CV - English: Renata Sandor

Curriculum vitae
Personal information
First name / Surname
Renáta Sándor
567 Felsőpálos, 6135 Csólyospálos (Hungary)
[email protected]
Date of birth
Scientific blog page
01 March 1986
Work experience
Name and address of
INRA UREP ― Grassland Ecosystem Research Unit of the French National
Institute for Agricultural Research
5 chemin de Beaulieu 63039 Clermont-Ferrand Cadex 2 (France)
Clermont Ferrand, (France)
01 June 2014 ― 01 November 2014
Position held Postdoctoral
Main activities and JPI FACCE MACSUR project ― The Joint Research Programming Initiative on
responsibilities Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI); Modelling
European Agriculture with Climate Change for Food Security (MACSUR)
Name and address of
Position held
Main activities and
Institute for Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry, Centre for
Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
15 Herman Ottó Street,1022 Budapest (Hungary)
01 September 2009 →
Junior Research Associate
- Scale related problems of the atmosphere-soil-plant system: modeling with
CERES (4Mx) and HYDRUS-1D;
- Measuring the soil hydraulic characteristics (soil moisture content, K S, soil
water repellency index) with field and laboratory devices;
- Examination of temporal and spatial heterogeneity of soil and agro
meteorological data under different treatments;
Name and type of organization
providing education
Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences, University of Szeged 2-6.
Egyetem street, 6722 Szeged (Hungary)
01 September 2009 – 26 June 2014
Principal subjects and
occupational skills covered
- Environmental Geology;
- Soil and environmental chemistry (field and laboratory practice);
- Hydrogeology;
Institute for Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
H-1022 Budapest, Herman Ottó út 15.
H-1525 Budapest, P.O. Box 102., Phone/fax: +36 1 212 22 65,
Name and type of organization
providing education
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects and
occupational skills covered
Faculty of Natural Science and Informatics, University of Szeged 2-6.
Egyetem street, 6722 Szeged (Hungary)
01 September 2004 – 22 June 2009
Geographer-Geology MSc
- Mineralogy, petrology and sedimentology (field and laboratory practice);
- Geochemistry (field and laboratory practice;
- GIS (Erdas, ArcView and CorelDRAW practice);
Name and type of organization
providing education and
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects and
occupational skills covered
Name and type of organization
providing training
Title of qualification awarded
Utrecht University, P.O Box 80125, 3508 TC Utrecht (The Netherlands);
Universitat de Valencia, C/ Dr Moliner, 50. Burjassot. 46100 Valencia
04 August 2013 – 06 September 2013
Certificate of Cilmate-KIC The Journey - Summer School Program
- 120 hours of interactive lectures of business planning and
- 120 hours of lectures of research topics in climate change mitigation and
- Climate related business ideas into business plans;
CC-WaterS - South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme
04 – 08. October 2010
Certificate of Climate change and Impacts on Water Supply, 1st student
training course
Skills of languages - English, intermediate level - 2009
- Spanish, basic level - 2010
Professional awards -
„National Excellence Program”– Ányos Jedlik Candidate for
Doctorate Award: 01 June 2013 – 01 June 2014
The Best Business Plan 1st Prize of the Climate-KIC Summer School
Program: 04 September 2013
Junior Research Associate Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy
of Science: 01 September 2009 – 31 August 2012
Institute for Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
H-1022 Budapest, Herman Ottó út 15.
H-1525 Budapest, P.O. Box 102., Phone/fax: +36 1 212 22 65,
Participation of
Competitive Grants
OTKA-105789: Effect of weeds on the water and nutrient cycle of soil.
01 September 2012 – 31 August 2016
OTKA-NN-79835: Statistical and hydrological modeling of soil and subsoil
salt-accumulation caused by tree plantations established above shallow
saline groundwater. 01 September 2010 – 31 August 2014.
OTKA-K-81432: The role of soil in different wather situations. 01 June
2010 – 30 June 2014
OTKA-91163: Developing a method for determining saturated and near
saturated hydraulic conductivity of the main soil types of Hungary.
01 July 2007-31 July 2012
SK-HU-0025-08: Hungarian-Slovakian Bilateral Agreement. Change in
the physical and chemical properties of the soils related to drying.
03 June 2009– 31 August 2011
- Member of the Civil Servants Council of the Institute for Soil Sciences and
Agricultural Chemistry;
- Founding member of the International Association for Mathematical
Geology (IAMG) Student Chapter in Szeged;
- Orfánus, T., Dlapa, P., Fodor, N., Rajkai, K., Sándor, R., Nováková, N. (2014):
How Severe and Subcritical Water Repellency Determines the Seasonal
Infiltration in Grassland and Cultivated Sandy Soils. Soil and Tillage
Research, 135, 49-59. (IF=2.367)
- Sándor, R., Rajkai, K., Fodor, N. (2013): Changes in dynamics of soil moisture
and temperature in different cultivations of sandy soils. II. Centre of
Agricultural Research Days, Ed.: Janda, T. Martonvásár, 08 November 2013,
pp. 246-250.
