REPUBLIC OF KOSOVA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Document No: 24.18.1-2014-08 AUDIT REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF KOSOVA JUDICIAL COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2013 Prishtina, June 2014 The Office of the Auditor General undertakes both Regularity and Performance Audits. The Auditor General Lage Olofsson is the head of the Office of the Auditor General which employs around 145 staff. The Auditor General and the Office of the Auditor General shall be independent and certifies around 90 Annual Financial Statements each year, while undertaking other forms of audits. Our Mission is to “Contribute to sound financial management in public administration”. We shall perform quality audits in line with internationally recognized public sector auditing standards and good European practices. We shall build confidence in the spending of public funds. We shall play an active role in securing taxpayers‟ and other stakeholders‟ interests in enhancing public accountability‟. The reports produced by the Office of the Auditor General directly promote accountability as they provide a base for holding managers‟ of individual budget organisations to account. The Auditor General has decided on the audit opinion and report on the Annual Financial Statements of Kosovo Judicial Council in consultation with the Assistant Auditor General Ibrahim Gjylderen, who supervised the audit. The opinion and report issued are a result of the audit carried out under the management of the Audit Director, Valbon Bytyqi, supported by Astrit Bllaca (Team Leader), and Arta Kryeziu. OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL-St. Musine Kokollari, No. 16, Prishtina 10000, Kosova Tel.: +381(0) 38 25 35 /121/262-FAX: +381(0) 38 2535 122 /219 2 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary .............................................................................................................. 4 1 Audit Scope and methodology ................................................................................... 6 2 Annual Financial Statements and Other External Reporting Obligations ........... 7 3 Prior Year Recommendations ................................................................................... 10 4 Financial Management and Control ......................................................................... 11 Annex I: Explanation of the different types of opinion applied by the OAG ............ 22 Annex II: Prior year recommendations............................................................................ 25 3 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Executive Summary Introduction This report summarises the key findings from our audit of the 2013 Annual Financial Statements of the Kosova Judicial Council, which determine the Opinion given by the Auditor General. I would like to thank the Director General and his team for their assistance during the audit process. The examination of the 2013 Annual Financial Statements was undertaken in accordance with the Internationally Recognised Public Sector Auditing Standards (ISSAIs). Our approach included such tests and procedures as we deemed necessary to arrive at an opinion on the financial statements. The approach taken is set out in our Audit Planning Memorandum dated 30. 9.2013. Our audit focus has been on: Compliance with the reporting framework and the significant risks to the Annual Financial Statements highlighted in the Audit Planning Memorandum; The response to our 2012 and earlier recommendations; and The Financial Management and Internal Control of Kosova Judicial Council (including budget execution and management). The level of work undertaken by the Office of the Auditor General to complete the 2013 audit is a direct reflection of the quality of the internal controls implemented by management. Opinion Annex I explains the different types of Opinions applied by the Office of the Auditor General. The Auditor General‟ opinion is: In our opinion, the financial statements present a true and fair view in all material aspects (ISSAI 200 Unmodified Opinion). Overall Conclusion Our overall conclusion based on the detailed sections of this report is that: Kosova Judicial Council has made progress in addressing the recommendations given in the 2012 audit report. However unaddressed recommendations affect important areas of Financial Management and Control. 4 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Our review of the Annual Financial Statements considers both compliance with the reporting framework and the accuracy of the information recorded in the financial statements. We also consider the Declaration made by the Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Financial Officer when the draft AFS are submitted to the Government. The budget was executed at a reasonable level, with the exception of Capital Investments, an issue that is repeated through years. However procurement remains a key area that requires additional control. Irregularities in this area were noticed throughout the entire process including planning, entering into contracts and their execution. When it comes to lower level of significance, additional controls are needed in the personnel and assets management. The Auditor General’s key recommendations are as follows: The Director General should ensure that: A revised action plan