Frankston City Council presents Frankston Seniors Festival October 2014 Bookings open 15 September Frankston City’s older residents can experience low-cost, high quality events designed just for them! Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 1 This is an A4 printer friendly version Please think about the environment and print double sided Peninsula Skin Cancer Centre Welcome to your 2014 Frankston Seniors Festival • 3locations:Frankston,MorningtonandHastings • BulkbilledskinchecksforPensioners,HCC holders,DVAandover75’s • Fullbodymolemapping • Fullskinchecksusingdermoscopy • AlldoctorsaremembersofSkinCancerCollege ofAustralasia • Surgicalandnon-surgicaltreatmentsavailable • SaturdaymorningatFrankston • Thursdaylatetill8pmappointmentsatFrankston • Referralnotrequired Thank you to the many organisations and our wonderful volunteers who have made this fantastic program of events possible. • Bookingsareessentialforallevents unlessotherwisespecifiedandopen toFrankstonCity’sseniorsfrom Monday,15September • Foranyspecificeventqueriesandbookings please use the contact numbers within this brochure.Forgeneralqueriespleasecontact the Frankston City Council, Positive Ageing Team on 1300 322 322 • This 2014 Frankston Seniors Festival is part of the Victorian Seniors Festival, a state-wide Victorian Government initiative For more information about the Victorian Seniors Festival (5-12 October) including an online calendar of events, visit Ring for an appointment: 375NepeanHwy,Frankston Ph:97700040 93TantiAve,Mornington Ph:59759544 2 Enjoy your 2014 Frankston Seniors Festival 3 3/53VictoriaSt,Hastings Ph:59791811 Extendedhoursavailable Posit ive Ageing Together Areyoulookingformoreactivities specificallyforFrankston’solderresidents outsideofOctober? Then, please subscribe to Frankston City Council’s Active Ageing and Disability Services bi-monthly newsletter full of social activities just for you. Please call Customer Service on 1300 322 322 to subscribe to our bi-monthly PAT newsletter. Frankston Branch Country Women’s Association Open Day Wednesday, 1 October Appreciate craft demonstrations and displays, buy homemade goods and enjoy the make and take activity table. All this and a delicious Devonshire tea complete with the famous CWA scones. Venue: 33 Beach Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A 5E) Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm. Cost: Gold coin donation for Devonshire tea. Bookings: Jenny, 9766 5614 or [email protected] 4 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September Badminton Wednesday, 1 October Funhitandgigglesession,noneedforanyfitness level,playdoubleswithalltheequipmentprovided. Evenifyouhaveneverheldaracquetyouwillstill enjoy this visit to the Recreation Centre. Venue: Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre, 55 Towerhill Road, Frankston, (Melway Ref: 102 E7) Time: 10:00am to 11:30am Cost: Free, includes refreshments afterwards Bookings: Frankston South Centre, 9293 7122 Come and Try Carrum Downs Over 55’s Club Thursday, 2 October Bring your own lunch and enjoy playing pool/ snooker, carpet bowls, bingo or rummikin and other fun activities with this happy and lively group. Venue: Seaford Community Centre, Corner Station and Broughton Streets, Seaford (Melway Ref: 99 D3) Time: 10:00am to 4:00pm Cost: Visitors free, includes afternoon tea Bookings: John, 9775 8575 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 5 Peninsula Woodturners Open Day Thursday, 2 October Situated in the grounds of the McClelland Sculpture Park + Gallery on the day there will be demonstrations of wood turning and there will also be some items for purchase. Venue: The McClelland Sculpture Park + Gallery, 390 McClelland Drive, Langwarrin (Melway Ref: 103 E3) Time: 10:00am to 3:00pm Cost: Free,Nobookingsrequired Enquiries:Lorraine,0409181155 Come and Try Probus Club of Frankston Friday, 3 October Come and try a club meeting with guest speakers. You are most welcome to stay on for lunch at the Frankston RSL after the meeting. Venue: Bowling Pavilion, Frankston RSL, 183 Cranbourne Road, Frankston (Melway Ref: 102 J4) Time: 10:00am Cost: Speaker free, lunch at own cost Bookings: Clyde, 9783 7140 6 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 23 September Come and Meet the MCCOFFEES Group Friday, 3 October Enjoy music by the Peninsula Folk