i f i V.S. ffi Jgj ^-fstr^sfi ASTM C6wmimmm "rt^jS5»" - s^s p ^ U C M ® ° pt^JSM¥5»fg^r±40TT!ir^iiiiJ 630 kg/cm2 urn - Rttmmmmmmtmm - tr^m^HMfraf ° Emm> immzmmmo ~ i5i@ mtfm&Tmm&mmim&mwttMmi-. 'i.wmw-mm. 2. Jl7J±U^JJt 3. &ggJ9£til1£ 4. @§£S1£ AY*¥5»M¥ T ^f#iiJ^&03¥ J !lJS(2.7 um) ° ¥8tJt : 21.3 pm ipjgj* : 202.8 pm ¥8tJt • 2.7 pm ¥8iJt = 10.5 pm (1)Yen-kuei Chang., 2007, "The investigation of the compressive stress deviation of concrete cylinders under different capping methods using the pressure sensitive films." p74-97 \li!A!i!A!i>flCZK^ i 32 ^fqJIpH ¥SIIt :21.3 pm mm mmmummm° ¥8tJt •• 2.7 pm -mmmmmmmmts i®mn>m—ft9> ° mi3&^m mmwmu mmmmmmmmmm ° ,1 3D 1120 1110 1100 - 9U 80 F,n [cm] [cm] [ctril |1)Y9n-ku9i Chang., 2007, "Th9 invastigation of tha comprassiva stress deviation of concrete cylinders under different capping methods using the pressure sensitive films." p74-97 v!i!i!i!i!i>fl!ia§q]jaL&iK- • • •••> ^IJS mmtnui iitfiKffi^jS0W±^fifflfi¥fi^i»a^wtb$x( 1 > Werner P) ^ S i i i : "?±ri^Jt0^;tllI±^ - ¥MJS$^0^Iitfltb^¥MJS$x&0^Iitfl#T€$xfi0^Kffi^ 560 kg/cm2 O 1) Sample 563 TtSfSllffi o o \W~0imeM Gypsum Grinding Gypsum Grinding (1)Yen-kuei Chang., 2007, "The investigation of the compressive stress deviation of concrete cylinders under different capping methods using the pressure sensitive films." p48-52 (2) Werner, G., 1958, "The Effect of Capping Material on the Compressive Strength of Concrete Cylinders," ASTM Proceedings, V. 58, pp. 1166-1186 (including Discussion byS. Helms). (3) Carino, Nicholas J., 1994, "Effects of Testing Variables on the Measured Compressive Strength of High-Strength (90 MPa) Concrete" p10-11. nn -mum±um ffiffi3iJt;Fb^±li1li|6|CLSM X X • • mm • mmt±mmmm-mmiii ° 5«M¥ • i^mmmmu^mm^mm ° cME^fiEi'enjaLCii*- • ••••>
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