DS ACO / MD – 09 07 2014 Ligue Motocycliste Régionale des Pays de la Loire Association Sportive Motocycliste 24 HEURES Automobile-Club de l'Ouest CHAMPIONNAT DU MONDE FIM DE SIDECAR FIM SIDECAR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Circuit Bugatti - Le Mans 18, 19, 20 Septembre 2014 2014 September 18th, 19th, 20th Sous réserve des autorisations sportives / Subject to the administrative authorisations REGLEMENT PARTICULIER SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 1. PUBLICATION 1. ANNOUNCEMENT L’Association Sportive Motocycliste 24 HEURES Automobile Club de l'Ouest (ASM 24 Heures ACO), sous l'égide de la Fédération Française de Motocyclisme et de la Société Sportive Professionnelle de l’Automobile Club de l'Ouest, et de la Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme, organise sur le Circuit Bugatti une manche du Championnat du Monde FIM de Sidecar 2014. The Association Sportive Motocycliste 24 HEURES Automobile Club de l'Ouest (ASM 24 Heures ACO), under the care of the Federation Française de Motocyclisme, and the Société Sportive Professionnelle de l’Automobile Club de l'Ouest, and the Federation International Motocycliste, organises, on the Bugatti Circuit, a race of the 2014 FIM Sidecar World Championship. Cette épreuve aura lieu du 18 au 20 Septembre This race will take place from the 18th till 20th 2014, et fait partie du Championnat du Monde September 2014 and is part of the 2014 FIM Sidecar de Sidecar 2014. IMN n°: 105/08 World Championship. IMN n°: 105/08 Cette manifestation a reçu le visa d'organisation FFM This race received the FFM visa N° (under way). N° (en cours). 2. ORGANISATEUR 2. ORGANISATION ASM 24 Heures ACO, Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans, 72019 Le Mans Cedex 2. Tel : 02 43 40 24 24 E-mail : [email protected] ASM 24 Heures ACO, Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans, 72019 Le Mans Cedex 2, France. Phone Number: 00 33 2 43 40 24 24 E-mail: [email protected] 3. CIRCUIT 3. CIRCUIT La longueur du Circuit Bugatti est de 4,185 km, circuit utilisé dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre (plan annexé). Nombre de machines admises en Essais : 30 Nombre de machines admises en Course : 26 Il est interdit aux concurrents et autres utilisateurs du Working Paddock et du Support Paddock de planter tout objet métallique dans nos surfaces bitumées tel que piquets, pointes… En cas de nonrespect, une pénalité sportive ou financière pourra être appliquée. Bugatti Circuit length is 4,185 km, the race will be run clockwise (see map enclosed). Number of side cars admitted to practice: 30 Number of side cars admitted to race: 26 It is forbidden to the competitors and users of the Working Paddock and the Support Paddock to fit anymetal objects in our asphalt surfaces such as tent pegs, nails... In the event of a disrespect of these rules, the competitors will be penalised and/or fined. 1 DS ACO / MD – 09 07 2014 4. CATEGORIES ADMISES 4. CLASSES Sont admises les catégories du Championnat du The organisation will accept the classes of the FIM Monde FIM de Sidecar. Sidecar World Championship. 5. JURIDICTION 5. JURISDICTION Cette épreuve se déroulera conformément au Code Sportif FIM, au Code Disciplinaire et d'Arbitrage FIM, et aux règlements du Championnat du Monde de Sidecar de Courses sur Route. Tous les cas non prévus aux règlements FIM, FFM et au présent Règlement Particulier seront tranchés par le Jury de l'épreuve concernée. L’Organisateur s’engage à respecter autant que possible la Charte “Green line” de bon comportement. This meeting will be held in accordance with the FIM Sportive Code, the FIM Disciplinary and Arbitration Code rules, and the Road Racing World Championships Sidecar Regulations. Any cases or matters not provided for by the FIM, FFM regulations or this Supplementary Regulations will be settled by the Jury of the meeting. The Organiser also commits to respect as much as possible the “Green line” charter of good practice. HORAIRES SCHEDULE Jeudi 18 Septembre Thursday September 