clearly sets out a practical but challenging timetable for addressing the recommendations made by the AG with accountable staff members identified and with initial focus on those of greatest significance. The implementation of this plan should be reviewed by the Director General on regular basis; Budget preparation is preceded by a thorough analysis of all relevant information including prior year outturns and changes expected during the year. Budget performance should be monitored on a monthly basis and barriers to planned levels of budget execution should be identified and addressed on a timely basis; While preparing the procurement plan the time for the initiation of procurement procedures is included. A well-prepared plan will enable the budget execution in accordance with the cash flow; The identified contracts are signed before committed of funds were and ensure an effective implementation of existing controls or introduce enhanced controls to ensure that contracts are only signed when there are sufficient funds to ensure contract‟s execution; and Necessary measures are taken to ensure that Audit Committee is fully functional to support the effectiveness of the IAU and enhanced governance within Kosova Judicial Council. The Management’s response The Management agreed with all our audit findings and committed themselves to address our recommendations. 5 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 1 Audit Scope and methodology It is the responsibility of Kosova Judicial Council (KJC) to prepare Annual Financial Statements (AFS) under the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) for „Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis for Accounting‟ and other specific requirements. The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) is responsible for carrying out a Regularity Audit which involves the examination and evaluation of the AFS and other financial records and expression of opinions on: Whether the AFS give a true and fair view of the accounts and financial affairs for the audit period; Whether the financial records, systems and transactions comply with applicable laws and regulations; The appropriateness of internal controls and internal audit functions; and All matters arising from or relating to the audit. We have considered the extent to which management controls can be relied upon when determining the overall testing required to provide the necessary level of evidence to support the Auditor General‟s (AG) opinion and the focus of our audit. The following sections provide a more detailed summary of our audit finding with emphasis on observations and recommendations in each area of review. An assessment of how the Management have addressed recommendations made in the 2012 report is found at Annex II. For completeness we have included issues identified at the interim audit where they remain relevant. Our findings are defined as: High Priority - issues which may result in a material weakness in internal control and where action will offer the potential for improvements to the efficiency and effectiveness of internal controls; and Medium Priority - issues which may not result in a material weakness but where action will also offer the potential for improvements to the efficiency and effectiveness of internal controls. Our procedures included a review of the internal controls and accounting systems and procedures only to the extent considered necessary for the effective performance of the audit. Audit findings should not be regarded as representing a comprehensive statement of all the weaknesses which exist, or all improvements which could be made to the systems and procedures operated. Findings considered low priority will be reported separately to finance staff. 6 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 2 Annual Financial Statements and Other External Reporting Obligations Overall Conclusion Our review of the AFS considers both compliance with the reporting framework and the accuracy of the information recorded in the financial statements. We also consider the Declaration made by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) when the draft AFS are submitted to the Government. The declaration regarding presentation of the AFS incorporates a number of assertions relating to compliance with the reporting framework and the quality of information within the annual financial statements. A number of the declarations are intended to provide assurance to the Government that all relevant information has been provided to ensure that a comprehensive audit can be undertaken. KJC has managed to submit all reports required under the applicable legal framework in time. The AFS have met all International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) for „Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis for Accounting‟ and the Financial Rule 03/2013. They provided complete and accurate information on events and presented transactions. 2.1 Audit Opinion Unmodified Opinion1 In our opinion, the financial statements present a true and fair view in all material aspects (ISSAI 200 Unmodified Opinion). The term ,”unmodified opinion‟‟ is equivalent to the term ,”unqualified opinion‟‟ used in our previous year‟s reports. The new wording is in accordance with the new INTOSAI audit standards (ISSAI 200). For more information refer to Annex 1. 