CV (pdf) - School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Curriculum Vitae
November 1, 2014
Subhash Kak, Ph.D.
Regents Professor
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
310 Engineering South
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078
(405) 744-6096 (office)
(225) 223-3684 (cell)
E-mail: [email protected]
Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Electrical Engineering (1971), Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Dissertation Title: Studies in Signal Theory (1970). P.V. Indiresan, Advisor
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering) (1967)
Jammu and Kashmir University, Srinagar, India
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Regents Professor, (2010--); Professor and Head of Computer
Science Department (2007- 2013); Regents Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering (2014 - )
Curtin University, Perth, Australia. Visiting Research Professor, July 2014.
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Donald C. & Elaine T. Delaune Distinguished Professor of
Electrical and Computer Engineering (2003-2007), Professor (1983-2007); Associate Professor (19801983); Visiting Associate Professor, (1979-1980) of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Visiting Professor (Dec. 1985 - Jan. 1986), Assistant Professor (19741979); Lecturer (1971-1974) of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, National Fellow, 2001-2002.
Harvard University/ MGH, Cambridge, MA, Visiting Professor (January 1996 – May 1996): Sabbatical
Leave (Professor Jeffrey P. Sutton’s group)
UNESCO Fellow, Fall 1986 Sabbatical Leave
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, December 1977.
Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, N.J., Guest Researcher, Acoustics and Signal Processing Department,
June 1976 – August 1976.
Imperial College, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of London, London, U.K. Academic
Visitor, November 1975 - June 1976
President’s Cup Promoting Creative Interdisciplinarity, OSU. Member of the Team. interdisciplinary Center
for Research Excellence in Science & Technology (iCREST), Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
Subhash Kak
Regents Professor, Oklahoma State University (2010)
Delaune Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Louisiana State University, 2002.
Distinguished Alumni Award, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, 2002.
National Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 2001
IEEE-HKN (LSU) Favorite Professor of the Year of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, 1989.
UNDP Tokten Fellow, 1986.
Halliburton Award, 1982.
Krantzberg Chair of Electronics by Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, 1977 (declined)
Science Academy Medal of the Indian National Science Academy, 1977.
Kothari Prize, India, 1977.
British Council Fellow, 1975-1976.
Designated Nominator, Kyoto Prize, the 50 million yen annual award given by the Inamori Foundation which
is generally considered to be the Japanese equivalent of the Nobel Prize.
Advisory Board, Nexus Clinical, Miami, 2010- .
Chief Scientist, Total Clarity, Inc., Boston, 2002 - 2008.
Member of the Advisory Board, Redwood Investment Systems, Boston, 1999 - 2000.
Director, Saisoftek, Inc., Piscataway, NJ, 2000.
Member of the External Review Committee of IIT Delhi, 2014.
Member of the Academic Advisory Board of the Smithsonian Project Home-Spun 2010-2013.
Panelist (on many occasions), NSF.
Editor, UNESCO's ICOMOS project on archaeoastronomy which was a cornerstone project in the
International Year of Astronomy 2009.
Keynote Speaker, Astronomy and Civilization Conference (co-directed by Paul Davies and Attila
Grandpierre), celebrating the International Year of Astronomy, Budapest, August 10-13, 2009.
Keynote Speaker, RSA Data Security Conference, San Jose, 2006.
Member Advisory Board, Lifeboat Foundation, 2005
Subhash Kak
Co-Founder and Co-Chairman, Series of International Conferences on Computational Intelligence and
Neuroscience, Sept 1995, Mar 1997, Oct 1998, North Carolina; March 2000, Atlantic City; March 2002,
August 2003, Durham; August 2005, Salt Lake City.
Member, Intelligence Advisory Board, NIST, 2001- 2007.
Member, Information Technology Master Planning Task Force, LSU, 1999-2001.
Member of the Board of Governors, Association for Intelligent Machinery, 1998- 2006.
Convener (Organizer), National Systems Conference, New Delhi, 1974; Chairman of sessions at numerous
international conferences.
Graduate Coordinator, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Louisiana State University 1982 1986.
UNDP Consultant, 1989-1990, for C-DAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing), Pune.
Advisory Editor, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 1998 - present.
Co-Guest Editor, Quantum Computing and Neural Information Processing, Information Sciences, 2000.
Editorial Associate, Brain and Behavior Science (Cambridge University Press), 2000 - present.
Guest Editor, IEEE Computer, Data Security in Computer Networks, February 1983.
Guest Editor, 1993, Neural Networks and AI, Information Sciences.
Co-Guest Editor, 1993, Networks for Neural Processing, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing.
Associate Editor, Information Sciences, 1993-2008.
Member Editorial Board, Journal of Combinatorics, Information, & System Science, 1995-present.
Executive Editor, Journal of Cosmology, 2009 - present.
Member, Editorial Board, Bulletin of the Allahabad Mathematical Society, 2006 - present.
Editor, Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2007 - present.
Associate Editor, Ganita Bharati, 2007 - present.
Member, Editorial Board, Neuroquantology, 2003– present.
Methods and apparatus for secure quantum communication, Disclosure filed, November 2011.
Neural networks and methods for training neural networks (with J. Pastor), U.S. Patent No. 5,426,721, June
20, 1995.
Uniform permutation privacy system (with N.S. Jayant), US Patent No. 4,100,374, July 11, 1978.
Instantaneous training of neural networks, Invention disclosure, July 13, 1995.
Improved corner-classification neural networks (with Kun-Won Tang), Invention disclosure, February 1997.
Anvish, a new metasearch engine for the internet (with Bo Shu), copyright filed August, 1998. (Neural
Technologies, Inc, Kansas City, licensed the technology of the previous 4 items. This technology has been
Subhash Kak
used for creation of several companies. One of these,, was purchased by another
company (PanInternational Gaming) for $15 million.)
Polarization modulation for gigabit communication, Invention disclosure, April, 2000.
WordWarp -- A system for automatic classification of text, Invention disclosure, June, 2000.
Invited lectures around the world; newspaper and magazine articles and interviews including San Francisco
Chronicle and Huffington Post.
Discovery Channel, History Channel and other TV companies in the US, Europe, and India have showcased
research. Several interviews on the long-running PBS show called Closer to Truth.
Dutch Public TV has made two shows on contributions to philosophy of science and technology, 2004, 2005.
Invited Speaker, CREC Regional Leadership Summit, Stillwater, 2008.
Member of the Advocate, Baton Rouge's 2000 Business Panel on Information Technology.
2014-2015 Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness. PI. Federico and Elvia Faggin
Foundation, San Francisco.
2014-2015 SBIR Phase I: Fiber Optic Polarization-based Intrusion Detection System. Consultant. National
Science Foundation.
2011-2015 Exploring a Robust Quantum Cryptography Protocol for Securing Optical Burst Switching
Networks. PI. September 2011 - August 2015. National Science Foundation.
2011-2014 Acquisition of a High Performance Compute Cluster for Multidisciplinary Research. Sr
Investigator. September 2011 - August 2014. National Science Foundation.
