Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 Effect of wet and dry-jet wet spinning on the shear-induced orientation during the formation of ultrafiltration hollow fiber membranes Jian-Jun Qin a,b , Juan Gu a , Tai-Shung Chung a,c,∗ a Department of Chemical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260, Singapore b Membrane Research Technology Singapore, Ltd, 10 Science Park Road #02–27, Singapore 117684, Singapore c Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, 3 Research Link, Singapore 117602, Singapore Received 21 February 2000; received in revised form 28 July 2000; accepted 8 August 2000 Abstract We have demonstrated the effect of wet and dry-jet wet spinning on the shear-induced orientation during hollow fiber membrane formation by characterizing the permeability, separation performance and thermomechanical properties of hollow fiber ultrafiltration membranes. Both wet-spun and dry-jet wet spun fibers were prepared by using the phase inversion process. An air gap of 1 cm was chosen for the dry-jet wet spinning process in order to minimize gravity effect. To generalize our conclusion, various hollow fiber UF membranes with different structures were prepared using six spinning dopes with different kinds of polymers, solvents and additives under different shear rates. Experimental results show that pure water flux, coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and elongation of the wet spun fibers are lower than that of the dry-jet spun fibers but separation performance, storage modulus, loss modulus and tensile strength of the wet spun fibers are higher. The results indicate that the wet spun fiber has smaller pore size and/or a denser skin than the dry-jet wet spun fiber. These results also confirm our hypothesis that the molecular orientation induced at the outer skin of the nascent fiber by shear stress within the spinneret can be frozen into the wet-spun fiber but relax in a small air gap region for the dry-jet wet-spun fiber. Experimental results strongly indicate that an air gap of 1 cm does make significant impact to the membrane performance. This conclusion arises from the fact that wet spun fibers has the greater shear-induced molecular orientation (from spinneret) than the dry-jet wet spun fiber and there is strong molecular relaxation in air gap. A hollow fiber UF membrane with high flux of 1220 L/h m2 bar can be prepared by the approach proposed in this paper. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Shear-induced orientation; Air gap effect; Ultrafiltration membranes; Membrane formation; Pore size 1. Introduction It is well known that the preparation of hollow fiber membranes involves more controlling parameters than that of flat sheet membranes during membrane formation. Such parameters include the structure and dimension of the spinneret [1–6], the viscosity ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +65-874-6645; fax: +65-779-1936. E-mail address: [email protected] (T.-S. Chung). and spinnability of the dope [7–10], the temperature difference between the dope and quench medium [11–12], the dope extrusion rate [5,13–17], the flow rate of the bore fluid [5,18–21], the composition and temperature of both the bore fluid and external coagulant [19,22–27], the relative exchange rate between the solvent and coagulant at the inner and outer surfaces of the nascent fiber [28–30], the fiber take-up speed [5,31–33], the length of the air gap [5,9,15,19,21,26,27,34–36], etc. As a result, the for- 0376-7388/01/$ – see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 7 6 - 7 3 8 8 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 5 5 2 - 4 58 J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 mer is much more complex than the later. However, hollow fiber membrane configuration is the preferred option in most membrane applications nowadays because hollow fiber membranes have several advantages over flat sheet membranes [37,38]. From the fundamental viewpoint, there is lack of systematic studies on the effect of shear-induced orientation coupling with air gap distance during hollow fiber formation on UF membrane performance, thus this is the subject of our focus in this paper. There may be different stresses that induce molecular orientation during hollow fiber formation. When a polymer dope is extruded through a spinneret with a tube inserting in an orifice, shear stress will be produced within the thin annual [39,40]. The highest shear stress is usually resulted at the walls of the spinneret as shown in the work of Bird et al. [40] and Shilton [41]. In addition, polymer macromolecules while exiting from the spinneret may experience die swell and relax which will change their orientation immediately if there is an air gap between the spinneret and the external coagulation bath (this statement is more suitable at the outer surface of the nascent fiber) [17,38]. Furthermore, the elongation stress outside of the