Dr. Warren R. Brown 60 Garden St, MS-20 Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 496-7905 FAX: (617) 495-7467 [email protected] http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/∼wbrown/ EMPLOYMENT Astrophysicist, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (2006 - present) Clay Fellow, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (2005 - 2006) CfA Fellow, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (2002 - 2005) EDUCATION Harvard University, Ph.D. Astronomy (2002) Harvard University, A.M. Astronomy (1998) University of Arizona, B.S. Astronomy summa cum laude (1995) CURRENT RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Hypervelocity Stars In 2005 I discovered the first hypervelocity star (HVS): a 3 M⊙ main sequence star whose extreme +853 km/s velocity can be explained only by dynamical ejection from a supermassive black hole (Brown et al 2005a). We designed a follow-up survey that has resulted in at least 21 HVS discoveries and evidence for a class of HVSs on bound orbits (Brown et al 2006a,b, 2007a,c, 2009a,b, 2012b,c, 2013b, 2014) allowing us to probe the nature of the black hole ejection mechanism and possibly the distribution of dark matter surrounding the Milky Way using Hubble Space Telescope (Brown et al 2010b). My current project is an invited Annual Review article titled “Hypervelocity Stars.” Merging White Dwarf Binaries We are targeting and finding low mass white dwarf (WD) binaries with merger times as short as 1 Myr with our MMT discovery program (Brown et al 2010c, 2011a, 2012a, 2013a; Kilic et al 2010c, 2011a,b,c, 2012, 2014a). From this sample we have discovered a new class of pulsating helium-core WDs (Hermes et al 2012b, 2013a,c), the most inflated and metal rich WD (Gianninas et al 2014a), the first tidally distorted WDs (Hermes et al 2012a, 2014), and the strongest known gravitational wave verification binaries (Brown et al 2011b, Kilic et al 2014b). The detached, eclipsing 12-min orbital period binary J0651 has a gravitational wave strain 10,000× larger than the Hulse-Taylor pulsar (Brown et al 2011b); we are now measuring deviations from the predicted General Relativistic period change to constrain the tidal heating in this rapidly merging pair of WDs (Hermes et al 2012c). Milky Way Halo I use the halo stars in my surveys to directly test the hierarchical picture for galaxy formation by mapping their distribution in the halo (Brown et al 2003, 2004a, 2005b, 2008b; King et al 2012), and using their motions to measure the velocity dispersion and mass profile of the Milky Way halo out to 80 kpc (Brown et al. 2010a). Warren R. Brown INSTRUMENTAL ACTIVITIES PI, MMT Cam In 2012 I installed a 2.7′ ×2.7′ field of view, ugriz passband camera on the MMT f/5 wavefront sensor. MMT Cam is integrated into the f/5 Hecto queue and enables rapid-response imaging at the MMT for the first time. MMT Cam is used by a half-dozen programs every trimester. Project Scientist, GMT Near Infrared Multiobject Spectrograph (NIRMOS) I led the science case for the NIRMOS conceptual design study, and performed an integral field unit conceptual design for the spectrograph. Co-PI, MMT Magellan Infrared Spectrograph I assisted with the assembly, testing, and commissioning of the MMT Magellan Infrared Spectrograph, with major responsibilities