Pilgrim's Landscaping & Snow Removal BOBCAT RENTAL AVAILABLE FOR: SNOW REMOVAL $ 30.00 TO $ 50.00 PER DRIVEWAY (depending on size of driveway) LANDSCAPING, POST HOLE AUGER CALL FOR MORE INFO KEITH OR DEB 994-3101 FARO STUDIO RESTAURANT OPEN 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM DAILY FARO STUDIO LOUNGE HOURS: Monday – Saturday 4 – 8 pm (Based on demand after 8 pm) (Closed Sunday) * Phone Cards * Bank Machine DISCOVERY STORE/FARO HARDWARE Monday to Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sundays & Holidays: 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm Truck Arrivals: Wednesday Order Day: Friday by 4:00 Pick up Day: Thursday Please! *Phone Cards *Building Products * Lotto*Fresh Produce *Dairy **We also carry local crafts for gift ideas! NORTH OF 60 MASSAGE THERAPY CALL US FOR SPECIAL ORDERS AND CASELOTS @ 994-2470 Therapeutic & relaxation massage Located at 507 Douglas Drive Now taking appointments Phone 994-2226 WILD FUR FOR SALE Cost: $70.00/hr $40.00/30 min Covered by most extended Health Care Plans CALL MAD MIKE @ 867-969-2800 OR [email protected] Michelle Lynch Registered Massage Therapist [email protected] WIDE VARIETY FAIR PRICES AVON BONNIE BOWNESS 994-2429 HELEN WAGANTALL 994-3277 Helen Wagantall 994-3277 REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE RECENTLY RENOVATED HOME AT 268 DAWSON DRIVE SPECTACULAR VIEWS OF THE PELLY RIVER, SEMI FURNISHED, DETACHED GARAGE, PRICED TO SELL AT $80,000.00. TO HAVE A LOOK AT THE HOUSE PLEASE CALL KEITH OR DEB AT 994-3101. HOUSE FOR SALE 410 Campbell Street Three bedrooms one bathroom, 1080 square feet home on a finished, full size, concrete basement. The house sits on a very large town lot with outstanding views of the Pelly River and mountains. Asking $92,000 For more information or to view call: Rosalind Mercredi (867) 873-8803 or Christian Bucher (250) 651-7573 HOUSE FOR SALE IN FARO This house was retrofitted in 2005 with new roof, windows, insulation and siding. Laminate flooring throughout except 1 bedroom. 3 bedrooms, full bath with new faucets and tub surround, new toilet, sink & faucets. Full wall of closet in master. Kitchen has new countertops, sinks and faucets. Dining room and living room with huge windows and a wonderful view of the Pelly Valley. 8ft. Cement basement partially finished. Workshop with sturdy bench and lots of storage. Bedroom and shower room. No woodstove, but the chimney is still in place. Steel shed and separate garage. Nice front lawn and OK grass all around. Large deck overlooking the valley. Comes with front load washer & dryer, dishwasher, fridge, stove, microwave & satellite dish. Contact Val Benoit @ 994-3034 for appointment to view. Asking $139,000 – negotiable. HOUSE FOR SALE: HOUSE FOR SALE FOR SALE 515 Douglass Drive 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, new laminate on main floor, comes with fridge, stove, washer and dryer, Garage has been converted into extra living area that would make a great work out room or extra bedroom. Brand new oil furnace and chimney. Very motivated to sell, make us an offer! 4 bedroom, 1 ½ Bath, 2800 SQ FT open concept home had a NEW roof added in 2010. The Home has just had a complete Make Over with both Baths & Kitchen having NEW flooring, NEW counter tops, & NEW Sinks & Faucets, & NEW flooring in entry way as well. Lot 11 Tintina Subdivision, Faro - $350,000 Ph. 867 994 2293 or email [email protected]. 