1 7 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 2.2 Significant risks to the Annual Financial Statements Description Our Audit Planning Memorandum dated 30.09.2013 identified one significant risk related to the classification of expenditures. This is a risk of material misstatement which may result in a modified opinion including an emphasis of matter. The risk of material misstatements that we identified occurred because KJC and the Ministry of Finance did not take actions to address the identified risks. Identified risk During the planning process, KJC has wrongly budgeted expenditures for Goods and Services (purchase of office inventory) in the category of Capital Investments valued at €298,312. Subsequently the Ministry of Finance (MoF) did not approve the request of KJC to transfer the funds from Goods and Services to Capital investments. Despite this, the purchase of inventory for a new building was processed and paid from Capital Investments. KJC justified this on the importance of that particular project and the necessity of using the funds provided for this purpose. Finding We reviewed management‟s controls and associated guidance applied to misclassification of expenditures and confirmed the completeness of information held. However, KJC‟s inability to improve the misclassification resulted in the overstatement of Capital Investments and the understatement of Goods and Services by €298,312. In the memo submitted on December 2013, knowing the outcome of this issue at the yearend, we advised the management to disclose explanatory information in the 2013 AFS explaining the purchase of inventory, i.e. its registration in the wrong economic code. The management addressed our advice and provided sufficient disclosure regarding this transaction. Nevertheless, the management should ensure that all future expenditures are budgeted according to relevant codes in order to avoid similar technical difficulties when processing and recording of expenditures. 8 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 2.3 Compliance with AFS reporting requirements Description The AFS are required to comply with a specified reporting framework. We considered: Compliance with Financial Rule no. 03/2014; Requirements of Law no. 03/ L-048 on Public Finance Management and Accountability; AFS was signed by CAO and CFO; AFS was produced in Albanian and Serbian languages; AFS was prepared in both hard and electronic copies; and During 2013 the KJC prepared and submitted regular quarterly reports to Minister of Finance. All the above requirements were met by the management of KJC, with exception to the submission of the AFS to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) which were delayed by one day. 2.4 Compliance with other external reporting requirements Description KJC is required to address the following external reporting obligations other than producing AFS: Budget request; Quarterly reports including nine month financial statements; Annual work report for 2012; Draft and final procurement plan; Report on outstanding liabilities; Reports on internal controls, including the self-assessment report; and Action plan for implementation of recommendations. We have no issues to raise on these requirements. 9 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 3 Prior Year Recommendations Overall Conclusion KJC Management has made significant progress in addressing recommendations given in the 2012 audit report. However unaddressed recommendations affect some of significant areas of Financial Management and Control. Description Our Audit Report on the 2012 AFS of the KJC resulted in 18 key recommendations. The KJC prepared an Action Plan stating how all recommendations will be addressed. 13 have been fully addressed; two are partially addressed; and three have not been addressed yet. For a more thorough description of the recommendations and how they are addressed, see Annex II. Issue 1 - Addressing Prior Year Audit Recommendations – High Priority Finding Despite management efforts, a proportion of recommendations are either not addressed or partly addressed. Unaddressed recommendations mainly relate to internal control system such as: job positions ran by acting officers and audit committee. Unimplemented recommendations are repeated from previous years. Risk Recommendation 1 Failure to address audit recommendations for key financial systems have resulted in: Continued weaknesses in budget execution; Poor recording of delays in contract completion; and Poor controls over procurement. The Director General should ensure that a revised action plan clearly sets out a practical but challenging timetable for addressing the recommendations made by the AG with accountable staff members identified and with initial focus on those of greatest significance. The implementation of this plan should be reviewed by the Director General on regular basis. 