2009-2013 Enabling Petascale Ensemble-based Data Assimilation for Numerical Analysis and Prediction of
High-Impact Weather. PI. September 2009 - August 2013. National Science Foundation.
2009-2010 Learning tacit knowledge for network and information security. PI. August 2009 - May 2010.
CTANS / Department of Justice.
2009-2012 An optical motion capture system for human-centered computing research. co-PI, August 2009 July 2012. National Science Foundation.
2009 Implicit security using data partitioning. Jun 2009-Dec 2009. PI. CTANS/SPAWAR, Dept of Defense.
2011-2012 Indo-US Bilateral Conference on Cloud Computing and Web Services. PI. Indo-US Science and
Technology Forum (IUSSTF).
2008-2010 Social network computing with the rural America perspective. PI. Central Rural Electric
Cooperative, Stillwater.
Subhash Kak
2009 Offline file-based data stream verification. PI. DCA Inc, Cushing, Oklahoma, August - December
At LSU: Grants from NASA, NSA, NIH and private sources and I was the original author of the proposal
that was adopted by the State of Louisiana to become $25 million per year Information Technology Initiative
Books (Selected)
1. The Nature of Physical Reality. Peter Lang, New York, 1986. Revised edition, 2011.
2. Advances in Communications and Signal Processing (edited with W. A. Porter). Springer-Verlag,
3. Advances in Computing and Control (edited with W.A. Porter & J.L. Aravena). Springer-Verlag,
4. The Architecture of Knowledge. CDC, New Delhi, 2004.
Book chapters (Selected)
1. Communication languages and agents in biological systems. In Biocommunications, R. Gordon and
J. Seckbach (editors). University of Chicago Press, 2015.
2. How mind creates its reality. In Brain, Mind and Cosmos. Edited by D. Chopra. Trident Media
Group, August 2014.
3. Social network dynamics: an attention economics perspective (with S. Yu). In Social Networks: A
Framework of Computational Intelligence. Edited by Witold Pedrycz and Shyi-Ming Chen, Springer
Verlag, 2014, pp. 225-258.
4. A new small world lattice (with A. Parakh). In Advanced Computing, Networking and Security. P.S.
Thilagam, A. Roshan Pais, K. Chandrasekaran, and V. Krishnan (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Volume 7135, 2012, pp. 1-8.
5. Berry like phase and gauge field in quantum computing (with A. Bruno, A. Capolupo, G. Raimondo,
and G. Vitiello). In G. Minat, M. Abram, E. Pessa (eds.), Methods, Models, Simulations and
Approaches Towards a General Theory of Change. World Scientific, Singapore, 2012.
6. New key agreement techniques for sensor networks (with A. Parakh). Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Springer, 2012.
7. Hidden order and the origin of complex structures. In Origin(s) of Design in Nature. L. Swan, R.
Gordon and J. Seckbach, (editors). Dordrecht: Springer, 2012, pp. 643-652.
8. Information-centric framework for micro assembly (with R. Gunda, J. Cecil). In On the Move to
Meaningful Internet Systems. R. Meersman, T. Dillon, and P. Ferrerro (eds.). Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 7046. Springer–Verlag, 2011, pp. 93-101.
9. [Archaeoastronomy in] India. In Heritage Sites of Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy, C. Ruggles
and M. Cotte (editors). ICMS, Paris, 2011, pp. 101-114.
10. Observers, freedom, and the cosmos. In A.-T. Tymieniecka and A. Grandpierre (editors), Astronomy
and Civilization in the New Enlightenment. Springer, 2011, pp. 47-60.
11. The golden mean and the physics of aesthetics. In B.S. Yadav and M. Mohan (editor), Ancient Indian
Leaps into Mathematics. Springer, 2010, pp. 111-120. (Also in Foarm Magazine, 5, 73-81, 2006.)
12. Machines and consciousness. In P.K. Sengupta (editor), History of Science and Philosophy of
Science. CSC and Pearson Longman, 2010, pp. 559-584.
13. Terrestrial and celestial aspects of natural sciences. In P.K. Sengupta (editor), History of Science and
Philosophy of Science. CSC and Pearson Longman, 2010, pp. 83-108.
14. A distributed data storage scheme for sensor networks (with A. Parakh). In Security and Privacy in
Mobile Information and Communication Systems. Volume 17, LNICST, Springer, 2009, pp. 14-22.
Subhash Kak
15. Logic in Indian thought, In Andrew Schumann (editor), Logic in Religious Discourse. Ontos Verlag,
Frankfurt and Paris, 2009, pp. 20-33.
16. Quantum mechanics and artificial intelligence. In Intelligent Computing Everywhere. A. Schuster
(editor), Springer-Verlag, 2007.
17. Encounter with the worlds of commonsense and science. In The Enworlded Subjectivity: Its Three
Worlds and Beyond, R. Balasubramaniam (editor), CSC, 2006, pp. 173-201.
18. Babylonian and Indian astronomy. In The Golden Chain of Civilizations. G.C. Pande (editor), CSC,
19. Complex valued instantaneously trained neural networks. (with P. Rajagopal) In Complex-valued
Neural Networks: Theories and Applications. Akira Hirose (editor), World Scientific Publishing,
Singapore, 2003.
20. Data security in computer networks, in Computers and Network Security. D. Abrams and H.J. Podell
(editors). Washington: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1986.
21. Multilayered array computing and The Paninian Approach to natural language processing. In Pattern
Directed Information Analysis, D. Dutta Majumder (editor). New Delhi: Wiley Eastern, 1987.
22. Shift invariant associative memory, with D. Prados in VLSI for Artificial Intelligence, Delgado-Frias
and W. Moore (editors). Boston MA: Kluwer, 1989.
23. A new training algorithm for feedforward neural networks. In Advances in Fuzzy Theory and
Techniques, P.P. Wang (editor), Durham NC: Bookwright Press, 1993.
24. Quantum neural computing, In Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, vol. 94, P. Hawkes
(editor). Academic Press, 1995, pp. 259-313.
25. The three languages of the brain: quantum, reorganizational, and associative. In Learning as SelfOrganization, K. Pribram and J. King (editors). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ, 1996,
pp. 185-219.
26. Reflections in clouded mirrors: Selfhood in animals and machines. In Learning as Self-Organization,
K. Pribram and J. King (editors). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ, 1996, pp. 511-534.
Refereed Journal Articles (Selected)
S. Kak, Orthogonal residue sequences. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 34, 2015.
S. Kak, Goldbach partitions and sequences. Resonance (Springer), vol. 19, pp. 1028-1037,
November 2014.
S. Kak, Measurement complexity and oracle quantum computing. NeuroQuantology, vol. 12, pp.
374-381, 2014.
S. Kak, D. Chopra, M. Kafatos, Perceived reality, quantum mechanics, and consciousness. J. of
Cosmology, vol. 18, pp. 231-245, 2014.