5 acres of paradise surrounded by wilderness just outside of the beautiful community of Faro. HOUSE FOR SALE - This well kept & updated log home has a newer tin roof, new appliances in 2008, recently installed oil/wood RSF 85 heating system & 1000 gal water holding tank with updated plumbing. The open concept features hardwood floors, double Jacuzzi tub & separate shower & double sinks in a bathroom lined with cedar, wood/coal cook stove in kitchen, spiral staircase leading to master bedroom and a covered porch for those warm summer nights. This property comes with many out buildings, internet & satellite system. With too many features to list, this property needs to be seen to be fully appreciated. 506 Douglas By appointment 994-2100 3 Bdrms, 21/2 Bths, attached garage. Asking price $150,000.00 OBO HOUSE FOR SALE 606 Yates Crescent 4 Bedrooms, 2 ½ Baths, Rec Room NEW PRICE $ 90,000 Please call 994-3222 The Home has been completely repainted upstairs & down. The lower level has a 13ft X 34ft HUGE Workout Room, Game Room area or you decide. This home offers Great Views, a Quiet street, & a HUGE Private Fenced back yard. $134,000 Call For More Details. 867-994-2401 CONTACT: (serious enquiries only please) Keith and Debbie Carreau Box 610, Faro, Yukon Y0B 1K0 Telephone 867-994-3101 FOR SALE 622 Yates Crescent 3 bedroom / 2 full bathrooms Contact: Darlene Crossman [email protected] Phone: 867-668-2215 after 5 PM $198,500 Call 867-994-3322 Motivated to sell HOUSE FOR SALE: 603 YATES CRESCENT $165,000.00 Very private and bright open concept home: 2 story 2200 sq. ft. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms Attached garage Home built in 1981 o never unoccupied o Renovated since 2008/09 o Crawlspace vapour-barrier o New Roof (2012) New Eavestroves (2013) o Metal Storage Shed 8’x10’ o Garden tool shed, greenhouse Excellent unimpeded view of mountains and Tintina Trench Lot fully fenced with gate Back of property greenbelt Spacious back yard with Greenhouse & Garden, & potting bench, Located on upper bench next to golf course – excellent location For further details or viewing please contact 867-994-2012 h 867-334-1968 c TURN KEY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AND SEPARATE RESIDENCE Dawson Drive, Faro, YT, Canada www.thevalleybandb.ca $279,000.00 Have you ever thought about moving to Faro, Yukon?? Well we have the perfect opportunity for you! After much consideration, we have decided to sell our business and residence in Faro, Yukon - The Valley Bed & Breakfast and The Freake Residence! This is a turn key business opportunity and a separate residence - all in one building. Some important things you might want to know..... ~ Totally Renovated! ~ Quiet, comfortable and amazing views! ~ Nestled on the banks of the Pelly River. ~ Established Clientele with guaranteed yearly income. ~ 8 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. ~ All furniture included. You can have your own private residence and a great income too!! This is a beautiful well-maintained property and you won't be disappointed! Move in and start making money right away! Some options with this great opportunity: - reside in one side of the building and operate the other side as a B&B. - reside in one side of the building and rent out other side as long term rental. - rent out both units as long term rentals. - reside in one side and operate the B&B seasonally, and take off for the winter! Just a few options to consider.... For more information, please contact Judy @ 1-867-994-2122 SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY PLEASE employment FARO STUDIO RESTAURANT - WANTED Waitress/Waiter 40 hours per week Phone 994-3003 or Drop a Resume off at the Restaurant EM PLOYM EN T OPPORTUN ITY- Tiicho Engineering & EnWonmental Services Ltd.