spinneret will increase with an increase in the air gap due to the gravity of the dope [15,34,35] and the spin line stress [42–44] will also enhance if the fiber draw ratio is increased, resulting an increase in the molecular orientation. As a consequence, the various stresses may dramatically affect the molecular orientation of polymer chains at the surface of the nascent fiber, eventually the stresses may couple and influence the skin formation and separation performance as well as thermomechanical properties of final fibers, depending on which stress is dominant. Among the study of hollow fiber membrane formation by the dry-jet wet spinning, many researchers [5,9,15,19,21,26,27,34–36] have investigated the effect of the air gap length on performance of final membranes. For example, Liu et al. [15] reported that the average size of pores on the polysulfone/polyethersulfone membrane surface in the bore decreased with an increase in the length of the air gap from 30 to 200 cm. Their explanation was that the nascent fiber was stretched and elongated by its own weight and the polymer aggregates moved closer together and rearranged themselves into a state of greater stability. Similarly, Miao et al. [34] demon- strated that the PEG separation increased or the average pore size on the bore surface of the polyethersulfone hollow fiber UF membrane decreased when the air gap length increased from 50 to 120 cm. Ekiner and Vassilatos [9] studied the polyaramide hollow fibers for hydrogen/methane separation by varying the air gap length for more than 10 times and revealed that the selectivity of the membrane increased but the flux decreased as the air gap length increased. They explained their results by speculating that with an increase in the air gap length a more defect-free and perhaps thicker skin was formed due to the increase in amount of evaporated solvent. Chung and Hu [35] investigated the effect of air gap distance on morphology and properties of polyethersulfone hollow fibers for gas separation. They reported that an increase in air gap distance from 0 to 14.4 cm resulted in a significant decrease in permeance of the membrane. They interpreted that the most likely reason was because the fibers spun from a high air gap distance may have a greater orientation and tighter molecular packing due to a high gravity-induced elongational stress on the fibers than that of wet-spun fiber. In the case of shear-induced orientation during hollow fiber formation, Chung and co-workers [6,17,38,45] have investigated the effect of shear stress within a spinneret on morphology and properties of hollow fiber membranes for liquid and gas separation. Their results suggested that the hollow fiber membranes spun with enhanced shear had a lower flux but a higher separation due to the greater molecular orientation induced in the high-sheared fibers. They had a hypothesis and believed that the orientation induced at the outer surface of nascent fiber by shear stress within the spinneret could be frozen into the wet-spun fibers but might relax in the air gap region if one used dry-jet wet spinning process. The latter statement on relaxation has not been proven yet. To our knowledge, very rare membrane scientists paid attention to the effect of dope relaxation exiting from the spinneret or what would happen if the air gap length is very small such as about 1 cm compared to 0 cm (wet spinning). Is it true for the above hypotheses given by Chung et al. [6,17,38,45]? The aim of this study is trying to answer these questions. To study this, for each particular polymer dope, we pur- J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 posely spun hollow fiber membranes by only changing air gap (0 and 1 cm). In other words, we only fabricated wet spun (air gap of 0 cm) and dry-jet wet spun (air gap of 1 cm) hollow fibers but maintained other spinning parameters the same and then compared the performance of final membranes between these two different conditions. The air gap of 1 cm was purposely chosen for the dry-jet wet spinning process in order to minimize the complexity of gravity effect. For the sake of validating the generality of our hypothesis, we designed our experiments by utilizing different polymers (polyethersulfone and polysulfone), various solvents (NMP, DMAc, DMF) and varieties of additives such as organic (diethylene glycol, 1,2-propanediol), water solvable polymer (PVP40K) and strong precipitant (water) in the present work. These various dope compositions provided us with the opportunity to investigate hollow fiber membranes with different morphology (typical sponge-like and finger-like structure). Hollow fiber membranes not only with an outer skin but also with double skins were studied in order to confirm that an inner dense skin does influence the data analysis of molecular orientation on the outer surface of hollow fibers. This work will not only characterize the hollow fiber membranes in terms of morphology, flux and separation but also try to relate the thermomechanical properties of fibers with the molecular orientation. 