• - ~~, '~ v " AIR PORTS AUTH ORITY OF INDIA • ' ( '/' /FAX/ \ . Date: 12/0 8 / 2 0 14 No. A.320 13/188/2014-DPC To . The Regional Executive Director, Airports Authority of India, , Delhi/Kolkata/Chennai/Mumbai/Guwahati , " ,The Airport Director, Airports Authority of India, Jammul Ranchi /Auranciabad. . , Sub: SelectionlInterview for the post of APD- Grade IUat the level of (JGM/DGM). thatth~ ,~rid ~rmenti~'{le~ The Competent Authority has decided .Airport Directors (DGM/SM- level) are also required to appear in the-interview of Ex-cadre post of APD,Grade 1II , at the level of (JGM/DGM) to be held on 13t h August, 2014 (Wednesday) at 10:00 AM in .theOffice Of the Chairman, C~ Block, MI, RG Bhavan, New Delhi. ' Accordingly they may be directed to appear-fry interview on the abovementioned date and time failing whicr it will be .presumed that they are not interested in the post. ., S. o. , 1 2 , 3 Stationof Posting Name and Des ignat ion (S/Stiri/Ms.) RA[VI ESH I\UMAR, .JT. GM ,ENGG: [EJ, R.K.RAJU, JT.GM (ENGG;-C), D.G. SALVE, ' JT. GM (COM-E) " Jammu _ Ranchi - -- - -". ..• _ . .. . .- - - _. Aurangabad " , It h as also-been decided that ln future, in .case.s cand idates who have appeared thrice for the 'same level post and not selected, will not:be called fo r interview. -" ', If will ing to be posted at any Airport in India, these officers may be relieved from their station of posting, so as to attend the interview on the said date & time. Incase of refusal on ' selection TA/DA shall be recovered and appropriate action shall also be, initiated. ,\./"'\ ' , . Copy to.~ y y .y y y ~' 4J LRAJU DI..Wr8iA] , . GENERAL MANAGER (HR) ,{ OSD to Chairman. , All HoDs at ~HQ/Ops. Offices, Gurgaon Road/Ops. Offi ces, SAP, New Delhl. pS to Member (HR)/.l"lgr (PS) to Member (Plng.)/Mgr :(PS~ to .Member(ANS)/ (Fin.)/Mgr(PS)to Member (Ops.) & CVO. ' . . ,: ; ' GM (HR)-RD for information and necessary-action. Hindi Section for Hindi version . GM (Adrnn) for information and accommodation. GM IT for uploading on MI website ~TfTtft 1fCR . , RaJiv Gandhi Bhawan . t1q)G~ui~1 ~~, ;:ffll ~-q9000~ Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi ·110003 " ~ ': ~~f;~~f,l;to Phone : 24632950 ~ .: ~q·qq·~~G~~~~o Fax : 91-11~24632990 • ~ ~Irjqttrj, ~ . AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA IFAX/ . No. , A',32013/188/2014 -D PC . Date: 11/08 / 2014 To The Air port Director, Airports Authority of India; The Regional Executive Director, , Airports Authority of I ndia , ' v Kolkata/ Chen n ai De lh i / Ko lkat a / Chen nai / Mu m bai /Guwahat i . The Principal ( ATC, The Exe cutive Directo r, ' Alfahabad FI U/RCDU/ I T / LM/ 1nte r nal Audit Sub: S'e lectio nlI n t erview for the post of APD- Grad e III at ·the level of JGM /DGM· In order to "f ill th e vacancies of ' Ex-~ad re posts 'Of APD Grad e III at th e ievel of (JGf>.1/ DGM), ' it is proposed to hold interview on 13t h Aug u st, 2014 (Wedn.esday ) at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Chair man; C- Block, MI, RG Bhavan, New