18th 11:00 - 13:00 : Vérifications Administratives et 11.00 a.m - 1.00 p.m.: Administrative checks and Techniques scrutineering 14:30 - 15:00 : Briefing (Salle 305A - 3e étage au- 2.30 p.m. - 3.00 p.m.: Briefing (room 305A – pit dessus des stands) building – 3 rd floor) 15:50 - 16:10 : Essais Libres 3.50 p.m. - 4.10 p.m.: Free practice sessions Vendredi 19 Septembre 14:00 -14:20 : Essais Qualificatifs séance 1 17:20 - 17:40 : Essais Qualificatifs séance 2 Friday September 19th 2.00 p.m. - 2.20 p.m.: Qualifying sessions 1 5.20 p.m. – 5.40 p.m.: Qualifying sessions 2 Samedi 20 Septembre 11:30 - 12:15 : Course (18 tours) Saturday September 20st 11.30 a.m. - 12.15 a.m.: Race (18 laps) TECHNICAL INSPECTION VERIFICATIONS TECHNIQUES Aucun coureur et aucune machine ne peuvent entrer No rider or Sidecar is permitted onto the track unless en piste sans avoir passé les vérifications techniques. he/it has passed the technical inspections. PRACTISING ENTRAINEMENTS En dehors des périodes d'entraînements officiels, il It is strictly forbidden to ride racing Sidecars on the est strictement interdit de rouler sur le circuit avec course outside the official practice periods. les motocycles de course. 6. OFFICIELS 6. OFFICIALS Directeur de Course Lionel ROUET Directeurs de Course Adjoints Serge FERRER - Jean-Luc GILARD - Jean-Luc MARTIN Christian PINOCHET - Maryse DEL RIO Président du Jury Rudiger MERDES Clerk of the Race Lionel ROUET Assistants of the Clerk of the Race Serge FERRER - Jean-Luc GILARD - Jean-Luc MARTIN Christian PINOCHET - Maryse DEL RIO President of the Jury Rudiger MERDES 2 DS ACO / MD – 09 07 2014 Membre du Jury nommé par la FIM Philippe THIRIET Membre du Jury nommé par FMNR Patrick COUTANT Secrétaires du Jury Anne-Bénédicte BIENVILLE - Isabelle RAVENEAU Délégué Environnement Raymond LALA Représentant de l’Organisation Michel DUMIOT Directeur Technique FIM Charles HENNEKAM Chef Vérifications Techniques FFM Francis GUIER Secrétaire Technique Claudie BONGIOVANNI Commissaires Techniques FFM François ADE - Patrick BERTOLOTTI - Jean-Marc BLONDÉ - Guy BONGIOVANNI - Gilles DENIMAL - Eric LECOMTE - Edmond LEDOYEN - Pascal MUSSLIN Angélique RENAUD - Sébastien RENAUD - Thierry RIPAUX - Catherine THIVOLLE Commissaires Techniques L.M.R.P.L. Christelle BODIN - Loïc BODIN - Pierre DERRIEN (Mercredi) - Didier HENRY (Mercredi et Jeudi) Cédric LAMBERT - Jean-Marie TRICHET Chargés des Relations Concurrents Rémy AUVRAY - Stéphane HOUDAYER Chargé des Moyens de Sécurité piste Martin GOUREAU Médecin-Chef de l’épreuve Docteur Alain KIND Chronométrage/Calculs José Luis Garcia, Alkamel Équipe TV Josep Vergel - Toni Campins, Interzona Coordinateurs FIM Victoria CORREDOIRA - Paul DUPARC Member of the Jury (appointed by FIM) Philippe THIRIET Member of the Jury (appointed by FMNR) Patrick COUTANT Secretaries of the Jury Anne-Bénédicte BIENVILLE - Isabelle RAVENEAU In charge of the Environment Raymond LALA Representative of the Organisation Michel DUMIOT FIM Technical Director Charles HENNEKAM FFM Scrutineer officer Francis GUIER Secretary of the Technical Inspection Claudie BONGIOVANNI FFM Scrutineers François ADE - Patrick BERTOLOTTI - Jean-Marc BLONDÉ - Guy BONGIOVANNI - Gilles DENIMAL - Eric LECOMTE - Edmond LEDOYEN - Pascal MUSSLIN Angélique RENAUD - Sébastien RENAUD - Thierry RIPAUX - Catherine THIVOLLE L.M.R.P.L. Scrutineers Christelle BODIN - Loïc BODIN - Pierre DERRIEN (Wednesday) - Didier HENRY (Wednesday and Thursday) - Cédric LAMBERT - Jean-Marie TRICHET In charge of competitor’s liaisons Rémy AUVRAY - Stéphane HOUDAYER Track Safety Officer Martin GOUREAU Medical Chief Officer Dr Alain KIND Timekeeping José-Luis Garcia, Alkamel TV Crew Josep Vergel - Toni Campins, Interzona FIM Coordinators Victoria CORREDOIRA - Paul DUPARC Administration Directeur Général Frédéric LENART Directeurs Sports Vincent BEAUMESNIL Directeur Esprit Le Mans Fabrice BOURRIGAUD Responsable des Ressources Humaines Hélène CROHARE Directeur Le Mans Développement Patrick MAITROT Directeur Administratif, Financier et Juridique Isabelle