2. Experimental 2.1. Materials Polyethersulfone (PES) RADEL A-300 and Polysulfone (PSf) P-1800 were purchased from Amoco Performance Products Inc. Ohio, USA. N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP, >99%), N,N-dimethylacetimide (DMAc, >99%), N,N-dimethylformamide, diethylene glycol (DG) and 1,2-propanediol (1,2-PD) were supplied by Merck. Three types of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) from Acros Organics New Jersey USA, PVP10K (average M.W. 10 000), PVP29K (average M.W. 29 000), PVP40K (average M.W. 40 000) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) (M.W. 67 000) from Fluka were used to characterize the separation performance of fibers. Other organic solvents were reagent grade and used as received. 59 2.2. Measurements of dope rheological characteristics and preparation of hollow fiber UF membranes A homogeneous spinning solution was prepared by the following procedure: first the solvent and additive were mixed well in a glass bottle, then the polymer dried in an oven was added into the mixture in the bottle. Finally, the bottle containing the mixture was rolled on a roller machine for one week at room temperature. In order to study the rheological characteristics of the dope within the spinneret, an ARES Rheometric Scientific rheometer was used to determine the shear stress of the dope solution as a function of shear rate. The experiment was carried out with 25 mm cone-plate at 25◦ C and the steady-state shear was measured in the range of 1–100 s−1 . The power law model [40,41,46] was applied to fit these rheological data and a relationship between shear stress τ (N/m2 ) and shear rate γ (s−1 ) was obtained as following τ = m|γ |n where n is the power law index and m is the rheological constant. The above equation was assumed to be applicable to higher shear rates and to be able to describe the rheological behaviour of the dope solution within the spinneret during spinning. According to axial annular flow of a Power-Law fluid in Bird’s work [40,46], the shear rates of the spinning dope near the external wall of the annular region within the spinneret were evaluated using the power law model. And then the shear stresses induced were calculated by the above equation. For Newtonian fluids or non-Newtonian fluids with n very close to 1, such as dopes 1, 2 and 5, the errors created by the extrapolation of the obtained rheological parameters to higher shear rates may be small and acceptable. For dopes 3, 5 and 6 the extrapolation can only give us approximate values of shear rates and stresses. The process of hollow fiber spinning is schematically shown in Fig. 1 and its detail description was given in our previous work [17]. All the nascent fibers produced were spun without any extra drawing. As a result, the effect of elongation stresses on fiber formation could be significantly minimized. Water is a 60 J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a hollow fiber spinning line. powerful coagulant and was used as the external coagulant in order to yield an outer selective layer and to freeze immediately the orientation induced by shear stress within the spinneret into the solidified polymer at the outer surface when the polymer solution emerges from the spinneret. In addition, a mixture of high concentration solvent in water was purposely employed as the internal coagulant in order to create an open porous inner surface without a dense skin and to minimize the effect of the inner skin on fiber performance. To evaluate the effect of an inner skin on the data analysis of fiber performance, we also spun hollow fiber membranes with double skins by applying water as the bore fluid. Table 1 lists the experimental parameters of spinning UF hollow fiber membranes and Table 2 summarizes the rheological behavior of the spinning dopes. Table 3 shows dope flow rate, calculated shear rates, shear stresses induced at the outer surface and inner surface of nascent hollow fibers and residence time in the air gap during spinning. The as-spun fibers were rinsed in flowing water at room temperature for 16 h to remove the residual solvents and organic additives. After rinsing, the fibers were post-treated by two methods. One was that they were dipped in a 50 wt.% glycerol aqueous solution for 48 h and dried in air at room temperature for making test modules. The other was that they were post-treated by so called ethanol–hexane-air drying procedure [47] in order to minimize the shrinkage effect by gradually reducing the surface tension during the fiber drying process for the study of thermomechanical properties of fibers. 2.3. Morphology study of hollow fibers by scanning electron microscope (SEM) The rinsed wet fibers were immersed in liquid nitrogen and fractured to obtain tidy cross-section of fibers, followed by the ethanol–hexane-air drying procedure and then sputtered with gold by use of a BAL-TEC Sputtering coater for SEM study. The fiber samples were observed under PHILIPS XL 30 SEM to investigate the morphology. 