Curriculum vitae Europass Personal Information Name(s) / Surname(s) Position Professional address Electronic mail Birthday, Nationality SIMON, Patrice Exceptionnal Class University Professor Université Paul Sabatier, Materials Science department, CIRIMAT Laboratory, Toulouse France [email protected] December 15, 1969, France Diplomas, University Degrees 2002 DSc in Materials Science, Universite Paul Sabatier – Toulouse, France, 2002 1995 1992 Ph.D. in Materials Science, National School of Engineering of Toulouse (ENSIACET), 1992 M.S. in Metallurgy, National School of Engineering of Toulouse (ENSIACET), 1992 Positions held Sept. 2014 – now Sept. 2010 – Aug 2014 Sept. 2007 – Aug. 2010 Jan. 2003 – Aug. 2007 Sept. 2001 – Dec. 2002 Sept. 1996 – Aug. 2001 Exceptionnal Class Professor of Materials Science, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France 1st Class Professor, Materials Sciences, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France Professor of Materials Sciences, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France Associate Professor of Materials Sciences, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France Assistant Professor of Materials Sciences, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France Assistant Professor of Electrochemistry, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris France Administrative Responsabilities 2010-now Director of the European research Institute “ALISTORE ERI”, FR CNRS n°3104 2012-now Deputy Director of the French network on electrochemical energy storage, RS2E, FR CNRS n°3459 2004-now Head of the Pedagogical Committee of the MESC Master course Promotions & Awards July 2014 Feb. 2012 Apr. 2012 July 2009 Sept. 2007 Distinguished Invited Professor at the Center for Energy and Environmental Science, Shinshu University – Japan. Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC 2011 –AdG proposal n°291543) « Understanding ion transport in nanoporous carbons: application to energy storage and Sustainable development » (IONACES); for 5 years. Excellence Chair of the Airbus Group Fondation “Embedded nano-materials and systems for energy storage”, 4 years. “Tajima” Prize of the International Society of Electrochemistry. Junior Member of the « Institut Universitaire de France » (IUF). Indicators of Research Activities 120 Publications in International Journals (h-index = 39, ISI) >50 Invited oral presentations in International Conferences > 80 Oral communications and posters in international conferences 18 6 11 PhD thesis as principal advisor since 2001 Chapter of books International Patents published Page 1/2 - Curriculum vitae de SIMON, Patrice Keywords & Domains of Expertise Nanostructured materials for Electrochemical capacitors and Li-ion batteries (Carbon, metal oxides) 10 most cited publications 2550 830 700 630 420 400 350 330 240 205 “Materials for Electrochemical Capacitors” P. Simon, Y. Gogotsi, Nature Materials, 7 (11) 845-854 (2008). "Anomalous increase in carbon capacitance at pore size below 1 nm" J. Chmiola, G. Yushin, Y. Gogotsi*, C. Portet, P. Simon and P.L. Taberna, Science, 313 (2006) 1760-1763. “ Electrochemical Capacitor Design for Energy Management “ John R. Miller and Patrice Simon, Science 321 (2008) 651-652. "High rate capabilities Fe3O4-based Cu nano-architectured electrodes for Lithium-ion battery applications" P.L. Taberna, S. Mitra, P. Poizot, P. Simon and J.M. Tarascon, Nature Materials, 5 (2006) 567-573 "Studies and characterizations of various activated carbon for carbon / carbon supercapacitors" J. Gamby, P.L. Taberna, P. Simon, J.F. Fauvarque and M. Chesneau, Journal of Power Sources, 101 (2001) 109116. “Relation between the Ion Size and Pore Size for an Electric Double-Layer Capacitor” C. Largeot, C. Portet, J. Chmiola, P.L. Taberna, Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130 (9), 2730-2731 (2008) “Ultrahigh power electrochemical micro-capacitors based on onion-like carbon” D. Pech, M. Brunet, H. Durou, P. Huang, V. Mochalin, Y. Gogotsi, P.-L. Taberna, P. Simon, Nature Nano, 5, 651– 654 (2010) “"Electrochemical Characteristics and Impedance Spectroscopy Studies of Carbon / Carbon Supercapacitor" P.L. Taberna, P. Simon, J.F. Fauvarque, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 150 (3), (2003) A292-A300) “Monolithic Carbide-Derived Carbon Films for a New Generation of Micro-Supercapacitors” J. Chmiola, C. Largeot, P.-L. Taberna, P. Simon, Y. Gogotsi, Science, 328, 480-483 (2010) "High-rate, long-life Ni-Sn nanostructured electrodes for lithium ion batteries" J. Hassoun, S. Panero, P.L. Taberna, P. Simon and B. Scrosati, Advanced Materials, 2007, 19, 1632-1635 8 most recent publications 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 “Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance (EQCM) Study of Ion Dynamics in Nanoporous Carbons” W.-Y. Tsai; P.L. Taberna, P. Simon, Patrice Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (2014): 8722-8 Capacitive deionization concept based on suspension electrodes without ion exchange membranes » K. B. Hatzell, E. Iwama, A. Ferris, B. Daffos, K. Urita, T. Tzedakis, F. Chauvet, P.-L. Taberna, Y. Gogotsi, P. Simon, Electrochemistry Communications 43 (2014) 18-21 “Pseudocapacitive oxide materials for high-rate electrochemical energy storage “ V. Augustyn, P. Simon, B. Dunn, Energy and Environmental Science 7 (2014) 1597-1614 Where do batteries end and supercapacitors begin?” P. Simon , Y. Gogotsi , B. Dunn, Science, 343 (2014) 1210 Electrochemical kinetics of nanostructured Nb2O5 electrodes” J. Come , V. Augustyn , J.W. Kim , P. Rozier , P.L. Taberna , J.W. Long , B. Dunn , P. Simon, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 161 (2014) A718-A725 On the Dynamics of Charging in Nanoporous Carbon-Based Supercapacitors” C. Pean , C. Merlet , B. RotenbergG , P.A. Madden , P.L. Taberna , B.Daffos , M. Salanne , P. Simon, ACS Nano, 8 (2014) 1576–1583 “Screening methodology for the efficient pairing of Ionic Liquids and carbonaceous electrodes applied to electric energy storage” J. F. Jover , R. Lugo , H. Toulouhat , P. Simon , T de Bruin, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118 (2014) 864-872 “Energy applications of Ionic Liquids” D. R. MacFarlane, N. Tachikawa, M. Forsyth, J. M. Pringle, P. C. Howlett, G. D. Elliott, J. H. Davis, Jr., M. Watanabe, P. Simon and C. A. Angell, Energy and Environmental Science 7 (2014) 232-250. Page 2/2 - Curriculum vitae de SIMON, Patrice
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