Club and a light lunch while getting to know the MCCOFFEES Group who meet monthly for social activities. Venue: Mahogany Neighbourhood Centre Foyer, 26 Mahogany Avenue, Frankston North (Melway Ref: 99 J8) Time: 11:30am to 1:30pm Cost: $4, includes light lunch Bookings: Mahogany Centre, 9786 1445 Peninsula Folk Club Sunday, 5 October Folk music lovers will enjoy this opportunity to hear a variety of live folk music. Meals are available to purchase so come on down for the night with this friendly, music-loving club. Venue: City of Frankston Bowling Club, Corner William and Yuille Streets, Frankston (Melway Ref: 102 D4) Time: 5:30pm to 6:30pm Jam session, 6:30pm to 9:30pm live performances Cost: $5, visitors at members prices Enquiries:Vincent,0418381668 8 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September Old Time / New Vogue Dance Lessons Friday, 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 October Our experienced volunteer dance instructor will help you learn or refresh steps to the Waltz, Foxtrot, Saunters and more sequencedances. These lessons are suitable for beginner to intermediate dancers to enjoy, come along with or without a partner. Venue: Frankston Mechanics Institute, 1N Plowman Place, (Corner Bay St South) Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A B8) Time: 1:30pm to 2:45pm Cost: $7, includes tea/coffee, 4 x weekly lessons and entry to the Frankston Seniors Festival Tea Dance on Friday, 31 October (See page 37) Bookings: Frankston Arts Centre, 9784 1060 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 7 French Island Bus Tour Sunday 5, Tuesday 7, Thursday 9, Saturday 11 or Sunday 12 October Make your own way to Stony Point kiosk (Melway Ref: 95 F5) to collect your Seniors Card free ferry ticket to depart on the Inter Island Ferry for the Tankerton Jetty, French Island. There, Lois from French Island Bus Tours will welcome you aboard a rustic island adventure bus tour. Experience the island’s history, birds of prey, native orchids, view koalas and enjoy afternoon tea. Morningandafternoontoursareoffered.Confirm your preferred option and ferry departure and return times when booking. Tour Cost: $15 Special, includes afternoon tea Bookings: French Island Bus Tours, 5980 1241 or 0412 671 241 FerryEnquiries:InterIslandFerries, 0408 553 136 V-lineEnquiries:CustomerService, 1800 800 007 Car Parking available at Stony Point $4.50 all day Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 9 World Movies Cinema Monday, 6 October The South American Senior Citizens Club invites you to view the movie Elsa y Fred (Elsa and Fred). Enjoy this award winning heart-warming taleofquietFred,arecentlywidowedSpaniard and Elsa, a similarly-aged colourful Argentinian chronic life indulger. The movie is in Spanish with English Subtitles. Venue: King Close Community Centre, 26 King Close, Frankston North (Melway Ref: 100 A8) Time: 10:30am to 12:30pm Cost: $3 at the door for morning tea Bookings: Carly, 9784 1046 Meditation Monday, 6 October Make your mind calm and peaceful through meditation in order to experience true happiness. Venue: Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre, 55 Towerhill Road, Frankston South, (Melway Ref: 102 E7) Time: 2:00pm to 3:00pm Cost: Free, includes refreshments Bookings: 9293 7122 10 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September Introduction to Kodak Machines Tuesday, 7, 14, 21 and 28 October FrankstonOfficeworks’friendlystaffwillshowyou how to scan, copy, make cards, calendars and much more by using the Kodak machines. Bring along an old print or some digital photos and see what is possible. It’s easier than you think! Venue: FrankstonOfficeworks, 355 Nepean Highway, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A D2) Time: 10:00am to 11:00am Cost: Free, includes complimentary Kodak products Bookings: Jan, 9784 3600 Welcome to the Internet Tuesday, 7 and Wednesday, 8 October A presentation for seniors to experience the pleasure of personally ‘breaking down their anxiety’ to operate a computer, includes email and internet information. Venue: Langwarrin Community Centre, 2/6 Lang Road, Langwarrin (Melway Ref: 103 J5) Time: 1:00pm to 3:00pm Cost: Gold coin donation Bookings: Langwarrin Centre, 9789 7653 12 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September Come and Try Frankston North Seniors