PUBLICATIONS A. Peer reviewed 1. Köhl J, Casaretto M, Gier M, Karwath G, Gietz C, Bautsch W, Saunders D, BitterSuermann D. Reevaluation of the C3a active site using short synthetic C3a analogues. Eur J Immunol 1990; 20:1463-1468. IF: 4,865 2. Suckau D, Köhl J, Karwath G, Schneider K, Casaretto M, Bitter-Suermann D, Przybylski M. Molecular epitope identification by limited proteolysis of an immobilized antigen-antibody complex and mass spectrometric peptide mapping. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1990; 87: 9848-9852. IF: 9,380 3. Kretzschmar T, Kahl K, Rech K, Bautsch W, Köhl J, Bitter-Suermann D. Characterization of the C5a receptor on guinea pig platelets. Immunobiology 1991; 183:418-432. IF: 3,461 4. Kroll B, Emde M, Jeromin A, Penner L, Rechkemmer G, Kretzschmar T, Klos A, Köhl J, Bautsch W. Functional expression of a human C5a receptor clone in Xenopus oocytes requires additional RNA. FEBS Lett 1991; 291:208-210. IF: 3,264 5. Kola A, Klos A, Bautsch W, Kretzschmar T, Köhl J. Functional activities of synthetic anaphylatoxic peptides in widely used biological assays. Clin Exp Immunol 1992; 88:368-372. IF: 2,853 6. Kretzschmar T, Pohl M, Casaretto M, Przewosny M, Bautsch W, Klos A, Saunders D, Köhl J. Synthetic peptides as antagonists of the anaphylatoxin C3a. Eur J Biochem 1992; 210:185-191. IF: 3,579 7. Bautsch W, Emde M, Kretzschmar T, Köhl J, Suckau D, Bitter-Suermann D. Human C5a anaphylatoxin:Gene cloning and expression in Eschericha coli. Immunobiology 1992; 185:41-52. IF: 3,461 8. Bautsch W, Kretzschmar T, Stuhmer T, Kola A, Emde M, Köhl J, Klos A, BitterSuermann D. A recombinant hybrid anaphylatoxin with dual C3a/C5a activity. Biochem J 1992; 288:261-266. IF: 4,371 9. Klos A, Bank S, Gietz C, Bautsch W, Köhl J, Burg M, Kretzschmar T. C3a receptor on dibutyryl-cAMP-differentiated U937 cells and human neutrophils: the human C3a receptor characterized by functional responses and 125I-C3a binding. Biochemistry 1992; 31:11274-11282. IF: 3,379 10. Pletschette M, Köhl J, Kuipers J, Schmidt RE. Opportunistic Capnocytophaga canimorsus infection. Lancet 1992; 339: 308 (Letter). IF: 28,409 11. Kretzschmar T, Jeromin A, Gietz C, Bautsch W, Klos A, Köhl J, Rechkemmer G, Bitter Suermann D. Chronic myelogenous leukemia-derived basophilic granulocytes express a functional active receptor for the anaphylatoxin C3a. Eur J Immunol 1993; 23:558-561. IF: 4,865 12. Köhl J, Lübbers B, Klos A, Bautsch W, Casaretto M. Evaluation of the C-terminal C5a effector site with short synthetic C5a analog peptides. Eur J Immunol 1993; 23:646-652. IF: 4,865 13. Hartmann H, Lübbers B, Casaretto M, Bautsch W, Klos A, Köhl J. Rapid quantification of C3a and C5a using a combination of chromatographic and immunoassay procedures. J Immunol Methods 1993; 166:35-44. IF: 2,120 14. Federwisch M, Wollmer A, Emde M, Stuhmer T, Melcher T, Klos A, Köhl J, Bautsch November 14, 2014 W. Tryptophan mutants of human C5a anaphylatoxin: a fluorescence anisotropy decay and energy transfer study. Biophys Chem 1993; 46:237-248. IF: 2,362 15. Klos A, Mätje C, Rheinheimer C, Bautsch W, Köhl J, Burg M. Amino acids 327-350 of the human C5a-receptor are not essential for [125I] C5a binding in COS cells and signal transduction in Xenopus oocytes. FEBS Lett 1994; 344:79-82. IF: 2,264 16. Bubeck P, Grötzinger J, Winkler M, Köhl J, Wollmer A, Klos A, Bautsch W. Sitespecific mutagenesis of residues in the human C5a anaphylatoxin which are involved in possible interaction with the C5a receptor. Eur J Biochem 1994; 219: 897-904. IF: 3,579 17. Weber S, Lottspeich F, Köhl J. An epitope of elongation factor Tu is widely distributed within the bacterial and archaeal domains. J Bacteriol 1995; 177: 11-19. IF: 3,636 18. Schmidt U, Köhl J, Kawalla G, Hecke F, Regel G. Systemic response of fibrin degradation products, cytokines, and anaphylatoxins in multitrauma patients early after injury. In: Kongreßbericht zur 111. