Level 9, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle St, Brisbane QLD 4000 GPO Box 1164, Brisbane QLD 4001 Telephone: 07 3108 3500 Fax: 07 3108 3501 Email: [email protected] www.lanewayresources.com.au For personal use only ASX ANNOUNCEMENT 3 February 2014 Revised Quarterly Activities Report Please find attached a revised Quarterly Activities Report for Laneway Resources Limited. The only change to the report lodged earlier today is to add the words This information was prepared and first disclosed under the JORC Code 2004. It has not been updated since to comply with the JORC Code 2012 on the basis that the information has not materially changed since it was last reported. to the Competent Persons Statement on page 12 of the report. JPK Marshall Company Secretary For personal use only Quarterly activities report for the period ended 31 December 2013 Level 9, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle St, Brisbane QLD 4000 GPO Box 1164, Brisbane QLD 4001 Telephone: 07 3108 3500 Fax: 07 3108 3501 Email: [email protected] www.lanewayresources.com.au Quarterly activities report for the period ended 31st December 2013 Highlights For personal use only Agate Creek Gold Project ✚ Extraction of metallurgical test sample completed during the quarter with 5,400 tonnes removed from the Agate Creek Project. ✚ Processing of ore through JKO’s Georgetown CIL plant was completed subsequent to the end of the quarter. Four gold pours have been completed. Final grades, recovery and costs to be calculated over the coming weeks as metallurgical accounting completed. ✚ Gold production shows better than expected grades for the sample with 9.8 g/t from the feed with 90% metal recovery achieved. ✚ Follow up work is planned to evaluate potential larger scale production including Mining Lease applications and progressing the Feasibility Study ✚ Regional mapping and geochemical sampling completed across Laneway Agate Creek Project tenements during the Quarter Rockland Gold Project ✚ Field work is planned on EPM19368 and EPM19571 during next Quarter. Southern Coromandel Gold Project (NZ) ✚ The partial relinquishment of Exploration Permit (EP) 55213 (Waiorongomai) & EP53464 (Klondyke) were accepted and a partial relinquishment reports was lodged ✚ Literature reviews nearing completion on EP54216 and EP55213. Arrawatta Coal Project ✚ Drilling has been delayed because of several changes to NSW planning and environmental legislation that now require the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) to include an Agricultural Impact Statement (AIS). ✚ All required documentation has been submitted and drilling is awaiting departmental approval. ASX Code: LNY Page 2 of 12 Quarterly activities report for the period ended 31st December 2013 Agate Creek Gold Project For personal use only Summary Work completed within MDL402 during the quarter has comprised extraction and metallurgical testing of a 5,400t sample through the Georgetown mill operated by JKO. . Removal of a 5,400 tonne metallurgical sample from the Agate Creek project was completed on the 21st December 2013. Processing of the sample began through JKO’s Georgetown CIL plant on the 17th December 2013 with the final ore being processed 14th January 2014. Gold production shows better than expected grades for the sample with 9.8 g/t recovered from the 5,461t with 90% metal recovery. . A full report will be published on the Metallurgical test when all data has been received and correlated, giving Laneway valuable data and costings for further feasibility studies in relation to the Agate Creek project. After final grades, recovery, chemical usage, mill consumables and costs will be calculated over the coming weeks .Rehabilitation has been completed on the site with progressive checks for weeds and regrowth to be monitored. In addition regional field work during the quarter has comprised of several km of field geological mapping and geochemical sampling across several Agate Creek Project tenements. Assay results for this work are still outstanding. Follow up work is planned to evaluate potential larger scale production including Mining Lease applications and progressing the Feasibility Study. ASX Code: LNY Page 3 of 12 For personal use only Quarterly activities report for the period ended 31st December 2013 Figure 1 - Emplacement model for Sherwood Deposit Overview The Agate Creek Gold Project is comprised of EPM’s 17788, 17632, 17949, MDL402, EPMA’s 17626 and 17629 with over 500 drillholes