KCCCC Meeting Notes 14 August 2014

Kanmantoo-Callington CCC Secretariat
c/- Susan Wilson
Hillgrove Resources
Ph 8538 6800
Email: [email protected]
Guest Chairperson:
Bob Goreing
Mob 0418 816 788
14 August 2014
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm.
Attendance and Apologies
Committee Members Present:
Bill Filmer
Allana Vorstenbosch
Garry Duncan
Kathy Schneider Roberts
Harry Seager
Fiona Challen
Paul LeIonno (DSD) for Hans Bailiht
Alistair Walsh (DSD) for Hans Bailiht
Bob Goreing (Independent Chair)
Steven McClare (Hillgrove Resources)
Lyn Stokes
Mark Goldsworthy MP
Joy Wundersitz – Yorke
Peninsula Landowners
Hazel Hunter Chairperson Kanmantoo
Action Group (KAG)
Greg Parker (DCMB)
David Collins (DCMB)
A public gallery of approximately 23 persons was present.
1. Welcome and introductions
The Chair welcomed the Committee Members and the gallery.
The Chair (Bob) said that Hans Bailiht had retired from DMITRE (now Department of State
Development (DSD)) and because of this had resigned from the KCCCC.
The Committee acknowledged Hans and the positive and constructive role he had played on the
KCCCC. They wished him well for his retirement.
Bob said that DSD had nominated Alistair Walsh (Principal Mining Regulator) as a replacement for
Hans and that he and Paul DeIonno (Manager Compliance and Regulation) were in attendance at
this meeting.
Committee Members introduced themselves. Members in the gallery identified particular issues of
interest on the agenda and the Chair noted these to ensure that adequate time was allocated to
these priorities.
Action: Secretariat to investigate a public address system (sound system) for next meeting
2. Confirmation of notes of previous meeting (12 June 2014)
The notes of the previous meeting of 12 June 2014 were accepted without alteration.
Kanmantoo Callington Community Consultative Committee
Meeting – 14 August 2014
3. Action arising from the previous KCCCC meeting
Blasting Information Sheet
Bob explained that a Blasting Information Sheet has been drafted and sent to Steve to
ensure the technical detail was correct.
Action: The Chair to progress and circulate the draft Blasting Information Sheet to
Committee Members before the next KCCCC meeting.
Heavy traffic arrangements linked to school bus movements
Steve spoke about research from Queensland into traffic arrangements for school
children. He said that this could be regarded as good practice. Allana mentioned her
interest in these arrangements and potential infrastructure solutions like bus shelters. It
was pointed out that these may come up in agenda item 9 on tonight’s meeting.
A member of the gallery made reference to a particular route that school buses use
that she considered to pose some potential danger. Some discussion took place about
this and other management solutions like speed limits and ‘speed bumps’.
Action: Steve and Allana to liaise and develop a plan/working party for infrastructure
solutions related to student bus safety.
Action items
4. Project update from Hillgrove Resources
Steve presented a Kanmantoo Copper Mine update.
He described the development of two new satellite pits, Nugent and Emily Star. Steve
described how the current operations were aimed at removing the soft and friable ‘overburden’
(waste material) from these pits in the ‘non dust season’ so that the working benches would be
less susceptible to wind-blown dust when the warmer weather arrived.
Steve spoke about the North-West Woodland Rehabilitation program. He said that a short case
study on this program had been produced for the Dust Working Party. Steve handed a copy of
the case study to Harry (portfolio – Natural Environment).
Action: Harry to consider how the NW Woodland Rehabilitation Program could enhance
knowledge and understanding about environmental matters like seed propagation and best
conditions for establishing native vegetation in the region. Harry to lead a discussion on this
matter at the next KCCCC meeting. Chair to arrange for an electronic copy of the case study to
be sent to Harry.
5. Mine life extension approval – response to community issues
The granting (by DSD) of a mine life extension for the Kanmantoo Copper Mine (from 2017 to
2019) had been finalised between the last KCCCC meeting and tonight’s meeting. The
community had been notified as soon as practical after the approvals had been finalised
through a letter box drop.
The three components of the proposal were summarised as:
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act Referral
Mine Lease Application for a small parcel of about 2 hectares of industrial land adjacent
Neutrog and
Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR) – a revised mine plan
Kanmantoo Callington Community Consultative Committee
Meeting – 14 August 2014
In answer to a question from the gallery, Paul (DSD) said that all mining and quarrying
operations (including the Kanmantoo Copper Mine) needed to have a PEPR. Paul said that the
PEPRs were public documents and that they contained standards that were consistent across
similar operations.
Steve said that the new (revised) PEPR for the Kanmantoo Copper Mine included initiatives
that were particularly directed at addressing issues of concern and opportunities that had
emerged during the community consultation on the proposal for a mine life extension.