10 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 4 4.1 Financial Management and Control Overall Conclusion Our audit approach is focused on understanding and evaluating the actions taken by management to secure effective Financial Management and Control and the results thereof. For individual financial systems we seek to identify the level at which actual controls operate. This may, for example, be monitoring activity undertaken by senior management or lower level operational controls. We consider whether controls are well designed, have been implemented as planned and operate effectively. This requires an assessment of structures, processes and accountability lines introduced by management including the role undertaken by Internal Audit and Audit Committee. The budget was executed at a reasonable level, with the exception of Capital Investments, an issue that is repeated through years. However procurement remains a key area that requires additional control. Shortcomings in this area were noticed throughout the entire process including planning, entering into contracts and their execution. When it comes to lower level of significance, additional controls are needed in the personnel and assets management. 11 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 4.2 Budget Planning and Execution Description We have considered the source of budget funds for KJC, spending of funds by economic categories and revenues collected. This is highlighted in the following tables: Table 1 Sources of budget Funds - outturn against the budget (in €) Initial Budget Final Budget2 2013 Outturn 2012 Outturn 2011 Outturn Sources of Funds 19,910,467 19,072,192 16,760,413 16,332,438 15,453,779 Government Grant Budget 18,696,567 17,506,067 15,555,444 15,256,209 14,248,035 0 348,696 303,412 161,345 598,244 1,213,900 1,213,900 901,557 865,204 382,492 0 3,529 0 49,680 225,028 Description Carried forward from previous year3 – Own Source Revenues4 Domestic Donations The final budget was by €838,275 lower than the initial budget. The difference is a result of budget cut by €1,190,500 following its review and in line with Government decisions, whilst revenues carried forward from the previous year and external donations increased by €352,225. KJC used €16,760,413 or 88% of the final budget in 2013. When compared to 2012 budget execution, which was 89%, we see a similar trend of spending. However, the budget execution analysed by economic categories remains at an unsatisfactory level. Final budget – the budget approved by the assembly which was subsequently adjusted for by the Ministry of Finance. 3 Own Source Revenues unspent in previous year carried forward into the current year. 4 A Portion of the receipts planned and collected for the Kosova Budget in the current year which was used by the entity for financing its own budget. 2 12 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Table 2 Spending of funds by economic categories - outturn against the budget (in €) Initial Budget Final Budget 2013 Outturn 2012 Outturn 2011 Outturn Spending of funds broken down by economic categories 19,910,467 19,072,192 16,760,413 16,332,438 15,453,779 Wages and Salaries 12,667,798 12,327,250 11,449,464 10,872,460 10,219,454 Goods and Services 4,285,694 4,086,791 3,472,471 3,605,107 3,517,403 Utilities 606,975 606,975 436,544 484,225 415,636 Subsidies and Transfers 250,000 341,676 266,374 158,324 189,384 2,100,000 1,709,500 1,135,560 1,212,322 1,111,902 Description Capital Investments Explanations for changes in budget categories are given below: In 2013, only 66% of the final budget for Capital Investments was spent. The Public Investment Program (PIP) includes some projects from the previous year, which were ongoing, and three new ones for the current year. However, the projects for construction of courts in Ferizaj and Vushtrri provided by the Public Investment Program for 2013 were not implemented due to budget cuts. The low level of budget execution occurred due to delays caused by respective Municipalities in issuing construction licenses; The decrease in the budget for Wages and Salaries by €600,000 continues to be repeated because of failure to staff the approved positions (most of them Judges); and The decrease in the budget for Goods and Services by €200,000 is a reflection of the new penal code, under which the payments for experts and ex officio lawyers are made by the State Prosecutor. Table 3 Revenues collected for the Kosova Budget – outturn against the budget (in €) Initial Budget Final Budget 2012 Receipts 2011 Receipts 2010 Receipts Court fee 4,370,000 4,370,000 2,681,843 4,331,421 5,158,584 Court fines 2,800,000 2,800,000 2,318,544 2,584,828 2,134,052 Traffic fines 2,300,000 2,300,000 1,997,693 1,983,940 2,495,614 0 0 16,440 29 5,670 9,470,000 9,470,000 7,014,519 8,900,218 9,793,920 Description Other revenues Total 13 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL In 2013, KJC was allowed to use €1,213,900 from own source revenues; out of which, €963,900 for Wages and Salaries and €250,000 for Subsidies and Transfers. €901,557 was spent from this amount. A decrease by €1,649,578 was found in court taxes because most of the taxes have been transferred to notaries. Issue 2 - Budget execution – High Priority Finding Budget execution in most of economic categories was inadequate. The budget spending for Capital Investments was at a low level in particular. It was 66% in 2013, or just 2% higher compared to 2012 (64%). Risk Inadequate budget planning and a low budget execution level may result in failure to meet organisational objectives and may result in current year obligations being funded from future year budgets. Recommendation 2 The Director General should ensure that budget preparation is preceded by a rigorous assessment process that reflects all relevant information including prior year outturns and changes expected during the year. Budget performance should