Monday, 6, 13, 20 and 27 October Come and chat with this friendly group who invite you to enjoy games with them. BYO Lunch if you want to stay on, or drop in anytime for a cuppa. Venue: Mahogany Neighbourhood Centre, 26 Mahogany Avenue, Frankston North (Melway Ref: 99 J8) Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm Cost: Free, includes tea and coffee Bookings: Gwen, 9786 3859 Mason Brothers Concert Tuesday, 7 October Frankston Senior Citizens are looking for new members so why not head on down to the concert, meet this welcoming club and enjoy the dulcet songs of the Mason Brothers. Venue: 200 Beach Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 102 H3) Time: 1:00pm to 3:00pm Cost: $2includesafternoonteaandraffle Bookings: Josie, 9789 5272 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 11 Australian Hearing Tuesday, 7 October Free morning tea at Australian Hearing. Have a chat with us, get a free hearing check and try out the latest Assistive Listening Devices. Venue: Ground Floor Landmark Corporate Centre, 454 Nepean Highway, Frankston (Melway Ref: 95 C4) Time: 10:00am to 1:00pm Cost: Free, includes morning tea Bookings: Annisha or Leiana 8781 3700 Older Adults Aqua Aerobics Class Wednesday, 8, 15, 22 or 29 October Whetheryouarelookingforfun,fitness or relaxation there is something for you at PeninsulaAquaticandRecreationCentre (PARC),beginningwithfreeAquaAerobic Classes for the Frankston Seniors Festival! Venue: PARC, Corner Cranbourne Road and Olive Grove, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A F8) Time: 12:00pm to 1:00pm Cost: Free Bookings: PARC, 9781 8444 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 13 ADA & ELSIE ~É@à{x@W|ww jt v Äx@É{4 WEDNESDAY, 8 OCTOBER @ 1.30pm Enjoy the comedy, music, live sound effects, audience participation and off-air drama of 1940s radio. 60 minutes, no interval. Frankston Arts Centre 27-37 Davey Street Cost: $7 (includes complimentary tea/coffee from 12.45pm) Box Office: 03 9784 1060 14 Ageing Well Expo Wednesday, 8 October Enjoy a range of displays, demonstrations, health screening, workshops and interactive activities at the Ageing Well Expo. The Ageing Well Expo is free and well worth the visit with showbags, giveaways, free refreshments and loads of information on how to age well. There is plenty of parking available if you drive yourself to the expo located in Mount Martha, or if you prefer please book in for the courtesy coach. Venue: New Peninsula Church, 370 Craigie Road, Mount Martha (Melway Ref: 146 A11) Time: 9:30am to 2:00pm Cost: Free, includes refreshments Courtesy Coach: BookingsbyFriday,3October Peninsula Transport Assist, 9708 8241 Depart: 9:00am, Frankston Arts Centre, 27-37 Davey Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A D8) and leaves the Expo at 1:30pm 15 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September Frankston Arts Centre is a Business Unit of Frankston City Council Learn to Play Croquet Thursday, 9 October Snap Fitness Strength Training Thursday, 9 and 16 October FrankstonCroquetClubIncinvitesyoutolearn toplaycroquetwithrefreshments,equipmentand coaching provided. Flat-soled shoes must be worn. Venue: FrankstonCroquetClubInc, Corner Spring and Nolan Streets, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A D11) Time: 10:00am to 3:00pm Cost: Gold coin donation, includes refreshments Bookings:FrankstonCroquetClub,97837340 Snap Fitness will show you exercises to help maintain bone density. The class will consist of using easy-to-use pin-loaded machine weights, free weights and stretch bands. Venue: Snap Fitness, 28 Beach Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A D5) Time: 9:00am to 9:45pm Cost: Free Bookings: Mary-Ann, 0403 003 935 George Pentland Botanic Gardens Tour Thursday, 9 October U3A Open Days Friday, 10 October and Monday, 13 October Join an informative walking tour of the wonderful George Pentland Botanic Gardens. Learn the history, design, plant displays and wildlife found in this attractive garden. Depart: Foot Street Entrance, George Pentland Botanic Gardens Williams Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 102 E5) Time: 10:30am to 11:30am Cost: Free Bookings: Frankston City Council Customer Service, 1300 322 322 16 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September Come along and see what U3A has to offer. We run