for the HAWAII2 detector. PI, SAO Wide Field Infrared Camera (SWIRC) Funded in May 2003 and commissioned in June 2004, I put SAO’s first HAWAII2 infrared array on the MMT in 13 months. SWIRC is a Y JH-band imager with a 5.12’ × 5.12’ field and 0.15 arcsec/pix plate scale. I worked on every aspect of SWIRC, in particular the optical and mechanical design and integration, motor control, and thermal modeling, and continue to support its operations. FAST Spectrograph In 2002 I refurbished the workhorse FAST spectrograph on the Whipple 1.5m, improving the throughput by 3×. Today I monitor and support its operations. MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Director, SAO Telescope Data Center, 2009– I manage a team of 4 programmers that support CfA science by archiving, processing, and distributing data obtained nightly at the Magellan, MMT, and Whipple Observatories. The Telescope Data Center runs the CfA telescope proposal system, maintains software packages like WCStools, and develops new data reduction pipelines for instruments like MMIRS and Binospec. PROFESSIONAL/HONORARY SOCIETIES American Astronomical Society American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics International Astronomical Union Planetary Society Phi Beta Kappa Phi Kappa Phi HONORS/AWARDS 2009 2008 2007 Lewis Science Lecturer, Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory. Secretary’s Research Prize, Smithsonian Institution. Bok Prize, Harvard University. 2 3 Warren R. Brown GRANTS/CONTRACTS 2014 2013 2012 2012 2011 2010 2009 2007 2007 $138,900 $4,965 $94,684 $3,000 $5,600 $19,400 $9,200 $28,916 $8,800 “A High-Resolution Grating for Binospec Science,” Research Equipment proposal. “Hypervelocity Stars.” SI Competitive Grants Program for Science proposal. “A Rapid Imaging Camera for the f/5 MMT.” SAO IR&D proposal. “The True Origin of Hypervelocity Stars.” HST-GO-12503.06-A. “Hypervelocity Stars.” SI Scholarly Studies proposal. “Hypervelocity Stars.” SI Endowment proposal. “Hypervelocity Stars.” SI Endowment proposal. “Cryogenic Near-Infrared Test Facility.” SAO IR&D proposal. “Hypervelocity Stars.” SI Endowment proposal. ADVISORY COMMITTEES 2009– 2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 2011 2010 2009–10 2009 2007–08 CfA Telescope Time Allocation committee MMT Strategic Planning committee European Research Council external referee NASA Astrophysics Data Program review panel European Research Council external referee NASA Postdoctoral Program review panel NASA Astrophysics Data Analysis Program review panel SI Fellowship Policy committee Chair, CfA Fellowship Selection committee NASA Astrophysics Data Analysis Program review panel Harvard Astronomy graduate admissions committee EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Invited Talks Colloquia, Conferences, & Public Talks 2014 Dartmouth University, physics and astronomy colloquium. 10th LISA symposium, Gainesville. 