2.4. Measurement of water flux and separation performance of hollow fiber UF membranes Our experiments were carried out in a cross-flow filtration set-up. For the fibers with an outer skin, the feed was pumped into the shell side of the module and the permeate came out from the lumen of the fibers and the details is introduced elsewhere [17]. For the hollow fibers with double skins, the feed was pumped into the lumen side of the fibers and the permeate was collected at the bottom of U type modules. The schematic diagram of the testing apparatus to measure the permeability and separation performance of hollow fiber UF membranes was illustrated in Fig. 2. Ten fibers with a length of 30 cm were assembled into a test module. Three modules were tested for each sample and the average of their performance was reported. J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 61 Table 1 Experimental parameters of spinning hollow fiber UF membranesa Dope solution composition PES/NMP/DG PES/DMAc/DG PES/DMAc/H2 O PSf/DMF/ PVP40K/1,2 PD Dope flow rate (cc/min) Bore fluid composition Ratio of dope flow rate to bore fluid flow rate Air gap distance (cm) External coagulant Spinneret and coagulant temperature (◦ C) Dimensions of spinneret (mm) The die length (L) to flow channel gap (1D) ratio Room relative humidity (%) 3.8–4.5 86/14 NMP:H2 O 0.5 0 and 1b Water 25 ID/OD 0.60/0.90 6.7 50–60 4.0 83/17 DMAc:H2 O 0.5 0 and 1b Water 25 ID/OD 0.60/0.90 6.7 50–60 4.0 H2 O 0.5 0 and 1b Water 25 ID/OD 0.60/0.90 6.7 50–60 4.0 H2 O 0.5 0 and 1b Water 25 ID/OD 0.60/0.90 6.7 50–60 a PES, polyethersulfone; NMP, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone; DG, diethylene glycol; DMAc, N, N-dimethylacetimide; DMF, N, N-dimethylformamide; PVP40K, poly(vinyl pyrrolidone), M.W., 40 000; 1,2 PD, 1,2-propanediol. b 0, wet spinning; 1, dry-jet wet spinning. Table 2 Composition and rheological properties of spinning dopes Dope ID Dope composition Power-law equation τ = m|γ |n (N/m2 ) Index n Rheological constant m 1 2 3 4 5 6 PES/NMP/DG 13/45/42 PES/NMP/DG 18/42/40 PES/NMP/DG 21/40/39 PES/DMAc/DG 17/43/40 PES/DMAc/water 16/78/6 PSf/DMF/PVP40K/1,2 PD 15/67.5/15/2.5 τ τ τ τ τ τ 0.9465 0.8974 0.8729 0.7485 0.9520 0.5996 3.2904 6.0445 10.090 2.6118 0.2754 3.6417 = 3.2904|γ |0.9465 = 6.0445|γ |0.8974 = 10.090|γ |0.8729 = 2.6118|γ |0.7485 = 0.2754|γ |0.9520 = 3.6417|γ |0.5996 Table 3 Dope flow rate, shear rate, shear stress induced at the outer surface of hollow fibers, fiber take-up speed and residence time in the air gap during spinning Dope ID Dope flow rate (cc/min) Shear rate (s−1 ) Shear stress (N/m2 ) At outer wall At outer wall At inner wall 1 3.8 6875 7907 14100 16096 2 4.5 8272 9567 19820 22583 3 4.0 7424 8601 24131 27438 4 4.0 7817 9197 2142 2420 5 4.0 7219 8304 1298 1483 6 4.0 8513 10236 828 924 At inner wall Fiber ID Spun type Take-up Residence time speed (m/min) in the air gap (s) 1w 1dw 2w 2dw 3w 3dw 4w 4dw 5w 5dw 6w 6dw Wet Dry-jet Wet Dry-jet Wet Dry-jet Wet Dry-jet Wet Dry-jet Wet Dry-jet 9.22 11.2 12.1 13.2 7.18 8.13 7.60 8.63 8.40 10.5 9.34 10.2 0 0.054 0 0.045 0 0.074 0 0.070 0 0.057 0 0.059 62 J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of measurement for water permeability and separation performance for hollow fiber UF membranes with double skins. Double distilled water was used to prepare the feed solutions containing 200 ppm of the solute. The transmembrane pressure was average 1.0 bar and the feed velocity was 1.0 m/s. The solute concentration in the feed or in the solution of permeate was determined by a TOC-5000A Analyser (SHIMADZU). The normalized pure water flux and the percent separation were calculated by Eqs. (1) and (2) separately. Flux = Q A × 1P (1) where Q is volume flow rate (L/h), A is membrane area (m2 ), and 1P is transmembrane pressure (bar). 1 − Cp × 100 (2) Separation (%) = Cf In which, Cf and Cp represent the solute concentrations in the feed and permeate, respectively. 2.5. Study of thermomechanical properties of hollow fibers Thermomechanical properties of the as-spun fibers were characterized in terms of coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), Tg , storage modulus and loss modulus. To measure CTE of hollow fiber membranes, the dried sample was heated from room temperature to 250◦ C at a heating rate of 5◦ C/min and the axial dimension change of the hollow fiber versus temperature was observed using Thermal Instruments’ TMA 2940. The length of fiber was about 15 mm. The CTE for all fibers was calculated in the range of 50–100◦ C of temperature. To measure the storage modulus and loss modulus, the hollow fiber sample with the length of about 10 mm was heated from room temperature to 250◦ C at a heating rate of 3◦ C/min and a frequency of 10 Hz with Thermal Instruments’ DMA 2980. At least three fibers for each sample were tested for both TMA and DMA to see the reproducibility. Tensile stress and elongation at break of the fibers were measured by use of an Instron 5542 tensile test machine with a constant elongation velocity of 50 mm/min at room temperature (24 ± 1◦ C) and relative humidity of 75 ± 2%. At least 10 fibers for each sample were measured and the average data were reported. The fiber thermomechanical properties were determined to gain indirect information about the molecular orientation of the as-spun hollow fibers. J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 63 Table 4 Bore fluid composition, dimension and morphology of hollow fibers Dope ID Bore fluid composition Fiber ID Spun type i.d. (mm) o.d. (mm) Sub-structure Skin type 1 NMP/H2 O 86/14 Outer dense skin NMP/H2 O 86/14 Finger-like Outer dense skin 4 DMAc /H2 O 83/17 Sponge-like Outer dense skin 5 Water Finger-like Double dense skins 6 Water 0.90 0.85 0.86 0.70 0.96 0.90 1.10 0.96 1.20 1.10 1.30 1.24 Finger-like 3 0.60 0.55 0.53 0.43 0.58 0.56 0.75 0.70 0.85 0.80 0.96 0.87 Outer dense skin NMP/H2 O 86/14 Wet Dry-jet Wet Dry-jet Wet Dry-jet Wet Dry-jet Wet Dry-jet Wet Dry-jet Finger-like 2 1w 1dw 2w 2dw 3w 3dw 4w 4dw 5w 5dw 6w 6dw Sponge-like Double dense skins 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Effect of wet and dry-jet wet spinning on the morphology of hollow fiber UF membranes The dimensions and morphology of wet and dryjet wet spun hollow fibers with different dopes are summarized in Table 4. In all cases, the diameter of the wet spun fiber is bigger than that of the corresponding dry-jet wet spun fiber. Fig. 3 shows an example. It is due to the fact that polymer macromolecules may experience die swell when exiting from the spinneret as shown in Fig. 4. In the case of wet-spun process, the die swell may be immediately coagulated by water and the orientation induced within the spinneret may be rapidly frozen into the solidified outer skin of the wet spun fiber. The swell may disappear before the nascent fiber enters the coagulation bath and the shear-induced orientation may relax for the dry-jet wet spun fiber even if the air gap is 1 cm. In addition, gravity induced elongation occurs and stretches the fiber. As a result, the wet spinning may result in hollow fiber membranes with a denser and/or smaller pore size outer skin that shows a lower flux and higher separation performance in comparison with that of dry-jet wet spun fibers. This will be confirmed by later results. Wet and dry-jet wet spun hollow fiber membranes with different morphology have been prepared by choosing various kinds of polymers, solvents and additives in the dopes (Table 4) in order to generalize the conclusion of our study. For example, Fig. 5a (Fiber 1w) shows an example of wet spun fiber with the structure of finger-like and an outer skin and Fig. 5b (Fiber 4dw) indicates a dry-jet wet spun fiber with the structure of sponge-like and an outer skin. While Fig. 5c (Fiber 6dw) shows a dry-jet wet spun fiber with sponge-like and double skins, and Fig. 5d (Fiber 5w) illustrates a wet spun fiber with the structure of finger-like and double skins. The SEM pictures of inner and outer surfaces separately shown in Figs. 6 and 7 confirm the statement above. The inner surfaces of Fiber 1w (Fig. 6a) and Fiber 4dw (Fig. 6b) are uniformly microporous due to the delayed liquid–liquid demixing process taking place at the fiber inner surface because of high solvent concentration. In addition, a dense inner surface can be observed from Fig. 6c and d even at a magnification of 10 000 and 35 000. From Fig. 7, it also can be seen that all of the outer surfaces are dense even at a magnification of 10 000 or 35 000 regardless of finger-like or sponge-like structure because an outer dense skin was formed on top of a porous substructure due to instantaneous liquid–liquid demixing process. Since both skins of hollow fiber UF membranes play a role in the separation performance [37], the morphology of the fibers with an outer dense (selective) layer may confirm our objective to decouple the effect of inner skin on membrane separation performance. The morphology of the fibers with double skins may confirm our hypothesis that the inner skin does influence the data analysis for the molecular orientation on the outer surface of hollow fiber. This also will be confirmed by later results. 64 J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 Fig. 3. Die swell schematic diagram of the nascent fiber extruding a spinneret. Fig. 4. The overall cross-section of wet and dry-jet wet spun hollow fiber (a, wet spun Fiber 3w; b, dry-jet wet spun Fiber 3dw, magnification ×100, respectively). J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 65 Fig. 5. The cross-section of wet and dry-jet wet spun hollow fibers with different structure and skin types (a, b, c and d are corresponding to identity of Fiber: 1w and 4dw, magnification ×1000; 6dw and 5w, magnification ×500, respectively). 