Spring Board Meeting Minutes

Spring Board Meeting Minutes
New York District of Key Club International
Saturday, April 26th, 2014 at Green Kill Retreat Center, Huguenot, New York
Opening Session
Call to order- Governor Jacob called the meeting to order at 1:59pm
Pledge of Allegiance – District Secretary Heather Farley
Key Club Pledge – District Treasurer Anusha Syed
Invocation – Executive Assistant Kiera Solomon
Roll call – District Secretary Heather Farley
District Governor Jacob Spencer
District Secretary Heather Farley
District Treasurer Anusha Syed
Appointed District Webmaster Danny Qiu
Appointed District Bulletin Editor Sharon Lin
Appointed District Executive Assistant Kiera Solomon
Appointed District Executive Assistant Theresa Lin
Division 1 Lieutenant Governor Sarah Strebel
Division 2 Lieutenant Governor Zachery Payton
Division 3 Lieutenant Governor Christine Shen
Division 4 Lieutenant Governor Fallon Blacharski
Division 5 Lieutenant Governor Jessica Marques
Division 6 Lieutenant Governor Zainab Nathani
Division 7 Lieutenant Governor Anish Jain
Division 8 Lieutenant Governor Henry Wang
Division 9 Lieutenant Governor Clifford Young
Division 10 Lieutenant Governor Ryan Coffey
Division 11 Lieutenant Governor Aaron Cheung
Division 12 Lieutenant Governor Diyu Pearce-Fisher
Division 13 Lieutenant Governor Jai Agarwal
Division 14 Lieutenant Governor (Vacant)
Division 15 Lieutenant Governor Logan Graham
Division 16 Lieutenant Governor Hanna Nichols
Division 17 Lieutenant Governor Hailey Etherton
Division 18 Lieutenant Governor LeeAnn Owens
Spring Board Meeting Minutes
Division 19 Lieutenant Governor Taylor Barone
Division 20 Lieutenant Governor (Vacant)
Division 21 Lieutenant Governor Kenneth Vreeland
Division 22 Lieutenant Governor Bryana Snyder
Division 23 Lieutenant Governor Thomas Lyons
Division 24 Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Monroe
Division 25 Lieutenant Governor Julia Dressler
Division 26 Lieutenant Governor Dakota Reardon
Division 27 Lieutenant Governor (Vacant)
VI. Introduction of guests – Governor Jacob
▪ Administrator Mr. Goldstein
▪ Assistant Administrator Mr. Vail
▪ KCR Mr. Jason
▪ KCR Mr. Lowenberg
▪ KCR Mr. Ovadia
▪ KCR Mrs. Ovadia
▪ KCR Mr. Love
▪ KCR Mrs. Vail
▪ KCR Ms. Owens
▪ KCR Mrs. Scharoff
▪ KCR Mrs. Kinnaird
▪ Past District Governor Paul DeSantis
▪ Past Lieutenant Governor Laken Kelly
▪ Past Lieutenant Governor Lillian Xie
Board Meeting Expectations
Parliamentary Procedures – KCR Mr. Jason
▪ Anything that is being discussed should have a motion to it.
▪ When the Chair (Governor Jacob) entertains a motion, he is asking
someone to make a motion.
▪ “I move to”
Make a motion
▪ “Point of information”
Provide information
▪ “Point of inquiry”
Ask a question
▪ “Call the question”
Ask for a vote
▪ “Point of privilege”
Ask for personal entities
Spring Board Meeting Minutes
Dress Etiquette – KCR Ms. Owens
▪ For women – Finger length rule on shorts, skirts, dresses, etc., stay
away from clothing that is too tight, see-through, or inappropriate.
▪ For men – Please wear dress shoes at board meetings, blazers, and
dress pants.
▪ Casual wear includes: t-shirts with appropriate names, Key Club
apparel, shorts that follow the finger-length rule. Pajamas are to be
worn preceding bed time and must be appropriate as well.
Communication Etiquette – Administrator Mr. Goldstein
▪ Three ways of formal communication: Phone calls, email, and
postal mail.
▪ Social media is NOT to be used for formal communication.
▪ Disagreements must be settled over the phone.
Timeliness – Assistant Administrator Mr. Vail
▪ “Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable.”
Transportation – Administrator Mr. Goldstein
▪ Your KCR must know where you are going for Key Club related
▪ You must get permission to travel outside of your division for Key
Club events from your KCR and
Mr. Goldstein.
▪ You are responsible for finding transportation to and from board
meetings (will generally be your KCR).
Curfew and Purpling – Administrator Mr. Goldstein
▪ Must be in your rooms by curfew.
▪ Purpling, don’t do it.
Old Business
Words from the Administrator – Mr. Goldstein
▪ New York District Key Club currently has about 12,000 members.
▪ Profit was not made at the 66th annual Leadership Training
▪ The district will provide money for one ink cartridge
Governors Update – Governor Jacob Spencer
▪ You should attend every board meeting, with the exception of
Secretary’s Update – Secretary Heather Farley
Spring Board Meeting Minutes
▪ Urge clubs to fill out Election Report Forms-either online or through
the mail.