MATHIEU Directeur Evènements et Infrastructure Administration General Manager Frédéric LENART Sports Manager Vincent BEAUMESNIL Human Resources Manager Hélène CROHARE Spirit of Le Mans Manager Fabrice BOURRIGAUD Le Mans Development Manager Patrick MAITROT Administrative and Financial and Legal Manager Isabelle MATHIEU DOEI Manager 3 DS ACO / MD – 09 07 2014 Ghislain ROBERT Secrétariat Marie-Claude ORY Ravitaillement Carburant Jean-Claude GASNIER Ghislain ROBERT Secretary of the Meeting Marie-Claude ORY In charge of the Refuelling Jean-Claude GASNIER 7. ENGAGEMENTS 7. ENTRIES Les demandes d’engagements devront être rédigées sur les formulaires spéciaux annexés au présent règlement. Les demandes devront être approuvées par la FMN du coureur et devront parvenir à l’organisateur au plus tard le vendredi 29 août 2014 à minuit, à l’adresse suivante : ASM 24 Heures ACO, Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans – CS 21928 72019 Le Mans Cedex 2 Tel : 02 43 40 24 24 E-mail : [email protected] Applications forms will be written on the official forms included with these regulations. Application forms will be approved by the FMN and will be given to the FIM on the Friday August 29th 2014 midnight at the latest, to the following address: Le Comité de Sélection se réunira dans les 72 heures qui suivent la date de clôture des engagements et avisera les équipes sur l’acceptation ou le refus de l’inscription. The Selection Committee will select the applications and inform teams within 72 hours after the closing date of entries whether their applications have been accepted or rejected. Droits de participation : 300 € pour les équipes non permanente « une manifestation». (Uniquement par virement bancaire) Entry fee: € 300 for the non-permanent teams “one event”. (Bank transfer only) Le règlement de ces droits devra être acquitté par tous les concurrents uniquement par virement bancaire au plus tard le vendredi 29 août 2014, faute de quoi les engagements pourraient ne pas être examinés par le Comité de Sélection (les chèques bancaires seront refusés). The total amount must be paid by all competitors by means of credit transfer by Friday 29th August 2014 at the latest, failing which the entries will not be considered by the Selection Committee (Bank check will be refused). Une demande de participation ne deviendra définitive que seulement après réception des droits de participation et du bulletin d’engagement. An entry request becomes definitive only after the Entry form and the Entry fees have been received. A créditer au compte de la SSP ACO : Banque : CREDIT MUTUEL – LE MANS Code Banque : 15489, Code Guichet : 00383, N° 00063264640.84 Code SWIFT : CMCIFR2A Code IBAN : FR76 1548 9003 8300 0632 6464 084 To be credited on the SSP ACO account: Bank: CREDIT MUTUEL – LE MANS Sort Bank: 15489 Code Position: 00383 N° 00063264640.84 SWIFT Code: CMCIFR2A IBAN Code: FR76 1548 9003 8300 0632 6464 084 La caution pour les transpondeurs s’élève à 500 € à remettre directement à l’équipe de chronométrage Alkamel. Les transpondeurs seront distribués lors des contrôles techniques. The deposit amount for transponder is 500 € to be given to the timekeeping staff Alkamel. The transponders will be distributed during the technical checks. ASM 24 Heures ACO, Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans – CS 21928 72019 Le Mans Cedex 2 Tel : 02 43 40 24 24 E-mail : [email protected] 4 DS ACO / MD – 09 07 2014 Restitution de la caution : L’équipe devra retourner les transpondeurs à la société de Chronométrage AlKamel Systems (2e étage du Module Sportif – salle 215) soit, après l’abandon, soit au plus tard 10’ après la fin de l’épreuve si la machine a terminé la course. En cas de non-restitution de ces équipements, des retenues seront effectuées sur la caution. Refund of the deposit: The team will have to give back the transponders to the timekeeping company AlKamel Systems (2nd floor of the “Module Sportif” building – Room 215) put at their disposal, either after withdrawal or at the latest 10 minutes after the end of the race, if the motorbike has finished the race. In the case of non-return of this equipment, the unreturned item will be deducted from the deposit. 