{TEES) has a nurrt>er of c:ti.al:19119 career opport\.rities as part of the Faro Mine Reme<b.ion Pro;ect. We are seardWig fot lhe right people to fi key rolesinour dyl'lamicfaS1·paoed WCft 1eams.'Ne iwiee )'OU IO join Ctl" ee-am providingCJre rnaft'lenanoe HfVioe.s a1 tht abaildoiltd Faro Mht Ml•hFaro, Yuton Career Opportunity: Health and Sarety Officer - Seasonal This po5ition is a sNSonalposition wcrting Monday lfvough llusday from 7:3Cam to 5:30pn. Tht Ht:.f\ :.nd Safety Oflctr willbt ™julrtd 10do lht folowlng: Ensurepolicies and procedures are nplaoe and enforoed.inspect lhe won?act for potentialhazards. identify ootential hazards.assess therisks and reDOrt potentialhazards.Condict drills.conduct investigations, respond to and investigate accidents/incidents and emergencies.Enswe the organizationis corrpant wilhlegislative and ft9.latory requirements,conduct trainings with st;;ff to make sure they are aware of reo.Aations and procedures and provide OJidanoe, Keep records of dai..,ac6vities and Nintain ft'fertnot mMtri.:l. s. I eally lhe candidatewillhave a HNlh and Safety Sackground or sirfibr. A COT1binaOOn of field d experience,wilh some fonnal lrairWlg also be considered. Ti cho Engineering & EnWorwnenlalSeMces Lid(TEES)is committed IO deYelopi'lg capacity of local inp.lded corrmunities .prOYiciiig IOlocal busfte.ss and preseM-lglands for fu!IJ generations.TEES works i\ lhe most remote k>c.lc:X:ins and extreme enviwments i\ lhe world.where we <0ntiw.aly eptqe<:ts on IChtdul•and undtt budgtt. TEES is contracted by GovefM'lfnt of Yukon to provQ care and maintenan services at lhe Faro Mine COf'llllex as part of lhe Faro MineRemediation Project For moreirlom\ltion oo lhe Faro Mine Remediation Pto;ect.pleasevis.it www.taromnt.ca. APPLICATION PROCESS & FOR MORE INFORMAT ION Ple•st submit your resume to: beoydf!MlchQttr\n,com Faro Mine Comptex PO BOX 400, Faro Yukon VOS 1KO By fax 867-994-2378 Deadline few submission is March 7,2014,at 6 00pm EM PLOYM EN T OPPORTUN ITY.. ncno Blgff'lElerlng & EnworrnentaJ serw::es UCI (TEES) nas a rllSllDer cc cnarengrig career ounltle.s as pat101ine i:aro MrlO Aomedallon PfOtOCt.WO ltlUlrCIW'lgIOI' IrlengrilpooJlll to n11 key roleltin our(t1l'\lll'fl0 11111.piCOCIWOfl( leEWTIS. We lrMteyou to JQn our leam prklllJcare tw1dmalntel9lce &e1VI006 al tfle abandoned i:aro Mine &lie h t=so, y- Career Opportun ities: Journey Person Mechanic Tllls posnon IS klCalOOIn the IG'M'I or Faro axs wm oe reef.Ired to wont up IO 1o noors a Oifr' ona 4 dit( on 3 day on tolatton. Oietllmemay De req.i1rea tomIm&lo time, THIS ISNOT A CAMP LOCATIION noe !hOUICI lndiXle ng on plek--up IJ\ICkS ano ovier ht wincres.06 - 09 Oozera ,Graoers, aauHc EXcavators and MgflMy Tndot Trallers.P«MOUs ©peCleoceIn a mhe Site semng wotlld be considered an Prwlous ..... The mah ta.ski assoc1aaoo With ltM posttliOn are: LightvttilCle msmenance; Repllf 01newy equ1pmen1MJCh as Cat.VO!vo ano Kerwoon; CorlOJd01ag1U11c:e Ullf'CI Snip-On tollVIWlg 10<*;#Id UnOerstan:I erid IOIGW sate Job ProceOOres. 01ner re<airetnents W1C1uoe: Cl• 1or 3cmer'I leMle ('Mtnau lll'IMll wOll<I be pre1er1aa>: AblHI)' to wortInalMlrSe corn;an:I, 1lleaarltf towOfk tn a lea'll en.-worrnent "'1111 otner iraoes people . TGES •00111110 <lt't'OIO capeoT)' or 9CIC8I peopkll., mi:rowig c:onmuntlles.. g bUmes.s oppOOunlbes to IOcal tiume.s.ses am '"ll "*'' opponun111e1 ror 10011 1mpec1aa tn tne mo&1 remote 1ocsnons an:i ·extreme erw1ronrnents tn tne wono 'M'lefe ICflOCIUle Incl tJuOQOt. WCfl(S ror rub.Ire gefl(Qbons. TEES we oonbnuiiny oomle profeC* on p-eseMng lands unoor TEES ts conneled b)' cne i:aro Mine RemeQallon PrOject ro prw100 cere an:1 malnlenance services at cne i:aro Mne COlllllac . i:or morelnlOOTLallon on ine i:aro Mrie Remeaa11on Prqea,pleasevlSllWWW t!!tpmme ce APPLICATIONPROCESS FOR YORE INFORMATION OeadWle for submissionis: llarch7 2014, 2014 a16:00pm Pleaee submil your f91um8 lo:jbpyd@t ljcboong oom or by mail Fot0 Mino Compltx PO BOX .F•"' Yukoo YOB tKO By tax 867- filro f'V line Remediation Project Prur•l d'e•htlnhvl'ffl•nt d• 11mine Fttru 2:378 EM PLOYM ENT OPPORTUNl l"' Tlicho Engineering & Envi'onmtntlf StMctt Led.