S. Kak and M. Prabhu, Cryptography applications of primitive Pythagorean triples. Cryptologia,
vol. 38, pp. 215-222, 2014.
S. Kak, The number theoretic Hilbert transform. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 33,
pp. 2539-2548, 2014.
S. Kak, The piggy bank cryptographic trope. Infocommunications Journal, vol. 6, pp. 22-25,
March 2014.
S. Kak, From the no-signaling theorem to veiled non-locality. NeuroQuantology, vol. 12, pp. 1220, 2014.
S. Kak, Observability and computability in physics. Quantum Matter, vol. 3, number 3, pp. 172176, 2014.
A. Gautam and S. Kak, Symbols, meaning, and origins of mind. Biosemiotics, vol. 6, number 3,
pp. 301-309, 2013.
S. Kak, Probability constraints and the classical/quantum divide. NeuroQuantology, vol. 11, pp.
600-606, 2013.
S. Kak, Biological memories and agents as quantum collectives. NeuroQuantology, vol. 11, pp.
391-398, 2013.
Subhash Kak
S. Kak, The problem of testing a quantum gate. Infocommunications Journal, vol. 4, number 4, pp.
18-22, 2012.
A. Parakh and S. Kak, Space efficient secret sharing for implicit data security. Information
Sciences, vol. 181, pp. 335-341, 2011.
S. Kak, Information and intuition. Paritantra: Journal of Systems Science and Engineering, vol. 20,
pp. 1-14, 2011.
S. Kak, Information and learning in neural networks (Invited paper for the Pioneers Special Issue).
NeuroQuantology, vol. 9, pp. 393-401, 2011.
A. Bruno, A. Capolupo, S. Kak, G. Raimondo and G. Vitielli, Gauge theory and two level systems.
Mod. Phys. Lett. B, vol. 25, pp. 1661-1670, 2011.
S. Kak, Extra-rational reality and science. La Nuova Critica, Italy, Quaderno 57-58, pp. 127-140,
J. Cecil and S. Kak, Designing an interdisciplinary undergraduate engineering curriculum in
information-centric engineering. World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research 2011,
pp. 227-239, 2011.
Y. Chen, S. Kak, and L. Wang, Hybrid neural network architecture for on-line learning. Intelligent
Information Management, vol. 2, pp. 253-261, 2010.
A. Parakh and S. Kak, Internet voting protocol based on improved implicit security. Cryptologia,
vol. 34, pp. 258-268, 2010.
S. Kak, Visions of the cosmos. Journal of Cosmology, vol. 9, pp. 2063-2077, 2010.
A. Parakh and S. Kak, Challenges facing electronic voting. Seminar, no. 609, pp. 78-80, 2010.
N. Dalal, P. Dalal, S. Kak, P. Antonenko, and S. Stansberry, Rapid digital game creation for
broadening participation in computing and fostering crucial thinking skills. International Journal of
Social and Humanistic Computing, vol. 1, pp. 123-137, 2009.
A. Parakh and S. Kak, Online data storage using implicit security. Information Sciences, vol. 179,
pp. 3323-3331, 2009.
Y. Chen, P. Verma, and S. Kak, Embedded security framework for integrated classical and
quantum cryptography in optical burst switching networks. Security and Communication
Networks, vol. 2, pp. 546-554, 2009.
S. Kak, The universe, quantum physics, and consciousness. Journal of Cosmology, vol. 3, pp. 500510, 2009.
M. Satti and S. Kak, Multilevel indexed quasigroup encryption for data and speech. IEEE Trans.
on Broadcasting, vol. 55, pp. 270-281, 2009.
S. Kak, A cubic public-key transformation. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 26, pp.
353-359, 2007.
A. Parthasarathy and S. Kak, An improved method of content based image watermarking. IEEE
Trans on Broadcasting, vol. 53, pp. 468-479, 2007.
S. Kak, Quantum information and entropy. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, vol. 46,
pp. 860-876, 2007.
S. Kak, Moving observers in an isotropic universe. International Journal of Theoretical Physics,
vol. 46, pp. 1424-1430, 2007.
A. Parakh and S. Kak, How to enhance the security of electronic voting? ACM Ubiquity, vol. 8,
S. Kak, Information complexity of quantum gates. International Journal of Theoretical Physics,
vol. 45, pp. 933-941, 2006.
S. Kak, On the realizability of quantum computers. ACM Ubiquity, vol. 7, issue 11, pp. 1-9, 2006.
S. Kak, A three-stage quantum cryptography protocol. Foundations of Physics Letters, vol. 19, pp.
293-296, 2006.
K. Penumarthi and S. Kak, Augmented watermarking. Cryptologia, vol. 30, pp. 173-180, 2006.
S. Kak, Artificial and biological intelligence. ACM Ubiquity, vol. 6, issue 42, pp. 1-22, 2005.
N. Mandhani and S. Kak, Watermarking using decimal sequences. Cryptologia, vol. 29, pp. 50-58,
Subhash Kak
S. Kak, Early art and architecture. Migration and Diffusion: An international journal, vol. 6, pp. 627, 2004.
S. Kak, General qubit errors cannot be corrected. Information Sciences, vol. 152, pp. 195-202,
S. Kak, A class of instantaneously trained neural networks. Information Sciences, vol. 148, pp. 97102, 2002.
K.W. Tang and S. Kak, Fast classification networks for signal processing. Circuits, Systems,
Signal Processing, vol. 21, pp. 207-224, 2002.
M. Gnanaguruparan and S. Kak, Recursive hiding of secrets in visual cryptography. Cryptologia,
vol. 26, pp. 68-76, 2002.
S. Kak, Statistical constraints in starting a quantum computation. Pramana, Journal of Physics, vol.
57, pp. 683-688, 2001.
S. Kak, An interesting combinatoric sutra. Indian Journal of History of Science, vol. 35, 2000, pp.
S. Kak, Indian binary numbers and the Katapayadi notation. Annals of the BORI, vol 81, pp. 269272, 2000.
S. Kak, Rotating a qubit. Information Sciences, vol. 128, pp. 149-154, 2000.
S. Kak, Active agents, intelligence, and quantum computing. Information Sciences, vol. 128, pp. 117, 2000.
S. Kak, Quantum key distribution using three basis states. Pramana, Journal of Physics, vol. 47, pp.
709-713, 2000.
B. Shu and S. Kak, A neural-network based intelligent metasearch engine. Information Sciences,
vol. 120, pp. 1-11, 1999.
S. Kak, Faster web search and prediction using instantaneously trained neural networks. IEEE
Intelligent Systems, vol. 14, pp. 79-82, November/December 1999.
S. Kak, The initialization problem in quantum computing. Foundations of Physics, vol. 29, pp.
267-279, 1999.
S. Tejomurtula and S. Kak, Inverse kinematics in robotics using neural networks. Information
Sciences, vol. 116, pp. 147-164, 1999.
S. Kak, Quantum computing and artificial intelligence. IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 14, pp. 9-11,
July/August 1999.
