A note about the use of these lecture notes These lecture notes were prepared from the notes of Prof. Dr. Erdoğan Alper by Dr. Eda Çelik-Akdur and course assistant Özge Yüksel, also with the help of class 2014-2015 section 22. The notes are mostly based on the textbook by Stephanopoulos (1984). These are prepared only to aid class discussion. Students are advised to use the textbook as there are potentially some typing errors ! The notes may not be distributed to others without permission or used out of the scope of this course. KMU 417 Process Control Hacettepe University Department of Chemical Engineering 2014-2015 Fall Semester Asst. Prof. Dr. Eda Çelik-Akdur EdaCelik© Textbook KMU417 Course Goals To comprehend and analyse the dynamic behaviours of chemical process systems To comprehend the process control techniques and desing the chemical process control systems To perform the simulations of chemical process control systems with the help of MATLAB® and SIMULINK® EdaCelik© 3 2 Recommended EdaCelik© 4 Attendance Homeworks • Students have the right to attend 100% of the lectures. MATLAB programs => the text of the code & output on hard copy with the rest of your work. Otherwise, grade=0 ! If you miss more than 30% of the classes (12 hours) you will get an F1 • If you are late for the first class, you may come in quietly, in the first 5 minutes only ! But do not make this a habbit ! Please be on time for the second class hour. • Staple all pages of your work • Do not use a plastic envelope • Follow rules of ethics ! EdaCelik© Late homework: will be accepted up to 2 days after the due date, but 20%/day. 5 EdaCelik© Exams 6 Grading 2 midterm exams and a final exam If you have to miss an exam due to medical reasons, you may ask for a makeup exam, provided that you bring proper documentation from your doctor. Makeup exams will be much more challenging ! Follow rules of ethics ! Midterm exams : 40 % Homework and quizes : 20 % Final examination : 40 % * Full attendance : 5% bonus * Less then 70 % attendance: You may not take the final exam, F1 * If your grade is less then 45 (out of 100) in the final exam, you get F3 Remember that instructors don’t give the grades, students earn the grades ! EdaCelik© 7 EdaCelik© 8 Incentives for Process Control Control is necessary … During its operation a chemical plant must satisfy followings: (1) Safety (2) Product specifications [ Production levels (tons/day), purity (%) ] (3) Environmental regulations (4) Operational constraints (5) Economics * These requirements necessitate continuous monitoring to eliminate the effect of external disturbances to prevent runaway operation – stability to optimise the performance (measurement) of various parameters and adjustment (control) of them. EdaCelik© 9 EdaCelik© 10 Example 1.1 Stirred tank heater Control steps First: Measure (measuring elements, sensors, such as thermocouples, pressure or flow transducers, etc.) Second: Compare (with a set-point) without control ‘‘Open Loop’’ Third: Action (control using a final control element, usually a control valve) EdaCelik© 11 Fig. Ref: Stephanopoulos, 1984 with ‘‘Feedback’’ control ‘‘Closed Loop’’ Here Fi or Ti (inlet variables) may be disturbed, then T is measured, compared with its desired value and steam rate is manipulated accordingly. In the previous example, if we know the system well, we may take action before the error happens ! Temperature (T) vs time Consider, for instance; Fi = constant, i.e. it cannot be disturbed. Then for a disturbence in Ti we may propose: ‘‘Feedforward’’ Predictive Control Fig. Ref: Erdoğan Alper, Lecturre notes 13 Fig. Ref: Stephanopoulos, 1984 14 What is Simulink good for? Place of Process Control in a typical Chemical Plant Ref: Luyben (1996) EdaCelik© 15 Modeling/designing dynamic systems (including nonlinear dynamics) Modeling/designing control systems (including nonlinear controllers) Signal processing design/simulation EdaCelik© 16 Simulink runs under Matlab. First start Matlab, then type “simulink” at the Matlab command window, or click on the icon EdaCelik© 17 EdaCelik© 18 A Simulink model is a block diagram. Click “File|New|Model” in the Library Browser. An empty block diagram will pop up. You can drag blocks into the diagram from the library. EdaCelik© 19 EdaCelik© 20 Sources: Produce Signals EdaCelik© Sinks: Terminate Signals 21 Connecting Blocks EdaCelik© Running the Simulation * Drag a signal line from the output of a block to the input of another block. Change parameters under Simulation | Configuration Parameters. ** Ctrl-Click will automatically connect. EdaCelik© 22 23 EdaCelik© 24 Running the Simulation Running the Simulation Once the parameters are all set, click the play button to run the simulation. EdaCelik© 25 EdaCelik© 26 Modifying Block Properties Viewing Results: Scope Double click on any block to bring up a properties box. Here are the “sine wave” properties. If you don’t know what something is… leave it alone. EdaCelik© 27 EdaCelik© 28 Adding Comments Adding Signals or Signal Routing You can create a branch point in a signal line by holding down the CTRL key, and clicking on the line. You can add text comments anywhere in the block diagram by double clicking and typing in some text. A summer block ( ) can be found in the “commonly used blocks” library, and in the “math” library. You can change the default comments under the blocks by double clicking and editing the text. EdaCelik© To change the shape of the summer to rectangular, or to add additional inputs or change the sign, double click on the summer. 