Internati onal Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science IJ IACS ISSN 2347 – 8616 Volume 3, Issue 3 May 2014 VISUAL CRYPTOGRAPHY BASED ON IMAGE DIVISION USING PERFECT SQUARE METHOD Prameela1 , Geethalaxmi2 pramila.p63@g m1 , geethalaxmi@g m2 1 2 Dept. of CSE Canara Engineering College Mangalore, Asst Prof. Dept of CSE/ISE Canara Eng ineering College Mangalore Abstract: Visual cryptography an emerging cryptography technology uses the characteristics of human vision to decrypt encrypted images. It does not require the knowledge of basic cryptography nor does it need any complex computation. For security concerns, it also ensures that hackers cannot perceive any clues about a secret image from individual cover images. In this visual cryptography paper we propose to split the image in to several square parts. These parts are made such a way that each part is the split of the image, selected so that individual part of the split is a perfect square. Further in case of higher security it is desired to have a simple half tone method for the same square split images. In case of image is already of the size of perfect square, then this image is divided in to a given n, where n is a perfect square of any integer. This paper studies the characteristics and application of perfect square split image cryptographic method. Key points: visual cryptography, perfect square division method, Halftone. I. INTRODUCTION Security has become an inseparable issue as information technology is ruling the world now. Cryptography is the study of mathematical techniques related aspects of Information Security such as confidentiality, 22 Prameela, Geethalaxmi data security, entity authentication and data origin authentication, but it is not the only means of providing information security, rather one of the techniques. Visual cryptography is a new technique which provides information security which uses simple algorithm unlike the complex, computationally intensive algorithms used in other techniques like traditional cryptography, but it is applied only for image format. Visual cryptography is a cryptographic technique which allows visual information to be encrypted in such a way that the decryption is performed to obtain the original image [1][3]. In Visual Cryptography scheme, an image is broken up into n shares, when all n shares are stacking over together original image is obtained, when less then n shares stacking over together it can not reveal the original image. Many works in this area have been done and several algorithms have been developed. One of the popular techniques in a visual cryptography is halftone methodology, Halftone visual cryptography (HVC) is a kind of visual secret sharing scheme [5], which can decode a secret image by overlapping multiple binary share images optically while the secret image does not appear on each share image. A halftone method is used to generate a binary share image from a RGB [9]; meaning HVC differs from watermark and other visual secret Internati onal Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science IJ IACS ISSN 2347 – 8616 Volume 3, Issue 3 May 2014 sharing (VSS) schemes. A watermark scheme hides information into a single image, while HVC hides the secret image into several share images. HVC has wide applications, such as the management of secret information, copyright protection, authentication, entertainment, and so on. The general requirements for HVC are high quality of share images, high processing speed, invisibility of the secret image on share images, and good visibility of decoded secret images. II. LITERATURE REVIEW In 1994 Naor and Shamir [1] Proposed Visual Cryptography Scheme (VCS) which is a simple and secure method that allows sharing of secret without the need of any cryptographic computations. To encode the image, original image is split into n modified versions referred as shares. Decoding can be done by simply stacking subset S of those n shares. G. Ateniese describes the following four different methods they are (2,2),(2,n),(n,n),(k,n). In (k,n) Basic model any ‘k’ shares will decode the secret image which reduces security level. To overcome this issue the basic model is extended to general access structures by G. Ateniese, C. Blundo, A. De Santis, and D. R. Stinson [2], where an access structure is a specification of all qualified and forbidden subsets of ‘n’ shares. Any subset of ‘k’ or more qualified shares can decrypt the secret image but no information can be obtained by stacking lesser number of qualified shares or by stacking disqualified shares. Construction of k out of n threshold visual cryptography scheme for general access structure is better with respect to pixel expansion Basic visual cryptography is based on breaking of pixels into some subpixels or we can say expansion of pixels. Fig.1 below shows two approaches for (2,2) threshold VCS. 23 Prameela, Geethalaxmi Figure .1 Different methods of Visual Cryptography Visual cryptography were restricted to binary images which is insufficient in real time applications. Chang- ChouLin, Wen-Hsiang Tsai [3] proposed visual cryptography