2013 SnowPAC 2013: Black Hole Fingerprints, Snowbird. University of Arizona Honors College, public talk. 2012 University of Oklahoma, physics and astronomy colloquium. Space Telescope Science Institute, colloquium. Observatoire de Paris, astronomy seminar. Institute for Advanced Studies, colloquium. Phillips Andover Academy, public talk. 2011 Cornell University, astronomy colloquium. Columbia University, astronomy colloquium. University of Toronto, astronomy and astrophysics colloquium. Clay Fellows symposium, Cambridge. Pioneering into the Extragalactic Frontier with the GMT workshop, College Station. Warren R. Brown Smithsonian Associates, public talk. 2010 Australia National University, astronomy colloquium. Australia Astronomical Observatory, astronomy colloquium. University of Sydney, astrophysics colloquium. Dynamics from the Galactic Center to the Milky Way Halo conference, Cambridge. MMT Science symposium, Cambridge. New Hampshire Amateur Astronomy Club, public talk. McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center, public talk. 2009 University of Western Ontario, physics and astronomy colloquium. RPI, physics colloquium. Yale University, astronomy colloquium. Wesleyan University, astronomy colloquium. Dartmouth University, physics and astronomy colloquium. Boston University, astrophysics colloquium. Ohio State University, astronomy colloquium. Galactic Center workshop, Shanghai. CfA Observartory Night, public talk. 10th Annual Lewis Science Lecture, public talk. 2008 Arizona State University, astrophysics seminar. Brown University, astrophysics seminar. MIT, astrophysics colloquium. Institute for Advanced Study, colloquium. Institute for Theory and Computation, forum. Michigan State University, astrophysics seminar. Galactic Nuclei conference, Sydney. Back to the Galaxy II conference, Santa Barbara. Congressional Open House at the Smithsonian, public event. 2007 CalTech, astronomy colloquium. Carnegie DTM, astronomy seminar. Space Telescope Science Institute, colloquium. CfA, Bok Prize lecture. UCLA, astrophysics colloquium. Galactic Center workshop, Ringberg. The Milky Way Halo conference, Bonn. Plenary speaker, 203rd AAS January Meeting. Popular Articles 2014 “20 Facts You Never Knew About Space,” Nicky Jenner. BBC Sky at Night magazine. 2014 The Outcast Star, I. M. Tu. Impera Books. 2013 “Escape from the Milky Way,” Nathan Collins. Scientific American. 4 Warren R. Brown 5 2012 “Stellar duo tests Einstein’s theory,” Research Highlight published in Nature, 489, 338. 2012 “White dwarf binary stars make merger plans,” John Matson. Scientific American. 2012 “Two dead stars provide low-tech way to test Einstein,” Michael Slezak. New Scientist. 2011 “Evolved stars locked in fatalistic dance,” Katherine McAlpine. Cosmos. 2011 “A Promising White-Dwarf Binary,” Raphael Rosen. Sky & Telescope. 2011 “Death Dance Stars Found – May Help Prove Einstein Right”, Andrew Fazekas. National Geographic. 2011 “Ejected Stars,” 2010 Hubble Science Year in Review. 2011 “Empty Universe: Cosmology in the year 100 billion,” Marcus Chown. New Scientist. 2011 “Runaway Star’s Origin Discovered,” Katherine Bagley. Science Illustrated. 2010 “Star Struck,” Ken Croswell. National Geographic. 2010 “Hypervelocity Stars,” Dan Morrell. Harvard magazine. 2010 “A Runaway Star Tells a Long Story.” Alan MacRobert. Sky & Telescope. 2009 “What revved up the galaxy’s hyperfast stars?” Ray Jayawardhana. Astronomy. 2009 “Chasing Dark Matter,” Stephen Ornes. Discover. 2008 “A gang of stars on the edge of our galaxy is running away,” Stephen Ornes. Science News For Kids. 2008 “Hypervelocity Stars: Fast-moving exiles of the Milky Way,” Christine Pulliam, Inside Smithsonian Research. 