Sr. o. List of plates I. Plate I. Cnllu-. devclopcc.l in D s11pp lcmentc<l ., a.l'pcr. \\hen MS medium "ith 2.4-D I mp.II. l'lntc 2 C111l11s dcn.:lopcd in D 111/du, \\·hrn \1S 111nli111n supplc111cnt.:d with 2.4 D I mg/I. 1. l'latl' 1. Callus dcvt:loped i11 n mp<'r ''"lwn MS 1111:diu m 4Xa s 11 pplc111c11IC'd ''ith 2.·I I> I 111µ/I :rnd kinctm I 111g1l ·I Plate I C':ill ui. dl'vC'lnpcd i11 D mldn, wl11:11 MS n1cJiLUu s11ppl\!lllC11tcd with 2, 1- 1) I 111µ/1 (Incl l..111ctit1 I 111g/I. 5. l'l:nc '\.Callus clcvd o pcd lmrn L> llS!'•'r \\hen MS 5011 medium '11pplc111c:111cd \\1th 2.-1 I> I mµ / l :uid KAP l mg.ti o Plate<>- C'allus de\ eloped frrn11 L> 11ilrl11, when M S 11wcli111n supplc111c111c1l '' ith 2. 7. I 111~ ·1 nml ll,\1' I m1Yl. l' lntt.: 7. Callu'i clcvclop;:d i11 D a1p1•1· \\h.:11 to.ts 111cdium !I t-n SO:i ~11pplcmcn1ed \\ith NAA l mg/I ,111d 8/\1' I 111}!/I Plate X. C;ilh•" de, duped in D lu!tl" "hen J\IS medium ~11pplcme111ctl \\~th N1\J\ 9. Plate 9. Mu-.i111u111 callus developed from/) MIJll)(emcntcd \\llh 2.4-L> I mg/I, mp<'r \\hcn MS medium )·fa NAA I mg/I and llAP I mg/I. 10. Plate 10. Maximum callus developed from[) asper and n. 111/da. wh~n MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D Img/I. + Nt\1\ I mgll and HA P I mgi1. 'i2.1 I 111¥ I nnd H \P I 1111• I 54a 57n. 11. Plate 11 . Fmbryugcnic callus developed in/). al~,. \\11cn MS medium 'supplcn11.:uted with 2,4 D I mg/1. NAA l mg.II und BAI' I mg/I. I % surrnsc. -"lOO tux light intt·nsitv :11 n°c i 2 °C'. 57:i , ., l'latc , ., I 111b1yoyenir <':tllu' dC\'dnf)(<l in /) 111/du When ~I~ 1ncdrum o,upplcmc111cd \\llh ", 1-D I 111~/l NAA l 111p/1 mad OAP I mg.II. ~ % ~~w111f.c. 3000 lux ligh1 i111.!n~ it) u1 'i'c + :? 11 c '\)(a 11 Plate I'\ l ·111h1)1.>g.cnk c::illu.-. Jcyclnpt·tl 111 /J. t1Sp.·1 111111 I.I 111/da When M<; 111.:Jown s upf)kmc111c1.I \\ 1lh ., I I) I 111Qll on.I HAP :> ml' ll ••{ u.• -:11no•.c. '000 111' lipl11 1111.:11:>1\\ 01 "7''< · 14 .! ''(. . f'llth: 1•1. IVlulltpk <;hMM d t"vclopcd 111 I> '"/><'•when IVIS lwll ~ll!'ll(!lh ll!>tt ""·d111111 q11 pr lc:m c nlcd "ill! H AI' .' . -."'!.'/!. 1-. l'l nh! I ~. l\ lu llipk ~1 ..... 1 ~ drv<'IClflCU ht/) 111!1!0 \\ln·11 :\I' hnll •.1rcnp.1h '''" 111.:,1111111 ' "l'l'h-mc:1uc:d \\ ilh II \I' '..,'" I' I "·'!'"' 1>>h 17. l'lak 17. /\1111111.1 11111tc111t a!> \\.:II 11> nl\llttph.• s hool9 d.:vi.'1111w1t 111 I> 11ildC1 h'lh l o. Plate lo. All>1110 n111tnn1 n~ wc-1111"' mullipk :<hool:< 1.11.:\dvpc,1111 I> when lull Hl1.:11gth M:-- nwilium ~11rrh·11H'nh·n \'>ilh ll/\I' :?.~ 1111f/I . \Vh!;'n t\111 'lrt'llJ\lh MS 111\'Chllm '.llppl.-111l'llll'.d \\, llh II \I' I '111p;I I It r1a11· I H M11lllpk , Jmoh dt'vdopnl Ill I) U\(Jt'I' \\ 111'11 6811 MS 1m'di11111 ~ upplc111c11tc:d wrth llAI' '.'1111£)101\d 2.