3.2. Effect of wet and dry-jet wet spinning on pore size of hollow fiber UF membranes In order to support the hypothesis that the orientation induced at the outer surface by shear stress within the spinneret could be frozen into the wet-spun fibers but might relax in the air gap region for dry-jet wet spun fibers, pore size of hollow fiber UF membranes was characterized. Furthermore, it is to confirm our design that the inner skin of hollow fiber with double skins does influence the data analysis for the molecular orientation on the outer surface of membrane. Table 5 clearly shows that the pure water permeability (PWP) of the wet spun hollow fiber UF membranes is lower than that of dry-jet wet spun fibers. But the separation of the wet spun fiber for a particular solute is higher than the dry-jet spun fiber for all spinning dopes studied in this work, no matter what polymers, solvents and additives in the dope and also no matter what shear rates and kinds of final membrane morphology. These results strongly indicate that an air gap of 1 cm does make significant impact to the membrane performance. Wet spun hollow fiber UF membranes have smaller pore size and/or denser skin than the dry-jet spun fibers because the former has higher resistance for water permeation and better rejection for a particular solute than the latter. The results in this work seem to be contrary to that of former work [9,15,19,26,34,35] for the effect of high air gap. How to explain? The most probable reason is due to the relaxation phenomenon at the air gap region. As mentioned in 66 J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 Fig. 6. Inner surface of hollow fibers (a, b, c and d are corresponding to identity of Fiber: 1w and 4dw, magnification ×500; 6dw, magnification ×10 000 and 5w, magnification ×35 000, respectively). the Introduction, various stresses induce molecular orientation during hollow fiber formation. If no extra stretch of the fiber is applied, the shear-induced orientation within the spinneret and the gravity-induced orientation in the air gap may dominate skin structure of final membranes. If powerful coagulants are employed as the internal and external precipitants, the shear-induced orientation within the spinneret may be frozen into the nascent solidified inner and outer skins of wet-spun fibers because the dope meets precipitants immediately as it exits from the spinneret. With an increase in the air gap to 1 cm, the shear-induced orientation at the outer skin relaxes and loosens its tight structure, thus yields membranes with a low separation but a high flux. Similar phenomenon takes places for a hollow fiber that has one shear-induced dense outer skin. Thus, a wet spun process results in fibers with smaller pore size and/or denser skin than that of a dry-jet wet spun process. Clearly, there are many processes occurred in molecular level during the 1 cm air gap. They may consist of: (1) the relaxation of the shear-induced orientation, (2) the elongation induced pore formation and (3) elongation induced orientation. Based on our data, the first two factors tend to dominate the system and loosen hollow fiber structure, thus yield membranes with a low separation but a high flux. Table 5 suggests that the effect of relaxation on membrane performance is also dependent on the number of dense skins. Wet spun fibers that have only one outer skin have a dramatically much lower flux but much higher separation than that of dry-jet wet spun J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 67 Fig. 7. Outer surface of hollow fibers (a, b, c and d are corresponding to identity of Fiber: 1w, 4dw and 6dw, magnification ×10 000 and 5w, magnification ×35 000, respectively). Table 5 Effect of wet spinning and dry-jet wet spinning on pure water permeability (PWP) and separation performance of hollow fiber UF membranes Fiber ID Polymer (wt.%) Solvent Additives 1w 1dw 2w 2dw 3w 3dw 4w 4dw 5w 5dw 6w 6dw PES (13) NMP PES (18) NMP PES (21) NMP PES (17) DMAc PES (16) DMAc PSf (15) DMF DG Spun type PWP (L/h m2 bar) Wet Dry-jet DG Wet Dry-jet DG Wet Dry-jet DG Wet Dry-jet H2 O Wet Dry-jet PVP40K, 1,2-PD Wet Dry-jet 214 720 90 680 62 100 303 1220 280 400 146 347 PVP10K (%) PVP29K (%) PVP40K (%) BSA67K (%) 39 0 58 0 64 16 9 1 11 8 7 5.3 76 1 82 2 87 54 54 1 79 65 65 55.8 77 2 88 8.5 90 57 70 2 90 84 78 67.3 93 58 95 74 98 95 100 64 98 96 98 98 68 J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 Fig. 8. Effect of wet and dry-jet wet spinning on PWP of fibers with an outer skin as a function of polymer concentration. fibers (Table 5, Figs. 8–10). This statement is more applicable in case that the concentration of PES in the spinning dope is less than 21 w.