Automobile Battery Remaining Useful Life Prediction Jianguo Wu May 12, 2014 1 INTRODUCTION Nowadays, the hybrid and full electric automobiles are becoming more and more popular with the development of battery technologies and increasing demand of sustainable energy. For these types of automobiles, the reliability and life of the battery is crucial to guarantee the overall functional capabilities and performance. Failure of such a unit can be catastrophic. Therefore, the battery must be well-maintained for the overall system reliability and to improve end user satisfaction. In traditional maintenance strategies, the battery is either repaired after its failure (run-to-failure maintenance) or scheduled for time-based preventive maintenance (planned maintenance). The rapid development of sensing technology makes it possible to monitor the status of a battery in the field for diagnostics and prognostics, enabling a more cost-effective strategy called condition-based-maintenance. This study is focused on the remaining useful life prediction of the automobile battery using the battery time-to-failure data and resistance signal, which is strongly associated with failure of the battery and contains rich information about its health status. Specifically, the goal of this study is to address the following three questions: 1) How does the resistance of the battery change with time? 2) What is the relationship between battery health status and resistance? 3) How to predict the remaining useful life? The rest of this report is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the experiment design and data collection. Section 3 presents the statistical analysis. The conclusion is given in Section 4. 1 2 DATA DESCRIPTION Since the real aging process of automotive batteries is typically very slow and it takes several years for a battery to fail, the data is obtained from an accelerated aging test performed by General Motors based on the aging cycle defined in SAE J2801. In this test, a battery is considered as dead when it fails to crank the engine. The dataset contains total 14 lead acid batteries of two different types: 8 batteries of type JBI and 6 of type JCI. The failure time of each battery and the resistance in each week are recorded. Figure 1 shows the resistance of each battery as a function of time and the failure time. 5 JBI 10 JCI Resistance (mΩ) 8 7 6 5 4 3 5 10 Time (week) Figure 1. Resistance of 14 lead acid batteries. All batteries are failed and there are no right censored data. 3 3.1 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Change of Resistance From Figure 1 we can see that the resistance increases with time and the increasing speed becomes higher and higher. The second order polynomial regression is applied to study the change of the battery resistance in the aging process. resistance = ∗ + ∗ + 2 Since there are only 14 batteries, the influence of battery type is not included in the model. In the remaining useful life prediction the battery type will be added to differentiate these two types of batteries. Figure 2 shows the 95% confidence intervals on the estimated coefficients of the polynomial model for each battery. As we can see, these coefficients are different among different batteries. Therefore the linear mixed effects model are used where the coefficients , and follow multivariate normal distribution: , , ~ , , , Σ. time battid JCI6 JCI5 JCI4 JCI3 JCI2 JCI1 JBI7 