1 Central Philippine University CENTRAL PHILIPPINE UNIVERSITY REPUBLIC 2014 UNIVERSITY DAY SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES September 4, 5, & 6, 2014 – Highlight Dates THEME: CPU @ 109: Going Stronger, Bolder & Firmer through EXCEL STEERING COMMITTEE DATE TIME EVENT VENUE CHAIRPERSON CPUR COORDINATOR 05 Jul y (F) 3:00 P.M. Logo Contes t APCP Mr. Efraim Alfa ras P.M. Dojie Guma ta Mr. Eri c Lagradilla 5:00 A.M. *CPUR 7K Fun Run/Walk: CPU Centennial Village CPUR Vi ce Pres. Emil y Oke & Sen. Tri cia Gonzalez Pres . Bryan Eri c Cerebo & PM Dojie 11 Aug (M) 1:00 P.M. Sports Pa rade CPU Quadra ngle Atty. Alejandro Somo Rep. Anthony Sevilla 2:00 P.M. Opening Ceremony of Intramural Ga mes CPU Promenade CPUR Sen. Jose Roy Santos Jr. 3:00 P.M. Tria thlon Swimming Pool and CPU Quadra ngle Mr. Ra ndy Villanueva Rep. John Jodel Oro 12 Aug (T) 8:00 A.M. Sta rt of Ball Games Designa ted Areas Atty. Alejandro Somo Sen. Miguel Paolo Es cucha 13 Aug (W) 8:00 A.M. Bi ble Qui z APCP Ptr. Jho Labis Sen. Keia Joy Ha rder Rev. Dr. Jerson Na rciso General Informa tion APCP Prof. Frank Robi te Rep. Jethro Importado Prof. Diosdado de la Cruz Computer Qui z APCP Mr. Ba rry Ma tutina Rep. Ma rie Fe Vil chez & Sen. Tri cia Gonzalez Prof. Ma ry Sol Baldeva rona Ma th Qui z APCP Ms . Benjie Ne Gallinero Science Quiz APCP Engr. Ferdinand Monoso English Ora tion APCP Prof. Anna Ma y Yap-Zerrudo English Extempora neous APCP Prof. Berna rdo Cagasan English Decla mation APCP Prof. Clai re Ann Da vi d-Ja rdenil Cha ra cter Interpreta tion APCP Ms . Ca rmelle Fra nces Romero ADVISER Guma ta Atty. Alejandro Somo/Engr. Gera rdo Gepulango Pres . Bryan Eri c Cerebo & PM Dojie Guma ta Atty. Alejandro Somo/Engr. Gera rdo Gepulango Atty. Alejandro Somo /Engr. Gera rdo 1:00 P.M. 14 Aug (Th) 8:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. Gepulango Prof. Diosdado de la Cruz Sen. Keia Joy Ha rder Prof. Nellie Ann Mesa Prof. Daisy Jimenea Prof. Daisy Jimenea Vi ce Pres. Emil y Oke Dr. Diadem Pea rl S. Equiña Dr. Diadem Pea rl S. Equiña 2 15 Aug (F) 1:00 – 3:00 P.M. Poetry Choi r Techni cal Rehea rsal RMA Prof. Jessica Ga rgantiel 8:00 A.M. Bi nalayba y APCP Dr. Joel Ci ria co P.M. Dodjie Guma ta Filipino Declama tion APCP Prof. Darlene Cas tor Prof. Jul yn Ri co Filipino Ora tion APCP Mr. Joel Enca jonado Filipino Extempora neous APCP Prof. Neni ta Mi no Technical Rehea rsal – Talents Night Mr. And Ms . CPU 2013 RMA Ms . Cris ta Huyong / Ms . Ca rmelle Frances Romero 6:00 P.M. Sen. Bea Plonda ya Rep. Jethro Importado Pres . Bryan Eri c Cerebo Prof. Jul yn Ri co Prof. Jul yn Ri co Vi cePres . Emil y Oke Ms . Cris ta Huyong 19 Aug (T) MID-TERM EXAMS MID-TERM EXAMS MID-TERM EXAMS 20 Aug (W) MID-TERM EXAMS MID-TERM EXAMS MID-TERM EXAMS 21 Aug (Th) NINOY AQUINO DAY NINOY AQUINO DAY NINOY AQUINO DAY 22 Aug (F) MID-TERM EXAMS MID-TERM EXAMS MID-TERM EXAMS Mr. Rodri go Sotto, Jr. Ms . Sheila Sorilla 8:00 A.M. Cul mina ting Da y-Buwan Nang Wika CPUES RMA 23 Aug (Sa t) Pi ctorial Mr. and Ms . CPU 2014 Ms . Cris ta Huyong / Ms . Ca rmelle Frances Romero 25 