UN Human Rights System I UN Human Rights System II

Orientate yourself by browsing the documents describing the
course; the syllabus, the schedule and the presentation of sessions.
UN Human Rights System I
When, how and why did the United Nations human rights system
develop? What are its main components, strengths and
weaknesses? In this session, we explore the rise of international
human rights law in historical context, the role of UN human
rights treaty bodies, and then we focus on UN Human Rights
Council special procedures to discern their role in investigating,
monitoring and reporting on human rights issues, situations and
Chapters 8,9 and 10 of Alston and Goodman, International
Human Rights
More suggested reading:
Lyal S. Sunga, How Can UN Human Rights Special Procedures
Sharpen ICC Fact-Finding?15(2) Int’l J. H.R. (2011) 187-204.
Lyal S. Sunga, Intro. to Lund Statement on UN Human Rights
Council Special Procedures” 76 Nordic J. Int’l L. (2007) 1-20.
Lyal S. Sunga, NGO Involvement in International Human Rights
Monitoring, in International Human Rights Law and NonGovernmental Organizations, Bruylant (2005) 41-69
All Sunga publications can be downloaded in PDF free of charge
from http://lyalsunga.moonfruit.com/publications
UN Human Rights System II
Some observers have criticized the advent of the UN Human
Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review process as just
another diplomatic exercise, but others consider it as an important
way forward in the better promotion and protection of human
rights globally. In this session, we will examine strengths,
weaknesses and the potential value added by the UPR to the UN
human rights machinery.
Chapters 8,9 and 10 of Alston and Goodman, International
Human Rights
More suggested reading:
Lyal S. Sunga, What Effect If Any Will the UN Human Rights
Council Have on Special Procedures? in International Human
Rights Monitoring Mechanisms (2nd ed.) (2009) 169-183.
All Sunga publications can be downloaded in PDF free of charge
from http://lyalsunga.moonfruit.com/publications
UN Human Rights System III
UN human rights treaty bodies are based on the consent of the
State Party to ratify and implement the particular treaty
concerned. Does that make the UN human rights treaty body
system a fundamentally weak one, or can UN human rights treaty
bodies make a real contribution towards pressuring Governments
to abide by their international human rights obligations? This
session will explore both the obstacles and potential for a more
effective UN human rights treaty body system.
Chapters 8,9 and 10 of Alston and Goodman, International
Human Rights
The reporting procedure under CEDAW.
This session will introduce you to the procedure when examining
a State Party Report. What actors are involved and what is their
role? What are the benefits of and the challenges for this kind of
For and introduction to CEDAW and the work of the CEDAW
Committee, read chapter 3B in Alston and Goodman,
International Human Rights.
CEDAW roleplay
During this session we will enact the consideration by the
CEDAW Committee of a State report.
The State report of Neverland will have been distributed during
the lecture The reporting procedure under CEDAW.
Group 1-3 will be responsible for art. 1-9 of the Convention and
group 4-6 for art. 10-16.
Members of group 1 and 4 have been appointed as experts in the
CEDAW Committee! During the oral examination of the report
members will ask questions to the representatives of the Neverish
Members of group 2 and 5 are working as civil servants within
the Neverish Government. They will have to defend the Neverish
position as described in the report to CEDAW and give adequate
answers to the questions asked by the Committee members.
Members of group 3 and 6 are members of Neverish NGOs. They
are most dissatisfied with the country report and will submit a
shadow report to the Committee, describing the real situation in
Neverland. Members will also try to convince the Committee that
the NGO community has given the correct information and
persuade individual members to raise issues of discrimination
against women during the oral examination.
CEDAW roleplay- presentation of Concluding
The experts of the CEDAW Committee will present their
concluding observations.
The experts of the CEDAW Committee (Groups 1 and 4) will
adopt Concluding observations with recommendations.