over 70 different classes at our premises. This is a great opportunity to meet some of our 700 plus members and watch them enjoy learning, socialising and having fun in retirement. Venue: Stella Maris Centre, John Paul College, 161 McMahons Road, Frankston (Melway Ref: 102 G1) Time: 10:30am to 3:30pm Cost: Free, includes light refreshments Bookings: U3A, 9770 1042 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 17 Resourceful Gardening: Waste Not Want Not! Saturday, 11 October Mediterranean Morning Tea Friday, 10 October The highly respected Aeolian Players – multi-instrumentalist Marcello D’Amico and his wife Pauline, one of Australia’s leading female accordionists – perform traditional and folk Italian and Mediterranean music for your pleasure. Stockland Retirement Living is pleased to sponsor the delicious themed morning tea in support of Frankston Seniors Festival. Venue: Seaford Community Centre, Corner Station and Broughton Streets, Seaford (Melway Ref: 99 D3) Time: 11:00am to 12:30pm Cost: Free, includes morning tea Bookings: Frankston City Council Customer Service 1300 322 322 Retirement Living 18 Freecall JOTE Community Garden in Action Sunday, 12 October Enjoy a guided tour of a working community garden and a delicious morning tea. Venue: Joy of the Earth Community Garden, Joy Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 102 E2) Time: 9:00am to 1:00pm Cost: FREE, includes morning tea Bookings: Sue, 9783 5229 1800 72 71 70 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September Frankston City Band 65th Anniversary Charity Concert Sunday, 12 October Frankston City Band performs a charity concert for the Frankston Anzac War Memorial Fund. Come along to enjoy a musical afternoon including music from the war era. Venue: Frankston Arts Centre, 27-37 Davey Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A D8) Time: 2:30pm to 4:30pm Cost: $20 Adult and $15 Concession Bookings: Frankston Arts Centre, 9784 1060 Tennis Sunday, 12 October Enjoy fun, relaxed, social tennis without competitive pressure – open to all from novices to those who want to get right back in! Venue: Overport Park Tennis Club, Corner Overport and Somerset Roads, Frankston South (Melway Ref: 102 B12) Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm Cost: Free Enquiries:Bruce,0407841169 20 Learn how to be a clever composter, veggie gardener, and improve your garden soil at the same time. Venue: Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre, 55 Towerhill Road, Frankston (Melway Ref: 102 E7) Time: 9:30am to 11:00am Cost: Free Bookings: Environment Team, 9768 1628 or [email protected] Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 19 Orwil Street Open House Week Monday, 13 October to Friday, 17 October Visit us at the house and try any of our courses or support groups free of charge. Please contact thenumberbelowtofindoutwhatisavailable. Venue: Orwil Street Neighbourhood House, 16 Orwil Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 99 F11) Time: Times will vary depending on the activity, contact the house. Cost: Free Bookings: Orwil House, 9783 5073 Facebook Set Up Class Monday, 13 October Haven’t joined the social media revolution yet? Find out how to set up a Facebook account, post pictures, write messages and many more ways to keep in contact with friends. Venue: Frankston Library, 60 Playne Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A D8) Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm Cost: Free Bookings: Frankston Library, 9784 1020 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 21 Cybersafety for Seniors Tuesday, 14 October Learn how to stay safe online, search the web and use email safely. Cut through the information overload, avoid spam, and potential threats. Venue: Frankston Library, 60 Playne Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A D8) Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm Cost: Free Bookings: Frankston Library, 9784 1020 A Pill, A Pump and A Needle - City of Casey Tuesday, 14 October This play is part of the wonderful HealthPlay series and is based on the remarkable stories of three women and their journey with diabetes. Starring Margot Knight, Kelly Nash and Michelle Hall. Venue: Arthur Wren Hall, Stuart Avenue, Hampton Park (Melway Ref: 96 E8) Time: 10:30am registration for 11:00am to 12.00pm Cost: Free Bookings: Casey Customer Service, 9705 5200 or online at 22 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September The Flow On Effect Wednesday, 15 October Come and join our holistic personal trainer and enjoyandlearnsomeflowmovementssimilar toqigongtaichiwithafocusonrelaxationand meditation. Venue: Belvedere Community Centre, 36 Belvedere Road, Seaford (Melway Ref: 99 J5) Time: 10:00am to 11:30am Cost: $5 Bookings: Belvedere Centre, 9776 8922 Energy Bill Busting Friday, 17 October Discover how easy it is to be an energy miser in your home, save money and still be comfortable. Venue: Frankston Library, 60 Playne Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A D8) Time: 1:30pm to 3:00pm Cost: Free Bookings: Environment Team, 9768 1628 or [email protected] 24 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September Wheelie Ramble Tuesday, 14 October Mobility scooter and motorised wheelchair users, along with their friends and family members, are invited to enjoy the great outdoors with a 60 minute guided ramble along the foreshore boardwalk. After all that fresh air you will enjoy a morning tea sponsored by Westernport Mobility, Hastings, served at the Frankston Mechanics Institute hall with door prizes. Depart: Frankston Pier, Pier Promenade, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A A9) Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm Cost: Free, includes morning tea Bookings: Wazed Ali, 1300 322 322 Frankston Filipino Seniors Support Group Wednesday, 15 October You are warmly invited to join the group afternoon tea and enjoy the club activities. Venue: Holy Family Church Hall, 34 Moreton Street, Frankston North (Melway Ref: 100 A7) Time: 1:00pm to 4:00pm Cost: Free Bookings: Grace, 0409 192 390 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 23 StrokeSafe Talk - Stroke Foundation Friday, 17 October and Monday, 20 October A Stroke Safe Ambassador will talk about: - What a stroke is - The effects of a stroke - How to prevent a stroke - How to recognise the signs of stroke - What to do if someone is having a stroke - You will also have the opportunity to askquestions. Friday,17October Venue: Frankston Library, 60 Playne Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A D8) Time: 10:00am to 11:00am Monday,20October Venue: Carrum Downs Library, 203 Lyrebird Drive, Carrum Downs (Melway Ref: 100 H3) Time: 11:30am to 12:30pm Cost: Free Bookings: Frankston Library, 9784 1020 25 Frankston High School’s 90th Anniversary Saturday, 18 October Catch up with old school mates and staff, view photos and memorabilia or take a school tour. Time: 10:00am to 11:30am: pre1960s intake (Melway Ref: 102 D2) 12:00pm to 5:00pm: All welcome (Melway Ref: 102 E7) Cost: Gold coin donation Enquiries:AnneThomson,0409835541 [email protected] Come and Get Buzy with the Grandkids Monday, 20 October Come along and enjoy some inside play with your grandkids. They will be entertained for hours, while you meet other grandparents in your local area for morning tea at Buzy Kids Frankston. Venue: Buzy Kids Frankston, 124 Frankston Flinders Road, entrance via Towerhill Road (Melway Ref: 102 F7) Time: 9:30am onwards Cost: Discounted entry of $5 per child Grandparents Free, includes morning tea Bookings: Karen, 9783 3444 26 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September Frankston to Seaford Foreshore Ramble Tuesday, 21 October Join Frankston City Council Rangers for an easy 5.5km guided walk from the Visitor Information Centre following the Kananook Creek trail until you reach the Seaford Community Centre. Enjoy a delicious morning tea catered by the Country Women’s Association, Frankston Branch. Depart: Frankston Visitor Information Centre, Pier Promenade, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A A9) Time: 9:30am to 12:30pm Cost: $4, includes return shuttle to Pier Bookings: Visitor Information Centre, 1300 322 842 Men’s Shed - Open Day Wednesday, 22 October Drop in for a tour of the Pines Community Men’s Shed and see if you would like to become part of this fun and friendly men’s group in your community. Venue: Pines Community Men’s Shed, 14 Stringybark Crescent, Frankston North (Melway Ref: 99 J8) Time: Drop in between 10:00am to 3:00pm Cost: Free, including a cuppa and sausage Enquires:Nobookingsrequired,97861008 28 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September