8. CARBURANT 8. FUEL Si du carburant est fourni par l’organisateur, il sera If fuel is supplied by the Organiser, it will be in conforme à l'article 2.10 des Règlements Techniques conformity with Article 2.10 of the Sidecar World Championship Regulations. du Championnat du monde Sidecar. 9. PODIUM / CEREMONIE DE REMISE DES PRIX 9. PODIUM / GENERAL AWARDS CEREMONY Un podium se déroulera à l’arrivée, les trois premiers équipages seront conviés. Les Coupes seront fournies par l’organisateur : une par pilote et par passagers des 3 premières équipes classées de la course. Une cérémonie de remise de prix pour les 3 premiers du Championnat du Monde aura lieu après le podium de la Course. Les médailles (et les diplômes) seront fournis par la FIM. The podium takes place at the arrival: the three first teams will be invited. Trophies will be provided by the organiser: one trophy for each rider and for each passenger of the first three teams classified in the race. A Prize Giving Ceremony for the first 3 winners of the Championship will be organised just after the Podium of the Race. Medals (and diplomas) will be provided by the FIM. 10. RECLAMATIONS 10. PROTEST Toute réclamation devra être formulée selon les prescriptions du code disciplinaire et d’arbitrage de la FIM et être accompagné d’un montant de 660 €. All protests have to be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the FIM Disciplinary and Arbitration Code and be accompanied by a fee of 660 €. 11. ASSURANCE 11. INSURANCE Cette épreuve est assurée conformément aux prescriptions en vigueur auprès de AON / SGCA. Par le fait de l’approbation du bulletin d’engagement, la FMN du coureur certifie que le conducteur est assuré en conformité avec les prescriptions de la FIM. En conformité avec l’article 110.1 du code sportif, l’organisateur a contacté une RC des coureurs en cas d’accidents survenant au cours de la manifestation (essais et courses). L’organisateur décline toute responsabilité pour les dommages occasionnés à un Sidecar, aux accessoires et au matériel, par un accident, le feu ou tout autre incident. This meeting is insured in accordance with the rules in effect with AON/ SGCA. By approving the application form, the rider’s FMN certifies the rider is insured in accordance with FIM requirements. In conformity with Article 110.1 of the Sporting Code, a third party insurance in respect of riders covering accidents occurring during the meeting including practices and races has been taken. The organiser disclaims all responsibility for damage to a Sidecar, its accessories and components arising out of an accident, fire or other cases. 12. AJOURNEMENT DE L’EPREUVE 12. CANCELLATION OF THE EVENT 5 DS ACO / MD – 09 07 2014 En cas de raison impérieuse ou de sécurité, l’épreuve du Championnat du Monde pourra être ajournée ou supprimée : l’Association Sportive Motocycliste 24 Heures de l’Automobile Club de l’Ouest ne saurait être tenue pour responsable. Should circumstances or safety reasons demand it, the meeting of the World Championship could be postponed or cancelled: the Association Sportive Motocycliste 24 Heures de l’Automobile Club de l'Ouest cannot be held responsible for this. 13. RENONCIATION A TOUT RECOURS CONTRE LES 13. RENUNCIATION OF ANY RECOURSE AGAINST SPORTING AUTHORITIES AUTORITES SPORTIVES Indépendamment des prescriptions du Code Sportif de la FIM, les coureurs et équipes, par le fait de leur participation, renoncent à tous droits de recours contre l'organisateur, ses représentants ou préposés, soit par arbitrage, soit devant les tribunaux, soit de toute autre manière non prévue par le Code Sportif de la FIM, pour tous dommages auxquels ils pourraient être exposés en conséquence de tous actes ou omissions de la part de l'organisateur, de ses officiels, représentants ou préposés, dans l'application de ces règlements ou de tous règlements qui pourraient être établis par la suite ou pour toute cause qui pourrait en découler. Apart from the requirements of the FIM Sporting Code, riders and teams by participating renounce all rights of appeal against the organiser, his representatives or agents by arbitration or before a tribunal or any other manner not foreseen by the FIM Sporting Code for any damages for which they could be liable in consequence of all acts or omissions on the part of the organiser, his officials, representatives or agents in the application of these regulations or contributed to or arising out of their actions. 