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie Langenbecks Arch. Chir. 1995 Suppl. II : 128-130. IF: 0,921 19. Köhl J. Nabbing a MAb. ASM News 1995; 61: 181. IF: 0,95 20. Stöve S, Klos A, Bautsch W, Köhl J. Reevaluation of the storage conditions for blood samples which are used for determination of complement activation. J Immunol Methods 1995; 182: 1-5. IF: 2,120 21. Burg M., Martin U, Rheinheimer C, Köhl J, Bautsch W, Böttger EC, and Klos; A. Interferon- up-regulates the human C5a-receptor (CD88) in myeloblastic U937-cells and related cell-lines. J Immunol. 1995; 155: 4419-4426. IF: 6,00 22. Burg M, Raffetseder U, Grove M, Klos A, Köhl J, Bautsch W. G-16 complements the signal transduction cascade of chemotactic receptors for complement factor C5a (C5a-R) and N-formylated peptides (fMLF-R) in Xenopus laevis oocytes, FEBS Lett.1995; 377: 426-428. IF: 3,264 23. Raffetseder U, Röper D, Laurence M, Gietz C, Klos A, Grötzinger J, Wollmer A, Boulay F, Köhl J, Bautsch W. Site-directed mutagenesis of conserved charged residues in the helical region of the human C5a receptor: Arg206 determines high affinity binding sites of C5a receptor. Eur J Biochem.1996; 235: 82-90. IF: 3,579 24. Stöve S, Welte T, Wagner T. O. F, Kola A, Klos A, Bautsch W, Köhl J. Circulating complement proteins in patients with sepsis and SIRS. Clin. Diagn. Lab Immunol 1996; 3: 175-183. IF: 2,511 25. Kola A, Baensch M., Bautsch W, Hennecke M, Klos A, Köhl J. Epitope mapping of a C5a neutralizing mAb using a combined approach of phage display, synthetic peptides and site-directed mutagenesis. Immunotechnology 1996; 2: 115-126. IF: 0,000 26. Crass T., Raffetseder U., Martin U., Grove M., Klos A., Köhl J., and Bautsch W. Expression cloning of the human C3a anaphylatoxin receptor (C3aR) from differentiated U937 cells. Eur J Immunol, 1996, 26: 1944-1950. IF: 4,865 27. Burg M, Martin U, Rheinheimer C, Köhl J, Bautsch W, Klos A. Differential regulation of the C3a and C5a receptors (CD88) by IFN- and PMA in U937 cells and related myeloblastic cell lines. J Immunol, 1996, 157: 5574 - 5581. IF: 6,000 28. Stöve S, Hartmann H, Klos A, Bautsch W, Köhl J. Early diagnosis of sepsis by rapid measurement of C3a/C3 plasma levels. In: Faist E, Baus AE, Schildberg FW, (eds.), MOF, MODS and SIRS- Concepts, Clinical Correlates and Therapy, Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on The Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock and Sepsis: November 14, 2014 Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches. Pabst Science Publisher, Lengerich, 1996, 162 -170. 