Aug (M) NATIONAL HEROES DAY NATIONAL HEROES DAY 1:00-3:00 P.M. Folkdance Techni cal Rehearsal RMA Ms . Lenny Rose Estante 3:00-5:00 P.M. Crea ti ve and Interpreta ti ve Dance Technical Rehea rsal RMA Prof. Necil Ma gno 4:00-9:00 P.M. Mr. & MS. CPU Pre-Pageant Interview EMC Ms . Cris ta Huyong / Ms . Ca rmelle Frances Romero 5:00 P.M. Technical Rehea rsal – Ques t for Centralian Sta r APCP CPUR 8:00 A.M. Vocal Solo (Pop) RMA Mr. Jason Pagunsan Vocal Duet (Pop) RMA Mr. Jason Pagunsan Vocal Solo (Classical) RMA Mr. Jason Pagunsan 5:00 P.M. Ques t for Centralian Sta r APCP CPUR 28 Aug (Th) 5:00 P.M. Ques t for Centralian Sta r APCP CPUR 29 Aug. (F) 1:00-10:00 PM Mr. & Ms . CPU Talent’s Night RMA Ms . Cris ta Huyong / Ms . Ca rmelle Frances Romero 26 Aug (T) 27 Aug (W) Vi cePres . Emil y Oke Ms . Cris ta Huyong NATIONAL HEROES DAY Rep. Lindsey Lane Tres valles & Rep. Ruzzel Diane Oducado Mrs . Shiela Sorilla Prof. Diosdado de la Cruz Vi ce Pres. Emil y Oke, P.M. Dojie Guma ta , & Pres . Brya n Eri c Cerebo Sen. Hans Chris tian Romulo Cha vez Rep. Leona rlin Pahilagao Ms . Cris ta Huyong Dr. Ma rgen Ja va Mr. Armando M. Hisuan, Jr. Mr. Armando M. Hisuan, Jr. Rep. Ani ca Sa rmiento Vi ce Pres. Emil y Oke , P.M. Dojie Guma ta , & Pres . Bra yan Eri c Cerebo & Sen. Hans Chris tian Romulo Cha vez Vi ce Pres. Emil y Oke , P.M. Dojie Guma ta , & Pres . Brya n Eri c Cerebo Mr. Armando M. Hisuan, Jr. Dr. Ma rgen Ja va Dr. Ma rgen Ja va Ms . Cris ta Huyong 3 1 Sep (M) Lip-s ynch RMA Ms . Josie Villanueva Mr. Armando M. Hisuan, Jr. Gui ta r Solo RMA Mr. Ba rry Ma tutina Mrs . Ma ry Ann Abecenda rio Gui ta r Duet RMA Mr. Ba rry Ma tutina Sen. Jothamme Enriquez Mrs . Ma ry Ann Abecenda rio 11:00 A.M. Hi p Hop Technical Rehea rsal RMA Prof. Necil Ma gno Rep. Anthony Sevilla and Sen. Blessed Bea Plonda ya Mrs . Ma ry Ann Abecenda rio 1:00 P.M. Ball Games Championships Designa ted Areas Atty. Alejandro Somo Sen. Miguel Paolo Es cucha Mrs . Ma . Vi ctoria Bellosillo 1:00 P.M. Choral Techni cal Rehea rsal Technical Rehea rsal of Mr. and Ms . CPU and Ins tallation of s tage and props CPU CoEd Diamond JubileeOpening of Exhibi ts CPU CoEd Diamond JubileeOpening of Fun Run & Ati -Atihan Presenta tion RMA Ms . Cris ta Huyong Rep. Steven Vi ctoriano Dr. Diadem Pea rl Equiña RMA Ms . Cris ta Huyong / Ms . Ca rmelle Frances Romero Vi ce Pres. Emil y Oke, P.M. Dojie Guma ta , & Pres . Brya n Eri c Cerebo Prof. Ma ry Sol Baldeva rona APCP Dr. Nelson Pomado Bi g Field Dr. Nelson Pomado Male Qua rtet RMA Rev. Roger Qui mpo Women’s Trio RMA 10:00 A.M. Dance Sports Techni cal Rehea rsal 4:00 PM 8:00 A.M. 4:00 P.M. 2 Sep (T) 7:00-12:00 8:00AM12:00PM 4 Sept (Th) 5 Sep (F) Rep. Jethro Importado Prof. Jul yn Ri co Mrs . Ma . Vi ctoria Bellosillo Rev. Roger Qui mpo Rep. Ma rie Fe Vil chez & Rep. Thres cia Gra ce Robles Gym Ms . Ma ry Jane Espa ñola Rep. Thres cia Gra ce Robles Mr.Armando M. Hisuan, Jr. Mr. & Ms . CPU Pageant Night RMA Ms . Cris ta Huyong / Ms . Ca rmelle Frances Romero Vi ce Pres. Emil y Oke, P.M. Dojie Guma ta , & Pres . Brya n Eri c Cerebo Ms . Cris ta