Place Number 1 2 2 2 4 1 2 3 under 7 Place 9 11 7 8 under 9 12 13 15 16 under 9 10 13 15 under 9 Caitlin O'Brien Charisma Carroll Josie Strickland Erin O'Brien Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance reel Beginner 14 13 10 15 under 9 Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance reel Beginner School Avryn Edwards Victoria Hughes Gwendolyn Cope Elizabeth Cox Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance light jig Beginner School Cara Boyle Victoria Hughes Gwendolyn Cope Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance slip jig Beginner School LauraBrooke McCarney Victoria Hughes Cara Boyle Peter Troxell Jr. Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Crossroads Irish Dance single jig Beginner Number Name 12 School Olivia Mathews Aubree Moeller Kristi Sottile Catherine Parker Number Name 1 2 3 3 Place 1 School Number Name 1 2 3 Place Name Number Name 1Q 2 3 3 Place Beginner Number Name 1Q 2 3 3 Place jump 2-3 Avryn Edwards School Heart of Ireland School of Dance 2 13 15 Victoria Hughes Gwendolyn Cope Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance under 11 reel Beginner Place 1Q 2 3 Name Kaitlyn Brewster Fallon Parrish Catherine Hobbs School Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Crossroads Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance single jig Beginner 3 Number 27 97 21 under 11 Place 1Q 2 3 Number Name 32 27 30 under 11 Place School Maddie Cassidy Kaitlyn Brewster Madeline Moeller Heart of Ireland School of Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance treble jig Beginner Number Name School 1Q 34 Aleigh Custer Nelson Academy of Irish Dance 2 3 27 26 Kaitlyn Brewster Fiona Farrell Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance hornpipe Beginner under 11 Place 1 2 Number Name 34 27 under 13 Place 1 2 2 under 13 Place Aleigh Custer Kaitlyn Brewster Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Reel Beginner Number Name 38 37 51 School School Carlie Stewart Anastasia Freeman-Rodin Bonnie DeWorkedn Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance light jig Beginner Number Name School 1Q 2 3 38 Carlie Stewart Nelson Academy of Irish Dance 32 Maddie Cassidy Heart of Ireland School of Dance 26 Fiona Farrell Heart of Ireland School of Dance slip jig Beginner under 13 Place Number Name 1Q 2 3 3 27 Kaitlyn Brewster Nelson Academy of Irish Dance 26 24 28 Fiona Farrell Bridget O'Leary Niamh Creighton-Preis Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance single jig Beginner under 13 Place Number Name 1 2 3 38 37 51 under 13 Place 38 34 under 15 Place 38 54 under 15 Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance traditional set Beginner over 13 38 54 School Carlie Stewart Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Aleigh Custer Nelson Academy of Irish Dance treble jig Beginner School Carlie Stewart Maura May Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Tus Mor School of Irish Dance hornpipe Beginner Number Name 1 2 School Anastasia Freeman-Rodin Bonnie DeWorken Number Name 1 2 Place Carlie Stewart Number Name 1 2 School School Carlie Stewart Maura May Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Tus Mor School of Irish Dance reel Beginner Place 1Q 2 3 Number Name 81 Jenna Orelski 76 Leigh Beamer No school affiliation 77 Paige Bradley Heart of Ireland School of Dance light jig Beginner over 13 Place Number Name 1Q 2 3 76 81 85 over 13 Place 76 81 60 over 13 Place 1Q 2 3 Beginner Leigh Beamer Jenna Orelski Mary Parker No school affiliation Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance single jig Beginner Heart of Ireland School of Dance 76 Leigh Beamer No school affiliation 81 Jenna Orelski Nelson Academy of Irish Dance treble jig Beginner 81 School Jenna Orelski Leigh Harp-Walls Paige Bradley Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance hornpipe Beginner Number Name over 13 School Mary Parker 81 84 77 1 School 60 over 15 Place slip jig Number Name 1 2 3 School No school affiliation Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Number Name over 15 Place Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Leigh Beamer Jenna Orelski Colleen Parker Number Name 1Q 2 3 School School Jenna Orelski Nelson Academy of Irish Dance traditional set Beginner Place Number Name 1 2 87 81 under 9 Place Anne Marie Tuohy Jenna Orelski Heart of Ireland School of Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance reel Primary Number Name 1 2 3 18 13 14 under 9 Place Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance light jig Primary School LauraBrooke McCarney Abigail Troxell Logan Marie Klos Heart of Ireland School of Dance Crossroads Irish