29. Hennecke M, W, Kola A, Klos A, Bautsch W, Köhl J. A selection system to study C5aC5a-receptor interaction: phage display of a novel C5a anaphylatoxin, C5aAla27. Gene, 1997, 184: 263 - 277. IF: 2,578 30. Hartmann K, Henz BM, Krüger-Krasagakes S, Köhl, J, Burger R, Haase I, Lippert U, Zuberbier T. C3a and C5a stimulate chemotaxis of human mast cells. Blood, 1997, 89: 2863 - 2870. IF: 10,432 31. Bock D, Martin U., Gärtner S., Rheinheimer C., Arseniev L., Barker M., Monk M.N., Bautsch W., Köhl J., Klos A. The C-terminus of the hman C5aR (CD 88) is required for normal ligand-dependent receptor-internalization. Eur J Immunol., 1997, 27: 1522 1529. IF: 4,865 32. Hecke F., Schmidt U., Kola A., Bautsch W., Klos A., Köhl J. Circulating complement proteins in multiple trauma patients - correlation with injury severity, development of sepsis, and outcome, Crit Care Med, 1997, 25: 2015 - 2024. IF: 6,594 33. Martin, U., Bock, D., Arseniev, L., Tornetta, M.A., Ames, R., Bautsch, W., Köhl, J., Ganser, A., Klos, A. The human C3a receptor is expressed on neutrophils and monocyes, but not on B or T Lymphocytes. J Exp Med, 1997, 186: 199 - 207. IF: 15,219 34. Vogel, U., Weinberger, A., Frank, R., Müller, A., Köhl, J., Atkinson, J.P., Frosch, M. Complement factor C3 deposition and serum resistance in isogenic capsule and lipooligosaccharide sialic acid mutants of serogroup B Neisseria meningitidis. Infect Immunity, 1997, 65: 4022 - 4029. IF: 3,987 35. Hennecke, M., Otto, A., Baensch, M., Kola., A, Bautsch, W., Klos, A., Köhl, J. A detailed analysis of the C5a anaphylatoxin effector domain: Selection of C5a phage libraries on differentiated U937 cells. Eur J Biochemistry, 1998,252: 36 - 44. IF: 3,579 36. Hawlisch, H., Frank, R., Hennecke, M., Baensch, M., Sohns, B., Arseniev, L., Bautsch, W., Kola, A., Klos, A., Köhl, J. Site-Directed C3a-receptor antibodies from phage display libraries. J Immunol, 1998, 160: 2947 - 2958. IF: 6,000 37. Baensch M., Frank R., Köhl J. Conservation of the Amino-terminal epitope of elongation factor Tu in eubacteria and archea. Microbiology, 1998, 144: 2241 - 2246. IF: 0,705 38. Lüneberg E, Zähringer U, Knirel YA, Steinmann D, Hartmann M, Steinmetz I, Rohde M, Köhl J, Frosch M. Phase-variable expression of lipopolysaccharide contributes to the virulence of Legionella pneumophila. J Exp Med, 1998, 188: 49 –60. IF: 15,219 39. Paral D, Sohns, B, Crass T, Grove M, Köhl J, Klos A, Bautsch W. Genomic organization of the human C3a-receptor (C3aR). Eur J Immunol, 1998, 28: 2417-2423. IF: 4,865 40. Lienenklaus S, Ames RS, Tornetta MA, Sarau HM, Foley JJ, Crass T, Sohns B, Raffetseder U, Grove M, Hölzer A, Klos A, Köhl J, Bautsch W. Cutting Edge: Human C4a anaphylatoxin elicits C3a-receptor mediated effects in guinea pigs but not in man. J Immunol, 1998, 161: 2089 – 2093. IF: 6,000 41. Kola A., Baensch M., Bautsch W., Klos A., Köhl J. Analysis of the C5a anaphylatoxin core domain using a C5a phage library selected on differentiated U937 cells. Mol Immunol, 1999, 36: 145 – 152. IF: 3,555 42. Crass T., Ames R.S., Sarau H.M., Tornetta M.A., Foley J.J., Köhl J., Klos A., Bautsch W. Chimeric receptors of the human C3a-receptor (C3aR) and C5a-receptor (C5aR; November 14, 2014 CD88). J Biol Chem, 1999, 274: 8367 – 8370. IF: 5,520 43. Heller T., Gessner, J.E., Schmidt R.E., Klos A., Bautsch W., Köhl J. Cutting Edge: FcRI on macrophages and complement mediate the inflammatory response in immune complex peritonitis. J Immunol, 1999, 162: 5657-5661. IF: 6,000 44. Settmacher B, Bock D, Saad H, Gärtner S, Rheinheimer C, Köhl J, Bautsch W, Klos A. Modulation of C3a activity: internalization of the human C3a-receptor and its inhibition by C5a. J Immunol, 1999, 162: 7409-7416. IF: 6,000 45. Heller T, Hennecke M, Baumann, U., Gessner J.E., Meyer zu Vilsendorf A., Baensch M, Kola A, Boulay F, Baumann U, Klos A, Bautsch W, Köhl