14. EQUIPEMENT DES COUREURS 14. RIDER’S EQUIPMENT Les caméras embarquées (autres que celles du Promoteurs du Championnat FIM ou autorisées par l’Administration de la FIM) ne sont pas permises durant la totalité de l’évènement, depuis les séances d'essais et jusqu’à la fin de l’épreuve. Si des coureurs souhaitent installer leur propre caméra embarquée, ils doivent contacter le Département TV de l’Administration FIM pour approbation. An on-board camera (other than the one from the FIM Championship Promoter or permitted by the FIM Administration) is not allowed during the entire event, from the practice sessions until the end of the event. If riders wish to place their own on-board camera, they must contact the TV Department of the FIM Administration, for approval. 15. TAPIS ENVIRONNEMENT 15. ENVIRONMENTAL MAT Conformément à l’Art. 4.1 du Code de l’Environnement FIM concernant la protection du sol, toutes les équipes doivent utiliser un tapis environnemental. Le tapis environnement doit être constitué d’une partie absorbante sur le dessus et d’une partie imperméable dessous. L'utilisation d'un tapis environnement protégeant le sol (ou autre système efficace pour les manifestations se déroulant sur des circuits avec des installations permanentes) pour prévenir la contamination du sol et de l’eau est obligatoire : - Partout où le travail sur la moto est autorisé par les organisateurs; - Sous les containers pour huiles usées et essence fournis par les organisateurs; - A tous les endroits prévus pour le As per art. 4.1 of the FIM Environmental Code of 2014 regarding the protection of the floor, all teams must accomplish the usage of a standardized environmental mat. The environmental mat must be composed of an absorbent upper part and an impermeable lower part. The use of an environmental mat protecting the ground (or other effective system for events taking place at circuits with permanent facilities) to prevent soil and water contamination is compulsory: - Wherever work on motorcycles is allowed by the organisers; - Under all waste oil and fuel containers provided by the organisers; - At all official refuelling points; - Under all thermic powered generators and 6 DS ACO / MD – 09 07 2014 ravitaillement; Sous les générateurs thermiques et machines de lavage. Les données techniques minimum pour le tapis sont : - Dimensions : 160 cm X 100 cm minimum Toute violation à cette règle sera signalée au Jury International lequel infligera au coureur responsable une amende de 370 euros maximum ou tout autre montant indiqué dans le règlement ou l’annexe de la discipline. D’autres sanctions peuvent être prononcées par le Jury International en vertu des compétences qui lui sont conférées par l’article 3.1.3 du Code Disciplinaire et d’Arbitrage (CDA) et l’article 50.1.3 du Code Sportif. power washers. - Selon décret n°2006-1386 du 15/11/2006 Nous vous rappelons qu’il est STRICTEMENT INTERDIT DE FUMER : - Dans les lieux à un usage collectif - Dans les stands - Dans la zone de signalisation - Dans la zone de ravitaillement - Dans le Paddock (Working Paddock ET Support Paddock) Il est strictement interdit d’utiliser la piste ou ses abords immédiats avec quelque engin que ce soit, en dehors des Essais et des Courses. The minimum technical data for the mat are: - Dimensions: Minimum 160 cm X 100 cm Any infraction of this rule will be reported to the International Jury who will fine the rider responsible a maximum of EUR 370.