·I I) 0.2 u1g/I. 19. Plut~· 19. Multiple shoots deH:lupnl in D wlr/11 \\he11 l\1S mnlium Mia :>upplcmcntcd \\Ith ll1\P 2 5 mt!fl and ~A-1> 0.] 111)!/I. 20. Ph11c 20. Multiple shoots <lt:vclopcd in D. a.vpl!r when MS medium supplemented with OAP 2 5 111~ 'I and '\A.\ 0.2 mg/I 7011 '.!I. Plate 21 Multiple shoots developed in /J 111/dn when ~ I S medium 70a supplemented with BA I' 2. '\ m1tll r111d NAA 0.2 mg/I :?:?. Piute '?J. M11lt1plc llhouts 1kvclopc<l 111 /J n.<:J>N' when MS 111~<liu111 72u >111rrlcmc111crt with HAI' I 11tv/I I '.!.4-1) I 111g / l a11cl N/\/\ I m p/I. .,, !'lute 23. Multiple shoms <le\ eloped 111 s uppl e mented :?·I. HA I' 1 m e/I \Vllh ' I n I) r11ld<1 !'vi~ when 1111:<liu111 I 111i0 und NJ\A I m v / I. !'1:11.- 7 I Multipk :-h uo1,, d c\ doped lrum n "'l"'r \\ lw11 74u IVl'S 11u•d iw11 ~upplc:mellled "llh B A P ., 0 1111:/1 1111d l "1. \ 0 !I m g/I. 25. l'lnlc 25. l\1111tipl..: 1-l1ot11 " cll'\ <'lnpl'd .. upplcmcm c u wi1h HA I ' ) (, l'lute 1,,0 ; u, M u, imum 11111ll ipk lrnm r> rule/a \\hc11 MS """ 1;.,.., /la mt•.ll 111ul I \ /\ 0 . 5 m g / I. -<lwol' dn 1,•k•ped m J.), ' '·'P"' \\hen 7R;I I\ I ~ m crt i11n1 <:n p1•ll' 1111,·111nl '"llh LI J\ I' 2..5 11111/ I uml en1,;om 11 wnh ' • '.'00111'/ I ">7 Pl<tk 17 l\ l.i:..1111u111 111ult1plc: i.ho oh de\ eloped in /) 111/t/11 '\!'> m ediwn supplcmcnu:d "1th HA I' 2 . ~ mg'l :uul 28 l'lot~ 28. '"""'ll <'0<'1"1t\ll1 \q\1~1 :?OOml/l wlwn I\ 1S mc-d111m .,11ppkmcn1cd 80:i Plmc ?9. Roots 1nch1cccl in/). F11/da, \\hen lvlS mccli11m -:11pplcmcntcd ROa R1ml!. i111.Jucc<l in {), fl.\'/WI' \\ ith N/\A l. .'i 111g/l. 11) "ith NAA U mg.II. 10. Plate 30. Roots induced in D aspc>r\\ h~n ti.IS 111cdium supplemented 81a with JBJ\ 1.0 mg/I. 31. Plate l 1. Roots induced in D. tulda when MS medium 81a ~uriplemented with IBA 1.0 mg/I. 32. Pl ate 32. Rnols induce from D. n.1·1wr \\'h.;n lrnlf stl'ength MS medium 83n s uppkmc ntc d w ith J/\/\ 1.0 m g/I. 33 . Plate 33. R oots induce fro m D. tu/do, \\he11 half s lTc n g lh MS medium 83a s u p pkmc n tcd w ith l/\.J\ I .0 mg/ I. .14 . P l111e 14. Roo1 s induced from /) asper w h en MS m edi u111 s uppleanc 11te<l !Uh w i1h I AA 1.0 m g/I 15. l'l111 c "itla >7 . ~'5. R nnls induced fro m D . 111/da. " lie n MS 111ed iL1111 s 11pplemen1ed !nh I A/\ 1.0 mg/ I. P int ..- 17 Plu11l:. lru11s krL d i11 pol y huµ,s . \\'hich wc1<' m ni n1:oi1 ,.·d i11 0 8 /u 8.IC'\.~ 11 IJ LH l t-.C . 'I X {9 l'l mc 3X /11 \'t/ro .-uis<:d ph111tkls uf fJ. 111/da u flc r I 5 d11ys !'late 39. l'lants 1rnns!C1c d in pol) baµ:,_ \\ liidt were 111 u i11 Lui11e<l in !!1 ('('I) h ull!-1C. X7:a x /11
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