Content Engineering Dr. Reinhard Vöckler Managing Director reinhard.voeckler Phone: +49 341 355356 123 Martin Hillert Senior Solution Architect martin.hillert Phone: +49 341 355356 130 Andrea Köhler Account Manager andrea.koehler Phone: +49 341 355356 180 Gerrit Imsieke Managing Director gerrit.imsieke Phone: +49 341 355356 110 Manuela Pohle Head of Electronic Production manuela.pohle Phone: +49 341 355356 181 Thomas Schmidt Managing Director Phone: +49 341 355356 120 Dana Minnemann Account Manager dana.minnemann Phone: +49 341 355356 164 Steffi Hohensee Account Manager steffi.hohensee Phone: +49 341 355356 165 Martin Kraetke Lead Content Engineer martin.kraetke Phone: +49 341 355356 143 Shaping the Future The publishing industry is changing. Digital applications such as e-books and apps have become permanent fixtures that are forever enhancing traditional publishing with innovations. The future offers opportunities to create new markets from ideas. Yet no one can predict exactly which of today’s ideas will become tomorrow’s standards. It takes a good deal of experience and in-depth industry knowledge to correctly assess trends and developments in order to ensure that opportunities do not turn into risks. Remaining open to the new without letting go of the tried-and-tested aspects of the old is the basis for harnessing market potential: Versatile revenue models, new sales channels, continuously growing customer bases, … For us, Content Engineering means weaving together the different threads to create a cost-effective and contemporary tapestry of services for day-to-day business. We structure, optimize, and realize, from the consulting stage to the finished work – both now and in the future. Welcome to le-tex. t le- ex hi l is b pu ng rv se ice s le-tex publishing services Content Processing 6 Handling Manuscripts Our services –– Assessment and evaluation of manuscripts –– Editing (spelling, grammar, content, style and structure) –– Image editing and obtaining licenses –– Editing the reference style –– Technical and structural preparation of texts –– Pre-formatting and preparation for copy editing Copy editing – from A to Z At le-tex, your manuscript is subject to Our copy editing (CE) team checks ting and correct positioning and cita- copy editing and editorial management and revises your texts according to sty- tions in the text. This includes formal from the first draft right through to the listic and factual criteria. As one of the markup of footnotes, lists and headings production-ready stage. We advise and original services that the company has and checking the spelling, grammar and support you with all content, language offered from the very start, we in the punctuation in your manuscript. and style issues, and when revising your copy editing department have many works, we consult with an extensive net- years’ experience to place at your dis- and style aspects, our editors are very work of scientifically trained editors who posal. cautious and take great care to preserve speak a range of different languages – For example, our editors check and precisely according to your wishes and correct references, illustrations and requirements. tables for uniformity of style and format- When it comes to correcting content the author’s individual style. 7 Wiley-VCH | Revival of a classic Paul and Saskia Wrede (Eds.): Charles Darwin – Die Entstehung der Arten Körpergewicht s an Nahrung auf. Nachts, wen auf ein Zwanz igstel, ein Phä n sie inaktiv sind nom Vögel, wobei die kleinste Art en, was als Torpor bezeich , sinkt der Sauerstoffverb rauch , net wird. 2 Kol Schnabel bis zur Schwanzsp die Bienenelfe (Melisuga ibris sind seh helenae) mit r kleine itze nur 6 cm 25 cm Länge eine erreicht! And der Riesenkol ererseits ist die r Gesamtlänge von ibri (Patagona größte Art mit gigas). Lebensweise ca. Charakteristis ch für Kolibri s ist ihre Fähigk vorwärts, rüc kwä eit Dadurch besuch rts aber auch seitwärts flie sich ständig in der Luft auf gen, mit einem zuhalten, sie en einige Art kön en bis 40 Blü Flügelschlag Kolibriarten ist ten in der Min von 80 Schläge nen ihr langer Sch ute. Charakteri n/s. angepasst, sein nabel, der abe stis r je nach Nah kann. 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The different elements were prepared and combined with intri- Verschiedene Kol Mitte links ein ibriarten, beachtlich die Farb napfförmiges envielfalt und Nest mit zwe die unterschiedl i Eiern. ichen Sch cate care at the copy editing stage to produce a coherent overall work nabelformen. Verbreitung Die ursprünglic hen Kolibris stam und haben sich von dort aus in men aus dem tropischen, mittelamerikan ausschließlich die ischen Regenw auf dem amerika mehr als 300 Arten auf ges ald Südspitze Süd amerikas. Dab nischen Kontinent vor, von palten. Kolibris kommen ei bevölkern Alaska, über strengen Fichten Kol Mittelamerika ibris nicht nur forste Alaska bis zur unwirtlichen s oder auch die den trop isch en Regenwald, Gebiete Feuerla Hochwälder der die nds. And en, sondern auc Fossilien h die In Südamerika hat anderen, größer man kaum Fossilien von Kolibris gefund en Wirbeltiere Museum Fossilie en, allerdings n. Überrasche nderweise fan auch selten von n von Kolibri d Gerald Mayr dabei um klei s in der Nähe vom Senckenbe nere Skelette von Heidelberg eine rg die Evolution , Deutschland . des Kolibris nich s moderneren Kolibrityps aus dem frühen Es handelt sich Koevolution t auf die Neue kann also bis Oli We gozäns. Also lt beschränkt gew zum Oligozän ist esen. Die Vog (23 bis 28 Mil Sicherlich kan el-Blütenlionen Jahre) n die enorme zurückverfolg Ausbreitung und Südamerika mit t werden. 