J. Selection of a C5a-receptor antagonist from phage libraries attenuating the inflammatory responses in immune complex disease and ischema/reperfusion injury. J Immunol, 1999, 163: 985-994. IF: 6,000 46. Murray I, Köhl J, Cianflone K. Acylation stimulating protein (ASP): structure:function determinants of cell surface binding and triacylglycerol synthetic activity. Biochem J 1999, 342: 41-48. IF: 4,371 47. Link C., Hawlisch H., Friedrichsen M., Meyer zu Vilsendorf A., Gyleruz S., Nagel E., Köhl J. Selection of phage-displayed anti guinea pig C5 and C5a antibodies and their application in xenotransplantation. Mol Immunol, 1999, 36: 1253 –1247. IF: 3,555 48. Köhl J. Antikörper aus dem Reagenzglas. Die gelben Hefte. Jg. XXXIX, Heft 1, 1999, 22-31. 49. Köhl J. Antibodies from phage display libraries. Biomedical Progress 1999, 12: 65-70. IF: 1,853 50. Köhl J. and Gessner J.E. On the role of complement and Fc- receptors in the Arthus reaction. Mol Immunol, 1999, 36: 893-903. IF: 2,076 51. Jannssen U., Bahlmann F., Köhl J., Zwirner J., Haubitz M., Floege J. Activation of the acute phase response and of complement C3 in patients with IgA-nephropathy. Am. J. Kidney Dis. 2000, 35:21-28. IF: 4,822 52. Baumann U, Köhl J., Schwerter-Strumpf K., Tschernig T., Schmidt R.E., Gessner J.E. A codominant role of FcRIII and C5aR in the reverse Arthus reaction. J Immunol 2000, 164: 1065-1070. IF: 6,000 53. Hawlisch H., Meyer zu Vilsendorf A., Nagel E., Bautsch W., Klos A., Köhl J. Guinea pig C3 specific rabbit single chain Fv antibodies from bone marrow, spleen and blood derived phage libraries. 2000, J Immunol Methods 236: 117 - 131. IF: 2,120 54. Petering H, Köhl J, Weyergraf A, Kimmig D, Smolarski R, Knapp A, Elsner J. Characterization of synthetic C3a analog peptides on human eosinophils in comparison to the native complement component C3a. J Immunol 2000 164: 3783 - 3789. IF: 6,000 55. Templin C., Schröder C., Simon A.R., Laaff G., Köhl J., Chikobava M., Lapin B., Steinhoff G., Martin U. Analysis of potential porcine enodgenous retrovirus transmission to baboon in vitro and in vivo. 2000, Transplant. Proc. 32: 1163-1164. IF: 1,055 56. Simon A.R., Schröder C., Martin U., Chikobava M., Templin C., Laaf G., Köhl J., Lapin B., Haverich A., Steinhoff G. An attempt to induce tolerance in a pig-to-primate transplantation model by infusion of ultrahigh numbers of donor peripheral blood mononuclear cells: fist promising results. 2000, Transplant. Proc. 32: 1052-1053. IF: 1,055 57. Meyer zu Vilsendorf A., Nagel E., Link C., Jörns A., Köhl J. Prolonged survival of November 14, 2014 guinea pig to rat heart xenografts following complement depletion and B-cell directed immunosuppression by malonitrylamide. 2000, Transplant. Proc. 32: 864-865. IF: 1,055 58. Selberg O., Martin M., Klos A., Bautsch W., Köhl J. Discrimination of Sepsis and SIRS by determination of circulating plasma concentrations of procalcitonin, C3a and IL-6. 2000, Crit. Care Med., 28: 2793-2798. IF: 6,594 59. Karp C.L., Gruppe A., Schadt E., Ewart S.L., Keane-More M., Cuomo P.J., Köhl J., Wahl L., Kupermann D., Germer S., Aud D., Peltz G., Wills-Karp M. Identification of complement factor 5 (C5) as a susceptibility locus for experimental allergic asthma. 2000 Nat. Immunol. 3: 221 - 226. IF: 25,113 60. Bautsch W., Hoymann H-G., Zhang Q., Meyer-Wiedenbach I., Raschke u., Ames R.S., Sohns B., Meyer zu Vilsendorf A., Klos A., M. Grove, Köhl J., Cutting edge: Guinea pigs with a natural C3a-receptor defect exhibit decreased bronchoconstriction in allergic airway disease: evidence for an involvement of the C3a anaphylatoxin in the pathogenesis of asthma. 