2008 “Une etoile joue les filles de l’air,” Beoit Rey. Science & Vie, France. 2007 “Stjerner flygter fra Kaelkevejen,” Helle & Kenrik Stub. Illustreret Videnskab, Denmark. 2007 “The speed freaks,” Kulvinder Chadha. Astronomy Now, England. 2007 “Did our galaxy’s black hole eat its baby brother?” Maggie McKee. New Scientist. Television TBD 2015 NASA’s Unexplained Files, WAG Television. Aug 2014 “Extreme Stars,” The Cosmic Front, Japan Broadcasting Corp. Aug 18, 2010 “Death Stars,” The Universe, History Channel. Dec 18, 2007 “The Milky Way,” The Universe, History Channel. Warren R. Brown 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY Refereed Scientific Publications Kilic, M., Brown, W., Gianninas, A., Hermes, J., Allende Prieto, C., & Kenyon, S. 2014b. “A New Gravitational Wave Verification Source.” MNRAS, 444, L1. Gianninas, A., Dufour, P., Kilic, M., Brown, W., Bergeron, P., & Hermes, J. 2014b. “Precise Atmospheric Parameters for the Shortest Period Binary White Dwarfs: Gravitational Waves, Metals, and Pulsations.” ApJ, accepted. Hermes, J., Brown, W., Kilic, M. ... and 10 co-authors, 2014. “Radius constraints from high-speed photometry of 20 low-mass white dwarf binaries.” ApJ, 792, 39. Bochanski, J., Willman, B., Caldwell, N., Sanderson, R., West, A., Strader, J., & Brown, W. 2014. “The Most Distant Stars in the Milky Way.” ApJ, 790, L5. Brown, W., Geller, M., & Kenyon, S. 2014. “MMT Hypervelocity Star Survey. III. The Complete Survey.” ApJ, 787, 89. Barber, S., Kilic, M., Brown, W., & Gianninas, A. 2014. “Dusty WDs in the WISE All Sky Survey ∩ SDSS.” ApJ, 786, 77. Kilic, M., Hermes, J., Gianninas, A., Brown, W., Heinke, C., Agueros, M., Chote, P., Sullivan, D., Bell, K., & Harrold, S. 2014a. “Found: the progenitors of AM CVn and supernovae .Ia.” MNRAS, 438, L26. Gianninas, A., Hermes, J., Brown, W., Dufour, P., Barber, S., Kilic, M., Kenyon, S., & Harrold, S. 2014a. “SDSS J074511.56+194926.5: Discovery of a Metal-rich and Tidally Distorted Extremely Low Mass White Dwarf.” ApJ, 781, 104. Kilic, M., Gianninas, A., Brown, W., Harris, H., Dahn, C., Agueros, M., Heinke, C., Kenyon, S., Panei, J., & Camilo, F. 2013. “The runaway binary LP 400-22 is leaving the Galaxy.” MNRAS, 434, 3582. Brown, W., Cohen, J., Geller, M., & Kenyon, S. 2013b. “The Origin of HVS17, an Unbound Main Sequence B Star at 50 kpc.” ApJ, 775, 32. Hermes, J., Montgomery, M., Gianninas, A., Winget, D., Brown, W., Harrold, S., Bell, K., Kenyon, S., Kilic, M., & Castanheira, B. 2013c. “A new class of pulsating white dwarf of extremely low mass: the fourth and fifth members.” MNRAS, 436, 3573. Hermes, J., Kepler, S., Castanheira, B., Gianninas, A., Winget, D., Montgomery, M., Brown, W., & Harrold, S. 2013b. “Discovery of an Ultramassive Pulsating White Dwarf.” ApJ, 771, 2. Brown, W., Kilic, M., Allende Prieto, C., Gianninas, A., & Kenyon, S. 2013a. “The ELM Survey. V. Merging Massive White Dwarf Binaries.” ApJ, 769, 66. Sanders, N., ... Brown, W. and 30 co-authors, 2013. “PS1-12sk is a Peculiar Supernova from a He-rich Progenitor System in a Brightest Cluster Galaxy Environment.” ApJ, 769, 39. Hermes, J., Montgomery, M., Winget, D., Brown, W., Gianninas, A., Kilic, M., Kenyon, S., Bell, K., & Harrold, S. 2013a. “Discovery of Pulsations, Including Possible Pressure Modes, in Warren R. Brown 7 Two New Extremely Low Mass, He-core