3 Art der geomorph Hebung der And ologischen Ver envielfalt der Kolibris vor allem in änderung dies en und deren es Kontinentes Reihe untersc Abtragung und hiedlicher Bio erklärt werden Transport der tope, die eine relativ junge Artbildung beg Sedimente bildete eine gan . Die Entstehung. ünstigten. Die ze Trochiliden sind </FBflies> eine with consistent content structure and language. h zwei wenn auc wo immer in e tätigen, dass, r stellvertretend e ng überall bes verwandte ode er viel h meiner Meinu en viele nahe den; und wo imm che wer sein Es wird sich nac einander entfernten Gegend den en vorhan en werden, wel von Art t und he wei gef tisc so h iden men noc ge auch viele For achten. Diese men, auch eini men, da werden ere nur als Varietäten betr rung aus Arten vorkom Arten vorkom and nde nahe verwandte er als besondere Arten und der fortschreitenden Abä in rsch einige Naturfo men drücken uns die Stufen For zweifelhaften .10). (EA13.9–EA13 Hickman CP, Roberts LS, Lars 1000 on A, I ´Anson H, Eisenhour Mayr G Old Wor DJ Zoologie Pear ld Fossil Record son Studium, München (200 of Modern-Typ 8) S. e Hummingbir ds Science 304 , 861–864 (200 4) 2 <FBflies> c13-EA09-001 is alpine Kolibr Südamerika, -EA09-001 hlkolibri. fixiert Abb. c13 oder Rubinke 3 lypte costae) Costakolibri (Ca geteilt, in die erfamilien auf mit ungefähr s in zwei Unt gen ilie der Kolibri n 117 Gattun chilinae gehöre 61) wird die Fam Nach Gould (18 und die Trochilinae. Den Tro irisierenden Farben. n Phaethornthinae besitzen die wunderschöne Sie 300 Arten an. -EA09-002 ri). fixiert Abb. c13 mingbird (Archilochus alexand Black-chinned Hum gste der talt, das prächti sich mit önste der Ges nz gibt, lassen Kolibri das sch Kunst ihren Gla er kleine Vogel. Ihn Wesen ist der ere bten uns bele en n ck ist dies „Unter alle Metalle, den den n. Ihr Meisterstü Edelsteine und einzelt beschie Farben nach. nicht vergleiche Vögeln nur ver k: alles ist dien der Natur üttet, welche den übrigen reicher Schmuc diesen Kleino n Gaben übersch e, Anmut, Gewandtheit und der Rubin, der Topas d, nell hat sie mit alle Sch utzt; denn sein en. Der Smarag Leichtigkeit, der Erde beschm en. Er ist stets in worden sind. g zuteil geword Bod kleinen Lieblin e, das er nie mit dem Staube enblicke den diesem ihrem seinem Gewand er kaum auf Aug en Glanz ihm eigen ist und der schimmern auf s Leben hindurch berührt und e sch che en Fri ganzes ätheris me zu Blume gaukelnd, der Blu er Georges der Luft, von e Naturforsch er trinkt.“ ße französisch deren Nektar chrieb der gro bes 8 verfassten, e ach Spr reichen ren 1749 bis 178 Amerika vorkommenden in In dieser blumen 07–1788) in dem in den Jah den nur liche oder gar (17 re naturelle“ s andere als zier ig. Ihr Louis Buffon Werk „Histoi Kolibriarten alle ngsfäh reißigbändigen rt sechsundd bisher etwa 330 äußerst robust und anpassu unde, erforde 1 Allerdings sind die Sek enteil, sie sind Schlägen pro Kolibri. Wesen – im Geg lagfrequenz von 50 bis 100 Nektar besteht, sondern zerbrechliche Sch aus nen gen mit einer am wenigsten oder verschiede s en find en dauerndes Flie rungsaufnahme, die aber doppelte ihre den Blütenkelch Nah eine ständige kten, die sie in men sie täglich mehr als das h Art aus Inse neh vielmehr je nac des hohen Stoffumsatzes gen Früchten. We 1 Smolik H-W on rororo Tierlexik 4) S.139 Rowohlt (197 Band 3 Vögel Editorial management – all-round linguistic support As an interface between the publisher native speakers for you from our exten- and the author, our editorial man sive network. agers support your book and journal Authors receive extensive advice and You decide which type of revision you require for your work and how in-depth you need it to be. We are happy projects at editorial level. In technical support from the le-tex editorial man- to support you with this decision by and scientific as well as basic editor agement team. We help authors to imple- assessing your manuscript and provid- ial management, we check the lan- ment the publisher’s requirements, such ing recommendations for choosing the guage, style, content and structure as linguistic and stylistic standards, and right level of editing. of your texts. We specifically appoint advise them on the structure and layout editorial managers qualified in the of their manuscripts and on formatting relevant subject area, coordinate your issues relevant for book typesetting and translation projects and select suitable XML compatibility. Your contact Steffi Hohensee steffi . hohensee @ Phone: +49 341 355356 165 8 Image Processing Professional and efficient Outstanding prepress processing leads special programs and OCR and batch media designers, typographers and pro- to outstanding print results. conversions. duction editors. They combine a wide With its considerable knowledge and Because it uses workflows for auto- variety of professional experience with experience, our highly efficient image matic image processing, le-tex offers design, reprographic and advertising processing department processes over standardized production, which guaran- skills. Our image processing team is also 10,000 diagrams