o ¸ • ,_ 95Determination of the Chemical Composition Distributionof Copolymersof Styrene and Butadieneby GPEC® P.J.C.H. Cools,F. Maesen,A.M. vanHerk,A.L. German" Laboratoryof PolymerChemistry EindhovenUniversityof Technology P.O. Box513, 5600 MB Eindhoven The Netherlands Abstract In order to determine the chemical composition dislTibution (CCD) of styrene-butadiene copolymers, Gradient Polymer Elution Chromatography GPEC_ has been performed. The separation is based on differences in solubility between the copolymer molecules with different chemical composition. The solubility of a copolymer is dependent on the following parameters: temperature, type of solvent/nonsolvent mixture, molar mass of the polymer, and the chemical compositionof the polymer. The resolution of the GPEC¢ separation and the molar mass dependency are influenced by the solvent/nonsolvent combination. In order to obtain a reliable separation according to chemical composition, the differences in solubility must be sufficiently high and the molar mass dependency must be negligible. In order to separate styrene-butadiene copolymers, synthesized by emulsion polymerization, a tetrahydrofurane/acetonitrile (THF/ACN) gradient was performed. After calibration of the chromatographic system with styrenebutadiene copolymer standards, the CCD's of styrene-butadiene copolymers could be calculated. GPECe is a registeredtxademark ofWata_ Author to whom correspondence should be sent. 399 Introduction In the lastfew years polymercharacterizationhas becomemore important. New techniqueshave been developedin orderto determinethe chemical compositionof a copolymer. Differenttechniquescan be used in order to characterizea copolymer.Gel permeationchromatography(GPC) can be usedto obtainthe molarmassdistribution(MMD). Proton-NMRcan be used to determine the average mole fraction (F) of monomericunits in a copolymer. However, during a batch copolymerization,a chemical composition distributionis formed due to compositiondrift and statisticalbroadening. Dependingon the monomercombination,processconditionsand process strategy, a broad chemical compositiondistributionmay occur.Together with the MMD, the CCD determinesthe propertiesof the copolymer.Thus the knowledgeofthe CCD of copolymersis of crucialimportance. GradientPolymer ElutionChromatographyGPEC® is a high performance liquid chromatography method that is capable of separating polymer moleculesaccordingto chemicalcomposition [1].The separationmechanism of GPEC®is basedon the differencesin solubilitybetweencopolymerswith differentchemicalcomposition. In the literaturegradienthighperformance liquidchromatography(gradient HPLC) is often called highperformance precipitationliquidchromatography HPPLC[2"3] or liquid adsorption chromatography LAC[4's]. HPPLC emphasizes the precipitation mechanism and LAC focuses on the adsorption mechanism. In gradient HPLC both mechanismscan occur. Because HPPLC and LAC only describepart of the mechanism,a better name for the techniqueis introduced;GPEC®: Gradient Polymer Elution Chromatography. 400 I At the beginningof the GPEC® separationprocess the chromatographic eluent is a nonsolvent.The polymersample is injected in the nonsolvent and will precipitateon the column. During the GPEC® separation,the solventcompositionischanginggraduallyin timefrom nonsolventto a good solvent• Accordingto the chemical compositionof the copolymers,the polymers will redissolve in a certain solvent composition. Therefore, polymerswithdifferentchemicalcompositionwill elute at differentretention times and separationoccurs. The solubilityof a polymerdepends upon the followingparameters:type and molar mass of the polymer,solvent/nonsolventcombination,and the temperature.Duringa GPEC®separationthe temperatureiskept constant. The solvent/nonsolvent combinationis an importantparameterin GPEC®. By choosing the right solvent/nonsolventcombination a successful separation can be achieved. Since previous research has shown that in most solvent/nonsolventcombinationsthe molar mass dependency is negligibleabove molarmass 100,000 (g/mol),in generalpolymersobtained by emulsion polymerizationcan be separated by GPEC® exclusively accordingto chemicalcomposition. Separation on the basisof solubilityis not the only separationmechanism operativeduringa GPEC® separation,but also adsorptionof the polymer moleculeson the stationaryphase and exclusionof the polymermolecules can occur. Adsorption will cause an extra retention of the polymer molecules. Exclusioncauses the polymer molecules to accelerate with respect to a given eluent compositionmovingthroughthe column. Both effects, adsorptionand exclusion,can have a considerableeffect on the separation. 