completed to date as seen in Figure 3. ASX Code: LNY Page 4 of 12 Quarterly activities report for the period ended 31st December 2013 For personal use only Sherwood Resource In 2011 an updated Mineral Resource estimate was completed on the Agate Creek epithermal gold project in North Queensland. A combined Indicated and Inferred Resource of approximately 500,000oz of gold has been estimated at Sherwood. The breakdown of the current estimate is shown below. Resource estimates were undertaken for the Sherwood, Sherwood West and Sherwood South deposits and were based upon a total of 480 exploration drillholes which were compiled and interpreted by Laneway. Independent consultants Golder Associates Pty Ltd were engaged to update the mineral resource estimate. The tables below indicate a recoverable resource estimate that is adjusted to account for a selective mining option and includes an allowance for mine dilution. Resource Estimates at 0.3 g/t gold cut-off grade 0.3 g/t cut-off Sherwood Resource Gold Gold Mt Classification (g/t) (oz) Indicated 5.4 1.0 180,000 Sherwood South Gold Gold Mt (g/t) (oz) Sherwood West Gold Gold Mt (g/t) (oz) 5.2 0.9 154,000 Total Gold Gold Mt (g/t) (oz) 10.7 1.0 334,000 Indferred 2.6 0.9 76,000 0.4 1.1 15,000 3.3 0.8 89,000 6.4 0.9 180,000 Total 8.0 1.0 256,000 0.4 1.1 15,000 8.6 0.9 243,000 17.0 0.9 514,000 Resource Estimates at 0.5 g/t gold cut-off grade 0.5 g/t cut-off Sherwood Resource Gold Gold Mt Classification (g/t) (oz) Sherwood South Gold Gold Mt (g/t) (oz) Indicated 3.0 1.5 147,000 Indferred 1.4 1.4 60,000 0.3 1.3 Total 4.4 1.5 207,000 0.3 1.3 Sherwood West Gold Gold Mt (g/t) (oz) Mt Total Gold Gold (g/t) (oz) 2.9 1.3 124,000 6.0 1.4 271,000 13,000 1.8 1.2 70,000 3.5 1.3 143,000 13,000 4.8 1.3 194,000 9.5 1.4 414,000 Metallurgical test work to date has shown the mineralisation to be very amenable to CIP processing with high recoveries at moderate grinds and low reagent consumptions. Potential for Increased Resources Deep diamond drilling was completed in second half of 2013 with two holes drilled for 903.8m. Holes intersected altered and silicified granite, rhyolite and breccias. Results received to date showed a broad zone of mineralisation in CCDD482 with 31m @ 5.96g/t Au from 124m which will add to the current resource. The proposed bonanza zone was not intercepted in either hole but remains a valid target for future drilling. Follow up drilling will include drill targets which provide significant potential for additional resources to be delineated in the Sherwood area later in the year and these include infill drilling, structural and regional targets. Further Drilling Program Phases Laneway proposes to undertake further follow up drilling of this high grade zone and other targets at Agate Creek. In addition to following up this high grade zone which is well within currently modelled open pits will be further drilling programs this year planned to include: • resource infill and strike and dip extensions drilling at the Sherwood deposit area with an aim to increasing the current combined Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource of 9.5Mt at 1.4 g/t gold for 414,000 ounces (at a 0.5 g/t cut-off grade); ASX Code: LNY Page 5 of 12 Quarterly activities report for the period ended 31st December 2013 For personal use only • drill testing of several regional prospects (including Eagle Nest, Eastern Bar Creek, and Moonbeam prospects) that have been identified from previous extensive soil geochemical, ground magnetic, geological mapping and rock chip analysis Figure 3 - Location of Agate Creek Project including granted and application tenure. EPM17949 &EPMA 17626 are non-contiguous. ASX Code: LNY Page 6 of 12 Quarterly activities report for the period ended 31st December 2013 For personal use only Southern Coromandel Gold Project (NZ) Laneways four permits are all coincident to and surrounding the highly prospective Hauraki Goldfields district which hosts the world class deposits of Martha and Golden Cross along with the recently announced resource at Talisman. The Hauraki Goldfields district was extensively mined between 1860 and 1952 when approximately 45Moz of gold and silver bullion was produced. The largest deposit in the Hauraki Goldfields district is Newmont’s operational Martha Mine which has produced an average of 100,000oz of gold and 700,000oz of silver annually since 1988. Subject to the successful completion of a capital raising, Laneway will this year carry out field