G. Millar and S. Kak, A fire altar explains a solar equation in Angkor Wat. Journal of the Royal
Astronomical Society of Canada, vol. 93, pp. 216-220, 1999.
S. Kak, The solar equation in Angkor Wat. Indian Journal of History of Science, vol. 34, pp. 17126, 1999.
K.-W. Tang and S. Kak, A new corner classification approach to neural network training. Circuits,
Systems, and Signal Processing, vol. 17, pp. 459-469, 1998.
S. Kak, On generalization by neural networks. Information Sciences, vol. 111, pp. 293-302, 1998.
S. Kak, Quantum information in a distributed apparatus. Foundations of Physics, vol. 28, pp. 10051012, 1998.
S. Kak, Three old Indian values of pi. Indian Journal of History of Science, vol. 32, pp. 307-314,
S. Kak, Knowledge of planets in the third millennium BC. Quarterly Journal of the Royal
Astronomical Society, vol. 37, pp. 709-715, 1996
S. Kak, Information, physics and computation. Foundations of Physics, vol. 26, pp. 127-137, 1996.
S. Kak, Can we define levels of artificial intelligence? Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol. 6, pp.
133-144, 1996.
S. Kak, Speed of computation and simulation. Foundations of Physics, vol. 26, pp. 1375-1386,
S. Kak, An Indus-Sarasvati signboard. Cryptologia, vol. 20, pp. 275-279, 1996.
S. Kak, On the classification of Indic languages. Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Institute, vol.
75, pp. 185-195, 1994.
Subhash Kak
S. Kak, The evolution of writing. Indian Journal of History of Science, vol. 28, pp. 375-388, 1994.
S. Kak, The astronomy of the age of geometric altars. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical
Society, vol. 36, pp. 385-396, 1995.
S. Kak, On quantum neural computing. Information Sciences, vol. 83, pp. 143-160, 1995.
S. Kak, On van Nooten's paper on binary numbers. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, vol.
17, p. 79, 1995.
S. Kak, Quantum neural computing. Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, vol. 94, pp. 259313, 1995.
S. Kak, New algorithms for training feedforward neural networks. Pattern Recognition Letters, vol.
15, pp. 295-298, 1994.
S. Kak, Astronomy of the Vedic altars. Vistas in Astronomy, vol. 36, pp. 117-140, 1993.
S. Kak, On training feedforward neural networks. Pramana, vol. 40, pp. 35-42, 1993.
S. Kak, Feedback neural networks: new characteristics and a generalization. Circuits, Systems, and
Signal Processing, vol. 12, pp. 263-278, 1993.
S. Kak, Neural networks and artificial intelligence. Information Sciences, vol. 70, pp. 1-3, 1993.
S. Bhate and S. Kak, Panini's grammar and computer science. Annals of the BORI, vol. 72, pp. 7994, 1993.
S. Kak, State generators and complex neural memories. Pramana, vol. 38, pp. 271-278, 1992.
S. Kak, The Vararuchi cipher. Cryptologia, vol. 14, pp. 79-83, 1990.
S. Kak, Indus and Brahmi - further connections, Cryptologia, vol. 14, pp. 169-183, 1990.
S. Kak, Self-indexing of neural memories, Physics Letters A, vol. 143, pp. 293-296, 1990.
S. Kak, The sign for zero. Mankind Quarterly, vol. 30, pp. 199-204, 1990
S. Kak, A new method for coin flipping by telephone. Cryptologia, vol. 13, pp. 73-78, 1989.
C.H. Youn and S. Kak, Continuous unlearning in neural networks. Electronics Letters, vol. 25, pp.
202-203, 1989.
S. Kak and M.C. Stinson, A bicameral neural network where information can be indexed.
Electronics Letters, vol. 25, pp. 203-205, 1989.
D.L. Prados and S. Kak, Neural network capacity using the delta rule. Electronics Letters, vol. 25,
pp. 197-199, 1989.
S. Kak, The Brahmagupta algorithm for square rooting. Ganita Bharati, vol. 11, pp. 27-29, 1989.
M.C. Stinson and S. Kak, Bicameral neural computing. Lecture Notes in Computing and Control,
vol. 130, pp. 85-96, 1989.
D. Prados and S. Kak, Non-binary neural networks. Lecture Notes in Computing and Control, vol.
130, pp. 97-104, 1989.
C.H. Youn and S. Kak, New learning and control algorithms for neural networks. Lecture Notes in
Computing and Control, vol. 130, pp. 105-116, 1989.
S. Kak, A two-layered mesh array for matrix multiplication. Parallel Computing, vol. 6, pp. 383385, 1988.
S. Kak, The Aryabhata cipher. Cryptologia, vol. 12, pp. 113-117, 1988.
S. Kak, The use of determinatives in NLP. AI Magazine, vol. 9, pp. 10-12, Summer 1988.
S. Kak, A frequency analysis of the Indus script. Cryptologia, vol. 12, pp. 129-143, 1988.
S. Kak, Multilayered array computing. Information Sciences, vol. 45, pp. 347-365, 1988.
S. Kak, The Paninian approach to natural language processing. International Journal of
Approximate Reasoning, vol. 1, pp. 117-130, 1987.
S. Kak, Generating d-sequences. Electronics Letters, vol. 23, pp. 202-203, 1987.
S. Kak, A new result on d-sequences. Electronics Letters, vol. 23, p. 617, 1987.
S. Kak, The Aryabhata algorithms for polynomials. Electronics Letters, vol. 23, pp. 838-839, 1987.
S. Kak, Computational aspects of the Aryabhata algorithm. Indian Journal of History of Science,
vol. 21, pp. 62-71, 1986.
S. Kak, On secret hardware, public-key cryptography. Computers and Digital Technique (Proc.
IEE - Part E), vol. 133, pp. 94-96, 1986.
Subhash Kak
S. Kak, Encryption and error-correction using d-sequences. IEEE Trans. On Computers, vol. C-34,
pp. 803-809, 1985.
S. Kak, How to detect tampering of data. Information Processing Letters, vol. 20, 109-110, 1985.
S. Kak, Threshold detection error bounds. Journal of the Inst. of Electronics and Telecomm.
Engineers, vol. 30, pp. 29-35, 1984.
S. Kak, On information associated with an object. Proceedings Indian National Science Academy,
vol. 50, pp. 386-396, 1984.
S. Kak, On the method of puzzles for key distribution. International Journal of Comp. and Inf.
Sciences, vol. 13, 1984, pp. 103-109.
S. Kak, Data security in computer networks - Guest Editor's Introduction, Computer, vol. 16, pp.
8-10, February 1983.
S. Kak, Strings of first digits of powers of a number, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, vol. 14, pp. 896-907, July 1983.
S. Kak, An overview of analog encryption, Proceedings IEE, vol. 130, Pt. F, pp. 399-404, August
S. Kak, A structural redundancy in d-sequences, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. C-32, pp.
1069-1070, November 1983.