White Dwarfs.” ApJ, 765, 102. McLeod, B., ... Brown, W. and 20 co-authors, 2012. “MMT and Magellan Infrared Spectrograph.” PASP, 124, 1318. Hermes, J., Kilic, M., Brown, W., Winget, D., Allende Prieto, C., Gianninas, A., Mukadam, A., Cabrera-Lavers, A., & Kenyon, S. 2012c. “Rapid Orbital Decay in the 12.75-minute Binary White Dwarf J0651+2844.” ApJ, 757, L21. Fabricant, D., ... Brown, W. and 10 co-authors, 2012. “NIRMOS: a wide-field near-infrared spectrograph for the Giant Magellan Telescope.” in Proc. SPIE Vol. 8446, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV, ed. I. McLean, S. Ramsey, & H. Takami. Kinman, T., Aoki, W., Beers, T., & Brown, W. 2012. “A New CEMP-s RR Lyrae Star.” ApJ, 755, L18. Hicken, M., ... Brown, W. and 36 co-authors, 2012. “CfA4: Light Curves for 94 Type Ia Supernovae.” ApJS, 200, 12. Brown, W., Cohen, J., Geller, M., & Kenyon, S. 2012c. “The Nature of Hypervelocity Stars and the Time Between Their Formation and Ejection.” ApJ, 754, L2. Brown, W., Geller, M., & Kenyon, S. 2012b. “MMT Hypervelocity Star Survey. II. Five New Unbound Stars.” ApJ, 751, 55. Bromley, B., Kenyon, S., Geller, M., & Brown, W. 2012. “Binary Disruption by Massive Black Holes: Hypervelocity Stars, S Stars, and Tidal Disruption Events.” ApJ, 749, L42. King, C., Brown, W., Geller, M., & Kenyon, S. 2012. “Identifying Star Streams in the Milky Way Halo.” ApJ, 750, 81. Bryan, M., ... Brown, W. and 24 co-authors, 2012. “Qatar-2: A K Dwarf Orbited by a Transiting Hot Jupiter and a More Massive Companion in an Outer Orbit.” ApJ, 750, 84. Hermes, J., Montgomery, M., Winget, D., Brown, W., Kilic, M., & Kenyon, S. 2012b. “SDSS J184037.78+642312.3: The First Pulsating Extremely Low Mass White Dwarf.” ApJ, 750, L28. Kilic, M., Brown, W., Allende Prieto, C., Kenyon, S., Heinke, C., Agueros, M., & Kleinman, S. 2012. “The ELM Survey. IV. 24 White Dwarf Merger Systems.” ApJ, 751, 141. Hermes, J., Kilic, M., Brown, W., Montgomery, M., & Winget, D. 2012a. “Two New Tidally Distorted White Dwarfs.” ApJ, 749, 42. Brown, W., Kilic, M., Allende Prieto, C., & Kenyon, S. 2012a. “The ELM Survey. III. A Successful Targeted Survey for Extremely Low Mass White Dwarfs.” ApJ, 744, 142. Doyle, L., ... Brown, W., and 47 co-authors, 2011. “Kepler-16: A Transiting Circumbinary Planet.” Science, 333, 1602. Kilic, M., Brown, W., Hermes, J., Allende Prieto, C., Kenyonm S, Winget, D., & Winget, K., 2011c. “SDSS J163030.58+423305.8: a 40-min orbital period detached white dwarf binary.” MNRAS, 418, L157. Brown, W., Kilic, M., Hermes, J., Allende Prieto, C., Kenyon, S., & Winget, D. 2011b. “A Warren R. Brown 8 12 Minute Orbital Period Detached White Dwarf Eclipsing Binary.” ApJ, 737, L23. Kilic, M., Brown, W., Kenyon, S., Allende Prieto, C., Andrews, J., Kleinman, S., Winget, K., Winget, D., & Hermes, J. 2011b. “The shortest period detached binary white dwarf system.” MNRAS, 413, L101. Kinman, T., & Brown, W. 2011. “The BHB Stars in the Survey Fields of Rodgers et al (1993): New Observations and Comparisons with Other Recent Surveys.” AJ, 141, 168. Brown, J., Kilic, M. Brown, W., & Kenyon, S. 2011. “The Binary Fraction of Low Mass White Dwarfs.” ApJ, 730, 67. Brown, W., Kilic, M., Allende Prieto, C., & Kenyon, S. 2011a. “The Merger Rate of Extremely Low Mass White Dwarf Binaries: Links to the Formation of AM CVn Stars