29 EdaCelik© 30 CHP2: DESIGN APECTS of PROCESS CONTROL Signal Routing Classification of variables: Under the “signal routing” library, the MUX block can be used to bundle a group of signals together into a single line. The DEMUX block does the reverse. Inputs This can be useful to: 1. Clear up clutter in a complicated block diagram. 2. Send multiple signals to the same scope; then both signals will be displayed on the same plot. EdaCelik© Variables (flow rates, T, P, concentration) 31 Disturbances Measured Unmeasured Outputs Manipulated (adjustable) Measured (controlled) EdaCelik© Unmeasured 32 Classificaton of Control Systems Disturbance (d) Single Input - Single Output (SISO) systems Manipulated variable (m) PROCESSING SYSTEM (eg. a CSTR) Measured output (y) Multiple Input – Multiple Output (MIMO) systems (controlled variable) Unmeasured output (z) EdaCelik© 33 Fig Ref: Wikipedia EdaCelik© 34 Design Elements of a Control System Example 2.3. CSTR with a cooling jacket (1) Define Control Objective: what are the operational objectives of a control system (eliminate influence of disturbance, stability, optimization, or combination of these) (2) Select Measurements: what variables must be measured to monitor the performance of a chemical plant (y, d, etc.) (3) Select Manipulated Variables: consider alternatives (see Ex. 2.11) (4) Select the Control Configuration: information structure for measured and controlled variables. Configurations include: (i) feedback control (ii) feedforward control (iii) inferential control Disturbances (d) : CAİ, Fİ, Tİ, TC Manipulated variable (m) : FC Controlled variable (y) : T Fig. Ref: Stephanopoulos, 1984 EdaCelik© 35 EdaCelik© 36 Control Configurations in a Distillation Column How is the information taken from the measurements used to adjust the values of the manipulated variables ? Define Control Objective: ‘’Control law’’ which is implemented automatically by the 95 % top product Select Measurements: controller ! composition of Distillate Select Manipulated variables: From the measurement of the controlled output and its Reflux ratio design value we obtain ‘‘error’’ or deviation (є) : Select the Control Configuration: feedback control y = value of the controlled output at any time t ys = steady state (designed or desired) value of y (Stephanopoulos, 1984) 37 We Є = y – yS EdaCelik© 38 Example 2.12: Stirred tank heater (Fig 1.1) can also calculate : i) Objective: To control T ii) Measurement: Measure T by a thermocouple iii) Manipulated variable: Heat input by steam, Q iv) Configuration: Feedback How do we use this information for manipulation ? control How should Q change in order to keep T constant, when Ti is disturbed ? EdaCelik© 39 EdaCelik© 40 Subtract V ρ Cp EdaCelik© 41 = F ρ Cp T i − T + Q (2.3) We want to drive this error (є = T ‘) to zero, by manipulating Q, How ? EdaCelik© 42 We may make an adjustment in Q in proportion to the error (є) : Q ’ = Q – Qs = - α ( T- Ts ) (2.4) This is called ‘‘Proportional Control’’ (P-control), where (Stephanopoulos, 1984) - α (= Kc) = proportional gain Important Conclusion: In P-control, increasing Combine Eqn (2.3) and (2.4) : V ρ Cp = F ρ Cp T i − T − α T’ P-gain ( α ) decreases ‘‘offset’’ (i.e. final error) (2.5) but we can not eliminate it completely. Eqn. (2.5) is a linear initial value ODE which can be solved easily EdaCelik© 43 EdaCelik© 44 Con’t, try integral control: V ρ Cp = F ρ Cp T i − T − α’∫ Alternatively, use proportional-integral (PI) control, then value of heat inout (Q) is given by : ′ Q’ = - α T’ – α’∫ Solution for different α’ yields the graph below where, (Ref: Stephanopoulos, 1984) EdaCelik© 45 ′ α = τI = Integral time α (Ref: Stephanopoulos, 1984) EdaCelik© 46 Chp 3: Hardware for a Process Control System DDC: Direct Digital Control The process (chemical or physical) Measuring instruments and sensors (inputs, outputs) what are the sensors for measuring T, P, F, h, x, etc? Transducers (converts measurements to current/ voltage, eg: a strain gauge) Transmission lines (usaully, electric signals) The controller (with machine ‘‘intelligence’’) The final control element (eg: a control valve, variablespeed pumps, etc.) Recording/ display elements Recall Process Instrumentation Fig. Ref: http://www.ddc-online.org/ (Stephanopoulos, 1984) 47 EdaCelik© 48 Primary controllers typically have the following features: Summary of Part I (Chps 1-3) Real-time accurate clock function Full software compliment Larger total point capacity Support for global strategies Buffer for alarms/messages/trend & runtime data Freeform programming Downloadable database Higher analog/digital converter resolution Built-in communication interface for PC connection. EdaCelik© 49 Incentives Elements for process control of process control and control laws Hardware elements in basic control EdaCelik© 50
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