S. Kak, Exponentiation modulo a polynomial for data security. International Journal of Computer
and Inf. Science, vol. 12, pp. 337-346, 1983.
A.K. Raina and S. Kak, Data security: a cryptographic approach. Proceedings Indian Academy of
Sciences (Engineering Sciences), vol. 5, Part 1, pp. 65-83, March 1982.
S. Kak and A. Chatterjee, On decimal sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol.
IT-27, pp. 647-652, September 1981.
S. Kak, Masking ciphers. Proceedings IEE (Inst. of Electrical Engineers), vol. 127, pp. 185-189,
June 1980.
S. Kak, On efficiency of chemical homeostasis. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, vol.
SMC-9, pp. 160-163, March 1979.
S. Kak, Encryption of signals using data transpositions. Proceedings of the IEE, vol. 125, pp.
1327-1328, 1978.
S. Kak, On quantum numbers and uncertainty II. Nuovo Cimento, vol. 41B, pp. 1-6, 1977.
S. Kak, Sampling and redundancy," Journal Inst. of Elect. and Telecom. Engineers, vol. 23, pp.
336-340, 1977.
S. Kak and N.S. Jayant, Speech encryption using waveform scrambling. Bell System Technical
Journal, vol. 56, pp. 781-808, May-June 1977.
S. Kak, The discrete finite Hilbert transform. Indian Journal Pure and Applied Maths, vol. 8, pp.
1385-1390, November 1977.
S. Kak, On quantum numbers and uncertainty. Nuovo Cimento, vol. 33B, pp. 530-534, 1976.
S. Kak, On bicirculant matrices. Proc. Indian National Science Academy, Series A., vol. 41, no. 3,
S. Kak, Binary sequences and redundancy. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, vol.
SMC-4, pp. 399-401, July 1974.
S. Kak, Sociological ideas of Ivan Illich, Social Scientist, vol. 2, no. 11, 1974.
S. Kak, Reliability with an evolutionary failure rate. IEEE Trans. on Reliability, vol. R-22, pp.
239-240, October 1973.
S. Kak, Hilbert transformation for discrete data. International Journal of Electronics, vol. 34, pp.
177-183, February 1973.
S. Kak, A two-valued evolutionary process. Proc. IEEE (Inst. of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers), vol. 69, pp. 1005-1006, 1972.
S. Kak, Causality and limits on frequency functions. International Journal of Electronics, vol. 30,
pp. 41-47, January 1971.
S. Kak, Probability distribution to characterize clipped waves. Proc. IEEE (Inst. of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers), vol. 59, pp. 1534-1535, October 1971.
Subhash Kak
S. Kak, The discrete Hilbert transform. Proc. IEEE (Inst. of Electrical and Electronics Engineers),
vol. 58, pp. 585-586, April 1970.
S. Kak, Sampling theorem in Walsh-Fourier analysis. Electronics Letters, vol. 6, pp. 447-448, July
S. Kak, Classification of random binary sequences using Walsh-Fourier analysis. IEEE Trans. on
EMC, vol. EMC-13, pp. 74-77, August 1970.
Selected Conference Proceedings
1. S. Ji, T. Chen, S. Zhong, S. Kak, DAWN: Defending against wormhole attacks in wireless network
coding systems. INFOCOM 2014.
2. Y. Chen, S. Kak, P. K. Verma, G. Macdonald, M. El Rifai, N. Punekar, Multi-photon tolerant secure
quantum communication -- from theory to practice. Proceedings International Communications
Conference (ICC), Budapest, 2013.
3. S. Mandal, G. Macdonald, M. El Rifai, N. Punekar, F. Zamani, Y. Chen, S. Kak, P.K. Verma, R.C
Huck, J. Sluss, Multi-photon implementation of three-stage quantum cryptography protocol.
International Conference on Information Networking, Bangkok, 2013.
4. S. Yu and S. Kak, An empirical study on how users adopt famous entities. International Conference
on Future Generation Communication Technologies, London, December 2012.
5. E. Chan-Tin, T. Chen, S. Kak, A comprehensive security model for networking applications.
MobiPST, Munich, July 30- Aug 2, 2012.
6. N. Dalal, S. Kak, S. Sohoni, Rapid digital game creation for learning object-oriented concepts.
Proceedings of Informing Science & IT Education Conference (InSITE), June 23-26, 2012.
7. R. Gunda, J. Cecil, P. Calyam, S. Kak, Information centric framework for micro assembly. In On
the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems. R. Meersman, T. Dillon, and P. Ferrerro (eds.). OTM
2011 Workshops, Greece, pp. 93-101.
8. A. Parakh and S. Kak, Matrix based key agreement algorithms for sensor networks. Proceedings of
IEEE Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Conference (ANTS 2011), Bangalore.
9. A. Parakh and S. Kak, New key agreement techniques for sensor networks. Proceedings of IEEE
Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Conference (ANTS 2011).
10. S. Kak, P. Verma, and G. MacDonald, Cryptography and state estimation using polarization states.
SPIE Conference on The Nature of Light: What are Photons IV? August 2011.
11. S. Kak, The nature of light and epistemology. SPIE Conference on The Nature of Light: What are
Photons IV? August 2011.
12. A. Parakh and S. Kak, Efficient key management in sensor networks. IEEE Globecom, Miami,
December 2010.
13. A. Bruno, A. Capolupo, S. Kak, G. Raimondo, and G. Vitiello, Geometric phase and gauge theory
structure in quantum computing. Fifth International Workshop DICE2010: Space-Time-Matter current issues in quantum mechanics and beyond, Castiglioncello (Tuscany), September 13-17, 2010
14. A. Bruno, A. Capolupo, S. Kak, G. Raimondo, and G. Vitiello, Berry-like phase and gauge field in
quantum computing. Quinto congresso nazionale di sistemica, Associazione Italiana per le Ricerca
sui Sistemi, Universit Politecnica delle Marche, Facolt di Ingegneria Sede di Fermo, October 2010.
15. S. Kak, Y. Chen, L. Wang, Data mining using surface and deep agents based on neural networks.
16th Americas Conference on Information Systems. Lima, Peru, August 2010.
16. A. Parakh and S. Kak, A tree based recursive information hiding scheme. IEEE ICC 2010 Communication and Information System Security Symposium, Cape Town, May 2010.
17. A. Parakh and S. Kak, Recursive secret sharing for distributed storage and information hiding. 3rd
IEEE International Symposium on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems (ANTS),
New Delhi, India, Dec 14-16, 2009.
18. A. Parakh and S. Kak, A key distribution scheme for sensor networks Using Structured Graphs.
IEEE Electro-09, Varanasi, Dec 22-24, 2009.
19. S. Kak, Observers, freedom, and the cosmos. International Year of Astronomy 2009, Astronomy and
the Cosmos. Keynote Speech. Budapest, August 2009.
