could have and should have been and the MC phono stage ten times less better, in order to lift available dynamic at 0.4mV both normal enough values range above mediocle, as hi-res goes. NK have a fixed high pass warp filter that rolIs off output below 20Hz. Ęqualisation was accurate across the audio band, Equivalent input noise levels were very low, MC managing 0.032!V so the MC stage is very quiet and will suit low output cartridges. Although input sensitivity seems low voltage gain available in the MA8000 is huge. The DAC worked to l 92kHz and VERDlcT - McIntosh's MA8000 is a superb piece ol engineering, lt combines superb musicality with masses of detai| and vast roIled into one 400mV but no,se low too at -tO7dB. The Both MM and MC phono stages rq! ooooo Power, poise and passion outpUt auto-transformers. lt's phono and satisfactory for a wide lange of :. l MclNTOSFl |\fiA8000 f9,995.00 0UTSTANDING - amongst the best quite hot during test; the output stage is cartridge§. s,E Dynamic Hange was 1 07dB through the measuring around 0.005%, even a1 1OkHz. lnput sensitivity via CD was low at §;gry:.§,*F$tiiiij,:]:lii:;*rr]:r.}.,,, bere or betteł so the digital aIl output levels and all frequencies, even at low levels, and the hsat sinks got DlsToRTIoN 0.1 % f|exibility. Demands to be heard. Power 450watts CDńuneńux. Frequency response Separation Noise Distortion Hz-kHz dB dB Sensitivity Disc mV Flequency re§ponse Separation Noise Distońion Hz-kHz dB dB o/o SensitivĘ mV mV 0verload JUIY 201 4 ł:-§l Wt}B1 tOR - pOWer - smooth and musical - extended, contro||ed bass - MIV]/MC phono stage - eight-band tone control AGAlNsT - price - DAC couId be better Jordan Acoustics +44 (0)]202 911886,uk 13
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