be monitored on a monthly basis and barriers to planned levels of budget execution should be identified and addressed on a timely basis. Issue 3 – Planning in inadequate category– Medium Priority Finding Supply with two “Main Switches” in the amount of €10,951 and the purchase of a “Photocopy Machine” in the amount of €6,366 was made from the category of Goods and Services. These supplies were wrongly planned in and executed from the category of Goods and Services. Risk Misclassification of expenditure reduces the effectiveness of budget management and financial reporting. Significant errors may result in material errors in the AFS. Recommendation 3 The Director General should ensure that, when planning the budget, detailed analysis are performed and real needs of expenditures are identified, including their categorization. He should also ensure that all expenditures are recorded in the adequate economic categories. 14 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 4.3 Revenues (including own source revenues) Description In 2013, KJC collected revenues in the amount of €7,014,519. They were collected from three main sources: court fees, court and traffic fines. We tested the system of control over revenues collection and their reporting in the AFS. KJC manages the revenues recording and reporting software programme and has a range of controls over their management. However, we identified one error related to the reporting of revenues in KFMIS. Issue 4 - Software shortcomings – Medium Priority Finding Each municipality should correctly report revenues from traffic fines to the Treasury, in order to enable Treasury to distribute those revenues to the relevant municipality. KJC reports its revenues to the Treasury based on the location of the relevant court‟s decision rather than based on location where the fine was issued. Risk Due to lack of accurate information, Treasury cannot correctly distribute revenues to each respective municipality. Recommendation 4 The Director General should ensure that the existing software for revenues management is applied and that the revenues of respective municipality are correctly identified. 4.4 Expenditures 4.4.1 Procurement Description Our audit examinations included the entire procurement process, from the initiation of procurement activities to the management and execution of contracts. During 2013, KJC entered into 78 contracts. We tested 16 contracts in the amount of €2,894,885. We also tested 46 payments of €1,490,863, linked to procurement procedures. 15 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Issue 5 – Procurement plan was not clear – High Priority Finding KJC did not prepare a good procurement plan based on actual needs and requirements. This plan did not set forth the deadlines for contracts implementation. Risk Poorly procurement planning will result in unplanned expenditures and delays in execution of contracts. Recommendation 5 The Director General should ensure that while preparing the procurement plan the time for the initiation of procurement procedures is included. A well-prepared plan will enable the budget execution in accordance with the cash flow. Issue 6 – Contracts signed without committed funds – Medium Priority Finding KJC signed six contracts before committing funds, thus not confirming the sufficient funds to meet obligations. Risk Entering into obligations without ensuring the necessary funding will result in delays in contracts implementation and increase the amount of outstanding liabilities which will be a burden to the following year‟s budget. Recommendation 6 The Director General should review why the identified contracts were signed before funds were committed and ensure an effective implementation of existing controls or introduce enhanced controls to ensure that contracts are only signed when there are sufficient funds to ensure contract‟s execution. Issue 7 – Recording in KFMIS after receiving the invoice – Medium Priority Systematic Finding In 13 payments, Treasury rules were not adhered to during their processing. Purchase requisition, purchase order and receipt of goods were made after the invoice was received. Risk Receipt of goods prior to securing the necessary funds, may cause difficulties in the execution of payments. Recommendation 7 The Director General should ensure that payments‟ processing is be made fully in compliance with the steps set forth in LPFMA and Treasury rules. 16 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Issue 8 – Failure to adhere to delivery schedule – Medium Priority Finding In the contract “Supply with uniforms for judges of all courts” in the amount of €18,800, the supplier failed to deliver uniforms within the set forth schedule. Instead of imposing penalties, KJC allowed a two month extension of the delivery period through an annex contract. Risk Inconsistent application of penalties reduces incentives for economic Operator (EO) to fulfil the terms of contracts. Delays in the provision of goods and services will have a negative effect on planned activity and may adversely affect future spending plans if financed from the following year‟s budget. Recommendation 8 The Director General should review why penalties were not applied in the above identified case and ensure the effective implementation of existing controls or introduce enhanced controls to ensure that penalties are applied fully in compliance with the contract terms. Issue 9 – Exceeding contract value – Medium Priority Finding The Technical Specification of the contract “Purchase of Airconditioners and filling them with gas did not specify the number of air-conditioners. As a result the contract value was exceeded by €2,700. Risk Poor or incomplete planning of technical specifications in the contract may result in unplanned costs. Recommendation 9 The Director General should ensure an effective oversight of the procurement process so that the tender dossier sets forth the approximate quantity of goods/services needed to be purchased. 