Subhash Kak
20. S. Kak, The transactional nature of quantum information. 11th International Conference on Squeezed
States and Uncertainty Relations (ICCSUR)/4th Feynman festival, June 22-26, 2009, in Olomouc,
Czech Republic.
21. A. Parakh and S. Kak, A distributed data storage scheme for sensor networks. Proceedings MobiSec,
Turin, June 2009. Also in Security and Privacy in Mobile Information and Communication Systems.
Volume 17, pages 14-22, LNICST, Springer, 2009.
22. A. Parakh and S. Kak, Space efficient secret sharing. Proceedings of CSRC 09, Norman, Oklahoma,
April 18, 2009.
23. P. Dalal, N. Dalal, and S. Kak, Learning computer programming with game design. CSEDU 2009:
International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Lisbon. March 23-26, 2009.
24. S. Kak, Social networks and security. 3rd Oklahoma Computer Conference, Durant, 6 March 2009.
25. S. Kak, Time, space and structure. International Conference on the Sindhu-Sarasvati Civilization - A
Reappraisal. Los Angeles, Feb 21-22, 2009.
26. S. Kak, Prospects for quantum computing. Proc. CIFAR Nanotechnology Meeting, Halifax, Canada,
14-16 November, 2008.
27. A. Parakh and S. Kak, Internet voting protocol based on implicit data security. in Proceedings of the
17th IEEE ICCCN 2008. August 2008, Virgin Islands.
28. S. Kak, Art, science and consciousness. Invited lecture at Symposium on Mind, Consciousness, and
Time. Univ of Mass at Dartmouth, Aug 9-10, 2008.
29. S. Kak, How much of information in a photon? Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6664, 666403, Aug 31, 2007. San
Diego, August 2007.
30. S. Kak, Instantaneously trained neural networks. Fifth International Conference on Computational
Intelligence and Neuroscience, NC, March 2002.
31. S. Kak, Rotating a qubit. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational
Intelligence and Neuroscience, NC, February 2000.
32. S.C. Kak, Quantum computing and artificial intelligence, Plenary Lecture, Proceedings of the Fourth
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, NC, February 2000.
33. S. Kak, The initialization problem in quantum computing, Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, NC, October 1998.
34. G. de Souza and S.C. Kak, Dynamic radius allocation in corner classification neural networks,"
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience,
NC, October 1998.
35. S. Kak, On masks of mind, International Seminar on Mind, Man and Mask, New Delhi, Feb 24-28,
36. K.-W. Tang and S. Kak, Corner classification neural networks where the output weights are learnt,
Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, NC, March 1997.
37. S. Kak, Does quantum mechanics have relevance in neuroscience? Second International Conference
on Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, NC, March 1997.
38. S. Kak, Why machines cannot be conscious. Towards a Science of Consciousness (Tucson II), April
39. S. Kak, Neural nets, information, and intelligence, (Invited Paper). Second World Congress of
Nonlinear Analysis, Athens, Greece, July 1996.
40. S. Kak, The three languages of the brain, (Invited Paper). Fourth Appalachian Conference on
Behavioral Neurodynamics, Radford, September 22-25, 1995.
41. S. Kak, On generalization by neural networks. First International Conference on Computational
Intelligence and Neuroscience, NC, October 1995.
42. S. Kak, New directions in neural network research. Joint Conference on Information Sciences, NC,
November 1994.
43. P. Raina, J. Christiansen, T. Clacko, S. Kak, Financial data modeling using feedforward neural
networks, Joint Conference on Information Sciences, NC, November 1994.
44. S. Kak, Reflections in clouded mirrors: selfhood in animals and machines, Symposium on Aliens,
Apes, and Artificial Intelligence, Univ of Alabama, February 13, 1993.
Subhash Kak
45. S. Das and S. Kak, The polynomial neural network, Second International Conference on Fuzzy
Theory and Technology, Durham, NC, October 1993.
46. D. Young and S. Kak, Feature based retrieval in neural networks, Proceedings IEEE Southeastcon,
47. S. Kak, Learning and generalization in feedforward neural networks, First International Conference
on Fuzzy Theory and Technology, Durham, NC, October 1992.
48. S. Kak and S. Das, Storing pattern pairs in a bicameral neural network, Proceedings IEEE
Southeastern Conference, New Orleans, April 1990.
49. S. Kak, Neural computing with structured information, 2nd International Conference on Tools for
Artificial Intelligence, Washington, D.C., November 1990.
50. S. Kak and A.O. Barbir, The Brahmagupta algorithm for square rooting, Proceedings of the 21st
Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, Tallahassee, March 1989.
51. M.C. Stinson, S. Kak, and D.G. Foster, The bicameral neural network model: an application of
conditional rule structure to speech perception, Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Language
Processing for Artificial Intelligence, Roorkee, Jan. 14-15, 1989.
52. S. Kak, On stochastic computing, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference on Information
Sciences and Systems, Princeton, N.J., pp. 131-133, March 1988.
53. M.C. Stinson and S. Kak, Techniques to improve convergence of neural networks, Proceedings of
the 22nd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, N.J., p. 275, March
54. M.C. Stinson and S. Kak, Asynchronous controller to improve the convergence of neural nets.
Proceedings of the 26th Annual ACM Conference of the Southeast Region, pp. 410-413, April 2122, 1988.
55. D. Prados and S. Kak, Shift invariant associative memory using VLSI, Proceedings of the
International Workshop on VLSI for Artificial Intelligence , Oxford, U.K., 1988.
56. M.C. Stinson and S. Kak, On bicameral neural networks, 1st International Neural Networks Society
(INNS) Conference, Boston, September 1988.
57. M.C. Stinson and S. Kak, Bicameral neural computing, Proceedings ComCon 1988, (2nd
International Conference on Advances in Communications and Controls), Baton Rouge, LA, Oct.
58. C.H. Youn and S. Kak, New learning and control algorithms for neural networks, Proceedings
ComCon 1988 (2nd International Conference on Advances in Communications and Controls), Baton
Rouge, Oct. 1988.
59. D.L. Prados and S. Kak, Nonbinary neural networks. Proceedings ComCon 1988 (2nd International
Conference on Advances in Communications and Controls), Baton Rouge, Oct. 1988.
60. D.P. Norton and S. Kak, On shuffling of 2-D data. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference on
Information Science and Systems, Princeton, N.J., pp. 552-556, March 19-21, 1986.
61. S. Kak, Multilayered array computing, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference on Information
Sciences and Systems, Princeton, N.J., pp. 436-441, March 19-21, 1986.
62. S. Kak, D.P. Norton and A. El-Amawy, An efficient implementation of the Aryabhata algorithm.
Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, N.J.,
pp. 790-792, 1986.
63. S. Kak, Digital signatures in networks, Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Systems,
Man and Cybernetics, India, pp. 968-971, December 1983-January 1984.
64. S. Kak, Joint encryption and error-correction coding, Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on
Security and Privacy, Oakland, CA, pp. 55-60, April 1983.
65. S. Kak, Information and complexity with applications to digital fault testing. Proceedings of the
IEEE Southeastcon, pp. 62-65, April 1982.