- or any other amount mentioned in the regulation or appendix of the discipline. Other sanctions can be pronounced by the International Jury in accordance with the competences mentioned in Article 3.1.3 of the Disciplinary and Arbitration Code (DAC) and Article 50.1.3 of the Sporting Code According to French Decree n°2006-1386 of 15/11/2006 We would like to remind you that SMOKING IS STRICKLY FORBIDDEN: - In places assigned to a collective use - In the pits - In the signaling area - In the refueling zone - In the Paddock (Working Paddock AND Support Paddock) It is forbidden to use the track or its immediate approaches with any machine except during practice sessions and races. 7 DS ACO / MD – 09 07 2014 CHAMPIONNAT DU MONDE FIM DE SIDECAR FIM SIDECAR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Circuit Bugatti - Le Mans - 18, 19, 20 Septembre 2014 2014 September 18th, 19th, 20th ------------------------------------------------------------------------------BULLETIN D’ENGAGEMENT / ENTRY FORM 1 – RIDERS & PASSENGERS DATA Rider Passenger Name: Surname: Date of Birth: Adress: Telephone number: e-mail: 2014 FIM Licence Nr: Issued by (FMN): The FIM reserves the right to accept or dismiss this applicant and agreement in its sole judgement and criteria. *Team’s complete name SAME AS MENTIONNED IN THE TEAM LICENCE *FIM Team Licence no.: Starting Number preference: Bank account nbr: Bank coordinates (SWIFT etc.) APPLICANT’S INFORMATION Name and Function of persons working for the team: Machine (Type) Chassis and Engine: (LCR or RCN or… Suzuki or BMW or Yamaha or…) - Engine Capacity: (1000cc or …) 8 DS ACO / MD – 09 07 2014 Type and number of vehicles used (Truck, cars, Dimensions of paddock m2 etc…): - Team sponsors: - *Please refer to FIM Sporting Code Art.70.2.4 FIM SPORTING TEAM LICENCE PER DISCIPLINE The FIM issues an international sporting Team Licence per discipline which entitles teams to enter riders under their name at FIM World Championships and Prize Events. The FIM sporting Team Licence per discipline is established in accordance with the relevant Appendices and Regulations of the discipline in which it takes part. The Team Licence entitles a team to enter its riders under its teams’ name and to have its team’s mentioned in the official results without prejudice to the regulations of FIM World Championships and Prize Events organised in partnership with a contractual FIM promoter. 2 - COMMITMENTS BY APPLICANT The Applicant declares and guarantees that: • The Applicant is a duly constituted and existing entity under the laws of its state; • The Applicant is and shall remain for the entire 2014 FIM Sidecar World Championship Series the exclusive owner and manager of the Team; • The acceptance by the FIM of this Application and Agreement shall be subject to the Applicant’s compliance to all terms and conditions herein and to all the regulations, permits and other decisions of the FIM. • All the data and information regarding the Applicant herein are correct and true. It is the Applicant’s duty to timely communicate to FIM any changes of this data and information. 3 - BENEFITS The following shall be the benefits accorded to the Applicant: 4.1 Pit garage / Paddock allocation - The FIM will try to assign Pit Garages and Paddock spaces to Permanent Teams, in cooperation with the Organiser, in the interest of Permanent Teams and with eventual availabilities. A single box cannot be guaranteed. 4.2 Permanent Entry – Applicant formally designed by the FIM as Permanent Team acquires the guarantee to have its entry forms accepted for all of the events of the Championship. Nevertheless, the Permanent Team may have to pay the necessary deposit fee as provided in the Supplementary Regulations for each single event (for transponders, etc.). 4 – COMMITMENTS BY TEAMS The Applicant agrees to fully and timely comply with all the following commitments and provide full and timely compliance to the Team and the Team Members. 