4.4.2 Non Procurement Expenditure Description In Other Expenditures we included purchases that are not subject to procurement procedures such as utilities and travel allowances. We tested 13 payments in total amount of €284,254. Recommendation We have no recommendations in this area. 17 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 4.4.3 Remunerations (Wages and Salaries) Description The final budget for Wages and Salaries for 2013 was €12,327,250 whilst €11,449,464 or 93% were spent. We reviewed payroll lists and compared the data presented by the Treasury, KFMIS and their presentation in the AFS. We also tested samples, including personnel files and recruitment procedures performed during 2013. Issue 10 – Staffing management positions with acting officers – Medium Priority Finding Under Regulation no. 06/2010 on procedures for appointing senior management positions in the Civil Service, an acting officer cannot be appointed for a period longer than three months. The position of Procurement Director in KJC have been held by an acting officer since December 2012. Risk Failure to adhere to proper recruitment procedures may result in failure to hire the most appropriate staff. Inadequate staff may lead to poor performance and poor quality of administrative services. Recommendation 10 The Director General should as recommended last year ensure that the recruitment procedures to staff the position of Procurement Director are initiated. 4.4.4 Subsidies and Transfers Description Expenditures for Subsidies and Transfers for 2013 were €266,374. They are related to the payments made to prisoners without any legal basis. Recommendations We have no recommendations in this area. 18 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 4.5 Assets and liabilities 4.5.1 Capital and non capital assets Description According to the accounting register (KFMIS), the net value of KJC‟s assets was €14,647,887, whilst non-capital assets under €1,000 were €1,505,000. We have reviewed whether the assets registration and recordkeeping processes were in compliance with the requirements of MoF Regulation no. 02/2013 on the Management of Non-Financial Assets of budget organization (BO). We also verified whether assets were physically existing and recorded in the assets register. Issue 11 – Incomplete assets register - Medium Priority Finding Conceptual projects for the construction of courts in Ferizaj and Vushtrri, in the amount of €37,680, were not recorded as capital assets in the KFMIS. In addition, we identified that the assets are not labelled with barcodes. Risk Incomplete recording of assets in the register will result in understatement of assets presented in the AFS. Poor management of asset records may result in their loss or alienation. It also makes it difficult to identify assets when confirming their existence. Recommendation 11 The Director General should review why the identified assets have not been recorded in KFMIS and address control weaknesses related to continuous update of assets accounting register. Requirements related to recording and maintenance of assets should be fully applied. 4.5.2 Handling of receivables Description The statement of account receivables at the end of 2013 was €98,780. We have no issues to report from their testing. Recommendations We have no recommendations in this area. 19 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 4.5.3 Handling of debts Description The statement of outstanding liabilities towards the suppliers at the end of 2013 was €356,529. These liabilities are carried forward to be paid in 2014. During 2013, KJC submitted regular monthly reports in accordance with the Administrative Instruction. In addition, there were good controls over payments execution. We have no issues to report regarding their testing as these were paid early in 2014. Recommendations We have no recommendations in this area. 4.6 Internal Audit System Description The Internal Audit Unit (IAU) within KJC consists of the Head of Unit and three auditors. In 2013, this unit prepared an annual audit plan which included seven audits. Out of which, five were carried out, including audits on: Procurement procedures; Personnel management; Asset Management; Management of expenditures for lawyers; and Follow up of implementation of recommendations. Reports were of a good quality, providing the management with clear recommendations regarding the effective functioning of key controls, including all significant financial systems. However, Audit Committee was not sufficiently functional. This is disclosed in the following: 20 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Issue 12 – Incomplete functioning of the audit committee - High Priority Finding Notwithstanding recommendations given earlier, the Audit Committee is not yet