Artist Demonstration - Robert Knight Monday, 20 October Please join us for an art demonstration by one of Melbourne’s best known artists, Robert Knight. Robert will show how he draws with charcoal on canvas, highlighting how his style develops throughout the demonstration. Venue: Peninsula Arts Society Studio, 159 Overport Road, Frankston South (Melway Ref: 106 D1) Time: 1:00pm to 3:30pm Cost: $5, includes afternoon tea Bookings: Peninsula Arts Society, 9775 2640 or [email protected] Facebook Intermediate Class Monday, 20 October Just started using Facebook and wondering what to do next? Find friends, set privacy levels, connect with people, groups and others. Venue: Frankston Library, 60 Playne Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A D8) Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm Cost: Free Bookings: Frankston Library, 9784 1020 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 27 Frankston Laughter Club Wednesday, 22 October Share laughter with people who want to laugh fornoreasonandgainthehealthbenefitsof laughter with tension releasing exercises, gentle breathing, stretching and relaxation. Stay on for a cuppa. Venue: Mahogany Neighbourhood Centre, 26 Mahogany Avenue, Frankston North (Melway Ref: 99 J8) Time: 1:45pm to 2:30pm Cost: $2, includes refreshments Bookings: Mahogany Centre, 9786 1445 Australian Multicultural Seniors Support Group Thursday, 23 October Come along to watch or participate in some cultural dancing, morning tea provided. Venue: Brotherhood of St Laurence Hall, 43 Tuxten Avenue, Carrum Downs (Melway Ref: 98 G12) Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm Cost: Gold Coin Donation, includes morning tea Bookings: Fe, 0418 592 944 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 29 Cupcake Bouquet Decorating Class Thursday, 23 and Friday, 24 October Have you ever wanted to know how a cupcake bouquetismade?Seeademonstrationonthis simpletechniquethatyoucancreateinyour own home. After the demonstration enjoy a cuppa and cake at The Cake Cottage. Venue: The Cake Cottage, 26 Wells Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A D7) Time: 10:00am to 11:00am Cost: $10 payable at door includes demonstration, coffee/tea and cupcake Bookings: The Cake Cottage, 9783 5009 Curves Frankston Women’s Circuit Training Friday, 24 October Curves Frankston aims to strengthen women in the community and invites you to enjoy a free half hour session of strength training in the circuit. Venue: Curves Frankston, 30A Foot Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 102 E6) Time: 11:00am to 11:30am Cost: Free Bookings: Curves, 9781 5444 30 European Dance Experience Sunday, 26 October Dance the afternoon away to classics from across Europe performed by the fabulous live band “Bonanza”. Dance your own preferred style to music and songs in Italian, Swiss, German, French, Spanish, Dutch and Portuguese. It’s an international extravaganza of music for you to enjoy. Tables of 10 are available for group bookings. Venue: Frankston RSL, 183 Cranbourne Road, Frankston (Melway Ref: 102 J4) Time: 2:00pm to 5:00pm Cost: $12 includes live band, tea/coffee and cake Bookings: Frankston Arts Centre, 9784 1060 OPENNOW Bookingsandpaymentrequired byThursday,9October. 31 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September Frankston Law Courts Tour Monday, 27 and Friday, 31 October Legal Matters and Ageing Monday, 27 October Come along to a highly informative session that includes information relevant to every older person. Topics on the day will include: • Money, Ageing and Family - learn how to protect yourself and your rights. • Wills and Powers of Attorney. Venue: Frankston Mechanics Institute, 1N Plowman Place, Frankston (Corner Bay Street South) (Melway Ref: 100A B8) Time: 10:00am to 12:30pm Cost: Free, includes morning tea Bookings: Peninsula Community Legal Centre, 9783 3600 32 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September Come for a behind-the-scenes guided tour of the Frankston Law Courts including: the Magistrates’ Court, Children’s Court and the Custody Centre. Afterwards, a Magistrate will talk about the judicial process and the duties of a Magistrate. Participants are welcome to stay on and watch real life cases at the conclusion of the tour. Venue: Frankston Magistrates’ Court, 15 Fletcher