and Underluminous Supernovae.” MNRAS, 411, L31. Kilic, M., Brown, W., Allende Prieto, C., Agueros, M., Heinke, C., & Kenyon, S. 2011a. “The ELM Survey. II. Twelve Binary White Dwarf Merger Systems.” ApJ, 727, 3. Brown, W., Kilic, M., Allende Prieto, C., & Kenyon, S. 2010c. “The ELM Survey. I. A Complete Sample of Extremely Low Mass White Dwarfs.” ApJ, 723, 1072. Kilic, M., Allende Prieto, C., Brown, W., Agueros, M., Kenyon, S., & Camilo, F. 2010d. “Accurate Masses for the Primary and Secondary in the Eclipsing White Dwarf Binary NLTT 11748.” ApJ 721, L158. Gnedin, O., Brown, W., Geller, M., & Kenyon, S. 2010. “The Mass Profile of the Galaxy to 80 kpc.” ApJ, 720, L108. Brown, W., Anderson, J., Gnedin, O., Geller, M., & Kenyon, S. 2010b. “Galactic Origin for HE 0437-5439, The Hypervelocity Star Near the Large Magellanic Cloud.” ApJ, 719, L23. Kilic, M., Brown, W., Allende Prieto, C., Kenyon, S., & Panei, J. 2010c. “The Discovery of Binary White Dwarfs that will Merge Within 500 Myr.” ApJ, 716, 122. Kilic, M., Munn, J., Williams, K., Kowalski, P., von Hippel, T., Harris, H., Jeffery, E., DeGannaro, S., Brown, W., & McLeod, B. 2010b. “Visitors from the Halo: 11 Gyr Old White Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood.” ApJ, 715, L21. Kinman, T. & Brown, W. 2010. “Low-amplitude Variables: Distinguishing RR Lyrae Stars from Eclipsing Binaries.” AJ, 139, 2014. Kilic, M., Brown, W., & McLeod, B. 2010a. “A Spitzer Search for Substellar Companions to Low-Mass White Dwarfs.” ApJ, 708, 411. Brown, W., Geller, M., Kenyon, S., & Diaferio, A. 2010a. “Velocity Dispersion Profile of the Milky Way Halo.” AJ, 139, 59. Bromley, B., Kenyon, S., Brown, W., & Geller, M. 2009. “Hypervelocity Stars: From the Galactic Center to the Halo.” ApJ, 706, 925. Hicken, M., ... Brown, W. and 65 co-authors, 2009. “CfA3: 185 Type Ia Supernova Light Curves from the CfA.” ApJ, 700, 331. Warren R. Brown 9 Modjaz, M., ... Brown, W. and 32 co-authors, 2009. “From Shock Breakout to Peak and Beyond: Extensive Panchromatic Observations of the Aspherical Type Ib Supernova 2008D associated with Swift X-ray Transient 080109.” ApJ, 702, 226. Brown, W., Geller, M., Kenyon, S. & Bromley, B. 2009b. “The Anisotropic Distribution of Hypervelocity Stars.” ApJ, 690, L69. Brown, W., Geller, M. & Kenyon, S. 2009a. “MMT Hypervelocity Star Survey.” ApJ, 690, 1639. Kilic, M., Brown, W., Allende Prieto, C., Swift, B. Kenyon, S., Liebert, J. & Agueros M. 2009. “The Runaway White Dwarf LP400-22 Has a Companion” ApJ, 695, L92. Kinman, T., Morrison, H. & Brown, W. 2009. “Do the nearby BHB stars belong to the Thick Disk or the Halo?” AJ, 137, 3198. Brown, W. 2008. “Hypervelocity Stars and the Galactic Center.” GCNews, vol. 28 [invited review]. Przybilla, N., Nieva, M. F., Tillich, A., Heber, U., Butler, K., & Brown, W. 2008, “HVS 7 – A Chemically Peculiar Hypervelocity Star.” A&A, 488, L51. Updike, A., ... Brown, W. and 53 co-authors, 2008. “The Rapidly Flaring Afterglow of the Very Bright and Energetic GRB 070125” ApJ, 685, 361. Brown, W., McLeod, B., Geary, J., & Bowsher, E. 2008. “Smithsonian Widefield Infrared Camera.” in Proc. SPIE Vol. 7014, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II, ed. M. Iye & A. Moorwood. Heber, U., Hirsch, H., Edelmann, H., Napiwotzki, R., O’Toole, S., Brown, W., & Altmann, M. 2008. “Hypervelocity