2000 J. Immunol., 165: 5401 –5405. IF: 6,000 61. Meyer zu Vilsendorf A., Nagel E., Link C., Jörns A., Nagel E., Köhl J. Preconditioning with the prostacyclin analog eprostenol and cobra venom factor prevents reperfusion injury and hyperacute rejection in discordant liver transplanatation. 2001 Xenotransplantation 8: 41 - 47. IF: 2,288 62. Köhl J. Anaphylatoxins and infectious and non-infectious inflammatory diseases. 2001 Mol. Immunol. 38: 175 -187. IF: 3,555 63. Link C., Meyer zu Vilsendorf A., Köhl J. Analysis of preformed xenoreactive antibodies in the discordant guinea pig to rat model using a guinea pig fibroblast-like cell line. 2001 Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. 6: 51-55. IF: 1,363 64. Templin C., Schröder C., Simon A.R., Laaff G., Köhl J., Chikobava M., Lapin B., Winkler M.E., Wiebe K., Steinhoff G., Martin U. Long-term monitoring of xenotransplanted baboons: no evidence for pig enodgenous retrovirus transmission. 2001 Transplant. Proc. 33: 692. IF: 1,055 65. Hawlisch H., Müller M., Frank R., Bautsch W., Klos A., Köhl J. Site speficic anti-C3a receptor specific single chain antibodies selected by differential panning on nitrocellulose sheets. 2001 Anal. Biochem. 293: 142-145. IF: 3,088 66. Baumann U., Chouchakova N., Gewecke B., Köhl J., Carroll M.C., Schmidt R.E., Gessner J.E. Distinct tissue site-specific requirements of mast cells and complement components C3/C5a receptor in IgG immune complex-induced injury of skin and lung. 2001 J. Immunol. 167: 1022 -1027. IF: 6,000 67. Krug N., Tschernig T., Erpenbeck VJ., Hohlfeld JM., Köhl J. Complement factors C3a and C5a are increased in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid after segmental allergen provocation in asthmatics. 2001 Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 164: 1841-1843. IF: 9,792 68. Mollnes TE., Brekke O-L., Bergseth G., Christiansen D., Fure H., Videm V., Lappegard KT, Köhl J., Lambris J. Essential role of complement and the C5a receptor in Escherichia coli induced oxidative burst in a novel lepirudin based human whole blood model of inflammation. 2002 Blood 100:1869-187. IF: 10,432 69. Baumann U., Shushakova, N., Skokova J., Köhl J, Schmidt. R.E., Gessner, J.E. Complement and Fc receptors in autoimmune-associated inflammation. 2002 Mod. Asp. Immunobiol., 2: 269 – 272. November 14, 2014 70. Soruri A., Kiafard Z., Dettmer C., Riggert J., Köhl J., Zwirner J. IL-4 down-regulates anaphylatoxin receptors in monocytes and dendritic cells and impairs anaphylatoxininduced migration in vivo. 2003 J. Immunol. 170: 3306. IF: 6,000 71. De Vries B., Köhl J., Leclerqc W., Wolfs T., Van Bijnen A., Heeringa P., Buurmann W. Complement factor C5a mediates renal ischemia reperfusion injury independent from neutrophils. 2003 J. Immunol.170: 3883 - 3889. IF: 6,000 72. Settmacher B., Reinheimer C., Hamacher H., Ames R., Wise A., Jenkinson L., Bock D., Schaefer M., Köhl J., Klos A.. Structure-function studies of the C3a-receptor: Cterminal serine and threonine residues which influence receptor internalization and signaling. 2003 Eur. J. Immunol. 33:920 - 927 IF: 4,865 73. Otto M, Hawlisch H, Monk PN, Müller M, Klos A, Karp CL, Köhl J. C5a mutants are potent antagonists of the C5a receptor (CD88) and of C5L2: position 69 is the locus that determines agonism or antagonism. 