activities including magnetic surveys and drilling programs following up historically identified mineralisation with the aim of outlining an initial JORC compliant resource. Historical resources within Southern Coromandel Project area are being reviewed with a view to determining the work required to bring them in line with JORC standards. Desktop reviews and were continued during the quarter on the granted tenements. Partial relinquishments were made to EP53464 and EP55213 on areas that have higher density infrastructure or low prospectivity. This takes these permits to 133km2 and 164km2 respectively. ASX Code: LNY Page 7 of 12 For personal use only Quarterly activities report for the period ended 31st December 2013 Figure 4 – Location of Granted Permits on the Southern Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand. ASX Code: LNY Page 8 of 12 Quarterly activities report for the period ended 31st December 2013 For personal use only Ashford, Arrawatta and Atholwood Coal Statutory reporting has been completed for all Laneway Resources tenure and those held jointly with NEC. Drill planning is complete and drilling is expected to commence within the next six months over EL6521 and EL6433 as soon as REF/AIS has been approved. Drilling is planned to extend the current mineralisation with particular focus on the interpreted fault offset in the central part of the licences. Figure 5 – Location of the Ashford JV & Arrawatta Projects ASX Code: LNY Page 9 of 12 Quarterly activities report for the period ended 31st December 2013 For personal use only Rockland Gold Project EPM19368 is located 20km southwest of Warwick, was granted on 20 January 2012 and covers 157.3km2. The area has significant potential for Intrusion-Related Gold System (IRGS) mineralisation and shows a set of parallel dykes striking north northwest over several kilometres just to the east of a large granite intrusion. Planning for access and field work is underway. IRGS is a relatively new style of gold mineralisation typified by the well studied occurrences in Alaska and the Yukon (Fort Knox and Dublin Gulch deposits). They are generally large tonnage, low grade gold deposits. Grades can range up to 10g/t gold and deposits vary in size up to 35Moz gold. Very often IRGS are surrounded by low tonnage but high grade alluvial gold deposits. During investigation into EPM19368 the discovery of a second area of interest was followed up with an application for EPM19571 (Rockland West) covering 148.3km2 to the west of the current tenement as seen in Figure 6. EPM19571 was granted on the 15th August 2013 for a period of 5 years. The area lies over the Greymare Granite which shows an adakitic signature and has been intruded into the Texas Beds (metasediments). Adakites are found in association with large copper-gold porphyry systems. The Greymare Granite shows a magnetic low quite distinct from other granites in the area. The Demon Fault which is associated with significant mineralisation horse tails in the area. There are several alluvial goldfields surround the area including Thanes Creek, Pikedale and Canal Creek. No hard rock source for these has been found to date. There are also several polymetallic mineral occurrences to the east of the application area. ASX Code: LNY Page 10 of 12 For personal use only Quarterly activities report for the period ended 31st December 2013 Figure 6 – Location of Rockland EPM19368 EPM19571 20km SW of Warwick. ASX Code: LNY Page 11 of 12 For personal use only Quarterly activities report for the period ended 31st December 2013 For further information contact: Ben Harrison Phone: (07) 3108 3500 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.lanewayresources.com.au Competent Persons Statement The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results and Mineral Resources is based on information compiled by Mr Scott Hall who is a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Hall is a full-time employee of Laneway Resources Limited and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which they are undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves.’ Mr Hall consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. This information was prepared and first disclosed under the JORC Code 2004. It has not been updated since to comply with the JORC Code 2012 on the basis that the information has not materially changed since it was last reported. ASX Code: LNY Page 12 of 12
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