fully operational. During 2013 this committee held two meetings (in September and October), although the minutes of the last meeting remained unapproved. In early 2014, this committee was not functional because the chairman of the committee retired. Risk A non functional audit committee will reduce the level of both challenge to and support for the IAU including the implementation of their recommendations. Recommendation 12 The Director General should take the necessary measures to ensure that the Audit Committee is fully functional to support the effectiveness of the IAU and enhance governance within KJC. 21 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Annex I: Explanation of the different types of opinion applied by the OAG (extract from ISSAI 200) Form of opinion 147. The auditor should express an unmodified opinion if it is concluded that the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial framework. If the auditor concludes that, based on the audit evidence obtained, the financial statements as a whole are not free from material misstatement, or is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to conclude that the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, the auditor should modify the opinion in the auditor‟s report in accordance with the section on “Determining the type of modification to the auditor‟s opinion”. 148. If financial statements prepared in accordance with the requirements of a fair presentation framework do not achieve fair presentation, the auditor should discuss the matter with the management and, depending on the requirements of the applicable financial reporting framework and how the matter is resolved, determine whether it is necessary to modify the audit opinion. Modifications to the opinion in the auditor’s report 151. The auditor should modify the opinion in the auditor's report if it is concluded that, based on the audit evidence obtained, the financial statements as a whole are not free from material misstatement, or if the auditor was unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to conclude that the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement. Auditors may issue three types of modified opinions: a qualified opinion, an adverse opinion and a disclaimer of opinion. 22 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Determining the type of modification to the auditor’s opinion 152. The decision regarding which type of modified opinion is appropriate depends upon: The nature of the matter giving rise to the modification – that is, whether the financial statements are materially misstated or, in the event that it was impossible to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence, may be materially misstated; and The auditor‟s judgment about the pervasiveness of the effects or possible effects of the matter on the financial statements. 153. The auditor should express a qualified opinion if: (1) having obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence, the auditor concludes that misstatements, individually or in the aggregate, are material, but not pervasive, to the financial statements; or (2) the auditor was unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence on which to base an opinion, but concludes that the effects on the financial statements of any undetected misstatements could be material but not pervasive. 154. The auditor should express an adverse opinion if, having obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence, the auditor concludes that misstatements, individually or in the aggregate, are both material and pervasive to the financial statements. 155. The auditor should disclaim an opinion if, having been unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence on which to base the opinion, the auditor concludes that the effects on the financial statements of any undetected misstatements could be both material and pervasive. If, after accepting the engagement, the auditor becomes aware that management has imposed a limitation on the audit scope that the auditor considers likely to result in the need to express a qualified opinion or to disclaim an opinion on the financial statements, the auditor should request that management remove the limitation. 156. If expressing a modified audit opinion, the auditor should also modify the heading to correspond with the type of opinion expressed. ISSAI 170519 provides additional guidance on the specific language to use when expressing a modified opinion and describing the auditor‟s responsibility. It also includes illustrative examples of reports. 23 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Emphasis of Matter paragraphs and Other Matters paragraphs in the auditor’s report 157. If the auditor considers it necessary to draw users‟ attention to a matter presented or disclosed in the financial statements that is of such importance that it is fundamental to their understanding of the financial statements, but there is sufficient appropriate evidence that the matter is not materially misstated in the financial statements, the auditor should include an Emphasis of Matter paragraph in the auditor‟s report. Emphasis of Matter paragraphs should only refer to information presented or disclosed in the financial statements. 