2004 J Biol Chem. 279:142-151. IF: 5,520 74. Godau J., Heller Y., Hawlisch H., Trappe M., Howells E., Best J., Zwirner J., Verbeek J.S., Hogarth PM., Gerard C., van Rooijen N., Klos A., J. Engelbert Gessner, and Köhl J. C5a initiates the inflammatory cascade in immune complex peritonitis. 2004 J. Immunol. 173: 3437-3445. IF: 6,000 75. Hawlisch H, Wills-Karp M, Karp CL, Köhl J. The anaphylatoxins bridge innate and adaptive immune responses in allergic asthma. Mol Immunol. 2004 41:123-131. IF: 3,196 76. Bälder R., Bautsch W., Zwirner J., Köhl J., Hoymann H.G, Glaab T., Erpenbeck V., Fuchs B., Krug N., Braun A. Parmacological targeting of anaphylatoxin receptors during the effector phase of allergic asthma suppresses airway hyperresponsiveness and airway inflammation. 2005 J. Immunol. 174:783-789. IF: 6,000 77. Wills-Karp M and Köhl J. New Insights into the Role of the Complement Pathway in Allergy and Asthma. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2005 5:362-369. IF: 2,75 78. Skokowa J, Ali S R, Felda O., Kumar V., Konrad S., Shushakova N., Schmidt R.E., Piekorz R., Nürnberg B., Spicher K., Birnbaumer L., Zwirner J., Claassens J.W.C., Verbeek J.S., van Rooijen N., Köhl J., and Gessner J.E. Macrophage induce the Inflammatory response in the pulmonary Arthus Reaction through Gi2 activation that cotrols C5aR and Fc Receptor cooperation 2005 J. Immunol. 174:3041-3050. IF: 6,000 79. Hawlisch H., Belkaid Y., Bälder R., Hildeman, D., Köhl J.. C5a negatively regulates Toll-like receptor 4-induced immune responses. 2005 Immunity, 22: 415-426. IF: 20,579 80. Therien AG, Baelder R., Köhl J. Agonist Activity of the Small Molecule C3aR Ligand SB 290157. 2005 J. Immunol. 174: 7479 – 7480 (letter). IF: 6,000 81. Addis-Lieser A., Köhl J., and Chiaramonte M.G. Opposing regulatory roles of complement factor 5 in the development of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis. 2005 J. Immunol. 175:1894-902. IF: 6,000 82. Hillebrandt S, Wasmuth H.E., Weiskirchen R., Hellerbrand C., Keppeler H., Werth A., Wilkens G., Geier A., Schirin-Sokhan, Lorenzen J., Köhl J., Gressner A.M., Matern S., Lammert F. Complement factor 5 is a genetic risk factor that modifies liver fibrosis in mice and humans. 2005 Nat. Genetics 37:835-43. IF: 30,259 83. Lewkowich IP, Herman NS, Schleifer KW, Dance MP, Chen BL, Dienger KM, Sproles AA, Shah JS, Köhl J, Belkaid Y, Wills-Karp M. CD4+CD25+ T cells protect against November 14, 2014 experimentally induced asthma and alter pulmonary dendritic cell phenotype and function. 2005 J. Exp. Med. 202: 1549-1561. IF: 15,219 84. Köhl J., Bälder R., Lewkowich I., Pandey M.K., Hawlisch H., Wang L., Herman N., Sproles A., Best J., Zwirner J., Lambris J.D., Whitsett J.D., and Wills-Karp M.. A regulatory role for the C5a anaphylatoxin on type 2 immunity in asthma. 2006 J. Clin. Invest. 116: 783-796. IF: 16,559 85. Köhl J. The role of complement in danger sensing and transmission. Immunol. Res., 2006 34: 157-176. IF: 2,93 86. Köhl J., Drug evaluation: the C5a receptor antagonist PMX-53. Curr. Opin. Mol. Ther. 2006 8:529-38. IF: 3,42 87. Hawlisch H and Köhl J. Complement and Toll-like receptors: key regulators of adaptive immune responses. Mol Immunol 2006 43:13-21. IF: 4,768 88. Gressner O, Meier U, Hillebrandt S, Wasmuth H, Köhl J, Sauerbruch T, Gressner AM, Lammert F. Gc-globulin concentrations modify the effect of C5 haplotype on serum activities of complement factor 5 2007 Clin. Biochem. 