JBI2 JBI16 JBI15 JBI14 JBI13 JBI10 JBI1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -0.4 | | | | | -0.6 | | | | -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 (Intercept) JCI6 JCI5 JCI4 JCI3 JCI2 JCI1 JBI7 JBI2 JBI16 JBI15 JBI14 JBI13 JBI10 JBI1 | | | | I(time^2) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3.0 | | | | | 4.0 4.5 | | 5.0 | | | | | | | | 3.5 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Figure 2. Comparison of 95% confidence intervals on the coefficients of second order polynomial model Figure 3 shows the comparison of the fitted resistances of the linear mixed effects model with the observed resistances. Figure 4 shows the residuals with the fitted resistance. From these two figures we can see that for most batteries, the second order polynomial model is very accurate to describe the change of the resistance. The estimated coefficients and confidence intervals are given in Table 1. 3 JBI1 JBI10 JBI13 JBI14 JBI15 JBI16 JBI2 JBI7 JCI1 JCI2 JCI3 JCI4 JCI5 JCI6 8 7 6 5 4 3 8 r 7 6 5 4 3 8 7 6 5 4 3 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 obstime Figure 3. Fitted resistance (line) of the linear mixed effects model VS. the observations (dot) resid(., type = "pearson") 3 4 5 6 7 0.6 0.2 -0.2 -0.6 0.6 0.2 -0.2 -0.6 JCI5 JCI6 JCI1 JCI2 JBI15 JBI1 0.6 0.2 -0.2 -0.6 JCI3 JCI4 JBI16 JBI2 JBI7 JBI10 JBI13 JBI14 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 0.6 0.2 -0.2 -0.6 6 7 fitted(.) Figure 4. fitting residuals VS. fitted resistance Table 1. Estimated coefficients and 95% confidence intervals Coefficients Estimated mean 0.011 0.001 3.781 4 95% CI [0.0038, 0.019] [-0.0908, 0.093] [3.44, 4.11] 3.2 The Relationship between Resistance and Health Condition The Cox survival model is used to study the relationship between battery resistance and health condition and to predict the remaining life. The hazard rate is expressed as ℎ = ℎ exp[# + $ % 0 + $' % − % 0] where ℎ is the hazard rate for battery * at time , ℎ is the nonparametric baseline hazard function, # is the intercept for the battery type of battery *, % 0 is the fitted initial resistance for battery * and % is the fitted resistance at time for battery *. Note here we use the fitted resistance obtained in Section 3.1 to fit the Cox model. The reason is that in the linear mixed effects model in Section 3.1 we assume that the observed resistance have measurement errors or noises. Table 2. Estimated coefficients and 95% confidence intervals for the Cox model Estimated -0.055 -1.20 1.61 P-value 0.94 0.27 0.053 95% C.I. [-1.5, 1.39] [-3.32, 0.92] [-0.02, 3.24] 30 20 10 0 Baseline Hazard Rate 40 Coefficient # (type JBI) $ $' 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time Figure 5. Fitted baseline hazard rate function The fitted coefficients for the Cox model are given in Table 2. Figure 5 shows the fitted baseline hazard function ℎ . As we can see, the battery type has almost no effect on the hazard rate. The estimated coefficient $ for the initial resistance is negative. From Figure 1 we can see that there are three batteries of type JBI with high initial resistance and long battery life, which may 5 cause the estimated coefficient $ to be negative. The estimated $' is positive and significant, indicating that the increase of resistance is positively correlated with hazard rate of the battery failure. 