158. An Emphasis of Matter paragraph should: be included immediately after the opinion; use the Heading “Emphasis of Matter” or another appropriate heading; include a clear reference to the matter being emphasised and indicate where the relevant disclosures that fully describe the matter can be found in the financial statements; and indicate that the auditor‟s opinion is not modified in respect of the matter emphasised. 159. If the auditor considers it necessary to communicate a matter, other than those that are presented or disclosed in the financial statements, which, in the auditor‟s judgement, is relevant to users‟ understanding of the audit, the auditor‟s responsibilities or the auditor‟s report, and provided this is not prohibited by law or regulation, this should be done in a paragraph with the heading “Other Matter,” or another appropriate heading. This paragraph should appear immediately after the opinion and any Emphasis of Matter paragraph 24 ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Annex II: Prior year recommendations Audit Component Recommendation given Recommendation Partly addressed fully addressed Not addressed 3. Prior Year To ensure that the Action Plan is revised and it clearly Yes Recommendations sets out a timetable for addressing the recommendations with accountable staff members. 4.2 Budget Planning and Execution When drafting the next year‟s budget, to ensure that sufficient analyses are carried out related to classification of goods and services and capital investments into relevant categories, with the aim to spend the budget in line with the approved accounting plan. 4.3 Reporting requirements To analyse the reason for shortcomings repetition and Yes take adequate measures so that upcoming Nine month Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with legal requirements on financial reporting. 4.5.1 Procurement Participants in the price quotation procedure should be Yes selected among economically advantageous operators and should be invited to participate by encouraging the most efficient and effective manner. 25 No action taken. ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 4.5.1. Procurement To follow-up contracts execution and if contractors with their responsibility do not timely meet their contractual obligations, penalties should be applied, provided for increasing their awareness in order to complete works within deadlines set. 4.5.1. Procurement In order to avoid losses caused by contractor’s failure Yes to meet their obligations, KJC should ensure that the execution security covers the whole period as determined by the contract. When drafting the contracts, to specify warranty period Yes 4.5.1. Procurement for defects and request the warranty for the completed work. When preparing procurement activities, sufficient Yes 4.5.1. Procurement analysis are conducted with the aim to include all vehicles in KJC’s possession for maintenance and servicing. Accountability and responsibility measures are Yes 4.5.1. Procurement strengthened concerning legal implementation of duties starting from preparing tender dossier up to receiving of goods. Revised procedures are introduced in the system Yes. 4.5.1. Procurement ensuring that controls regarding the payments sector are increased, in order that, expenditures are classified and recorded in accordance with the approved accounting plan. 26 Partially, is was applied in some cases, in one case it was identified that instead of applying the penalties the delivery extension for two months with a contract amendment was made. ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 4.5.2. Expenditures To undertake concrete measures for planning additional Yes payments within the framework of the category of Wages and Salaries. 4.5.2. Other expenditures To increase responsibility of Senior Officers by Yes requesting evidences for reasoning the funds spent during the travel and submit those in time and that proper procedures for closing the advances are carried out within the period prescribed by law. 4.5.3. Remunerations (wages and salaries) Acts of Appointment are reviewed and after justice Yes system is reformed, take into account the errors identified securing that acts of appointment are prepared in accordance with legal requirements. 4.5.3. Remunerations (wages and salaries) Salaries for the employees on maternity leave should be Yes calculated and paid according to the provisions in force. 4.5.3. Remunerations (wages and salaries) To initiate procedures for completing positions covered by acting officers. 4.6.1. Capital and non-capital assets To ensure that the review of the actual asset registry is considered and completed with elements required by the Instruction in force, in order to ensure the recording, maintenance and preservation of assets from their loss or alienation. 27 No action taken. Partially, most of elements for assets recording are fulfilled, however, the assets are not yet identified with barcodes. ZYRA E AUDITORIT TË PËRGJITHSHËM – KANCELARIJA GENERALNOG REVIZORA OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 4.6.1. Capital and non-capital assets Goods should be received through the warehouse in Yes order to ensure that goods are of the quality and quantity requested and so that they are registered in the e-Assets software. 5. Internal Audit System To undertake measures for making Audit Committee (AC) with aim to use AC input in improving public internal financial controls. 28 No action taken.
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