for gray level images by dithering techniques. Instead of using gray sub pixels directly to constructed shares, a dithering technique is used to convert gray level images into approximate binary images. The effect of this scheme is still satisfactory in the aspects of increase in relative size and decoded image quality, even when the number of gray levels in the original image still reaches 256. In traditional Color Visual Cryptography, loss of contrast makes VCS practical only when quality is not an issue, which is quite rare. Previous methods show good results for black and white or gray scale VC schemes, however, they are not sufficient to be applied directly to color shares due to different color structures. Dr.D.Vasumathi, M.Surya Prakash Rao, M.Upendra Kumar, Dr.Y.Ramadevi and,Dr.R.Rajeswara Rao[4] introduces the concept of visual information pixel (VIP) synchronization and error diffusion to attain a color visual cryptography encryption method that produces meaningful color shares with high visual quality. VIP synchronization retains the positions of pixels carrying visual information of original images throughout the color channels and error diffusion generates shares pleasant to human eyes. A new method of “Extended Visual Cryptography for natural images” is used to produce a meaningful Internati onal Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science IJ IACS ISSN 2347 – 8616 Volume 3, Issue 3 May 2014 binary share which is predicted by Nakajima [5]. Generally, visual cryptography suffers from the deterioration of the image quality. The meaningful shares generated in Extended visual cryptography proposed by Mizuho NAKAJIMA and Yasushi YAMAGUCHI [5] was of poor quality which again increases the suspicion of data encryption. Zhi Zhou, Gonzalo R. Arce, and Giovanni Di Crescenzo proposed halftone visual cryptography[6] which increases the quality of the meaningful shares. In halftone visual cryptography a secret binary pixel ‘P’ is encoded into an array of Q1 x Q2 (‘m’ in basic model) sub pixels, referred to as halftone cell, in each of the ‘n’ shares. By using halftone cells with an appropriate size, visually pleasing halftone shares can be obtained. Also maintains contrast and security. C. M. Hu and W. G. Tzeng, Cheating Prevention in Visual Cryptography [7] here we can study the cheating problem in VC and extended VC. Here they considered the attacks of malicious adversaries who may deviate from the scheme in any way. They proposed a generic method that converts a VCS to another VCS that has the property of cheating prevention. In the basic visual cryptography numbers of shares have been generated from one image. The shares are sent through any channel to the receiver and the receiver can again produce original image by stacking all the shares in proper order. This method wastes a lot of bandwidth of the network. The techniques of generating shares have been used in several existing methods which are not unique. To overcome this Satyendra Nath Mandal, Subhankar Dutta and Ritam Sarkar[8] proposed a block based symmetry key visual cryptography algorithm to convert image in encrypted form and decrypt the encrypted image into original form. The symmetric key has been generated from a real number. The encryption and decryption algorithm have been designed based on symmetry key. The real number has been used to form the key 24 Prameela, Geethalaxmi may be predefined or may be sent by secure channel to the receiver. This algorithm can be applied to any type of image that is binary, gray scale and color images. In this paper we proposed, to split the image into n number of perfect square parts. These parts are made such a way that each part is the split of the image, selected so that individual part of the split is a perfect square. In case of image is already of the size of perfect square, then this image is divided in to a given n, where n is a perfect square of any integer. To provide further more security here we using halftone method. III. PROPOSED SYSTEM In this paper we are introducing splitting an image into perfect squares. Splitting is done by based on their height and width. These parts are made such a way that each part is the split of the original image, selected so that individual part of the split is a perfect square. Splitting the images it uses the recursive algorithm procedure. The objectives of this proposed system is: • To present perfect square method scheme for hiding an image secretly • Further use of cipher system for the same algorithm to strengthen the security • Use this for communicating secret keys or encode authentication information • Using secret sharing to enable storage of extra information in the shares, thereby decreasing network load and increasing efficiency. • To get the mathematical structure for the perfect square method of image sharing scheme Methodology: Perfect square generation: Internati onal Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science IJ IACS ISSN 2347 – 8616 Volume 3, Issue 3 May 2014 Perfect square division method is used split the image into perfect square. Each split image will