Huyong 7:00-10:00 A.M. CPU CoEd Diamond JubileeRegis tra tion of Alumni & Students & Devotional Bi g Field Dr. Nelson Pomado 8:00 A.M -5:00 P.M. CPU CoEd Diamond Jubilee-Field Demonstra tion, Alumni Fellowship, Pi cni c & Ra ffles Bi g Field Dr. Nelson Pomado 2:00-8:00 P.M. CPU CoEd Diamond Jubilee-Cul tural Presenta tion RMA Dr. Nelson Pomado 10:00 A.M. Crea ti ve and Interpreta ti ve Dance RMA Prof. Necil Ma gno 1:00 P.M. Hi p Hop RMA Prof. Necil Ma gno 3:00 P.M. Dance Sports GYM 5:00 P.M. Poetry Choi r 6:00 – 6:30 A.M. 6:30 – 7:30 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 3 Sept (W) Prof. Jul yn Ri co Mrs . Ma . Vi ctoria Bellosillo Prof. Jul yn Ri co Rep. Jethro Importado Prof. Jul yn Ri co Prof. Jul yn Ri co Rep. Lindsey Lane Tres valles & Rep. Ruzzel Diane Oducado Rep. Anthony Sevilla and Sen. Blessed Bea Plonda ya Mrs . Ma ry Ann Abecenda rio Ms . Ma ry Jane Espa ñola Rep. Ruzzel Diane Oducado Mr. Armando M. Hisuan, Jr. RMA Prof. Jessica Ga rgantiel Sen. Blessed Bea Plonda ya Pres . Bryan Eri c Cerebo Uni versi ty Da y Devotional CPU Grands tand Rev. Francis Neil Jalando-on Rep. Lindsey Lane Tres valles Rev. Dr. Jerson Na rciso Foot and Float Pa rade Bi gField Engr. Ruben Armadillo Vi ce Pres. Emil y Oke, P.M. Dojie Engr. Gera rdo Gepulango Ms . Rodal yn Derecho 4 Ms . Rodal yn Derecho 7:30 -9:00 A.M. Uni versi ty Da y Opening Ceremony CPU Grands tand CPUR 9:00-11:00 A.M. Cheering & Yelling Bi g Field Prof. Jonah Ban Dela vin Sen. Tri cia Gonzalez Engr. Gera rdo Gepulango 11:00-12:00 Uni versi ty Pi cni c Designa ted Areas Prof. Pa trocinio Pudadera Vi ce Pres. Emil y Oke, P.M. Dojie Guma ta , & Pres . Brya n Eri c Cerebo Mr. Armando Hisuan, Jr. 1:00 P.M. Ba ttle of the Bands APCP CPUR Sen. Miguel Paolo Es cucha Mr. Armando Hisuan, Jr. 4:00 – 7:00 P.M Folkdance RMA Ms . Lenny Rose Estante Rep. Lindsey Lane Tres valles & Rep. Ruzzel Diane Oducado Mrs . Shiela Sorilla APCP Pas tor Alfred Morales Vi ce Pres. Emil y Oke P.M. Dojie Guma ta Debate (Finals) 4:00 – 7:00 P.M. 6 Sep (Sa t) Guma ta , & Pres . Brya n Eri c Cerebo & Rep. Anthony Sevilla Vi ce Pres. Emil y Oke, P.M. Dojie Guma ta , & Pres . Brya n Eri c Cerebo Dr. Ma rgen Ja va /Pres . Brya n Eri c Cerebo Ms . Tina Ma rie Hortelano 7:30-8:30 A.M. Alumni Morni ng Devotional APCP Ms . Tina Ma rie Hortelano 8:00.-3:00 P.M. Alumni Homecoming Celebra tion RMA Ms . Tina Ma rie Hortelano 8:00 A.M. Ball Games Championships Designa ted Areas Atty. Alejandro Somo Sen. Miguel Paolo Es cucha 4:00-7:00 P.M. Choral RMA Ms . Cris ta Huyong Rep. Steven Vi ctoriano Dr. Diadem Pea rl Equiña 7:00 P.M. Alumni Night Ami go Terra ce Hotel Ms . Tina Ma rie Hortelano Vi ce Pres. Emil y Oke, P.M. Dojie Guma ta , & Pres . Brya n Eri c Cerebo Ms . Tina Ma rie Hortelano 9:30 A.M. Thanksgi ving Servi ce UC Dr. Na thaniel Fabula P.M. Dojie Guma ta Rev. Dr. Jerson Na rciso Ms . Tina Ma rie Hortelano Atty. Alejandro Somo/Engr. G. 8 Sept (Sun) Prepared by: Mr. Eric Lagradilla Chairman, Steering Committee CPU University Day 2014 Gepulango
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