66. S. Kak and A.K. Sood, On a class of interconnection networks. Proceedings IEEE Southeastcon, pp.
232-236, 1981.
67. S. Kak, Decimal sequences and their applications in communications. Proceedings International
Conference in Communications, Denver, June 1981.
Subhash Kak
68. S. Kak, Error bounds for a spread spectrum multiple access system. Proceedings of the National
Telecommunications Conference, New Orleans, pp. G 3.4.1-G 3.4.4, 1981.
69. S. Kak, Further results on maximum length decimal sequences. IEEE Intl. Symposium on
Information Theory, Santa Monica, February 1981.
70. S. Kak, Scrambling and randomization. IEEE Workshop on Communications Security (Crypto 81),
University of California, Santa Barbara, pp. 59-63, August 1981.
71. S. Kak and A Chatterjee, Theory and application of maximum length decimal sequences.
Proceedings 14th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, N.J., pp. 618623, March 1980.
72. S. Kak & B. Sathiapalan, An algorithmic information approach to cryptography. Proceedings 14th
Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, N.J., March 1980.
73. S. Kak, Real-time encryption of signals - a review, Proceedings 22nd Midwest Symposium on
Circuits and Systems, Philadelphia, U.S., June 1979.
74. S. Kak, Product formulas for Walsh functions, Proceedings Walsh Symposium at Washington, D.C.,
April 1973.
75. S. Kak, On the discrete Hilbert transformation, Proceedings 5th Hawaii Conf. on System Science,
January 1972.
76. S. Kak, On matrices with Walsh vectors as the eigenvectors, Proc. Walsh Symposium, Washington,
D.C., April 1972.
77. S. Kak, On classification of binary sequences, Proceedings Walsh Symposium at Washington, D.C.,
April 1972.
2014. NIIT University, Neemrana, India, September 2, 2014.
2013. Computer Science Department, University of Minnesota, Nov 22, 2013; Keynote Speaker on Quantum
Mechanics of Macroscopic Systems, 20th Conference on Towards a Science of Consciousness (TSC). Agra,
India. March 4-9, 2013; Invited Speaker at the Sages and Scientists Conference in Carlsbad, CA on August
15-17, 2013; Invited speaker at Univ of South Carolina, Columbia, August 26, 2013; Port of Spain, Trinidad
September 14, 2013.
2012. Imperial College, London, December 2012; Curtin University, Perth, Australia, October 2012; Gandhi
Center, Bethesda, MD, March 2012.
2011. Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, April 2011.
2010. Barcelos Lecture. Invited lecture at the City Hall of the City of Barcelos, Portugal, April 16; Golden
Jubilee Distinguished Lecture at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, November 8, 2010; Invited lectures in
Toronto, Port of Spain, Trinidad, and Netherlands.
2009. Keynote speech at the Astronomy and Civilization Conference in Budapest, August 10-13, a
Conference to celebrate the International Year of Astronomy; Syracuse University, October; Madhavan
Lecture, San Diego State University, October; University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, October; Univ of
Massachusetts, Dartmouth, November.
2008. University of Cincinnati, October; University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, August.
2007. Tulsa Chamber of Commerce & Tulsa University, October; Wellesley College, March.
Subhash Kak
2006. University of Bergamo, Italy, December; Baton Rouge Astronomical Society, Lecture on Quantum
reality, multiple universes, information. September 11; a follow up lecture in July 2007; Patanjali Lecture,
University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, May; RSA Data Security Conference, San Jose, Keynote speech,
2005. National Heritage Museum, Lexington, December 17; Harvard University Foundation Invited Lecture,
December 16; Houston Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, November; University of Connecticut Health
Sciences Center, Hartford, Summer; Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, Spring; Dutch Public TV
OHM's National Convention, Keynote speech, Spring; Pennsylvania State University, State College, Spring;
Washington University, St. Louis, Spring.
2004. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Fall 2004; University of California, Berkeley, Fall 2004.
2003. University of Missouri, Columbia, Spring 2003.
2002. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (Fall 2002); National Heritage Museum, Lexington, Mass
(Summer 2002); UCLA, Los Angeles (Spring 2002); University of Houston, Houston, Spring 2002.
2001. Duke University, Durham (Spring 2001)
2000. USF Medical School, Tampa (Fall 2000); University of Missouri, Kansas City (Fall 2000); University
of Utah, Salt Lake City (Fall 2000); University of California, Irvine (Spring 2000); Stanford University
(Spring 2000); University of California, Berkeley (Spring 2000)
1999. Georgia Tech (Fall 1999); Univ of Illinois at Urbana (Fall 1999); Univ of Wisconsin (Fall 1999);
Concordia Univ, Montreal (Fall 1999); Univ of Miami, Miami, January 18, 1999.
1998. Georgia Tech, Atlanta, January 18, 1998.
1997. Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Delhi, March 26; Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi,
March 27; Southern University, Baton Rouge, April 24; Festival of India at Atlanta, August 17, 1997;
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, September 27.
1996. The views of Janus: looking behind and looking ahead at science. Philosophy Foundation, Boston,
April 20, 1996.
1995. Quantum computing. IIT Delhi, August.
1994. Neural networks, learning, and artificial intelligence. Duke Electrical Engineering Colloquium, Duke
University, November 16.
1993. Challenges facing the modern university. Luncheon Speech at the inauguration celebrations for Dr
Lyons, the incoming president of Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi, March 18.
1992. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, February 7; George Washington University, Washington, D.C.,
April 12.
1991. Self-indexing in neural computations. University of New Orleans, New Orleans, March 1991.
1989. Bicameral neural computing. Tulane University, New Orleans, April 6; Neural computing with
structured information. Cambridge University, Cambridge, U.K., December 20.
Subhash Kak
1986. India International Center, New Delhi, January 3, 1986; India International Center, New Delhi,
September 18, 1986.
1983. Computer security, Special Library Association Conference, New Orleans; Coding and cryptography
using D sequences, IBM TJ Watson Center, 1983.
1979. Principal Speaker at Einstein's Centenary Meeting. AIIMS, New Delhi.
Also seminars at ULL, NC State, IIT Delhi, IIT Bombay, Wayne State University, TIFR, Indian Telephone
Industries (Bangalore), Regional Engineering College, Srinagar, Telecommunications Research Centre.