(TEES) has 1nuni>tt of <NIIOi'O Cllffft opporo..rilles as part of the Faro Mine Remediation Pro;eoct. We are sean::fq for !ht right people to fil key rolesinour dynamic fast-paced wort teams.We iwite you to join ow team providing care and mantenance seMoes at the aba11dcuecf Faro Mhes.ile ilFaro.Y\Aon career Opportunity:Senior Environmental Technician TEES hal an oppcnrily for:. Stnlor Envlrormental Tfff'lnl<ian to Join a dynamo tnvlronmtntalmonliorlng team. The Senior EnvironmentalTedrician willwork ctosely with the EnvironmentalCoordinator and will be responsiblefor perfonniig field actiWties incbfug water samping,S4XVeying. remedialsystem m:.nttnanct.tee. Othlt rttp0ntlblil:inwin i'lck.ldt thtm:.nagtmtnt of fltld data.prtpilration of et<:hnlCll documents.col aboraOOn wrth other ofSces.useof specialized equipment and analytical software applications to monitcir analyzeand prepare repons. Theidealcandidate WI have 2 or more years of environmental txperienoein ex>ndut1ing field work ind iivalid drivtf's ioense. This position may,from ti'Tle 10 time incl.de sane field work such as water sampling and siteinspections. Ideally !ht eandidate willhave an En'lirormentalS"dits DfGrff 0t Wnil;,r. A oombina on of field experience,wilh somefoonal lraiVlg wil also be cons.iclefed. Tlicbo Engineering & Envi'orwntntal StNic:HLed (TEES)Is oorrmilltdeo developing oapaciry of IOCJl med conwnunities .pnMdng ">local busiwss and preservftg lands for future generations.TEESworks r.dle most remote locations and extreme enWonments r.dw waid,where we continualy corrpetepro;ects en schedule and under budget . TEES is conb"acted by Governrnent of Yukon to provide care and maintenance services at the Faro Mine Corrpex as part of lhe Faro Mine Remediation Project. For moreinform.Jtion en lhe Faro Mine Remediation Pro;tct. plule visil wwwJ<1romht,ca. APPL CATION PROCESS & FOR MORE INFORMA'lrlON Deadline forr submission is:March 7,2014 at 6:00pm Please submit your resume to:jhpyd@nlf sbptpp s003 or by mail Faro Mine Comptex PO BOX 400,Faro Yukon YOB 1KO By fax 867-994-2378 Foro Mine Remedl.tlon Project Classifieds FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE 3120 Husqvarna saw and "Wood Bug" style mill...$1000.00 Please call Tina or Ray at 994~2103 (and please leave a message if no one’s there.)... WANTED WANTED Looking for a place to rent as soon as possible. I have two children, and am currently employed in Ross River. Looking for rent to own, if possible. Please call 332-0002. FOR SALE -Pair of Sorel winter boots never worn size 6 75.00 Bernie 994-3322 FOR SALE - READY TO GO!! $ 25000.00 O B O both the truck and 5th wheel have had extensive work performed on them. Both units can be bought separately if desired. Call Bernie for further info 867 994 3322 Email [email protected] -Computer Bag for 17" computer 25.00 Bernie 994-3322 -Set of weed bar tire chains for 16" tires 65.00 Bernie 994-3322 - 2 kindle e readers with chargers 50.00 ea. or 75.00 for the pair Bernie 994-3322 ONLINE DEALS Do you have stuff to sell/trade/give away? Are you on facebook? SEARCH: FARO Yukon Buy & Sell Over 200 local members! WANTED Looking for a place to rent in Faro. Please call Amanda @ 994-2058 WANTED The Magons are looking for a medium sized, gently-used deep freezer. Please contact Angela or Mario at 994-2223 if you have one to sell. 2 cords of dry clean stove length fire wood call Bert @ 994-3215 computer desk, $ 75.00 Bernie 994-3322 [email protected] BABYSITTING BABYSITTER available in Faro