▪ The monthly report form has been made; they will be due on the
tenth of each month.
▪ There will be a public spreadsheet where you can see which clubs
have submitted their Monthly Report Form.
Treasurer’s Update – Treasurer Anusha Syed
▪ So far we have raised $800 for the Eliminate Project and $150 for
other causes
▪ Urge clubs to fill out Fundraising Report Forms. Proof of fundraising is
required. (Picture of check, thank you note from organization, etc.)
Approval of Executive Board Appointments – Governor Jacob Spencer
▪ Appointed board members introduced themselves.
- Appointed District Bulletin Editor Sharon Lin.
- Appointed District Webmaster Danny Qiu.
- Appointed Executive Assistant Theresa Lin.
- Appointed Executive Assistant Kiera Solomon.
Lieutenant Governor Aaron Cheung made a motion to approve all appointed
board members.
Lieutenant Governor Jai Agarwal seconded this motion.
Vote on motion.
Motion passes unanimously.
Words from District Bulletin Editor Sharon Lin
▪ Information regarding divisional newsletters, what to include in them
▪ Wants to set up webinars
Words from District Webmaster Danny Qiu
▪ If you have any ideas for the website, please email him regarding
▪ Plans to put a map of where divisions are on the website.
Words from Executive Assistant Kiera Solomon
▪ Bimonthly Reports are due on the 15th and 30th of each month.
Email these reports to Executive Assistant Kiera, Governor Jacob,
your KCR, and District Administrator Mr. Goldstein.
Words from Executive Assistant Theresa Lin
▪ Theresa will be overseeing all committees.
Spring Board Meeting Minutes
LTC Report/Survey Results- Administrator Mr. Goldstein
▪ Held at Desmond Hotel.
▪ Food was great.
▪ Suggested only one dance for next year.
▪ Absence of Play Fair.
New Business
International Convention – District Administrator Mr. Goldstein
▪ Deposit of $500 is due by May 1st.
▪ Final Deposit is due June 1st.
▪ Register as soon as possible.
▪ Write check out to New York District Key Club Tour.
▪ Mr. Goldstein reviewed the ICON itinerary.
Lieutenant Governor Aaron Cheung made a motion to take a five minute recess
Lieutenant Governor Ryan Coffey seconded this motion
Vote on Motion.
Motion passes.
Governor Jacob recessed the meeting at 3:30
Governor Jacob reconvened the meeting at 3:42
District Committees – Governor Jacob
Governor Jacob reviewed the membership of each committee and
briefly reviewed the directives. The Committees are:
▪ Membership Recruitment Committee
▪ District Projects Committee
▪ District Awards Committee
▪ Governors Project Committee
▪ Kiwanis District Charities Committee
▪ Kiwanis Family Relations Committee
▪ International Projects and Programs Committee
▪ Laws and Regulations Committee
▪ Public Relations Committee
▪ New Club and Reactivation Committee
▪ Eliminate Project Committee
Governors Project – Governor Jacob
Spring Board Meeting Minutes
▪ “Water: The Key to Life.” – Goal Is to bring water to developing
Lieutenant Governor Ryan Coffey made a motion to approve the Governors
Lieutenant Governor Aaron Cheung seconded that motion
Vote on motion.
Motion passes unanimously.
District Goals – Governor Jacob Spencer
▪ Last year’s Service Hours goal was 100,000 hours
▪ Reached 58,000 recorded service hours last year
▪ Actual service hours are estimated to be 65,000 hours.
Lieutenant Governor Ryan Coffey made a motion to make the Service Hour
Goal 65,000 hours.
Lieutenant Governor Aaron Cheung seconded this motion.
Vote on Motion.
Motion passes unanimously.
Lieutenant Governor Jai Agarwal made a motion to make the fundraising goal
Lieutenant Governor Cindy Pietrakowski seconded this motion.
Lieutenant Governor Anish Jain moves to amend the fundraising goal $75,000.
Lieutenant Governor Ryan Coffey seconded this motion.
Lieutenant Governor Aaron Cheung called the question.
Amendment passes.
Lieutenant Governor Aaron Cheung called the question.
Vote on motion as amended (District Project Goal of $75,000).
Motion passes.
District Projects Presentations – KCR Mrs. Kinnaird explained the process
that will be utilized for presenting suggestions for the District Projects
Spring Board Meeting Minutes
Lieutenant Governor LeeAnn Owens made a motion to select three District
Lieutenant Governor Cindy Pietrakowski seconded that motion.
Lieutenant Governor Aaron Cheung made a motion to amend the motion to
select two District Projects.
Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Monroe seconded this motion.
Lieutenant Governor Aaron Cheung called the question.
Amendment passes.
Vote on motion as amended (Selecting two District Projects).
Motion passes.
Presentations of Potential District Projects – led by Lieutenant Governors
1. Habitat for Humanity
2. Feed America
3. Make-A-Wish Foundation
4. Autism Speaks
5. Non GMO
6. Heifer International
7. A Well Fed World
8. Breast Cancer Foundation
9. Vera House
10. Against Malaria
11. Goal USA
12. Boys and Girls Club of America
13. Books for Africa
14. Goats
15. Hopes
16. Melanoma
17. Ronald McDonald
18. Invisible Children
List reduced down to the top 5 charities as follows:
1. Feed America
Spring Board Meeting Minutes
Breast Cancer
Books for Africa
St. Jude Children’s Hospital
Too many votes cast to select 2 District Project Charities; Governor Jacob
moved to perform a ballot vote.