5.1 Team Presentation – The material elements of the Team (team clothing, vehicles, hospitality, etc.) should be standardised with the quality required by a FIM World Championship. In particular: • Pit Stop Crew Uniforms: must be standardised to a World Championship level quality. • Team Clothing: all team members have to wear the team uniform at any time in the circuit area. Uniforms must be clean and presentable. • Team vehicles: have to be placed in accordance with FIM. Ideally: 5.1.1: working trucks must be placed just behind pits 5.1.2: a second area could be dedicated to hospitality units (just motor homes, executive buses, big tents) 5.1.3: a third area could be dedicated to caravans, campers, vans, etc. 5.1.4: no cars are allowed inside the paddock. • Team Areas: Paddock and Pits are working areas; behaviour and image have to be standardised to a professional level. In accordance with article 9.1. teams have to be attentive to the following rules: No children under the age of 15 years allowed inside the pits and in the pit lane. 5.2 The Applicant agrees to refrain from carrying out actions, which may damage the image and promotion of the FIM Sidecar Series. 5 - DUTIES The Applicant commits itself to take part in promotional activities as: 6.1 Press Conference – Riders and Managers shall take part in all the possible press conferences/Open Paddock Activities/Autograph sessions/ Photo sessions organised by the FIM during the Championship, to which the FIM has requested his/her participation at the given time and place. 6.2 Rider TV interviews - Riders shall be available for interviews with the Television/radio stations. 6.3 Exploitation of image rights - Each Applicant and its Riders herein formally acknowledges that the FIM has the full right to use, sub-licence and/or commercially exploit, only in connection with the exploitation of the Championship, through any suitable means and or device currently existing or which may be developed, including without limitation public exhibition, distribution, TV and radio broadcasting, internet transmission and/or publication, any filmed and/or photographic and/or video recorded and/or computer created images portraying (i) each of the Applicant and/or of the Riders and their sound and voices, (ii) the motorbikes used by the Riders and (iii) any sign, logo, model, trademark of any nature or type (even if reproducing logos, signs, models and/or trademarks of any nature or type of any third-party connected with the Applicant, with any of the Riders or with any motorbike used by any of the undersigned Riders during the Championship) connected to each of the Applicant (and of those however connected to the Applicant) and/or of the entered Riders and/or the motorbikes used by each of the Riders during the Championship (the “Material”). Each of the Applicant and of the Riders hereby waives title and interest to set forth claims, objections or requests of any kind vis-à-vis FIM and its assignees, licensees and successors in respect to the worldwide use and commercial exploitation by the FIM and its assignees, licensees and successors of any of the Material in all forms and without time limitation. 9 DS ACO / MD – 09 07 2014 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 Pit Walk – The Pit Walk shall take place at the same time stated in the Event Schedule and in accordance with the rulings issued by the FIM and the Applicant shall co-operate to ensure its successful organisation. At this time, the rider/s will be present in front of their pit garages so that the public entering the pit lane will be able to get autographs, pictures, etc. An adequate number of supports and “tend flex” barriers shall be used to limit the assigned pit area. Team Signs/Logos – The team shall be responsible for maintenance, transportation and positioning of the Team sign/s together with team logo/s and garage board/s (to be fixed above the pit lane side) starting from the first event throughout the Championship. The modification of the layout of the sign/s and logo/s is not allowed. Media Relations – The assigned pit garage shall be kept