40: 771-775. IF: 1,926 89. Jongerius I, Köhl J, Pandey M.K., Ruyken M., van Kessel K.P.M., van Strijp J.A.G., Rooijakkers H.M. Staphylococcal complement evasion by various convertase-blocking molecules. J. Exp. Med. 2007 204:2461-2471. IF: 15,219 90. Köhl J. and Wills-Karp M. Complement regulates inhalation tolerance at the dendritic/T cell interface. Mol. Immunol. 2007, 44:44-56 IF: 3,742 91. Köhl J and Wills-Karp M. A dual role for complement in allergic asthma. Curr. Op. Pharmacol., 2007 7:283-289. IF: 5,443 92. Reis ES, Barbuto JAM, Köhl J, Isaac L. Impaired dendritic cell differentiation and maturation in the absence of C3. Mol. Immunol. 2008, 45: 1952-1962. IF: 3,555 93. Rittirsch D, Flierl MA, Nadeau BA, Day DE, Hoesel LM, Zetoune FS, Cianflone K, Huber-Lang M, Köhl J., Gerard C., Sarma JV, Ward PA. Functional roles for C5a in sepsis. 2008 Nat. Medicine, 14:551-557. IF: 27,553 94. Lewis AG, Köhl G, Qing M., Devarajan P, Köhl J. Pharmacological targeting of the C5a receptor during cold ischemia as a novel therapeutic concept to improve kidney graft survival. 2008 Clin. Exp. Immunol. 153:177-126. IF: 2,853 95. Khodoun M., Strait R., Orekov T., Hogan S., Debroski H., Köhl J.; Finkelman FD. Peanuts induce shock by activating complement. 2009 J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 123: 342-351. IF: 9,773 96. Klos A, Tenner AJ, Johswich KO, Ager RR, Reis ES, Köhl J. Anaphylatoxins in health and disease. Mol. Immunol. 2009 46:2753-66. IF: 3,202 97. Zhang X., Lewkowich I.P., Köhl G., Clark J.F., Wills-Karp M., Köhl J. A protective role for C5a in the development of allergic asthma associated with altered levels of B7H1 and B7-DC on plasmacytoid dendritic cells. 2009 J. Immunol. 182: 5123-5130. IF: 6,000 98. Esmann L. Idel C., Sarkar A., Hellberg L., Behnen M., Möller S., van Zandbergen G., Klinger M., Köhl J., Bussmeyer T. Phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by neutrophil granulocytes: diminished proinflammatory neutrophil function. 2010 J Immunol. 184: 391-400. IF: 5,646 99. Weaver DJ, Reis E.S., Pandey M.K., Köhl, G., Harris, N., Gerard C., Köhl, J. C5a receptor-deficient dendritic cells promote induction of Treg and Th17 cells. 2010. Eur November 14, 2014 J. Immunol. 40: 710-721. IF: 5,179 100. Bestebroer J., Aerts P.C., Rooijakkers S.H., Pandey M.K., Köhl J., van Strijp J.A., de Haas C.J. Functional basis for complement evasion by staphylococcal superantigen-like 7. 2010. Cell Microbiol. 12: 1506-1516. IF: 5,725 101. Hashimoto M., Hirota K., Yoshitommi H., Maeda S., Teradaira S., Akizuki S., PrietoMartin P., Nomura T., Sakaguchi N., Köhl J., Heymann B., Takahashi M., Fujita T., Mimori T., Sakaguchi S. Complement drives Th17 cell differentiation and triggers autoimmunity. 2010 J. Exp. Med. 207:1135-1143. IF: 15,219 102. Fritsche L.G., Lauer N., Hartmann A., Stippa S., Keilhauer C.N., Oppermann M., Pandey M.K., Köhl J., Zipfel P.F., Weber B.H., Skerka C. An imbalance of human complement regulatory proteins CFHR1, CFHR3 and factor H influences risk for agerelated macular degeneration (AMD). 2010 Hum Mol Genet. 19:4694-4704. IF: 7,386 103. Zhang X, Köhl J. A complex role for complement in allergic asthma. Expert Rev. Clin. Immunol. 2010 6: 269-77. IF: 5,646 104. Karsten CM and Köhl J. The complement receptor CD46 tips the scales in TH1 selfcontrol. Nat Immunol. 2010 11:775-777. IF: 26,199 105. 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