3.3 Remaining Useful Life Prediction In section 3.1, we estimated the mean and covariance matrix for , , + = , , ~, Σ 0.00015 −0.0016 0.007 where , = 0.011, 0.001, 3.781 and 2 = 3−0.0016 0.021 −0.0628. 0.007 −0.062 0.34 To predict the remaining useful life of a battery (indexed as 9) at time ∗ , we can calculate the survival function as follows: S (t | T > t * , w p , rph* ) t = ∫ exp{− ∫ hˆ0 (u ) exp[ w p + βˆ0 x p (0) + βˆ1 ( x p (u ) − x p (0))]du}p (θ p | rph* )dθ p t* where :; = < ; , ; , ; = is the resistance coefficients for battery 9. From the formula above we can see that the future resistance needs to be predicted to calculate the survival function. To predict the future resistance, the estimated and Σ are used as the population prior and given the resistance of battery 9 up to the current time ∗ , the posterior distribution of :; can be updated sequentially (Figure 6).The survival function can be estimated using Monte Carlo simulation. Figure 6. Sequential prediction of the resistance 6 Figure 7. Estimated survival functions at ∗ = 5 and ∗ = 10 for battery JBI15 as shown in Figure 3 (true life is 12 weeks) Figure 7 shows the estimated survival function for battery JBI15 at time ∗ = 5 and ∗ = 10 respectively. As we can see, as we observe more resistance data, estimation interval gets narrower. The expected remaining useful life can be calculated by >?@A ∗ = >B − ∗ |B > ∗ I = E FG| ∗ HG J∗ Table 3 shows the comparison between the expected RUL and the true RUL for part of the batteries. As we can see, the expected value is reasonable, though not very close to the true value. Table 3. Comparison between the expected RUL and true RUL Battery ID JCI1 JCI4 JCI5 JCI6 JBI1 JBI7 ∗ = 4 ERUL True value 6.51 6 6.5 7 6.52 7 6.50 9 6.53 8 6.53 9 7 ∗ = 7 ERUL True value 6.04 3 4.97 4 6.32 4 6.04 6 6.26 5 6.32 6 4 CONCLUSION In this report, the linear mixed effects model is used to study the change of battery resistance along time in the aging process. The exploratory analysis shows that the resistance increases quadratically in the aging process. Therefore the second order polynomial with random coefficients is used to model the resistance change. The fitted true resistances are used to fit the survival Cox model for the time-to-failure events. The fitted results indicate that the battery type has almost no influence on the battery life. The increase of resistance could increase the failure hazard rate. To predict the remaining useful life, the estimated mean and variance of the coefficients for the resistance are used as prior and the posterior distribution of the resistance of the target battery is sequentially updated. The survival function and the expected remaining useful life could be calculated using the fitted Cox model. The estimated expected remaining useful life is reasonable. 8 Appendix R code library(survival) library(nlme) library(lattice) library(ggplot2) library(lme4) library(mgcv) library(glmmML) # Gauss-Hermite quadrature library(AlgDesign) # factorial design library(statmod) #Gauss-Legendre quadrature rm(list=ls()) setwd("D:/Jianguo/study/2014Spring/Stat998-Consulting/project3"); source("R_functions_new_new.R") Data = read.table("DATA.txt",header=TRUE) xyplot(r~time|type,groups=battid,type=c("l","p"), lty=c(1,3),lwd=c(2,2), data=Data,layout=c(2,1), xlab="Time (week)",ylab="Resistance (mΩ)",cex.lab=1.5) listFit=nlme::lmList(r~(I(time^2)+time+1)|battid,Data) plot(intervals(listFit))^2)+time+1+(I(time^2)+time+1|battid),data=Data,REML=T) summary( confint(,method="Wald") coef( plot(,resid(., type = "pearson") ~ fitted(.)