- Tóth, T., Balog, K., Szabó, A., Gribovszki, Z., Sándor, R. (2013): Factors affecting
solute accumulation under forested plots in a sandy region. COST Action
FA0901, Workshop and Conference, Utilization and protection of
halophytes and salt-affected landscapes, Abstract Book, pp. 44. Ed:
Tóth, T., Szabó, A. RISSAC CAR HAS, Budapest, 04-06 September
- Sándor R., Fodor, N. (2012): Simulation of Soil Temperature Dynamics with
Models Using Different Concepts. The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2012,
Article ID 590287, 8 pages, 2012. doi:10.1100/2012/590287 (IF=1.73)
Citation: 1
- Ľubomír Lichner, Ladislav Holko, Natalia Zhukova, Karsten Schacht, Kálmán
Rajkai, Nándor Fodor, Renáta Sándor (2012): Plants and biological soil crust
influence the hydrophysical parameters and water flow in an aeolian sandy
soil. J. Hydrol. Hydromech., 60, 4, 309–318. doi: 10.2478/v10098-012-0027y (IF=0.653) Citation: 11
- Sándor, R., Fodor, N. (2012): Some scale-related problems of soil
temperature modelling. In: Környezettudományi Doktori Iskolák
Institute for Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
H-1022 Budapest, Herman Ottó út 15.
H-1525 Budapest, P.O. Box 102., Phone/fax: +36 1 212 22 65,
Konferenciája 2012. 30-31.08.2012, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 46-54.
- Lichner, L., Kovácik, L., Drongová, Z., Orfánus, T., Sándor, R., Fodor, N., Rajkai,
K. (2012): Plants and biological crust influence the hydrophysical parameters
of a sandy soil. 22-27.07.2012, Leipzig, Germany.
- Fodor, N., Sándor, R., Orfanus, T., Lichner, L., Rajkai, K. (2011): Evaluation
method dependency of measured saturated hydraulic conductivity.
Geoderma, 165, 60–68. (IF=2.318) Citation: 5
- Sándor, R., Fodor, N. (2011): Some scale-related problems of crop modeling,
XV. Congress of Hungarian geomathematics and the IV. Congress of Croatian
and Hungarian Geomathematics, Mórahalom.
- Orfanus, T., Sandor, R. (2011): Hydraulické vlastnosti lesných pôd v Tatrách a
ich možný vplyv na tvorbu odtoku. In: Šír M., Tesař, M: Hydrologie malého
povodí 2011. Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AVČR, 08-10.03.2011, Praha, Czech
Republika, pp. 355-362. (in Slovakian)
- Lichner, L., Orfeanus, T., Czachor, H., Rajkai, K., Fodor, N., Sándor, R. (2010):
Ponded infiltration into water repellent soil in field and laboratory
conditions. 18th International Poster Day; Transport of Water, Chemicals
and Energy in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System; Bratislava.
- Sándor, R., Fodor, N., Rajkai, K. (2010): A bizonytalanság megjelenése a
hidraulikus vezetőképesség mérésekben. In: Kovács Gyula, Gelencsér Géza,
Centeri Csaba (szerk.) Az Élhető Vidékért Környezetgazdálkodási Konferencia.
2010.09.22-24. Siófok, Magyarország. Törökkoppány: Koppányvölgyi
idékfejlesztési Közhasznú Egyesület, pp. 89--. (ISBN:978-963-08-0034-1)
- Sándor, R., Fodor, N., Rajkai, K. (2010): Növénytermesztési modellezés néhány
léptékfüggő problémája. In: Lukács Gábor (szerk.) Gazdaságosság és/vagy
biodiverzitás? 52. Georgikon Napok: 2010.09.30-2010.10.01, Keszthely,
Mezőgazdaságtudományi Kar, p. 93.(ISBN:978-963-9639-38-6, 978-9639639-39-3)
- Sándor, R., Sümegi, P., (2009): New preliminary data for evolution of the
Holocene Hungarian Mollusc fauna. Malakológiai Tájékoztató 27, 9-12.
Citation: 1
- Sándor, R. (2009): Palaeoecological investigations on the core-sequence of
the Vörös Marsh at Császártöltés. Poster presented at the XIII. Congress of
Hungarian geomathematics and the Second Congress of Croatian and
Hungarian Geomathematics, Mórahalom.
- Sándor, R. (2009): Palaeoecological reconstruction of the Vörös Marsh at
Császártöltés. Országos Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia. Szombathely
Institute for Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
H-1022 Budapest, Herman Ottó út 15.
H-1525 Budapest, P.O. Box 102., Phone/fax: +36 1 212 22 65,