Stars: Young and Heavy or Old and Light?” in ASP Conf. Ser. 392 on Hot Subdwarf Stars, eds. U. Heber, S. Jeffery, & R. Napiwotzki (San Francisco: ASP), 167. Kenyon, S., Bromley, B., Geller, M. & Brown, W. 2008. “Hypervelocity Stars: From the Galactic Center to the Halo.” ApJ, 680, 312. Brown, W., Beers, T., Wilhelm, R., Allende Prieto, C., Geller, M., Kenyon, S., & Kurtz 2008b. “The Century Survey Galactic Halo Project III: A Complete 4300 deg2 Survey of Blue Horizontal Branch Stars in the Metal Weak Thick Disk and Inner Halo.” AJ, 135, 564. Brown, W., Kewley, L., & Geller, M. 2008a. “MMT Extremely Metal Poor Galaxy Survey I. An Efficient Technique to Identify Metal Poor Galaxies.” AJ, 135, 92. Brown, W., Geller, M., Kenyon, S., Kurtz, M., & Bromley, B., 2007c. “Hypervelocity Stars III. The Space Density and Ejection History of Main Sequence Stars from the Galactic Center.” ApJ, 671, 1708. Kilic, M., Brown, W., Allende Prieto, C., Pinsonneault, M., & Kenyon, S., 2007b. “The Discovery of a Companion to the Lowest Mass White Dwarf.” ApJ, 664, 1088. Kilic, M., Allende Prieto, C., Brown, W., & Koester D., 2007a. “The Lowest Mass White Dwarf.” ApJ, 660, 1451. Brown, W., Geller, M., Kenyon, S., & Kurtz, M., 2007b. “Stellar Velocity Dispersion of the Warren R. Brown 10 Leo A Dwarf Galaxy.” ApJ, 666, 231. Brown, W., Geller, M., Kenyon, S., Kurtz, M., & Bromley, B., 2007a. “Hypervelocity Stars II: The Bound Population.” ApJ, 660, 311. Kewley, L., Brown, W., Geller, M., Kenyon, S., & Kurtz, M., 2007. “SDSS 0809+1729: Connections Between Extremely Metal Poor Galaxies and Gamma Ray Burst Hosts.” AJ, 133, 882. Bromley, B., Kenyon, S., Geller, M., Barcikowski, E., Brown, W. & Kurtz, M., 2006. “Hypervelocity Stars: Predicting the Spectrum of Ejection Velocities.” ApJ, 653, 1194. Brown, W., Geller, M., Kenyon, S., & Kurtz, M., 2006b. “Hypervelocity Stars I: The Spectroscopic Sample.” ApJ, 647, 303. Modjaz, M. ... Brown, W. and 11 co-authors, 2006. “Early-time Photometry and Spectroscopy of the Fast Evolving SN 2006AJ Associated with GRB 060218.” ApJ, 645, L21. Brown, W., Geller, M., Kenyon, S., & Kurtz, M., 2006a. “A Successful Targeted Search for Hypervelocity Stars.” ApJ, 640, L35. Brown, W., Geller, M., Kenyon, S., Kurtz, M., Allende Prieto, C., Beers, T., & Wilhelm, R. 2005b. “The Century Survey Galactic Halo Project II: Global Properties and the Luminosity Function of Field Blue Horizontal Branch Stars.” AJ, 130, 1097. Brown, W., Geller, M., Kenyon, S., & Kurtz, M., 2005a. “Discovery of an Unbound Hypervelocity Star in the Milky Way Halo.” ApJ, 622, L33. Brown, W., Epps, H., & Fabricant, D., 2004b. “The Cryogenic Refractive Indices of S-FTM16, a Unique Optical Glass for Near-Infrared Instruments.” PASP, 116, 833. Brown, W., Geller, M., Kenyon, S., Beers, T., Kurtz, M., & Roll, J., 2004a. “Mapping the Inner Halo of the Galaxy with 2MASS-Selected Horizontal-Branch Candidates.” AJ, 127, 1555. Green, P., Aldcroft, T., Brown, W., Kuhn, O., & Saha, A., 2004. “HS1216+5032; A Physical Quasar Pair with one Radio-Loud Broad Absorption line Quasar,” MNRAS, 349, 1261. Matheson, T., ... Brown, W. and 46 co-authors, 2003. “Photometry and Spectroscopy of GRB030329 and Its Associated Supernova 2003dh: The First Two Months,” AJ, 599, 394. Brown, W., Allende Prieto, C., Beers, T., Wilhelm, R., Geller, M., Kenyon, S., & Kurtz 