Performance of Drift Chambers for E906/SeaQuest Drell–Yan Experiment at Fermilab Kei Nagai for SeaQuest Collaboration Tokyo Institute of Technology APS/JPS Joint Meeting @ Hawaii 11th Oct., 2014 Contents 1. Introduction 2. SeaQuest Spectrometer 3. Position Resolution of Drift Chambers 4. Single Plane Efficiency of Drift Chambers 5. Summary SeaQuest Kei Nagai 1 • • • • 1. Introduction SeaQuest studies the structure of the proton. - the flavor asymmetry of anti-quarks in the proton. 120 GeV proton beam at Fermilab is used. ¯ u in the region 0.1< x <0.45 by Drell–Yan process We will measure d/¯ ... x: Bjorken x We detect muons from Drell–Yan process. - momentum ~ 40 GeV Hadron q q¯ Hadron SeaQuest + µ µ Kei Nagai Drell–Yan Process q q¯ µ+ µ 2 Accelerator Run2 data taking Run3 data taking Shutdown Nov. Sep. Oct. 2013 2014 2014 • Toward Run3, performance of drift chambers has been investigated with Run2 data. • I will report on • - position resolution of drift chambers and single plane efficiency of drift chambers. The data were taken with 1 - SeaQuest 10 12 The intensity will increase to 2 Kei Nagai protons/s intensity beam. 1012 protons/s. 3 2. SeaQuest Spectrometer • Target: proton, deuteron, carbon, iron, and tungsten • Magnet: momentum determination of the muons • d3 n a , 2 ray 1 n o ar i t e a p St dosco er b m o a H Ch t f i r D 4 n o i y t Sta ope arra osc ube d o t H Prop on , r I d t Soli g Magne r sin rbe u o c s o b F n a ump o r d Ha beam d and ts e g r Ta ne g a V M eas. e T K .M m o M t rbe o s b A n ro all) d W a H (Iron r There are four tracking stations for detecting muons; Station 1, 2, 3, and 4. St. 3 consists of two parts; ‣ St. 3+: upper half of St. 3 ‣ St. 3- : lower half of St. 3 - Each of St. 1, 2, 3+, and 3- consists of a drift chamber and a hodoscope. St. 4 consists of proportional tubes and a hodoscope. SeaQuest Kei Nagai 4 Chamber Plane Configuration • • • • Each drift chamber has six planes; X, X’,V, V’, U, and U’. X and X’ planes are vertical. V and V’ planes are tilted by +14º from vertical direction. U and U’ planes are tilted by -14º from vertical direction. Detector St. 1 Drift Chamber St. 2 Drift Chamber St. 3+ Drift Chamber St. 3- Drift Chamber SeaQuest Plane Plane Cell Maximum Detector Name Width (cm) Height (cm) Width (mm) Drift Time (ns) D1 D2 D3p D3m 102 231 222 222 122 269 160 160 Kei Nagai 6.4 20.8 20.0 20.0 110 280 270 210 5 D3p D3m KMag • • We use 18 planes in total for tracking. In order to investigate chamber performance, “global tracks” are used. • • FMag Target “global track” : track reconstructed with all the chamber planes D1 D2 global track Magnet Goal of position resolution is calculated based on goal of mass resolution of µ+ and µ-. - mass resolution < 0.24 GeV (contribution of multiple scattering is dominant) position resolution < 400 µm Goal of single plane efficiency is calculated based on tracking efficiency. - single plane efficiency > 95% tracking efficiency will be 90% with this single plane efficiency. ‣ assume a global track needs 5 or 6 hits per chamber SeaQuest Kei Nagai 6 3. Position Resolution of Drift Chamber Definition : Position resolution = the standard deviation of the residual at the plane Wire Reconstructed Track Residual Chamber Plane • Drift Distance Track quality cuts are applied. Number of hits associated with track = 18 2 Reduced of track < 3.0 Goal of resolution < 400 µm - SeaQuest Kei Nagai 7 D1 • • D2 Position resolution vs Drift time of each drift chamber. Smooth curves have been obtained. - there is no very high or low point a constant value is used in analysis SeaQuest Kei Nagai 8 D3p • • D3m Position resolution vs Drift time of each drift chamber. Smooth curves have been obtained. - there is no very high or low point a constant value is used in analysis SeaQuest Kei Nagai 9 Summary of Position Resolution Plane Name D1U D1U’ D1X D1X’ D1V D1V’ D2V D2V’ D2X’ D2X D2U D2U’ Goal 400 µm 400 µm Result 260 µm 240 µm 370 µm 350 µm 220 µm 220 µm 370 µm 320 µm 380 µm 370 µm 390 µm 390 µm Plane Name D3pV’ D3pV D3pX’ D3pX D3pU’ D3pU D3mV’ D3mV D3mX’ D3mX D3mU’ D3mU Goal 400 µm 400 µm Result 370 µm 380 