GARAGE SALES contact me through my email: [email protected] ONGOING GARAGE SALE! MANY MANY MANY TREASURES, TOOLS, ETC CALL FOR INFORMATION AND VIEWING. Experienced Babysitter For more info please contact Marie Khan @ 9942250 or 994-2051 ERNIE WAGANTALL 994-2474 Place your Ad anytime IT’S FREE!!! [email protected] PLEASE REMEMBER TO DELETE YOUR OLD ADS! Miscellaneous LOOK UP! FRISKY FRESH FISH . March 16 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 17:08 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Worm Moon because this was the time of year when the ground would begin to soften and the earthworms would reappear. This moon has also been known as the Full Crow Moon, the Full Crust Moon, and the Full Sap Moon. March 20 - March Equinox. The March equinox occurs at 16:57 UTC. The Sun will shine directly on the equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. This is also the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the Southern Hemisphere. March 20 - Occultation of Regulus. An extremely rare event will take place on the morning of Thursday, March 20. An asteroid known as 163 Erigone will pass in front of the bright star Regulus in the constellation of Leo, causing the star to disappear. This event will be visible along a 45mile-wide path and is predicted to begin at 2:07 a.m. EDT. The asteroid’s shadow will move on a southeast-to-northwest path that will extend from New York City to Oswego in New York State and continue northwest into Ontario, Canada. For those in the center of this path, the star will remain invisible for 12 seconds March 30 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 18:45 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere. EMAIL: [email protected] Web: www.friskyfreshfish.com Phone: 867-336-0506 Address: 4th & Ogilvie, Whitehorse Facebook: friskyfreshfish ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcements Please submit your announcements by the 28th of each Month to; Bob Rogers (March 1st) Luc Lefebvre (March 8th) Elenita Unrau Kieth Austin Heather Grantham (MARCH 21ST) Diana Rogerson (March 12th ) (March 23rd) [email protected] If possible, limit your announcements to 20 words or less. Kerry Wagantall (March 6th) (March 4 ) HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAYS th Jeff Irvine (March 4th) Michael Heigl (March 16th ) HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM WHINCUP (March 2 ) Rachelle Levesque, (March Ralph Anderson (March 5th ) 8th) nd ANNIVERSARIES BIRTHS BABY SHOWERS MEMORIALS GET WELL THANK YOU WELCOME HOME GRADUATION Pics are awesome too!!!! March 17 Happy Birthday to Happy Birthday Charlene McCool Glenda Power! MARCH CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS Mar 01st 1810 Frederic Chopin Mar 2rdnd 1962 Jon Bon Jovi Mar 3 1847 Alexander Graham Bell Mar. 6th 1475 Michelangelo Mar. 7th 1960 Ivan Lendl Mar. 9th 1918 Mickey Spillane Mar. 10th 1940 Chuck Norris Mar. 12th 1948 James Taylor Mar. 14th 1879 Albert Einstein Mar. 19th 1848 Wyatt Earp Mar. 23rd 1929 Sir Roger Bannister Mar. 22nd 1931 William Shatner Mar. 24th 1910 Clyde Barrow Mar. 25th 1942 Aretha Franklin Mar. 27th 1963 Quentin Tarantino Mar. 30th 1937 Warren Beatty Happy Birthday Pisces February 19 - March 0 [email protected] Happy Birthday Aries March 21 – April 20 March 12th Happy Birthday to Taylor Minder!! March 24 Thanks to everyone who submitted this month! Taylor would like to introduce her baby brother Mackenzie Adam Minder Born on Sunday, February 16th, 2014 at 9:59 am at Whitehorse General Hospital, weighing 8 lbs 12 oz and 20.5" long. Welcomed with love by Adam, Tina, and Taylor In memory of Gary “Pin” Kimpinski After a courageous battle against cancer, surrounded by