Dance Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance under 11 reel Primary Place 1Q Name Rebecca Wynne Isabelle Sheppard Brennan McCarney School Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance under 11 light jig Primary Place Name Rebecca Wynne Piper Winn Brennan McCarney School Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance Crossroads Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance slip jig Primary 1Q 14 17 18 School Logan Marie Klos Victoria Huges LauraBrooke McCarney Number Name 1 2 3 School Number 29 2 20 3 31 Number 29 2 33 3 31 under 11 Place Number Name 1Q 2 2 3 18 29 35 20 Logan Marie Klos Rebecca Wynne Gabrielle LaBoy Isabelle Sheppard School Emerald Isle School of Irish Dance Emerald Isle School of Irish Dance Emerald Isle School of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance under 11 Place single jig Number Name 1Q 35 18 14 2 3 under 11 Place 35 20 17 2 3 under 11 Place Emerald Isle School of Irish Dance Emerald Isle School of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance treble jig Primary 25 35 33 School Gabrielle LaBoy Isabelle Sheppard Abigail Troxell Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Crossroads Irish Dance hornpipe Primary Number 1Q School Gabrielle LaBoy Logan Marie Klos LauraBrooke McCarney Number Name 1Q Primary School Corinne Matheson Gabrielle LaBoy Piper Winn Heart of Ireland School of Dance Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance Crossroads Irish Dance under 15 reel Primary Place Name Alison Wanamaker Emma Grace Ficara Emily Wilhelm School Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance under 15 light jig Primary Place 1Q name Alison Wanamaker Krysta Rutherford Caitlin Wanamaker School Heart of Ireland School of Dance Nelson Acadmey of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance slip jig Primary 2 3 1Q Number 43 2 40 3 45 number 43 2 47 3 42 under 15 Place Number Name 1Q 2 3 38 40 43 Carlie Stewart Emma Grace Ficara Alison Wanamaker School Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance under 15 Place Number Name 1Q 43 42 45 2 3 under 15 Place 45 47 50 2 3 under 15 1Q Primary School Alison Wanamaker Caitlin Wanamaker Emily Wilhelm Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance treble jig Primary Number Name 1Q Place single jig School Emily Wilhelm Krysta Rutherford Emily Garces Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance The Tus Mor School of Irish Dance hornpipe Primary Number 50 Emily Garces 2 45 Emily Wilhelm 3 40 Emma Grace Ficara School The Tus Mor School of Irish Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance under 15 traditional set Primary Place Name Emily Wilhelm Corinne Matheson Krysta Rutherford Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance over 15 reel Primary Place Name Anne Marie Tuohy Jenna Orelski Paige Bradley School Heart of Ireland School of Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance light jig Primary 1Q Number 45 2 25 3 47 1 2 3 Number 87 81 77 over 15 Place 1Q Number Name 81 Jenna Orelski 2 87 Anne Marie Tuohy School School Nelson Acadmey of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance 3 71 over 15 Place Erin Maguire Heart of Ireland School of Dance slip jig Primary Number Name 1 2 3 81 87 71 over 15 Place Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland Schoold of Dance Heart of Ireland Schoold of Dance single jig Primary Number Name 1 2 3 81 87 71 over 15 Place Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance treble jig Primary School Jenna Orelski Anne Marie Tuohy Maggie McKneely Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance FBC Irish Dance over 15 hornpipe Primary Place Name Karlie Lineberry Maggie McKneely Megan Bradley School Crossroads Irish Dance FBC Irish Dance No school affiliation over 15 traditional set Primary Place Name Megan Bradley Karlie Lineberry Maggie McKneely No school affiliation Crossroads Irish Dance FBC Irish Dance under 12 reel Intermediate Place Name School 1Q 81 87 80 School Jenna Orelski Anne Marie Tuohy Erin Maguire Number Name 1 2 3 School Jenna Orelski Anne Marie Tuohy Erin Maguire Number 65 2 80 3 94 1 2 3 Number 94 65 80 Number School 1Q 39 Christina Troxell 35 Gabrielle LaBoy 36 Morgan Armitage 2 3 Crossroads Irish Dance Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance under 12 light jig Intermediate Place Name School Number 1Q 40 Emma Grace Ficara 25 Corinne Matheson 39 Christina Troxell 2 3 Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Crossroads Irish Dance under 12 slip jig Intermediate Place Name School Number 1 2 3 36 Morgan Armitage 40 Emma Grace Ficara 25 Corinne Matheson Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance under 13 reel Intermediate Place Name School Matthew Jones Jurnee Anderson Eryn McGlynn Courtney Galligher Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Crossroads Irish Dance light jig Intermediate Number 1Q 48 49 44 46 2 3 3 under 13 Place Number 1 2 3 under 13 Place number 1Q 2 3 Name 49 Jurnee Anderson 48 Matthew Jones 44 Eryn McGlynn slip jig Name 46 Courtney Galligher 49 Jurnee Anderson 50 Emily Garces School Heart of Ireland School of Dance Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Intermediate School Crossroads Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance The Tus Mor School of Irish Dance under 13 single jig Place Name Number 1Q Intermediate 2 3 48 Matthew Jones 49 Jurnee Anderson 44 Eryn McGlynn under 13 treble jig Intermediate Place Name School Number 1Q 25 Corinne Matheson 44 Eryn McGlynn 50 Emily Garces 2 3 Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance The Tus Mor School of Irish Dance under 13 traditional set Intermediate Place Name School Number 1 2 3 49 Jurnee Anderson 44 Eryn McGlynn 46 Courtney Galligher Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Crossroads Irish Dance under 15 reel Intermediate Place Name School Megan Tigue Caileigh Dintino Ciara Smith Sydney Kirtley Dancin with Delia Crossroads Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance under 15 light jig Intermediate Place Name School Number 1Q 58 55 56 61 2 3 3 Number 1 2 3 61 Sydney Kirtley 59 Mary Michael Lipford 58 Megan Tigue Heart of Ireland School of Dance Crossroads Irish Dance Dancin with Delia under 15 slip jig Intermediate Place Name School Number 1Q 2 3 58 Megan Tigue 57 Gwendolyn Resch 56 Ciara Smith Dancin with Delia Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance under 15 Place treble jig Number Name Intermediate School 1 2 3 58 Megan Tigue 53 Emma Albach 55 Caileigh Dintino under 15 hornpipe Intermediate Place Name Megan Tigue Matthew Jones Gwendolyn Resch School Dancin with Delia Emerald Isle Academy of Dance Emerald Isle Academy of Dance 1Q Number 58 2 48 3 57 under 15 Place Intermediate Number 1Q Name 56 Ciara Smith 61 Sydney Kirtley 58 Megan Tigue 2 3 Dancin with Delia FBC Irish Dance Crossroads Irish Dance School Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Dancin with Delia under 19 reel Intermediate Place Name School Number 1Q 63 Rebecca Sobus 68 Miranda McCollum 67 Taylor Titi 2 3 FBC Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Crossroads Irish Dance under 19 light jig Intermediate Place Name School Number 1Q 68 Miranda McCollum 75 Rachel Bennett 74 Madison Trebour 2 3 Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance under 19 slip jig Intermediate Place Name School Number 1Q 2 3 68 Miranda McCollum 64 Emma Jones 69 Emily Parker Heart of Ireland School of Dance Crossroads Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance under 19 single jig Intermediate Place Name School Sydney Kirtley Madison Trebour Ciara Smith Rachel Bennett Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance under 19 treble jig Intermediate Place Name School Morgan Leverett Emma Jones Miranda McCollum Emily Parker The Tus Mor School of Irish Dance Crossroads Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance under 19 hornpipe Intermediate Place Name Rebecca Sobus Emily Parker Miranda McCollum School FBC Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance under 19 traditional set Intermediate Place Name School Number 1Q 61 74 56 75 2 3 3 Number 1Q 72 64 68 69 2 2 3 1Q Number 63 2 69 3 68 Number 1Q 64 Emma Jones 68 Miranda McCollum 73 Casey Kennedy 2 3 Crossroads Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance over 19 reel Intermediate Place Name School Number 1 2 3 80 Maggie McKneely 79 Katelin McHale 94 Megan Bradley FBC Irish Dance Crossroads Irish Dance No school affiliation over 19 light jig Intermediate Place Name School Number 1 2 3 79 Katelin McHale 90 Carol Wieseman 80 Maggie McKneely Crossroads Irish Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance FBC Irish Dance over 19 slip jig Intermediate Place Name School Number 1 2 3 86 Patricia Ligon 94 Megan Bradley 79 Katelin McHale Crossroads Irish Dance No school affiliation Crossroads Irish Dance over 19 single jig Intermediate Place Name School Number 1 2 96 Tracy O'Neil 90 Carol Wieseman Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance over 19 treble jig Intermediate Place Name School Number 1 2 3 90 Carol Wieseman 96 Tracy O'Neil 94 Megan Bradley Nelson Academy of Dance Emerald Isle Academy of Dance No school affiliation over 19 hornpipe Intermediate Place Name Patricia Ligon Tracy O'Neil Carol Wieseman School Crossroads Irish Dance Emerald Isle Academy of Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance over 19 traditional set Intermediate Place Name School Number 1 86 2 96 3 90 Number 1 2 86 Patricia Ligon 90 Carol Wieseman Crossroads Irish Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance under 16 reel Open Place Name School Number 1 62 Holland Lawler Heart of Ireland School of Dance 2 3 57 Gwendolyn Resch 59 Mary Michael Lipford under 16 Place slip jig Number 1 2 3 under 16 Place Name 41 Amelia Walker 67 Taylor Titi 62 Holland Lawler treble jig Number Name 1 2 3 52 Holland Lawler 52 Sydney Kirtley 57 Gwendolyn Resch under 16 hornpipe Place Number 1 2 3 under 16 Place traditional set Number 1 2 3 Name 61 Sydney Kirtley 62 Holland Lawler 41 Amelia Walker over 16 Place Name 62 Holland Lawler 61 Sydney Kirtley 41 Amelia Walker reel Number 1 2 3 Name 82 Mariah Denmon 96 Tracy O'Neil 70 Chloe Mapes Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance Crossroads Irish Dance Open School Heart of Ireland School of Dance Crossroads Irish Dance Heart of reland School of Dance Open School Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance Open School Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Open School Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Open School Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance over 16 slip jig Open Place Name School Number 1 2 3 82 Mariah Denmon 93 Tracy O'Neil 70 Chloe Mapes Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance Heart of reland School of Dance over 16 treble jig Open Place Name School Number 1 2 70 Chloe Mapes 82 Mariah Denmon over 16 Place hornpipe Number 1 2 3 Name 78 Isabelle Hollingsworth 70 Chloe Mapes 82 Mariah Denmon Heart of Ireland School of Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Open School Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance over 16 traditional set Open Place Name School Number 1 2 82 Mariah Denmon 70 Chloe Mapes under 11 Place treble reel Number Name 1 2 3 25 Corrine Matheson 31 Brennan McCarney 33 Piper Winn under 13 treble reel Place Name Number 1 2 3 50 Emily Garces 49 Jurnee Anderson 44 Eryn McGlynn under 15 treble reel Place Name Number 1 Nelson Academy of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance 58 Megan Tigue School Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Crossroads Irish Dance School The Tus Mor School of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance School Dancin with Delia 2 3 53 Emma Albach 61 Sydney Kirtley FBC Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance 15 & over treble reel Place Name School Holland Lawler Morgan Leverett Rebecca Sobus Madison Trebour Heart of Ireland School of Dance The Tus Mor School of Irish Dance FBC Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance under 9 beginner premierships Place Name School Victoria Hughes Peter Troxell Jr. Heart of Ireland School of Dance Crossroads Irish Dance under 11 beginner premierships Place 1 2 Name School 27 Kaitlyn Brewster Nelson Academy of Irish Dance 28 26 Niamh Creighton-Preis Fiona Farrell Heart of Ireland School of Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance over 15 beginner premierships Place Name School Leigh Beamer Colleen Parker No school affiliation primary premierships number 1 2 3 3 62 72 63 74 Number 1 2 13 6 Number 3 Number 1 2 76 85 under 9 Place Number 1 2 3 under 11 Place primary Number 1 Name 14 LauraBrooke McCarney 17 Abigail Troxell 18 Logan Marie Klos Name 35 Gabrielle LaBoy Heart of Ireland School of Dance School Heart of Ireland School of Dance Crossroads Irish Dance Emeral Isle Academy of Irish Dance premierships School Emeral Isle Academy of Irish Dance 2 3 22 Tegan Winn 33 Piper Winn under 15 Place primary Number 1 2 Name 54 Maura May 47 Krysta Rutherford Crossroads Irish Dance Crossroads Irish Dance premierships School The Tus Mor School of Irish Dance Nelson Academy of Irish Dance under 13 intermediate premierships Place Name School Number 1 2 3 48 Matthew Jones 50 Emily Garces 25 Corinne Matheson Emerald Isle Academy of Irish Dance The Tus Mor School of Irish Dance Heart of Ireland School of Dance under 15 intermediate premierships Place Name School Number 1 2 3 58 Megan Tigue 61 Sydney Kirtley 53 Emma Albach Dancin with Delia Heart of Ireland School of Dance FBC Irish Dance under 19 intermediate premierships Place Name School Number 1 2 3 63 Rebecca Sobus 72 Morgan Leverett 64 Emma Jones FBC Irish Dance The Tus Mor School of Irish Dance Crossroads Irish Dance over 19 intermediate premierships Place Name School Number 1 2 3 79 Katelin McHale 94 Megan Bradley 80 Maggie McKneely Crossroads Irish Dance No school affiliation FBC Irish Dance
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