401 I , a GPEC®can be performedin orderto determinethe chemicalcompositionof a polymerblend.The methodcan also be usedto determinethe CCD of a copolymer. The CCD of a copolymercan be calculatedby using a calibrationcurve, which can be obtained by measuring the GPEC® retention times of homogeneouscopolymerswithwell definedchemicalcompositions. Experimental In order to determinethe CCD of a copolymer,the properGPEC®conditions have to be found. The GPEC® conditionscan be found by lookingat the solubilitybehaviourof the homopolymersof the specificmonomers(styrene and butadiene)in differentsolvent/nonsolvent combinations.The solubility behaviourof a polymercanbe studiedbyturbiditymeasurements. Bydeterminingthe cloudpointsofthe homopolymer standardswithdifferent molarmass,differentsolvent/nonsolvent combinationscan be verified.The cloud pointcomposition(CPC) is determinedby titration.In orderto obtain the turbidity curve (see figure 1), the CPCs of different polystyrenePS standardsand polybutadienePB standardswere determined:PS 500, PS 2500, PS 18K, PS 102K, PS 2.7M, PB 900, PB 9.3K, PB 120K, and PB 950K (seetable 1). The molar mass dependency is negligibleabove 100,000 g/mol in the system THF/ACN for both PS and PB (see figure 1). The difference betweenCPC of the homopolymerstandardsPS 100Ken PB 100K is about 30% THF (resolutionof GPEC®separation).So the systemTHF/ACN can be used in order to separatePSB copolymers. Apparatus The experimentswere performedwith a WISP (Waters IntelligentSample Processor)injector,a Waters 600E gradientcontrollerwithpump,a Waters 484 UV-detector,and an EvaporativeLightScatteringDetector(ELSD,ACS 402 .o • t model750/14). The columnused for the GPEC® separationwas a 7.5 cm NOVAPAK C18 (35°C). The wavelengthof the UV-detectorwas set at 260nm.The lineargradientusedwas changingfrom 35% THF to 70% THF in 45 minutes(gradientspeed 1% per minute).The injectionvolumewas 25 !_1.The flowwas 1.0 ml per minute. Tetrahydrofurane(WESTBURG, HPLC grade) was used as solvent. Acetonitrile(BIOSOLVE, HPLCgrade) was usedas nonsolvent.The weight fractionstyrene in the styrene-butadienecopolymerstandards(Scientific Polymer Products)were: 45%, 23%, and 5%. The homopolymerswere GPC standardsfrom PolymerLabsandWateis. GPEC®Technique The PS standardsand the PB standardswere dissolvedin THF (1 g/i). At [ the beginningofthe gradientthe eluentwas a non-solvent.The polymers(in solution)were injectedintothe non-solventand precipitatedon the column material,because of the poor solvent conditions.When the gradientwas performed the polymer molecules redissolvedin a specific solvent compositionand eventuallyeluted from the c_olumn, leadingto separation accordingto their chemicalcomposition. Chemical Composition Distribution CCD In orderto calculatethe CCD, the GPEC® behaviourof the homopolymers of each of the two monomerswas studied. The differencebetween the retentiontimes of the homopolymersmust be sufficientlyhigh, in order to obtain a high resolution. Also the molar mass dependency of the homopolymersonthe solubilitywas studied. With well definedhomogeneousPSB copolymersa calibrationcurve was determined, in order to obtaina relationbetweenthe retentiontime and the chemicalcomposition(as in SEC/GPC: retentiontime vs. molarmass). With the calibrationcurve the CCD of a copolymerwas calculated in the same way as a MMD can be calculated(see figure2). The chromatogram was cut in slicesof the same width. Foreach slicethe chemicalcomposition 403 • 4 • s was determined using the calibration curve. The height (in the chromatogram)of each slice (hi) is a measure of the concentration.By calculatingthe weightfractionof each slice (w_)the chemicalcomposition distributioncouldbe calculated.For the CCD calculationthe signal of the evaporativelightscatteringdetectorwas used. Results and Discussion In orderto determinethe CCD of styrene-butadienecopolymersa THF/ACN gradientwas used. For the solvent/nonsolventmixtureTHFIACN the molar mass dependencyon the solubilityabove molarmass 100,000 (g/mol) is negligible.The differencebetween the cloud pointsof high molar mass polystyreneand highmolarmass polybutadienein the systemTHF/ACN is sufficientlyhighto obtaina separationaccordingto chemicalcomposition (see figure1). A GPEC® chromatogramof a styrene-butadienecopolymeris presentedin figure 3. The chromatogramindicates that beside a copolymer also homopolymeris present in the copolymersample. So due to composition driftpolystyrenehasbeen formed,probablyat the end of the reaction. The calibrationcurveis shown in figure 4. The curve is only valid for low styrene contents (is -< 0.50), because no styrene-butadienecopolymer standardswithhighstyrenecontentwere available. The CCD of the chromatogram(plottedin figure 3) has been calculated accordingto the method describedschematicallyin figure 2. The CCD is plottedin figure5. i The response(h-_of the detector is assumed to be independentof the copolymer composition.Any possible dependence of the response on copolymercomposition,may resultin a slightcorrectionof the CCD trace. 404 T ! , • , • ,° Conclusions Foreach type of copolymera newsolvent/nonsolvent combinationhasto be found in order to obtain a successfulseparation according to chemical composition.In the systemTHF/ACN the molar mass dependencyon the GPEC® separationof styrene-butadienecopolymersis negligible,but in other systems,the molar mass of the polymermay disturbthe separation according to chemica! composition. Hence, similar to SEC/GPC separations,the separationsperformedby GPEC® shouldbe interpreted with great care. Therefore,the dependencyof copolymermolar mass on GPEC®separationsrequiresfurtherstudy. In behalf of the separation of styrene-butadienecopolymers,a suitable solvent/nonsolventcombinationwas found. With this solvent/nonsolvent combination(THF/ACN), reproducibleGPEC® chromatogramsof styrenebutadienecopolymerswereobtained. GPEC®can be used to determinethe copolymerCCD's, whichare of great value in predictingand understandingcopolymerproduct properties.Also informationaboutthe kineticsof the polymerizationcan be obtained. Thus GPECe is a powerful tool in order to characterize copolymers accordingto chemicalcomposition. Literature 1. Staai,w, CoolsP.J.C.H.,van HerkA.M., German A.L., J. Liq. Chrom., 17_, 2. 3191-3199, 1994. GI0cknerG., 'Gradient HPLC of Copolymersand Chromatographic Cross Fractionation',Springer-VedagBedinHeidelberg,1991. 3. MoriS, Tazid H., J. Liq. Chrom., 17 (14.15), 3055-3068, 1994. 4. MoriS., Anal. Sci., 4, 365-268, 1988. 5. MoriS., Anal. Chem.,60, 1125-1128, 1988. 405 Table 1 Cloud Point Compositions (CPC) of PS and PB standards. M,,,(g/mol) .. CPC (voI%THFin ACN)-- PS 500 500 PS 2500 2,500 PS 18K 18,000 29.2 PS 102K 102,000 42.0 -- PS 2.7M 2,700,000 48.2 - PB 900 900 PB 9.3K 9,300 61.4 PB 120K 120,000 73.7 PB 950K 950,000 76.0 -- - -a-iS .-.o_I=B l__n0F____ P 10000. 1000 do ,io _o %TI-F do "/o l do Figure 1 Turbidity Plot of PS(II) and PB(O) in THF/ACN. 406 ! J . i • ° e time time Chromatogram Calibration Ft (_urve CCD Figure 2 Determination of the CCD of a Copo/ymer. copolymer mV 0.00 50o.00. polystyrene J I __._ i 0.00 1 i I I 20.00 Figure 3 GPEC ® Chromatogram /inear gradient of Styrene-Butadiene ACN-THF, No_pak 407 I 40.00 Copolyrnet; ELSD, C18, #ow=l.0 mgmin. 1 T °_, 1.0 _ " 0.90-=" o.8o 0.70 - .4-- Fs 0.60 0.50 = 0.40 ._0.30 -_ 0.20 o.m ''I 45 .... I' 55 50 ''i 60 ................. 65 70 t 80 75 %TBF Figure4 CalibrationCurveof Styrene-Butadiene Copolymersin THFIACN,molefraction styrenein copo/yrner F=vs. %THF. 0.005 • ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' t ' .2---'---'---- ' ' 1.0 / //" 0.8 /' 0.004 0.003 / 0.6 s ; 0.002 0.001 0 _/' 0.00O 014 0.4 015 016 0_7 018 0.0 _90.2 Figure5 ChemicalComposition Distributionof a Styrene-Butadiene Copolymer. 408
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