be in the form of perfect square. Splitting the image mainly based on the image height and width. If the image is in the form of square then we can easily generate the perfect square. This provides the n*n equal share division. If the image is in the form of rectangle then we have to consider the height and width of the image to split the image as a perfect square, if height has smaller value then perfect square generated based on height. This represents like h*h and remaining portion is w- h. If width has smaller value then perfect square generated based on width. This represents like w × w and remaining portion is h - w. The procedure is repeating until in this way we get a least perfect square of image. It is just a procedure of recursive algorithm, Recursive algorithm which obtains the result for the current input by applying simple operations to the returned value for the smaller input. This method is similar to Euclidian algorithm to find GCD of two numbers. However it stops with minimum perfect square, not with zero divisors. Using Euclidian algorithm to find GCD technique can be used to find computational complexity of the processes. shown in fig.2. Each image will be in the form of perfect square. The split images contain secret information of image; sometimes that information may visible to user, to avoid this here we applying Halftone methodology to provide further more security for these split images Halftone Method: In halftone VC a secret binary pixel is encoded into an array of sub pixels [5], referred to as a halftone cell, in each of the shares this is for a Binary image. Halftone method is nothing but a breaking the pixel into white and black and creating the share for each pixel then overlaying the each share to get an original image. For color image we have to fix the threshold value while breaking the pixel [9][10]. Threshold value can be fixed according to bit level, color pixel has three byte, and these three bytes average value is used to fix the threshold value in a halftone method. First it takes average value of all three colors then it fixes the threshold range for each particular color, the fig.3 shows halftone methodology. Here P is 24 bit pixel RGB image; pi is value of each pixel in a particular color of RGB, n is the total number of pixel in an RGB image and i value start from 0 to n. Figure.3 Halftone Method Figure.2 Perfect Square generation Average of all Red(R) pixels: Once we get the perfect square image we are not going to splitting that image again, we are going to splitting remaining portion of the image until it will get least perfect square it 25 Prameela, Geethalaxmi Less than (<) R Red color Greater than (>) R other color Internati onal Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science IJ IACS ISSN 2347 – 8616 Volume 3, Issue 3 May 2014 R= pir: value of each pixel in red color Average of all Green (G) pixels: Less than (<) G Green color Figure.4 image.jpeg (original image (630*400)) Greater than (>) G other color G= pig : value of each pixel in green color Average of all Blue (B) pixels : Less than (<) B Blue color Greater than (>) B other color Figure.5 Split images of an original image B= pib: value of each pixel in blue color III. RESULT In this work it takes an image of jpeg format to provide spilt results. The original image is taken of 630 X 400 pixels. The original image is split based on height and width in each iteration, until we receive non divisible smallest perfect square. It has been illustrated in fig.4 and fig.5. Halftone process, as per the methodology given, is implemented to get further security this is shown in fig.6. This method can be implemented for any type of image with varying height and width. In case of same width and height, this method proposes to divide the image in to pre defined number of perfect squares. Further in the same work it has been decided to try for the evaluation of this work. 26 Prameela, Geethalaxmi Figure 6. Halftone Results IV. CONCLUSION The sequence of generating split of perfect square is a novel method in this proposed system. Image of any dimensions can be split in to several perfect squares. In case of trace, Internati onal Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science IJ IACS ISSN 2347 – 8616 Volume 3, Issue 3 May 2014 that square is split in to several pre defined squares, such that these traces made hidden .To reinforce this method, it is also tried with an introduction of halftone method. This will strengthen the method further. However introducing this visual cryptography will increase the volume of the total space requirement. REFERENCES [1]M. Noar and A. Shamir, "Visual cryptography," Advances in Cryptology EUROCRYPT'94, pp. 1-12, 1995 [2]G.Ateniese,C.Blundo,A.DeSantis,D.R.S tinson, “Visualcryptography for general access structures” ,Proc.ICALP96,Springer,Berlin,1996, pp.416428. [3] Chang-Chou Lin , Wen-Hsiang Tsai, “Visual cryptography for gray- level images by dithering techniques”, Pattern Recognition Letters, v.24 n.1-3. [4] Dr. S. Vasumathi, M. Surya Prakash Rao, M. 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