2003. “The Century Survey Galactic Halo Project I: Stellar Spectral Analysis.” AJ, 126, 1362-1380. Mink, D., Brown, W., and Kurtz, M. 2003, “A Comparison of Large All-Sky Catalogs to the Sky.” in ASP Conf. Ser. 314, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIII, ed. F. Ochsenbein, M. Allen, & D. Egret (San Francisco: ASP), 141. Stanek, K., ... Brown, W. and 19 co-authors, 2003. “Spectroscopic Discovery of the Supernova Associated with GRB 030329” ApJ, 591, L17. Brown, W., Fabricant, D., and Boyd, D., 2002. “A Detailed Thermal Analysis of the Binospec Spectrograph.” PASP, 114, 1389. Fabricant, D., Epps, H., Brown, W., Fata, R., and Mueller, M. 2002. “Development of Warren R. Brown 11 Binospec and its optics.” in Proc. SPIE Vol. 4841, Instrument Design and Performance of Optical/Infrared Ground-based Telescopes, ed. M. Iye & A. Moorwood, 1134. Szentgyorgyi, A., Fabricant, D., Brown, W., and Epps, H. 2002, “Cross dispersion and an integral field unit for Hectochelle.” in Proc. SPIE Vol. 4841, Instrument Design and Performance of Optical/Infrared Ground-based Telescopes, ed. M. Iye & A. Moorwood, 1026. Brown, W., Fabricant, D., and Boyd, D. 2002. “Thermal Considerations in Modern Spectrograph Design: the Binospec Spectrograph.” in Proc. SPIE Vol. 4841, Instrument Design and Performance of Optical/Infrared Ground-based Telescopes, ed. M. Iye & A. Moorwood, 1265. Brown, W. “Studying Wolf-Rayet Galaxies with Integral Field Units.” in ASP Conf. Ser. 280, Next Generation Wide Field MultiObject Spectroscopy, ed. M. J. I. Brown & A. Dey (San Francisco: ASP), 59. Torres, M., ... Brown, W., and 8 co-authors, 2002. “Optical Spectral Monitoring of XTE J1118+480 in Outburst: Evidence for a Precessing Accretion Disk.” ApJ, 569, 423. Brown, W., Geller, M., Fabricant, D., and Kurtz, M., 2001. “V- and R-band Galaxy Luminosity Functions and Low Surface Brightness Galaxies in the Century Survey.” AJ 122, 714. Wegner, G., Thorstensen, J., Kurtz, M., Brown, W., Fabricant, D., Geller, M., Huchra, J., Marzke, R., and Sakai, S., 2001. “Redshifts for 2410 Galaxies in the Century Survey Region.” AJ 122, 2893. Brown, W., Kenyon, S., Geller, M., and Fabricant, D., 2000. “UV Excess Galaxies: WolfRayet Galaxies.” ApJ, 540, L83. Jha, S., ... Brown, W. and 40 co-authors, 1999. “The Type IA Supernova 1998BU in M96 and the Hubble Constant.” ApJS, 125, 73. Riess, A., ... Brown, W. and 30 co-authors, 1999. “BVRI Light Curves for 22 Type IA Supernovae.” AJ, 117, 707. Groot, P., ... Brown, W. and 39 co-authors, 1998. “The Rapid Decay of the Optical Emission from GRB 980326 and Its Possible Implications.” ApJ, 502, L123. Brown, W., and Luu, J., 1998. “Properties of Model Comae around Kuiper Belt and Centaur Objects.” Icarus, 135, 415. Brown, W., and Luu, J., 1997. “CCD Photometry of the Centaur 1995 GO.” Icarus 126, 218. Bernstein, G., Tyson, J., Brown, W., and Jarvis, J., 1994. “Correlation of Galaxies at z=0.3.” ApJ, 426, 516. Circulars: My observations of Supernovae, Gamma Ray Bursts, and Kuiper Belt Objects have led to over two dozen Telegrams and Minor Planetary Circulars. Technical Reports: I have also published over two dozen technical reports on the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Instrument Document Database.
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