%. However, for the membranes with double skins, the wet spun fibers have an obviously lower flux but only slightly higher separation than the dry-jet wet spun fibers (Table 5 and Fig. 11). These results indicate that both skins play important roles for the flux but the inner skin of the two-skin membrane plays main role for the separation. This is due to the fact that the shear-induced orientation at the inner surface may be immediately frozen into the inner fiber skin no matter wet-spinning or dry-jet wet spinning because the dope meets precipitants as soon as it exits from the spinneret. As a consequence, the shear-induced inner surface will dominate the separation performance of whole membrane because the shear-induced at the inner surface is higher than that at the outer surface, as shown in Table 3. Thus, the shear-induced at the outer surface only plays a part role for the flux of whole membranes. Figs. 8 and 9 separately show that the flux of a hollow fiber membrane decreases but the separation increases with an increase in polymer concentration in the spinning dope. On the other hands, these figures indicate that the difference in flux and separation between wet spun and dry-jet wet spun membrane decrease with increasing polymer concentration. This phenomenon is possible due to the fact that the relaxation process of a low concentration dope is much more rapid than that of a high concentration dope and 1 cm air gap may not provide enough time for the relaxation of concentrated dopes although the resident time for Fiber 3dw is longer than that for Fiber 2dw (Table 3). The result of Fiber 4dw in Table 5 also suggests a hollow fiber UF membrane with high flux of 1220 L/h m2 bar can be prepared by dry-jet wet spinning with the relaxed molecular orientation. J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 69 Fig. 9. Effect of wet and dry-jet wet spinning on separation performance of hollow fiber UF membranes with an outer skin as a function of polymer concentration. Fig. 10. Effect of wet and dry-jet wet spinning on separation performance of hollow fiber UF membranes (Fiber 4w and 4dw) with an outer skin. 70 J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 Fig. 11. Effect of wet and dry-jet wet spinning on separation performance of hollow fiber UF membranes with double skins. 3.3. Effect of wet and dry-jet wet spinning on thermomechanical properties Thermomechanical analysis was used in order further to confirm the hypothesis that the orientation induced at the outer surface by shear stress within the spinneret could be frozen into the wet-spun fibers but might relax in the air gap region for dry-jet wet spun fibers. The calculated CTE between 50 and 100◦ C of wet spun and dry-jet wet spun hollow fibers from different dopes is shown in Table 6. The data illustrate that CTE of the wet spun hollow fiber UF membrane is lower than that of dry-jet wet spun fibers. CTE has been used as a parameter to monitor the fiber molecular orientation [48–50]. A decrease in CTE indicates an increase in molecular orientation, thus the CTE results in Table 6 imply that the wet spun hollow fibers have a greater molecular orientation than dry-jet wet spun fibers. Previous work [4,17,38] has suggested that Tg measured by DSC and/or TMA is not sensitively enough to characterize the effect of shear-induced ori- entation because the skin is ultra thin. Similar conclusion can be made in this work. Fig. 12 illustrates an example of the TMA curves for wet spun and dry-jet wet spun hollow fibers. It is important to point out that Tg measured by TMA/DMA is different from that mea- Table 6 Effect of wet spinning and dry-jet wet spinning on CTE measured by TMA of hollow fiber UF membranes Fiber ID Spun type 1w 1dw 2w 2dw 3w 3dw 4w 4dw 5w 5dw 6w 6dw Wet spun Dry-jet wet Wet spun Dry-jet wet Wet spun Dry-jet wet Wet spun Dry-jet wet Wet spun Dry-jet wet Wet spun Dry-jet wet CTE (m/m ◦ C) spun spun spun spun spun spun 116 140 82.2 87.0 65.9 78.0 93.2 119 105 147 173 285 J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 71 Fig. 12. Dimension changes of wet spun and dry-jet wet spun fibers versus temperature measured by TMA. sured by DSC because of different responses as the temperature is raised during tests. For reader information, Tg of polyethersulfone hollow fibers is observed to be around 212◦ C measured by DSC, around 209◦ C measured by TMA, and around 236◦ C measured by DMA. Similar results have been reported elsewhere [51]. The storage modulus and the loss modulus of wet spun and dry-jet wet spun hollow fibers as a function of temperature measured by DMA at a frequency of 10 Hz are illustrated in Figs. 13 and 14, respectively. It can be seen that the storage modulus and the loss modulus of the wet spun hollow fibers are higher than that of the dry-jet wet spun fibers. Based on the explanation of Jaffe and co-workers [48–50], Miller and Murayama [52], the storage modulus is related to the storage of energy as potential energy in molecular chains, while the loss modulus is associated with the dissipation of energy as heat when the material is deformed. They indicated that the