Road, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A E4) Time: 9:00am to 10:00am Cost: Free Bookings: Julian Bartlett, 9784 5744 Tuesday Craft Tuesday, 28 October Bring along any craft you are working on at home and enjoy a social morning with other craft enthusiasts. Venue: Karingal Neighbourhood Centre, 103 Ashleigh Avenue, Frankston (Melway Ref: 102 K1) Time: 9:30am to 12:00pm Cost: Free, usually $2 Bookings: Karingal Neighbourhood Centre, 8786 6650 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 33 Chinese Cultural Experience Tuesday, 28 October The Chinese Senior Citizens Club invites you to experience Chinese culture including Tai Chi in the garden, dancing, singing and delicious home-made Chinese dumplings. Venue: New Hope Foundation, 24-26 High Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A B9) Time: 10:30am to 1:30pm Cost: $2, payable at the door Bookings: Carly, 9784 1046 East Frankston Over 55’s Club Activities Wednesday, 29 October Come and join this welcoming club for some gentle exercises from 9:30am to 11:00am. Stay on for other activities including Rummikub, 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Venue: Leawarra House, 200 Beach Street, Frankston, (Melway Ref: 102 H4) Time: 9:30am to 3:00pm Cost: Free, includes refreshments Bookings: Karen, 9789 2287 34 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September Scrapbooking/Papercrafts Thursday, 30 October A papercraft activity for you to experience and morning tea will be provided Venue: Karingal Neighbourhood Centre, 103 Ashleigh Avenue, Frankston (Melway Ref: 102 K1) Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm Cost: Free, usually $8 Bookings: Karingal Neighbourhood Centre, 8786 6650 Try Bowls Friday, 31 October 2014 Are you looking for a new activity to enjoy? Then come and try bowls at the City of Frankston Bowling Club. Try both indoor and outdoor bowls with experienced players available to assist you. Venue: City of Frankston Bowling Club, Cnr William and Yuille Streets, Frankston (Melway Ref: 102 D4) Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm Cost : Free, includes tea and coffee Bookings: John, 0418 331 377 36 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September Frankston South Branch Country Women’s Association Open Day Thursday, 30 October Visit the Frankston South Branch of the Country Women’s Association and enjoy their renowned Devonshire tea and fabulous craft demonstrations. Venue: Connect Church Hall, 135 Golf Links Road, Frankston (Melway Ref: 102 K11) Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm Cost: Free Bookings: Barbara, 9776 7190 Beading Class Thursday, 30 October Learn the art of beading and design. Includes beadsandfittingsforonenecklace. Venue: Karingal Neighbourhood Centre, 103 Ashleigh Avenue, Frankston (Melway Ref: 102 K1) Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm Cost: Free, usually $8 Bookings: Karingal Neighbourhood Centre, 8786 6650 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 35 Frankston Seniors Festival Tea Dance Friday, 31 October Dress up to relive a piece of Frankston’s history at our Frankston Seniors Festival Tea Dance. Enjoy dancing to live music generously provided by Silhouettes live band. Dances including old time and new vogue, prizes and a catered afternoon tea will all be a real treat for you to enjoy as a celebration of the conclusion of the 2014 Frankston Seniors Festival. Venue: Frankston Mechanics Institute, 1N Plowman Place, Frankston (Cnr Bay St South) (Melway Ref: 100A B8) Time: 1:00pm to 3:00pm Cost: $5 includes afternoon tea and live band Bookings: Frankston Arts Centre, 9784 1060 Bookingsandpaymentrequired byFriday,24October. Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 37 FRANKSTON SENIORS Bookings open 15 September FESTIVAL DAY TRIPS Due to continued popularity booking conditions apply as follows: • Frankston residents please limit your day trip bookings to one per person from pages 39-42. • Seats are strictly limited. Sadly no group bookings are allowed, limit of 2 tickets per booking. • FrankstonArtsCentreBoxOfficetakes all bookings for day trips and phone lines can at times be inundated with calls. Please be patient. • Names of passengers and next of kin/ emergency contact for all passengers will berequiredattimeofbooking. Please have these ready. • Trips run rain or shine so please bring your own water bottle, umbrella and/or sunhat. • At least 48 hours’ notice of cancellation is requiredforarefund. • If you are unsuccessful in booking a seat you may leave your contact details on the waitlist. 