|as.factor(battid)) plot(,r~ fitted(.)|as.factor(type)) confint(,method="Wald") ################################################ TEMP = read.table("DATA.txt",header=TRUE) tr_temp = length(TEMP[,1]) TYPE = c("JCI1","JCI2","JCI3","JCI4","JCI5","JCI6","JBI1","JBI2","JBI7","JBI10","JBI13","JBI14","JBI15","JBI16") b1 = TEMP[TEMP$battid==TYPE[1],] b2 = TEMP[TEMP$battid==TYPE[2],] b3 = TEMP[TEMP$battid==TYPE[3],] b4 = TEMP[TEMP$battid==TYPE[4],] b5 = TEMP[TEMP$battid==TYPE[5],] b6 = TEMP[TEMP$battid==TYPE[6],] b7 = TEMP[TEMP$battid==TYPE[7],] b8 = TEMP[TEMP$battid==TYPE[8],] b9 = TEMP[TEMP$battid==TYPE[9],] b10 = TEMP[TEMP$battid==TYPE[10],] b11 = TEMP[TEMP$battid==TYPE[11],] 9 b12 = TEMP[TEMP$battid==TYPE[12],] b13 = TEMP[TEMP$battid==TYPE[13],] b14 = TEMP[TEMP$battid==TYPE[14],] l = c(length(b1[,1]),length(b2[,1]),length(b3[,1]),length(b4[,1]),length(b5[,1]),length(b6[,1]),length(b7[,1]),length(b8[,1]),l ength(b9[,1]),length(b10[,1]),length(b11[,1]),length(b12[,1]),length(b13[,1]),length(b14[,1])) ol=l odeath = c(rep(l[1]+1,l[1]),rep(l[2]+1,l[2]),rep(l[3]+1,l[3]),rep(l[4]+1,l[4]),rep(l[5]+1,l[5]),rep(l[6]+1,l[6]),rep(l[7]+1,l[7]),rep(l[ 8]+1,l[8]),rep(l[9]+1,l[9]),rep(l[10]+1,l[10]),rep(l[11]+1,l[11]),rep(l[12]+1,l[12]),rep(l[13]+1,l[13]),rep(l[14]+1,l[14])) odata = rbind(b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10,b11,b12,b13,b14) D = c(11,9,9,12,12,14,13,11,14,10,15,14,13,7) data = odata V = odeath tr = length(data[,1]) rNA = rep(NA,tr) bdata = data.frame(battid=data$battid, x=data$x, r=data$r, status=rep(1,tr), obstime=data$time, eventtime=V[1:tr], start=data$time, stop=data$time+1, died=rNA, rini = rNA, rfit = rNA, rinifit = rNA) for (a in 1:14) { ts = sum(l[0:(a-1)]) bdata[(ts+1):(ts+l[a]),9] = c(rep(0,l[a]-1),1) bdata[(ts+1):(ts+l[a]),10] = rep(bdata$r[ts+1],l[a]) } bdata_surv=Surv(bdata$start,bdata$stop,bdata$died) fitlme= lme(r~obstime+I(obstime^2),random=~obstime+I(obstime^2)|battid,data=bdata,control=lmeControl(returnObject=TR UE)) summary(fitlme) sigma20 = (fitlme$sigma)^2 MUB0 = fitlme$coefficients$fixed SIGMAB0 = var(fitlme$coefficients$random$battid) ##### estimation of survival intial parameters ##### # add fitted resistance values into bdata (step 2 of the two-step approach) bdata$rfit = fitted(fitlme) ggplot(bdata, aes(x=obstime,y=r)) + facet_wrap(~battid, nrow =3, ncol = 5)+geom_point() + geom_line(aes(x=obstime,y=rfit),colour="red") # second layer for (i in 1:14) { ir = ceiling(D-1)[i] # number of rows for the ith battery ts = sum(ceiling(D-1)[0:(i-1)]) bdata$rinifit[(ts+1):(ts+l[i])] = rep(bdata$rfit[(ts+1)],l[i]) # fitted initial resistance } fitsurv = coxph(bdata_surv~as.factor(x)+rinifit+I(rfit-rinifit),data=bdata) #summary(fitsurv) gam0 = coef(fitsurv)[1] 10 beta00 = coef(fitsurv)[2] beta10 = coef(fitsurv)[3] # spline smoothed cumulative baseline hazard function (take derivative to get h0t) H0t_est = basehaz(fitsurv,centered=FALSE) plot(H0t_est$time,H0t_est$hazard,xlab="Time",ylab="Baseline Hazard Rate",type='b') H0t_sm = smooth.spline(H0t_est$time,H0t_est$hazard,nknots=5) summary(fitsurv) confint(fitsurv) test=cox.zph(fitsurv) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(test[2]) plot(test[3]) # function definitions for Weibull distribution # default par: lam=0.001, alpha=1.05, gam=2.5, beta=c(0.15,0.50) lambda = 0.001 alpha = 1.05 gam = 0.20 #coefficient to a fixed variable x (e.g., manufacturer A/B) beta0 = 0.15 # coefficient to initial resistance beta1 = 0.50 # coefficient to resistance increase Zt = function(t,B) B[1]+t*B[2]+t*t*B[3] # resistance degradation function,t/month,mohm h0t = function(t) lambda*alpha*(t^(alpha-1)) #baseline hazard H0t = function(t) lambda*(t^alpha) ht = function(t,x,B) h0t(t)*exp(gam*x+beta0*B[1]+beta1*(Zt(t,B)-B[1])) #hazard function S0t = function(t) exp(-lambda*(t^alpha)) # baseline survival St_tp = function(t,x,B) exp(-integrate(f=ht, lower=1E-3, upper=t, x,B, subdivisions=1000)$value) function St = Vectorize(St_tp, "t") # (vectorized!) survival function ft = function(t,x,B) St(t,x,B)*ht(t,x,B) # density function #temp survival ### define the function for estimated conditional survival function #PAR = list(H0t_sm=H0t_sm,BiMAT=BiMAT,beta00=beta00, # beta10=beta10, gam0=gam0, SIGMABp=SIGMABp, MUBp=MUBp, wtMAT=wtMAT, Nff=Nff) St_cond_EST_tp = function(t, tstar, x, PAR) { Itp = 0 for (iNff in 1: PAR$Nff) { Bi = PAR$BiMAT[,iNff] Itp = Itp + G(PAR$H0t_sm, tstar, t, PAR$Bi, PAR$beta00, PAR$beta10,PAR$gam0, x)*PAR$wtMAT[iNff] } return(Itp*(sqrt(2)^3)/((2*pi)^(3/2))) # sqrt(2) is for change of variable: exp(-0.5*x^2)->exp(-x^2) # ((2*pi)^(3/2)) is for the constant part in the normal distribution } St_cond_EST = Vectorize(St_cond_EST_tp, "t") # vectorised function ### define the function for the ALTERNATIVE estimated conditional survival function Eht_tp = function (t,x,PAR) # expected value of hazard rate function { h0t = predict(PAR$H0t_sm,t,deriv=1)$y betaz = t(t(c(PAR$beta00,PAR$beta10*t,PAR$beta10*t*t))) # a column vector return(h0t*exp(PAR$gam0*x + t(betaz)%*%PAR$MUBp + t(betaz)%*%PAR$SIGMABp%*%betaz/2)) 11 } Eht = Vectorize(Eht_tp, "t") # vectorised function St_cond_EST2 = function(t,tstar,x,PAR) { exp(-sum(Eht(seq(tstar,t,length.out=1000),x,PAR)*(t-tstar)/999)) } tstar = 10 # time of prediction tp = 1:tstar #select battery b12 Rp =b13$r[1:tstar] Zp = matrix(0,length(tp),3) Zp[,1] = rep(1,length(tp)) Zp[,2] = tp Zp[,3] = tp^2 # posterior dist of B SIGMABp = solve(solve(SIGMAB0)+t(Zp)%*%Zp/sigma20) MUBp = SIGMABp%*%(t(Zp)%*%Rp/sigma20+solve(SIGMAB0)%*%MUB0) # # Gauss_Hermit integration nnode = 10 ghxw = ghq(nnode, FALSE) # a list of Gauss-Hermite nodes and weights ZO = ghxw$zeros Nff = nnode^3 # 3 is the number of random parameters in B Ap=t(chol(SIGMABp)) FF = gen.factorial(c(nnode,nnode,nnode),center=FALSE) # a ff design for index BiMAT = t(t(MUBp))%*%matrix(1,1,Nff) + Ap%*%rbind(ZO[FF[,1]],ZO[FF[,2]],ZO[FF[,3]])*sqrt(2) # Bi calculated based on Z # sqrt(2) is for change of variable: exp(-0.5*x^2)->exp(-x^2) wtMAT = ghxw$weights[FF[,1]]*ghxw$weights[FF[,2]]*ghxw$weights[FF[,3]] PAR = list(H0t_sm=H0t_sm,BiMAT=BiMAT,beta00=beta00, beta10=beta10, gam0=gam0, SIGMABp=SIGMABp, MUBp=MUBp, wtMAT=wtMAT, Nff=Nff) glxw = gauss.quad(n=10,kind="legendre") mrl_EST = 0 #mean residual life (estimation) mrl_EST2 = 0 #mean residual life (alternative estimation) xp=1 G = function (H0t_sm, tstar, t, B, beta0, beta1,gam0,x) { tp = ht_sm(seq(tstar,t,length.out=1000),H0t_sm,B,beta0,beta1,gam0,x) return(exp(-sum(tp*(t-tstar)/999))) } for (igl in 1:10) { mrl_EST = mrl_EST + tstar)/2+(200+tstar)/2,tstar,xp,PAR)*glxw$weights[igl]*(200-tstar)/2 mrl_EST2 = mrl_EST2 + tstar)/2+(200+tstar)/2,tstar,xp,PAR)*glxw$weights[igl]*(200-tstar)/2 } 12 St_cond_EST(glxw$nodes[igl]*(200St_cond_EST2(glxw$nodes[igl]*(200-
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