his loved ones, Gary “Pin” Kimpinski passed away peacefully at Whitehorse General Hospital on February 25th 2014. As per Gary’s wishes, there will be no service. Cremation has taken place. Ashes to be scattered in the Spring. Donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. Thank you to all Faroites who helped care for and love our beloved Pin, there are no thank yous sufficient enough. Flowers are gratefully declined. Sylvia Richardson 3RD ANNUAL PELLY RIVER HOCKEY CHALLENGE A huge THANK YOU going out here to all of the amazing people who helped out with the 3rd Annual Pelly River Hockey Challenge!! There were kids and chaperones in from Pelly Crossing, Watson Lake, Ross River, Carmacks and Faro. We couldn't have done it without our coaches: Tim Lynch, TJ Grantham, Ryan Hack, George Z, all the coaches from away, and all of our junior coaches from Faro. Thank you to all of the fantastic people who put in heaps of hours down at the rec centre all weekend making sure the meals were delivered to the over 50 kids, plus chaperons and coaches: Michelle Lynch, Heather Grantham, Joy Hack, Vicky Fitzpatrick, Miss Marilyn, Eileen Owen, Shelley Amanda Cull-Shaw, Cyndi Bekk, Angela Unrau, Matthew Went and Glenda Power. Thank you to everyone who made cookies, muffins, cakes, buns, soups, and chili: Mrs. Mitchell and her class, Ms. Evans and her class, Jodi and Mike, Flo and Dean, Lucy, Deb E, Anna, Lenka, Judy, Roxine, Diana and Dave, Doris, and Beth. (please forgive me if I missed you on our list!) Thank you to the staff at the rec centre who worked a lot of hours this weekend making sure the place was clean: Jennifer Khan, Josh Wilcox, Kristin Moore, Doug Hannah, and Krista Pickett. Thank you to our sponsors and companies who donated to our weekend: Trophy Stone Outfitting, Reynolds Outfitting, Deuling Outfitters, McMillian River Adventures, North Curl Outfitters, Ceasar Lake Outfitters, Bonnet Plume Outfitters, Yukon Stone Outfitters, Widrig Outfitters, Dickson Outfitters, Yukon Big Game Outfitters, Yukon Outfitters Association, Air North, Yukon Energy, Tlicho Engineering, Boston Pizza, The Discovery Store, RPAY, SportsLife, Canadian Tire, Booster Juice, Territorial Expediting, Sharpening Service, Faro Studio Restaurant This weekend was a success because of the hard working volunteers right here in Faro!! MARCH activities Sunday 2 Monday Tuesday For Rec Centre information & programs, please see the Rec Centre page REGULAR REC CENTRE HRS ARE; 3 Thursday Wednesday Tues – 3-9pm Wed – 3-6pm Thurs- 3-6pm Fri – 3-9pm Sat – 2-9pm Seniors Carpet Bowling (1:00 – 3:00 pm) Friday Seniors Fitness 1-2pm Saturday 1 Pizza Night@ Studio Restaurant 994-2375 4 Dr. Bousquet @ FHC 6 5 Seniors Carpet Bowling (1:00 – 3:00 pm) Dr. Bousquet @ FHC Faro Fire Dept. meets 7pm Kettle Café 4-6pm Seniors Carpet Bowling (1:00 – 3:00 pm) Council Meets 7 pm 7 8 Dr. Bousquet @ FHC Seniors Fitness 1-2pm Pizza Night@ Studio Restaurant 9 10 11 12 Seniors Carpet Bowling (1:00 – 3:00 pm) Faro Fire Dept. meets 7pm Kettle Café 4-6pm 13 14 Seniors Carpet Bowling (1:00 – 3:00 pm) Seniors Fitness 1-2pm Clocks go ahead at 2am! 16 Pizza Night@ Studio Restaurant 17 St. Patricks’ Day 18 Dr. Skinner @ FHC 19 20 Seniors Carpet Bowling (1:00 – 3:00 pm) Kettle Café 4-6pm Council Meets 7 pm FIRST DAY OF SPRING Faro Fire Dept. meets 7pm 24 25 Seniors Carpet Bowling (1:00 – 3:00 pm) 26 Kettle Café 4-6pm 30 31 Faro Fire Dept. meets 7pm 21 Dr. Skinner @ FHC 22 Seniors Fitness 1-2pm Dr. Skinner @ FHC Seniors Carpet Bowling (1:00 – 3:00 pm) 23 15 Pizza Night@ Studio Restaurant 27 28 Seniors Carpet Bowling (1:00 – 3:00 pm) Seniors Fitness 1-2pm Pizza Night@ Studio Restaurant 29
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