Steve described significant enhancements to the dust monitoring system the company was
introducing. These included establishing three stations each of which had a continuous dust
monitoring device (for PM 10 and all dust) and a weather station.
Steve explained that the monitors would be distributed in a triangular pattern and located much
closer to residents of Kanmantoo to better reflect actual dust conditions for the community and
allow for faster and more targeted responses from the mine.
Steve showed a side-by-side list of ‘Proposed and Approved Differences’ in the revised PEPR
for the mine life extension that particularly related to matters of interest to the community. A
series of posters explaining these new arrangements were on display around the room and
Steve invited interested people to stay behind and chat over these with relevant Hillgrove staff
in attendance.
6. Dust Working Party – third report
Garry provided the third report from the Dust Working Party.
Dust and Health
During the period between the last KCCCC meeting and this meeting, Dr David Simon (SA
Health) had been considering the observations made during his site visit and information
contained in various technical reports that had been provided.
A preliminary report had been received from Dr Simon yesterday (13 August 2014) and was
tabled. The Dust Working Party had particularly asked Dr Simon to address as a priority any
urgent matters of dust and health that the community should be aware of.
Dr Simon’s report included:
‘The various reports on dust are encouraging in that I have found thus far
no indication that urgent action is required due to the chemistry of the dust.
The elemental make-up of the dust that has been collected and analysed is
not surprising and in and of itself should pose little risk noting that dust (or
particulate matter) certainly can exacerbate pre- existing disease,
especially respiratory illnesses in susceptible people.
Overall, efforts to reduce dust emissions at the mine and from roads are
very worthwhile given that particulate matter (irrespective of its
chemistry) can affect susceptible individuals as well as impact wellbeing’.
Dr Simon also commented on the monitoring of dust as well as other factors
like meteorological conditions and provided some thoughts on sources of
dust based on his experience from other places.
Dr Simon offered to attend the next meeting of the KCCCC where a more detailed discussion of
issues could take place. The Committee asked the Chair to arrange this.
Action: Chair in consultation with Garry to arrange for Dr Simon to attend the next KCCCC
Kanmantoo Callington Community Consultative Committee
Meeting – 14 August 2014
Reducing dust emissions
Garry reported that he had met an (agriculture) irrigation expert (Adam Lean) in the Riverland.
A meeting had subsequently been arranged between Adam and Steve at the mine to discuss
possible technology transfer with the aim of adding to the dust reduction programs of the mine.
Garry and Bob had also attended this meeting.
Garry said that he understood Adam would focus in the first instance on available and
underutilised waste water supplies on the mine site and developing laser triggered, water
misting dust suppression for trucks on haul roads. Garry explained that this type of
arrangement could be mobile and deployed to high risk areas as required. Steve confirmed
that Adam was preparing a proposal along these lines.
Garry also felt that there may be technology transfer possible in reducing evaporation from
water storage facilities to extend the water supply for dust suppression.
A gallery member asked about the role that the EPA took on dust matters at the mine. Bob
said that he had met with Keith Baldry Director Mineral Resources EPA and that Keith had
been invited to attend the next KCCCC meeting where the role of the EPA could be explained
and questions answered.
Action: Chair in consultation with Garry to confirm that Keith Baldry EPA will attend the next
KCCCC meeting
7. District Council of Mt Barker – dust and Proctor Rd (Hazel- KAG) This item was moved
above items 5 and 6 on the agenda to ensure that adequate time was provided to the DCMB.
Bob introduced Hazel Hunter, Chairperson of the Kanmantoo Action Group (KAG) to lead this
item. Bob explained that the KCCCC (through its terms of reference) was focused on the
Kanmantoo Copper Mine. He explained that the KAG had taken up community wide dust
issues that included resident concerns about mine dust as well as dust from other sources
including Proctor Road. Bob acknowledged the constructive work of the KAG and in particular
their discussions with the District Council of Mt Barker on Proctor Road which had resulted in a
response from the Council.
Hazel highlighted the significance of dust as an issue for the community. She spoke about the
problems that she believed were linked to dust.
Hazel spoke about her communication with the local Council in respect of Proctor Road. Hazel
summarised a letter from the Council she had received as Chairperson of the KAG which
described the Council’s intentions to upgrade Proctor Road including:
realigning sections of the road
extending the (bitumen) sealing of the road for a further 200m
treating the remainder of the road with other products aimed at reducing dust
completing the work by October 2014 with the exception of the road sealing which was
dependent on contractors
Hazel said that she believed that this was a positive outcome for Proctor Road and the
Greg Parker (Director – Council (DCMB) Services) explained that he had responsibility for the
Proctor Road project. Greg introduced David Collins (DCMB) who was managing the project.