increased storage modulus and loss modulus might be due to the enhanced orientation of molecular chain. Therefore, the result in Fig. 13 may imply that the wet spun hollow fibers have more oriented molecular chain arrangement than the dry-jet wet spun fibers. While Fig. 14 may indicate that the wet spun fibers undergo a more irreversible molecular chain rearrangement and relaxation due to higher molecular orientation when they are subjected to heat and deformation than dry-jet wet spun fibers. Similar loss modulus curve has been published elsewhere [53]. Polyethersulfone and polysulfone hollow fiber UF membranes in this study show a yield point and elongation before failure and break on the stress-strain curve since they are amorphous and ductile. Table 7 shows that the wet spun fibers have greater tensile strength at break but smaller elongation at break than the dry-jet wet spun fibers. Smith and Lemstra [54], Yang and Chou [55] reported that the mechanical properties of fibers increased with an increase in draw ratio. As we know, an increase in draw ratio during spinning results in enhanced spin line stress that substantially increases the orientation. Therefore, the results in this work may also indirectly confirm 72 J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 Fig. 13. Storage modulus of wet spun and dry-jet wet spun fibers versus. temperature measured by DMA. that the higher mechanical properties for the wet spun fibers might be due to the greater orientation and more closely packed molecular chains at the outer surface in the direction of shear along the fiber. As such, wet spun fibers exhibit a higher resistance to elongation before yield than the dry-jet wet spun fibers and a higher stress is required to stretch and break the wet spun fibers. Table 7 Effect of wet spinning and dry-jet wet spinning on tensile strength and elongation of hollow fiber UF membranesa Fiber ID Spun type 1w 1dw 2w 2dw 3w 3dw 4w 4dw 5w 5dw 6w 6dw Wet spun Dry-jet wet Wet spun Dry-jet wet Wet spun Dry-jet wet Wet spun Dry-jet wet Wet spun Dry-jet wet Wet spun Dry-jet wet a spun spun spun spun spun spun The values in the brackets were standard deviation. Tensile stress at break (MPa) Elongation at break (%) 2.24 1.70 3.27 2.66 3.50 3.05 1.97 1.81 3.96 2.67 1.45 1.32 17.5 21.3 25.0 27.9 25.4 34.0 28.3 31.8 50.0 53.4 23.4 24.9 (0.13) (0.10) (0.16) (0.17) (0.15) (0.12) (0.14) (0.17) (0.38) (0.20) (0.14) (0.12) (2.5) (2.0) (2.9) (2.1) (4.0) (3.6) (3.1) (3.9) (2.3) (3.6) (4.6) (3.5) J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 73 Fig. 14. Loss modulus of wet spun and dry-jet wet spun fibers vs. temperature measured by DMA. 4. Conclusion By using the phase inversion process, we have investigated the effects of wet spinning and dry-jet wet spinning on permeability, separation performance and thermomechanical properties of hollow fiber ultrafiltration membranes. We prepared hollow fiber UF membranes with different structure using different kinds of polymers, solvents and additives. Experimental results showed that the molecular orientation induced at the outer surface of the nascent fiber by shear stress within the spinneret could be frozen into the wet-spun fibers, but might relax in the air gap region. As a consequence, the wet spun fibers have smaller pore size and/or denser skin than the dry-jet wet spun fibers because the greater molecular orientation was resulted in for the wet spun fibers. Furthermore, pure water flux, CTE and elongation of the wet spun fibers are lower than that of dry-jet wet spun fibers, but separation performance, storage modulus, loss modulus and tensile strength of the former are higher. It was found that for the membranes with an outer skin, the wet spun fibers have a dramatically lower flux but much higher separation than the dry-jet wet spun fibers. However, for the membranes with double skins, the wet spun fibers have an obviously lower flux but only slightly higher separation than the dry-jet wet spun fibers. Furthermore, the result suggested that a hollow fiber UF membrane with high flux of 1220 L/h m2 bar could be prepared by the approach proposed in this paper. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the National University of Singapore (NUS) for funding this project (research fund no.: 960609A) and the support from Membrane Research Technology Singapore, Ltd. Special thanks to Dr. R. Wang for her help in shear rate calculation. Thanks are also due to Ms. S. Chen, Ms. W. Lin, Mr. S.L. Liu, Mr. K.C. Toh and Ms. Agnes 74 J.-J. Qin et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 182 (2001) 57–75 Lim and the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering of Singapore for using their equipment. References [1] Z. Tadmor, C.G. Gogos, Principles of Polymer Processing, Wiley, 1979, p. 543. [2] J.R.A. Pearson, Mechanics of Polymer Processing, Elsevier, London, 1985, p. 190. [3] H.D.K. 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