by Barba.aBeeding WHERETO PLANT Rosesto looktheir best,needtull sun for at least6 hoursperday They do not like beingcrowdedor havingtoo muchcompelilion Plantin open spaceswithgoodair circulationat ieast I metreapan . . . shade dappled cantakesome I Oldfashioned/helitage varietles S(JIL I'KEFAKA I IL'N Tr.,]T 'AI,DE'9 b.pti'r9",-"iJli9i-.,Itu of 6,5to 7.0andsrtoun a soit'pH rosesprefer Generally, 9" forbestresults: plantins before i"nljijt"ii,*ir?ti6'ijtn"rrJ[JtuJe,ir"rst5- 8weei<s . . . . . 5 in 1 ofanysortorSearles Digin lotsofmanure gompbst genetous of well-rothtd amourlt Addto ftis a soils forlighter forheavysgils,limeordolomite intheformofgypsum calcium Include Digoverthesoilto a depthot3G40cm Waterwellandthencov€rthewholeareawitha gbodlayerofmulchsuchas lucerne' teatreeor sugarcane WHENAND I.IOWTO PLANT fash'on ft6hlY pottedry8eqtpl"nl!Fi" in.!h:..1:u-al-11:-rooted lf youhavepurchased mound shaped cone a inJorpoi"tinduTe pottinf6iilii6-'if6iEi-lspread theirootsover planting' will burn it hole Do;ot applyanyfettiliserat roimioin ttri oottomofihe planting andthencompletely airbubbles waterwetl'to'exclude in" rooti. e"ttfynffttretrotdwtn s--oit, about is planted iifi*iti' i"if. i1aiesurettregrattlthebulaewharethestockmeetsthescion) soil for2weeksasthenewroobwillrotif the is zcmabovesoillevel. Donotwaterag;in "leaves. eanbe watersupply.Fertiliser thenincrease to form too*"i- Wn"ntf," roses.start whentherosestartstoflower' onthesoilsurface applied theyare likeanyothere9ttegs,nryll Flowerinopottedrosescanbe planted -bulensure established Once Jru o,,t n'*iu clantedDo{edroses as hol and wlndy.lavc keot moist ',vtll rosesshouldbe watereddeeplytwicea wejK WHENTO FEED f€rtilising Applyorganicfertilisersuchas Healthy Always 'ilitii thoroughlywaterthe soil before to or anvmanures ()rglr;;" seailes3 irri ptanloi Healtistcw ReleiseFerliliser afterpruning To assistwith disease u*i io"u-tr"ne" at least4 timesa yeai especially include: iesrstance andaddedflowerproduction . 1 teaspoonSulphateof Potashperrosebusheachtimeyoufertilis€.. (Epsomsalts)perrosebusheachtimeyoufertilise Sulphate . 1 teaspoonMagnesium .l cUD do| omi teor| i meperr o s e b u s h e v e r y y e a r d u r in g t h e win t e r p r un i n g ,ch e ckp H July is the best time in SouthEastQueens,and for the majorprunjng.A light pruningis beneticialin earlyFebruaryto encourage autumnblooms.Oncea yearflowerersincluding springor summerfloweringclimbersshoutdbe prunedatterflowering(November).prun6 heritagetea roseslighfly. Bushes . Remove dead,twiggy, old,diseased andinsect infested woodascloseto theorafras . . . . possible. Opencentreof bushto allowforplenlyofair clrculalion. hatf of theirlengthby cuttingon an angte llgu.9" healthywood by approximately slightlyabovea plump,outward-facing leafbud, Always.r,emove any suckergroMhfrom BELOWthe graft(otherwise you willend up witha differentrose). Rcughup lhe glaftarea\,viiha steelbrustror lip cf secateurc so thatit vjillencouiage newbasalgrowth. Climbers . Climberscantakeup to 3 .. 4 yearsto forma satisfactory structure. . Longcanesrisingfromth€baseshouldbe tiedhorizontally ontoa supportstructure. . In late autumnpruneoff the last.4scmof each canetherebyencouraging lateral growthfromwhichtheflowerstemsarise. . Subsequent pruningrequiresflowerstemsto be cut off 2 or 3 budsabovewherethev grewoutfromthelaterals. . Usuallythereare noneor veryfewbloomson climbers forthefirstyear. COMMONPESTSAND DISEASES BLACKSPOTAND POWDERY MILDEW- To controt,sprayafterwinterpruningwithLime Sulphur. For organiccontrol,use EcoRose,or 3 teaspbons of bicarbsoda in 5 litresof water,add eitherPlantof HealthplantSpray,CharlieCarpor Ecooilto helpit stickto the leaves. Sprayevery7 - 10 days. Forchemicalcontrol,useTriforine, copperfungicideor mancozeb.To minimiseinfection, waterthe baseof rosesin themorning,so thatb;ves dry quickly. DCWNYivilLDEW- Occursduringcool cje.rnp weaiherin winter. it appearsas purpie morrrJng^on leavesand newgroMh,causingdramaticleafdrop. very devastating to young plants.Controlwithcopperfungicide, Zinebor Fongarid. ROSESCALE- Appearsas whitedotson lowerbranches.Brownscaleis moredifficultto treat. Spraywith Ecooil,whiteoil or homemade2 teaspoons vegetable oil plusfewdropsof djshwashing iiquidin 1 iitrebf water Spiay-on cootday! or alter6pm,repeatin 2 weeksand thenagainin another2 weeks.Scrubbra;cheswithan otdstiffbrush. APHIDS- Tinyfly-likejnsectsclustered overnewbuds.Cansimplybe hosedoff withwater or gently.squeezed with yourfingers. Use garlicand chillisprayor Conguard.pleasebe carerur wrththe Indiscriminate useof chemicals whilebeesareforaging. RED,.SPIDER MITE- Tinymiteswhichcausebronzing,motflingandgreyfleckson foliage usuallyoccurringin hotdryweather.Try NatraSoaporEcooilfororga;ic;onhol.
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