µm 320 µm 330 µm 320 µm 340 µm 330 µm 340 µm 420 µm 470 µm 320 µm 410 µm • The position resolutions shown here are average values of the planes. • Position resolution at each plane of D1, D2 and D3p is better than goal. • Some planes on D3m are worse than goal but are tolerable. SeaQuest Kei Nagai 10 4. Single Plane Efficiency of Drift Chamber • Definition of single plane efficiency (of D1X, for example) ‣ Track must have a hit on all planes except D1X ‣ Efficient track: track which does have a hit on D1X In-efficient track: track which does not have a hit on D1X ‣ Efficiency of D1X Number of efficient tracks Number of efficient and in-efficient tracks • Efficiency of other planes is obtained by the same method. Goal of efficiency > 95% SeaQuest Kei Nagai 11 Efficiency Effciency 1.04 D2 D1 1.02 D3p D3m maximum (100%) 1 0.98 0.96 Goal (95%) 0.94 0.92 90% 0.9 D3mV’ D3mV D3mX’ D3mX D3mU’ D3mU D3pU D3pU’ D3pX D3pX’ D3pV D3pV’ D2U’ D2U D2X D2X’ D2V’ D2V D1V’ D1V D1X’ D1X D1U 0.86 D1U’ Stat. errors are smaller than points. 0.88 of each plane of D1 • Efficiency and D3m is better than goal. Planes • Efficiency of each plane of D3p is lower than goal. - HV was set lower to suppress rather-high leak current. - D3p >90%, the others >95% → the effect of in-efficiency of D3p is small. - We are optimizing the D3p now toward Run3. ‣ Attach aluminum Mylar to D3p in order to avoid humidity going into the chamber. SeaQuest Kei Nagai 12 • • There are some remaining problems on the efficiency. • The figure on the left shows local efficiency of D1U’. • Horizontal axis: Wire position Vertical axis: Efficiency • Efficiency is highest at the center of the plane. What causes such a phenomenon? - Wire hit rate dependence or performance of tracking might be the reason. I’m investigating that now. SeaQuest Kei Nagai 13 5. Summary • SeaQuest studies the structure of the proton, especially studies the flavor asymmetry of anti-quarks in the proton. • SeaQuest spectrometer has four tracking stations for detecting muons; Station 1, 2, 3, and 4. - Station 1, 2, and 3 have drift chamber(s). • The position resolution of each plane of drift chambers is better than goal (400 µm) except three planes of D3m, but they are tolerable. • The single plane efficiency of each plane of D1 and D3m is larger than goal (95%). • - Efficiencies of two planes of D2 and all the planes of D3p are less than goal, but the effect is not very large because the efficiencies of the other planes are high. There are some remaining problems on efficiency to be studied. - SeaQuest Effect of wire hit rate and effect of performance of tracking on the single plane efficiency will be investigated. Kei Nagai 14 Backup 15 Backup: humidity and leak current leak current humidity 16 Backup: St. 3 chambers D3p • Clear mylar is attached. - useful when wire repairing D3m • aluminized mylar 17 Backup: multiplicity dependence • • Noise hit removal is applied for tracking. • It would remove true hit accidentally. → efficiency drops happen more at higher multiplicity region. Investigation of the behavior at low multiplicity region is ongoing. • • It would be due to tracking? The highest efficiency would be the true chamber efficiency. 18 Backup: Iteration analysis • Position resolution and relation between drift time and drift distance are required for track reconstruction, but they are unknown at first. For track reconstruction, they are assumed. • After track reconstruction, position resolution and relation between drift distance and drift time are obtained. • They are results of the track obtained by assumed values, so it is not obvious if they are correct values. • Using them, the track reconstruction is done again. Position resolution and relation between drift distance and drift time are obtained again. • Doing such things again and again, the values get closer to the true values. 19 Backup: RT curve After the analysis iterated four times Drift Distance Drift Distance No iteration Drift Time Drift Time RT curve: relation between the drift distance (R) and drift time (T) 20 Backup: Residual 21
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