Ph.D. Students
1. Sheng Yu (2014), Social Network Dynamics. (In process of completion)
2. Abhishek Parakh (2011), New Results on Information Dispersal Algorithms for Trustworthy
Computing (Parakh is assistant professor at University of Nebraska, Omaha)
3. Will Scott (2003), Block Level DCT Coefficients for Autonomic Image Recognition with
Applications to Face Recognition (Scott is on the research staff at IBM, Austin)
4. Kun-Won Tang (1999), Instantaneously Trained Neural Networks (Tang is Director and Owner,
General Microsystems, Malaysia)
5. David Young (1997), A Theory of Cortical Neural Processing (Young was faculty in the industrial
engineering department of the Louisiana State University)
6. Parvin Hashemian (1996), Solving Classification Problems using Modular Approaches in
Feedforward Neural Networks (Hashemian was faculty at Univ of Louisiana, Lafayette)
7. Sanjoy Das (1994), Second Order Neural Networks (Das is associate professor of electrical and
computer engineering at Kansas State University)
8. George Georgiou (1992, Tulane University, Special Examiner), Parallel Distributed Processing in
the Complex Domain (Georgiou is professor of computer science and engineering at California State
University at San Bernardino)
9. Chung Youn (1989), New Control and Learning Algorithms for Neural Networks (Youn is professor
of computer science in South Korea)
10. D.L. Prados (1989), The Capacity of Artificial Neural Networks Using the Delta Rule (Prados is
research computer scientist at the NASA Stennis Center)
11. M.C. Stinson (1988), Neural Networks with Asynchronous Control (Stinson is professor of computer
science at Central Michigan Univ)
12. I. Dabipi (1987), Fail-safe Local Area Networking Using Channel redundancy (Dabipi is professor
of electrical engineering at Univ of Maryland)
Subhash Kak
MS Thesis Supervision at LSU and OSU
1. Navya Chodisetti (2014). Sealed bid auction using digital knapsacks.
2. Vamsi Kotagiri (2014). Information processing using circulant matrices.
3. Antony Akshay (2014). Using primitive Pythagorean triples and the Blom’s scheme in the 4-way
handshake wireless security protocol.
4. Matt Stowe (2013). Neural network capacity for multilevel inputs.
5. V. Spoorthy Ella (2013). Generating target events using probability distributions and the oblivious
transfer protocol.
6. S. Chitikela (2013). Methods to counter attacks on quantum cryptography protocols.
7. M. Prabhu (2013). Key distribution using primitive Pythagorean triples.
8. K. Kanchu (2013) Secure key distribution protocol using Goldbach sequences.
9. S. Sukumar (2013). Modified Blom’s scheme for better key management in wireless sensor
10. G. Talati (2013). Quartic, quintic and sextic public key transformation.
11. D. Cherlopalle (2013). Key distribution using Goldbach triples.
12. S. H. Chidananda (2013). Data representation and sequence alignment in bioinformatics.
13. N. Poulose (2013). Retrieval of stored memories from fragments.
14. M. Rojas (2012). A semantic association page rank algorithm for web search engines.
15. M. Lavale (2012). Security strengthening of the three-stage quantum cryptography protocol.
16. S.R. Bheemireddy (2012). A smart clustering-based contention free protocol in wireless sensor
17. A. Reddy Aileni (2011). Key management in static and mobile sensor networks.
18. S. R. R. Reddy (2011). Key management and encryption in wireless sensor networks.
19. Y. Kothapalli (2011). Primitive Pythagorean triples in key management of sensor networks.
20. P. Laddha (2011), Memory retrieval in B-Matrix neural networks.
21. P. Kuruvada (2011), Memory storage in a variable threshold neural network.
22. C. Chakradhara Reddy (2011), Two-dimensional random patterns.
23. V. Paruchuri (2011), Approximate string matching and applications to Indian scripts.
24. P. Dantala (2011), Authentication for multi-located parties and wireless ad hoc networks.
25. S. Rangineni (2011). Cryptographic strengthening of random sequences.
26. S. Katta (2011). New results in visual cryptography.
27. S. Peruru (2010), A reliable and scalable addressing scheme for data distribution.
28. K. Lingashetty (2010), Active sites model for implementing the B-matrix approach.
29. S. Thippireddy (2009), Models for evolution and joining of small world networks.
30. S. Gangasani (2008), Generalization and efficient implementation of CC4 neural network.
31. P. Koduru (2008), Dynamics of joining social networks.
32. S. Chalasani (2008), The value of a social network.
33. P. Basuchowdhury (2008), Enhancing security in quantum cryptography.
34. M. Satti (2007), Quasigroup based symmetric cryptosystem.
35. A. Parakh (2007), Oblivious transfer using secure communication.
36. C. Iombo (2007), Predictive data compression using adaptive arithmetic coding.
37. M. Riyazuddin (2006), Information analysis of DNA sequences.
38. A. Parthasarathy (2006), Improved content based watermarking for images.
39. A. Rishiyur (2006), Instantaneously trained neural networks with complex and quaternion inputs.
40. K. Penumarthi (2005), Augmented watermarking.
41. S. A. Naveed (2005), Improved watermarking scheme using decimal sequences.
42. T. Malik (2005), Adaptive target tracking in wireless sensor networks.
43. N. Mandhani (2004), Watermarking using decimal sequences.
44. P. Rajagopal (2003), Instantaneously trained neural networks with complex inputs.
45. R. Vaddiraja (2003), Generalized d-sequences and their applications to CDMA systems.
46. A. Penumarthy (2001), Title missing.
Subhash Kak
47. R. Malla (2001). Achieving interoperability between XML/RPC based protocols and Object based
48. N. Natarajan (2001), Title missing.
49. V.R. Admal (2001). Text compression using instantaneously trained neural networks.
50. Meenakshi Gnanaguruparan (2000). Recursive hiding of secrets in visual cryptography.
51. Sharath Kumar (2000). Title missing.
52. Savitha Pinnepalli (1999). Neural network approach to data compression.
53. Asheesh Mehta (1997). Use of CC networks in extrapolation of financial time-series.
54. Sreenivas Tejomurtula (1997). Inverse kinematics in robotics using neural networks.
55. Kun-Won Tang (1997). Corner classification applied to neural network learning.
56. Ravi Jayanthi (1995). Efficient residue arithmetic algorithms.
57. Lianjiang Chen (1994). Title missing.
58. U. Devanagudy (1994). Matrix multiplication arrays and their implementation.
59. P. Raina (1994). Comparison of learning and generalization capabilities of two learning algorithms.
60. G. Subramanya (1994). New clustering algorithm using feedforward neural networks.
61. K. Madineni (1994). Two corner classification algorithms for training feedforward neural networks.
62. P.Paragi (1993). Time series trend predictions using neural networks.
63. R. Guddanti (1993). Application of the Kak algorithm to time series and pattern recognition
64. S. Joshi (1992). Computer hardware reliability
65. R. Gopal (1992). Networks of complex neurons.
66. M. Khondker (1991). Optical communications system
67. P. Merritt (1991). Title missing.
68. A. Palekar (1990). 3-D knowledge representation using neural networks.
69. David Young (1989). Study of recall in neural networks.
70. K.W. Cheong (1986). Title missing.
71. Tse Sai-On (1984). Discrete Hilbert transform: software and hardware approaches.
72. S.R. Sweha (1982). A study of interconnection networks.
73. I. Dabipi (1981). An arithmetic-sequence-based spread spectrum multiple access.
74. G. Economides (1980). Application of d-sequences in spread spectrum systems.