Delhi. ' T he underrnention ed ' Jt. GMs/ DGMs who have bee n short liste d may be dir ected to appear for int erview on the' above m ention ed date and time fa iling which it wil l be pre sum ed t hat t hey are not inter est ed in th e post , . r~ NO. ~, r-N a.m e (~/S hr i / Ms .) - ,-. - - Desig nat io n Station o.f Post in g ' lSANJAY KUMAR PANI GRAHI , JT. GM ENGG, [Q , AHMEDi\BAD . j AGARTALAGM (AI M), I SEKHAR DEB BARMAN, I HYDERABAD JT. GM (COM) RAJA KISHORE; GEg RGE 0' SILVA , ' JT. GM(CNS2_, _ ' - - CHENNAI ' MUGHAVI ZHI MO, . JT. GM i AT M.1 - GUWAHATI GEORGE G TH-ARAKAN GOA ' J-l_ Gfvl _ ( ENGG. EL~c:-rJ , _. i~ '-!J AI DEEP SINGH BJ.\Llj ARA( l:!'- G ~JENG<?,EL~c::T .), CHQ ' , 8 I DILIP SAJNANI , ' . JT.G M ( ~ ~Cl_ . " -. 9 1Q CATC Jy.GM (ATM ~_ ' 9~-:":-MANOJ CHANSORI A . ,- 10 . I R S SARDAR, . JT. GM (CNS UDAIPU R VARUDU VENKATESHWARA RAO, JT. ,GM (CNS1 MUMBAI 11 -- JT. GM(E~E )/ADDL , 12 MYSORE . C MANJUNATH , , CHARGE APD, - - 13 I SONO MARANDI! .)T. G ~jATM 1_ - - - PATNA ' AMRFrSA R ' ' JT. GM ( ATfvl l~ ___ _ ._14 '- -- B C H NEGI EE)_ _ _._ COI MBATORE 15 f -R-MAHALINGAM, JT. GM_ . - 16 f---- D MURALIDHARAN, JT. GM(CARGO) ,. - CHENNAI RAKESH R SAHAY , AHMEDABAD ' , JT.: ~.!i...(6!f71) KULDEEP SING H RISHI , rr. GM J AT q ffiPP-I'V - . GWALIOR r :J B SINGH, . _ DGCA . - ) T. GM (~TM) , - ._- . De M ( E C) PUDUCHERRY K GUNASEKARl\N , \ - - '- - . - P K SRIVASTAVA , GOA DGM ( Q ~Sl - --_ . . .. . ,. ANIL KUMAAR RAI , DGM ( E -C) APD-IV, 22 RAI PUR -- ~~ (CNS ___ _ __ HIAL 23 I. p LOKANADH ~ 24 FLT. LT. AKASH DEEP, DGM SECURITY, _ _ R,H~ , " N ~ .- . 1 ,- --- I . __2_ L~ 3 , 1_ 4_ I 5 Jr. M -t ;"'76 . - - -- - - ~ - - ," ;-'. - ~ . I-~l-~-~ ~ i~~ ~ - ! , -1-- - ' - . - - .. ' - '~ . ~ . c= HQ ! AMR TTS Ai ~. \ ' ~ l'Ji'tfi lfCR Rajlv Gandhi Bhawan f1q;G,<Gi~1 ~ ~. ~ ~-qqOOO~ Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi ·110003 ' ~ : :? ~ f.~ :? ~ ~o Phone : 24632950 .'$m ; f, q . q q . < ~ f. ~ f,f,o Fax: 91"-11 .24632990 ,, 2- It has also been decided that in fut ure in case candid ates wh o have appeared thrice for the same level post and not selected, wi ll not be called for interview. I f willi ng to be posted' at any Airport in India, these offi cers may be relieved from their stat ion of posting, so as to attend the interview on the said date & t ime. In case of refusal on selectio n TA/ DA shall be recovered and appropriate act ion shall also be initi ated. ~\l~"~I t [VILAS BHUJANG ] II EXECUTIVE DIR ECTOR (HR ) Copy to: ;~ ;"r ~ " ~ ~ OSD to Chairma n. All HoDs at CHQ/Ops . Offices, Gurgaon Road/Ops. Offices, SAP, New Delhi. PS to Member (HR)/ . Mgr (PS) to Membe r (Plng .)/ Mgr.( PS) to Member(ANS)/ (Fin .)/Mgr(PS) to Member (Ops.) & CVO. Director of Administrat ion, DGCA, Safdarj ung Airport, New Delhi GM (HR)-RD for information and necessary action. Hindi Sectio n for Hindi version . GM (Admn) for information and arrangemen t s of tea, snacks, and accommodation. GM IT for uploadi ng on AAI website I
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