Application Checklist (HK) - v2014APR FORM NAME VERSION REMARKS General Documents (Essential) Application Form (not included) 2014/01 [G48 for PCF] & [G25 for TAS] & [G08C/E for PHS] Illustration (not included) 201401 Included G42 (Broker Version) & IFSAD (For PCF only) CTC by Consultant with Company Chop ID & Address Proof Copy (not included) (G43) Insurance Needs Analysis Form ⒏ 諸 亖 2013/11 (G01) Consultant’s Report 2014/01 (G65) Applicant’s Authorization: Commission Disclosure 2013/04 (G03) Amendment to Application (if applicable) 2014/01 Payment Documents (Essential) (G04) Payment Slip 2010/05 (G02) Credit Card Payment Authorization 2006/05 Applicable for Initial Premium ONLY (Q23) Non Hong Kong Resident’s Declaration 2012/03 For Non-HK Residents (G39) Insurance Consultant's Declaration in Respect of PRC Resident's Insurance Application 2008/01 For PRC Residents only (Q25) Supplementary Personal Statement for Insurance Application 2005/05 For PRC Residents only (F01) Confidential Consultant’s Report – Client’s Background 2009/03 Necessary for Annual Premium > HKD$500K (F02) Financial Statement of the Proposed Insured / Payor 2012/04 Necessary for Annual Premium > HKD$1M (G58) Request for Making Advance Payment of Target Yearly Premium of Basic Plan 2011/11 For PCF/TAS Prepayment ONLY (G31) Personal Statement of Proposed Insured Proposed Policy Owner 2014/01 Necessary for adding Riders to Basic Plan Non-HK residents / PRC Documents (Optional) Download from system if necessary Please use Double-Side Printing for the attachment. And forms would be updated from time to time. Extra Forms may require for some cases, please check the New Business Administrative Manual before the application. This application checklist is just for reference only. First Policy No. รԫٝঅᒳᇆ; Second Policy No.: รԲٝঅᒳᇆΚ INSURANCE CONSULTANT'S DECLARATION IN RESPECT OF PRC RESIDENT'S INSURANCE APPLICATION (G39) խഏփދاࡺچঅհঅᙠംᜢࣔ Name of First Insurance Consultant: รԫټঅᙠംࡩټΚ First Insurance Consultant's Code: Name of Second Insurance Consultant: รԲټঅᙠംࡩټΚ Second Insurance Consultant Code: รԲټঅᙠംᒳᇆΚ รԫټঅᙠംᒳᇆΚ Name of Proposed Insured: Name of Proposed Policy Owner: ᄷ࠹অԳࡩټΚ ᄷঅڶԳࡩټΚ IЯWe declare that: 1. The entire solicitation process leading to the signing of the application for the above numbered insurance policy was conducted by meЯus in Hong Kong. 2. IЯWe have complied with the rules and regulations of the People’s Republic of China in relation to the sale and Яor promoting of insurance products to PRC residents. 3. IЯWe have not promoted andЯor sold, in any manner, any insurance product of MassMutual Asia Ltd. (“the Company”) in Mainland China. 4. IЯWe have not exhibited or distributed any of the Company’s marketing materials andЯor selling tools (including application forms, sales proposals, sales brochures andЯor sales software, etc.) in Mainland China. 5. IЯWe have not taken any action (including the distribution of myЯour business cards, etc.) which may be regarded as promoting or selling insurance in Mainland China. 6. In compliance with the Code of Practice for the Administration of Insurance Agents adopted by the Company, IЯwe as insurance agent(s) hasЯhave not paid or offered to pay to the Proposed Policy Owner, Proposed Insured, Referrer or any other person or institute, any rebate of premium, commission or other incentive not specified in the insurance policy (including, but not limited to, payment or partial payment, of accommodation or travel expenses for visiting Hong Kong). Insurance Consultant’s Declaration: IЯWe understand that: 1. It is an offence under the laws of the People’s Republic of China for anyone not authorized by the Chinese Government to promote or sell any insurance in Mainland China. 2. If IЯwe commit the above offence, myЯour insurance agent’s license in Hong Kong may be revoked. অᙠംᜢࣔʳ ˍʳ ءԳʻʼᜢࣔˍʳ ༉Ղ૪অհعᓮऱᖞଡሏᎅመ࿓݁ءطԳʻʼڇଉཽၞ۩Ζ ءԳʻʼբᙅښխဎԳا٥ࡉഏڶᣂංᐖ֗ᔭഇঅᙠขխഏփاࡺچऱऄࠏ֗ࡳΖ ءԳʻʼאڶٚ۶࣍ڤݮխഏփچංᐖ֗ЯࢨᔭഇભഏᆄຏঅᙠࠅૻڶֆʻψءֆωʼհขΖ ءԳʻʼڇڶխഏփچΔ୶ࢨق࿇ٚ۶᥆࣍ءֆขऱᇷற֗ᛜᔭՠࠠʻץਔعᓮ।ΕૠቤΕข១տ֗Я ࢨᔭഇຌٙʼΖ ءԳʻʼࠀ࣍ڶխഏփ܂چٚ۶ױ౨ᎁᔭഇঅᙠհ۩ʻץਔ࿇ءԳʻʼհׂټʼΖ ᙅᅃءֆࢬආشऱঅᙠזጥښঞΔءԳ ܂অᙠխտԳΔࠀٻڶᄷঅڶԳΕᄷ࠹অԳΕ᠏տԳ ࢨࠡהԳࢨדᖲዌ༼ࠎࢨᚨ༼ࠎٚ۶অ၄܁ڃΕ܁८ࢨࠡڇהঅփڶਐࡳऱᚌ༡ʻץਔΔ܀լૻ֭࣍בຝٝ ࢨ٤ᑇࠩଉཽհଇമࢨٌຏ၄شʼΖʳ ʳ ءԳʻʼࣔˍػʳ ٚ۶Գآדᆖڶᣂຝ॰ᦞۖڇխഏփچᔭഇঅᙠΔܛᤛحխဎԳا٥ࡉഏհऄࠏΖ ءڕԳʻʼᤛحՂ૪ऄࠏΔءԳʻʼڇଉཽհঅᙠխտԳྨᅃױ౨ᄎٶᔭΖ ʳ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ( ) 1. 2. รԫټঅᙠംᆟ; ֲཚΚ รԲټঅᙠംᆟ; Date: Signature of Second Insurance Consultant: Я G39-01 MassMutual Asia Ltd. छ߳ᓎࢸٳԤ३ϴѧ Я Я ִЯֲЯڣα Date: Signature of First Insurance Consultant: Hong Kong Head Office - 12/F, MassMutual Tower, 38 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Macau Branch Office - Avenida Praia Grande No.517, Edificio Comercial Nam Tung, 16-E2, Macau MM DD YY( ֲཚ!;! Я Я )ִЯֲЯ*ڣ MM DD YY 2008 - P.1 of 1 ଉ᜔ཽֆΚଉཽܫגՓؚሐ49ᇆભഏᆄຏՕლ23ᑔ Tel ሽᇩΚ (852) 2919 9000 ᖾ॰։ֆΚᖾ॰তՕ್ሁ628ᇆতຏᄐՕლ27ᑔF3ஆ Tel ሽᇩΚ (853) 2832 2622 Fax Fax ႚటΚ (852) 2881 8702 ႚటΚ (853) 2832 2042
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