Lieutenant Governor Aaron Cheung made a motion to take a five minute recess
while results were tabulated.
Lieutenant Governor Ryan Coffey seconded this motion.
Vote on Motion.
Motion passes.
Governor Jacob recessed the meeting at 5:17pm.
Governor Jacob reconvened the meeting at 5:23pm.
Results of Ballot Vote: St. Jude Children’s Hospital and Make-A-Wish Foundation
are the District Projects for the 2014-2015 service year.
Training and Responsibilities
Communication with the Executive Board – Governor Jacob
▪ CC appropriate emails to Governor Jacob, your KCR, and Mr.
Goldstein. (CC allows the recipient to see who you Cc’d, while BCC
does not allow the recipient to see who you Cc’d.)
▪ Weekly phone calls with your KCR
Lieutenant Governor Report Forms – Governor Jacob Spencer
▪ Club visitation report form
▪ Division Project report form
▪ Divisional report form
▪ Expense form
▪ Kiwanis Visitation report form
Divisional Executive Board and Committees – Jacob Spencer
▪ You are allowed to appoint all positions onto your Divisional
Executive Board except a Division Treasurer.
▪ You create the process for selecting your Divisional Executive Board.
Fall Rallies/Divisional Training Conferences – Governor Jacob
Spring Board Meeting Minutes
▪ Start looking for places to hold Fall Rallies and Divisional Training
▪ Dates for Fall Rally/Divisional Training Conference should be set by
Fall Board Meeting, and should be between the Fall Board Meeting
and Tri-K Meeting.
▪ MUST be chaperoned.
▪ KCR Mr. Lowenberg owns the Prints-ables Office if you want tshirts/apparel for your Fall Rally/DTC with correct Key Club graphics.
Lieutenant Governor Report Cards – Governor Jacob
▪ You will be ‘graded’ at each board meeting(1-10 grading system)
▪ If you get a certain amount of points, you will be considered for the
Robert F. Lucas award.
Lieutenant Governor Aaron Cheung made a motion to recess for dinner.
Lieutenant Governor LeeAnn Owens seconded that motion.
Vote on Motion.
Motion passes.
Governor Jacob Spencer recessed the meeting at 6:00pm
Governor Jacob Spencer reconvened the meeting at 7:28pm
Divisional Updates – Governor Jacob
▪ CC Governor Jacob, Administrator Mr. Goldstein, and your KCR
Newsletters – Bulletin Editor Sharon Lin
▪ Recommended use of Microsoft Publisher or Google docs
▪ Please abide by the graphic standards of Key Club International
Divisional Logs – Governor Jacob
▪ Due monthly
▪ CC Bulletin Editor Sharon, Governor Jacob, Administrator Mr.
Goldstein, and your KCR
Major Emphasis Program – Governor Jacob
▪ “Their future, Our Focus”
▪ UNICEF, March of Dimes, Children’s Miracle Network.
▪ Youth Opportunities Fund- apply for grants for service projects,
events, etc. All applications are due October 15th, 2014.
Board Clothing – Administrator Mr. Goldstein
Spring Board Meeting Minutes
▪ Administrator Mr. Goldstein displayed the two different types of
jackets to the board.
▪ Secretary Heather compiled the wanted names and sizes of the
New York District Boards future board apparel.
Winner of the Questionnaire – Governor Jacob Spencer
▪ The winner is... Lieutenant Governor Anish Jain!
LTC theme – Governor Jacob Spencer
The following themes were proposed and received the listed votes in
the first round of voting:
▪ 1950s: 11 votes.
▪ KC musical: 8 votes.
▪ Renaissance: 0 votes.
▪ 1920’s: 8 votes.
▪ Kandy Land: 8 votes.
▪ Espionage:26 votes.
▪ Outer Space: 12 votes.
▪ Intergalactic: 4 votes.
▪ Middle Ages: 2 votes.
▪ Masks: 13 votes.
▪ Safari: 10 votes.
▪ Pirates: 6 votes.
Board voted to reduce it down to the top 2 themes as follows
▪ Masquerade: 0 votes.
▪ Espionage: 26 votes
▪ Outer Space: 2 votes
The decided LTC theme of the 67th annual Leadership Training
Conference will be Espionage.
ICON letters – Administrator Mr. Goldstein
▪ Use Key Club International Graphic Standards. (e.g. headings, fonts
such as Century Gothic, etc.)
▪ Explain what you will be doing at ICON. (e.g. going to workshops
that build leadership and character, choosing next year’s
International Board, etc.)
▪ Email to Administrator Mr. Goldstein when done revising.
Benediction – Governor Jacob.
Spring Board Meeting was adjourned at 8:54pm by Governor Jacob
Spring Board Meeting Minutes
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Farley, Secretary
New York District
Key Club International