38 Day Out at the MCG Monday, 6 October or Tuesday, 7 October Make use of Seniors Festival free travel for Victorian Seniors Card holders to join us for a jam-packed day at the ‘G’. Take a tour of the Melbourne Cricket Ground stadium, visiting all the famous places as well as the world class National Sports Museum full of rich and historic displays. The experience wouldn’t be complete without a lunch, comprising sandwiches, hot chips and refreshments, served in the Hugh Trumble Cafe inside the MCC Members Reserve. Pleasenotethereisahighlevelofwalking duringthisactivity. Don’t forget your Seniors Myki and Victorian Seniors Card! Time: Meet at Frankston Train Station ticket box at 9:50am for the 10:04am departure, returning 4:00pm approx Cost: $22, includes booking fee, MCG tour, NSM visit and lunch Bookings: Frankston Arts Centre, 9784 1060 Conditionsapply-seepage38 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 39 National Rhododendron Gardens Visit Wednesday, 22 October Bunnings Garden Nursery Tour Wednesday, 15 October Enjoy a coach tour proudly sponsored by Bunnings Frankston whose friendly team will take you to view the beautiful coloured array of seedlings and plants. Follow the process from seed to potted plant at Haars Nursery. Pleasenotetoiletfacilitieswillbebasic,thistrip isunsuitableforwheelchairsorwalkingaidsas abilitytowalkunevengroundandclimbsteps unaidedwillberequired. Travel by coach to experience the brilliantly coloured blooms of rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias, cherries and daffodils, an absolute delight. At the gardens the Garden Explorer bus is available on the day at $8 for a 25 minute guided tour for those who would like to purchase a ticket on the day for this option. BYO lunch or you may prefer to purchase from the cafe. Please bring a sunhat/umbrella and water. Pleasenotetogetthemostoutofthistrip ahighamountofwalkingisrequired(some steepgradients). Meet at: Frankston Bunnings Store, Corner McMahons and Gertrude Streets, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A J10) Depart: 10:30am Return: 2:00pm approx to Frankston Bunnings Cost: $2 Booking fee, includes light lunch Bookings: Frankston Arts Centre, 9784 1060 Depart: Conditionsapply-seepage38 Conditionsapply-seepage38 40 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September Frankston Arts Centre, 27-37 Davey Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A D8) Time: 9:30am departure, returning 3:00pm Cost: $8 includes, booking fee and coach (Garden Explorer bus additional $8 on the day) Bookings: Frankston Arts Centre, 9784 1060 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September 41 Ripponlea House and Gardens Visit Tuesday, 28 and Wednesday, 29 October If you need the assistance of an interpreter please Travel by coach to enjoy the last of Australia’s grand suburban estates. Spend the day meandering through the mansion with a guided tour on arrival then enjoy your time as you wish amongst the pleasure garden of 5.7 hectares of sweeping lawns,magnificenttreesandatranquillake. BYO lunch or you may prefer to purchase from the cafe. Please bring a sunhat/umbrella and water. Pleasenotetogetthemostoutofthistripa highamountofstairclimbingandwalking isrequired. Depart: Frankston Arts Centre, 27-37 Davey Street, Frankston (Melway Ref: 100A D8) Time: 9:30am departure, returning 3:00pm Cost: $15 Includes, booking fee, coach and guided tour of Ripponlea House Bookings: Frankston Arts Centre, 9784 1060 Conditionsapply-seepage38 42 Bookings essential for every event and open Monday, 15 September For more to see and do in Frankston City visit and click on Events – What’s on. For more information about the services offered by Frankston City Council for older residents such as Home Care, Personal Care, Home Maintenance, Community Transport, Planned Activity Groups, Respite Care or Home Delivered Meals phone: 97841933 or e-mail: [email protected] 1300 322 322 Information correct at the time of printing This is an A4 printer friendly version Please think about the environment and print double sided 131450
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