open, accessible to journalists and photographers, provided that they will not interfere with the Team’s activity. Team Presentation Ceremony from pits - The Riders are required to attend the Team Presentation Ceremony and comply with the established procedure and timetable. On Board Cameras – The Applicant, if required by FIM, is obliged to fit on board camera equipment. On board cameras can be used only with the permission of FIM. FIM Gala/Award Ceremony – The team managers and the riders are obliged to attend the FIM award and/or Gala ceremony at the end of the Championship. Various - Any questionnaire distributed by the FIM involving services, Organiser evaluation, and facilities, must be promptly compiled and delivered to the FIM, respecting the time schedule indicated. 6 - PASS SYSTEM The Applicant is obliged to respect the Sidecar World Championship Pass System rules and pledges to help the FIM in respect to the same regulations by any third parties. 7.1 Applicant responsibility on Passes The Applicant is responsible for the behaviour of his crew and guests. Guest must respect the instructions of Officials. The Applicant must keep an accurate record of the numbers of passes issued to all guests. 7 – RESTRICTIONS FOR PITS 8.1 8.2 8.3 For safety reasons, the use of ovens and stoves inside the pits is forbidden. It is not allowed to set up tents of any type or size behind the pit garages. The pit allocation established by the FIM must be respected. 8 – GOVERNING LAW AND ARBITRATION 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Arbitration - Any disputes arising between the FIM and the applicant with respect to, or in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted exclusively to the Court of Arbitration of Sports (CAS) in Lausanne (Switzerland) and resolved definitively in accordance with the Code of Sports – related arbitration. The panel will consist of three arbitrators. Applicable Law - This Agreement shall be governed by the Laws of Switzerland. Notices - Any communication, from both the Applicant and the FIM, shall be given in writing and shall be delivered personally, or sent by facsimile transmission, or by courier service, and shall be deemed received at the time of its personal delivery or facsimile transmission, or one (1) business day after the date of deposit with such courier service. All notices and other communications shall be addressed to the parties at their respective addresses as set forth herein. Counterparts - This Application and Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, all of which shall be considered as the same agreement, and shall become effective when one or more counterparts shall have been signed by each party and delivered to each other party. Entire Agreement - The provisions of this Application and Agreement set forth the entire agreement and understanding among the parties as to the subject matter and supersede all prior agreements, oral or written, and all other communications between the parties relating to their subject matter. Amendments - This Application and Agreement may be modified or waived only by written and signed by the authorised officers of all the parties here to. 9 – “ONE EVENT” TEAM ENTRY FEE AND DEPOSIT 10.1 10- Entry Fee for the “one event” teams is 300 euros that must be sent to the organiser within the deadline mentioned. GENERAL INFORMATION AND ORGANISER BANK DETAILS Organiser: ASM 24 Heures ACO Contact person: ORY Marie-Claude Address: ASM 24 Heures ACO, Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans, 72019 Le Mans Cedex 2 Telephone number: 00 33 2 43 40 24 22 Fax number e-mail: 10- [email protected] GENERAL INFORMATION AND ORGANISER BANK DETAILS Bank: CREDIT MUTUEL – LE MANS Sort Bank: 15489 Code Position 00383, N° 00063264640.84 Beneficiary: SSP ACO Swift code: CMCIFR2A Account SSP ACO IBAN code: FR76 1548 9003 8300 0632 6464 084 10 DS ACO / MD – 09 07 2014 Rider’s Signature Name Place & date Passenger’s Signature Name Place and date 11
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