David outlined the works described in the letter Hazel had referred to. David said that Council
was currently testing materials that could be used to help bind the road surface and reduce
Kanmantoo Callington Community Consultative Committee
Meeting – 14 August 2014
A Committee member asked a question regarding the properties of various materials like
limestone that had been used to top the road surface and whether there were better options.
David said that different blends of materials could result in a better surface and that this was
part of the Council’s research. Greg said that they were not just focussing on materials but also
drainage and camber that could also help.
Other measures were discussed such as roadside vegetation plantings that could trap dust.
Hazel made the point that there had been a significant increase in heavy traffic on the road
over recent years. Greg spoke about other strategies being investigated to reduce dust
emissions from traffic movements like ramps that could be used to shake dust off and speed
There was an opportunity identified for the Council to work with the Kanmantoo Copper Mine
and the local Quarry as part of a community wide project to reduce dust from Proctor Road. It
was agreed that the experience and expertise that Hillgrove had developed in dust suppression
on their site may be useful if it could be transferred to Council’s Proctor Road project.
Action: Steve to speak with the Council on this matter and assist where possible.
8. Master Plan for the Kanmantoo Callington area
Fiona presented ‘the red paper’, a discussion paper developed with input from a number of
KCCCC Committee members.
‘The purpose of this document (the red paper) is to begin to create a genuine, strategic, long
term plan (Master Plan) for the Callington and Kanmantoo areas and their surrounding
catchments….. (and) begin to provide a catalyst for change, allow people to pose many
questions , share concerns and enable actions to be taken which will benefit these
The paper includes discussion on topics such as community benefit, health, well-being and
lifestyle of the communities of Callington and Kanmantoo, environmental outcomes,
rehabilitation and tourism.
The paper is action orientated and is designed to form the basis of community involvement in
planning that includes the existing mining operations, transition through mine closure and a
future beyond.
Greg Sarre introduced himself as the manager at DCMB with responsibility for developing
strategic planning frameworks for Council. He saw the initiative as very positive and offered to
work alongside the local community to feed this work into Council’s strategic planning.
Action: A working party to be formed consisting of interested KCCCC members led by Fiona
and other stakeholders including Greg from DCMB. Chair to arrange for the ‘red paper’ to be
placed on the website.
9. Community projects
Allana explained that she was keen to take a lead in identifying small scale, achievable
community projects that were linked to the issues raised through KCCCC and related to
delivering community benefit from the presence of the mine.
She presented a preliminary list of examples that included:
from Draft MASTER PLAN July/August 2014, Fiona Challen for the Kanmantoo Callington Community Consultative
Committee pp 1
Kanmantoo Callington Community Consultative Committee
Meeting – 14 August 2014
1. Revamping the current school bus pick up area Mine Rd/Princess Hwy. Creating a larger
shelter to accommodate all of the local students, creating a designated bus pull off area
where students can board and exit safely.
2. Planting out of roadsides with native vegetation along the length of Proctor Road, Mine
Road & both sides of the Kanmantoo Township, along the Old Princes Highway.
3. Planting shade trees to provide shade in summer at the Kanmantoo Bike Park. Planting
native vegetation around the boundary & adding a BBQ and seating area so families could
enjoy an afternoon out.
4. Creating a fully fenced, off-leash Dog Park on the vacant reserve area near the beginning
of Mine Road.
The point was made that these projects were not the sole responsibility of Hillgrove but an
opportunity for the whole community to work together. The link between these community
projects and the Master Planning process described by Fiona was clearly made.
Trevor (Councillor DCMB) showed interest in this initiative but believed that to garner Council
support (if this was contemplated) that they would need to be viable and demonstrate the
benefits that would result for the community. He suggested that the KCCCC consider making a
presentation to the Council members so that these initiatives (Master Plan and community
projects) appeared on the Council’s ‘radar’.
Action: The working party (Master Plan) to consider a presentation for the Council (DCMB).
Harry raised the need for the Council to reciprocate with clear information about their plans that
may impact on the Kanmantoo Callington community. He referred particularly to any plans for
water management schemes and the development of the Monarto South area (acknowledging
that this was in the Rural City of Murray Bridge jurisdiction).
Action: Include Harry’s concerns in the work of the working party
10. Community Action List – update on progress
The KCCCC agreed to consider the Community Action List and update this to include any
initiatives of which they were aware.
Administrative items
11. KCCCC Terms of Reference
The KCCCC agreed to consider the adoption of the new Terms of Reference for the KCCCC by
e mail between meetings.
12. Hillgrove’s Community Engagement Plan
The KCCCC agreed to consider the suggested measures for the Community Engagement Plan
and agree these by e mail between meetings.
13. Other business
There was no other business
14. Next meeting and close
The next meeting of the KCCCC will be on Thursday 9th October 2014 in the Callington Hall
(subject to availability of Dr Simon (SA Health) and Keith Baldry (EPA)).
The meeting closed at 9.55pm.