and illustrations for tees top quality combined with very fast supported by in-house software develop- books, journals and electronic publica- processing times. ers and systems engineers. tions every year. It is always easy to keep control of Our portfolio comprises not only the budget. Working hand in hand with redrawing from scratch, re-labeling, par- our customers, we discuss requirement tial redrawing and creation of calibrated profiles and agree the required quality. color scans, but also processing of math- Our personnel are highly trained ematical and chemical formulae with Formats and programs Processing of the following image formats: –– JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, EPS, PDF –– Office formats: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Visio, OpenDocument –– Subject-specific formats (e. g. ChemDraw) –– Freehand drawings Use of the following image processing programs: –– Adobe CS6 (particularly Photoshop, Illustrator) –– CorelDraw –– PitStop –– ImageMagick graphics specialists including digital Your contact Dana Minnemann dana . minnemann @ Phone: +49 341 355356 164 9 Springer | Handbooks – knowledge at one’s fingertips With over 8,400 book titles in 2013 and 2,200 journals in English, Springer Verlag is one of the world’s leading scientific publishers. The Springer Handbook series is Springer’s own product line. The printed versions of this series are popular with individual purchasers and institutions, while the online versions achieve top download figures. le-tex has been compiling these complex works with the greatest care and overseeing their production for many years. As well as copy editing, typesetting and production editing, we also handle comprehensive image editing – from simple retouching to numerous new drawings. Standards are high, with stringent requirements, and precision is essential for the image reproduction. 10 Production Editing Tailor-made workflows and processes From books, journals and loose-leaf In addition to planning, coordination le-tex stands for efficient project man- publications to digital media, our qual- and control of the production editing agement that guarantees both adherence ified and experienced production edit- process, we advise and support publish- to deadlines and cost control at every ing team produces several hundred ers and authors with preparing manu- stage of the production process. Close titles annually with a range of different scripts for media-neutral production. contact with publishers and authors is a requirements. We check authors’ manuscripts based on further important guarantee of success- publishers’ schemas and layout require- ful production. Depending on customer needs, we handle all the production stages from ments and adapt these if necessary to receipt of the manuscript to sending the the specified requirements. le-tex is print data, or support you with particu- also an expert partner for camera-ready lar parts of the overall processes. Based production and supports authors with on your needs, our services are inte- the creation and technical processing of grated into your existing workflows. their camera-ready copy. Your contact Steffi Hohensee steffi . hohensee @ Phone: +49 341 355356 165 11 Wiley-VCH | One-stop shop for full service The publisher Wiley-VCH is part of the global publishing ization, copy editing, XML conversion, and page makeup group John Wiley & Sons, Inc., and specializes in natural from XML. This allows print and XML data and linked sciences, engineering sciences, and economics. e-book PDFs to be produced easily. For Wiley-VCH, le-tex developed a tailor-made workflow for full-service production that integrates data normal le-tex was also commissioned to perform the copy editing and project management. Reducing complexity, implementing standards, thinking in advance of ways to use content in the future – these are some of the tasks of modern production editing. At the same time and above all, production editing must satisfy the exacting demands of today’s authors, readers, content, and controllers. le-tex helps us handle all this with its full-service portfolio: Straightforward interfaces, standard-compliant editing, transparent costs, and the right amount of flexibility and valuable feedback that make for good partnership and cooperation. Andrea Zschäge Content Management Books, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA (2014) Services at a glance –– Review, normalization and markup of manuscripts –– Technical advice for authors and editors –– Costing –– Purchase and supervision of prepress services –– Coordination of the correction process –– Purchase and supervision of printing and binding processes –– Material selection and purchase –– Briefing and advice on design 12 InDesign InDesign is used by le-tex primarily for This is regularly the case when a large Alternatively, the math content can also medical, legal and educational books index needs to be created. be edited directly in InDesign with the and journals, as well as projects with Typesetting complex works often MathType plugin. In numerous projects, we have also special design requirements. The staff of starts with fully automatic rough page the InDesign department are trained in makeup using transpect (see page 24). To provided our customers with solutions typography to a high standard. do this, prepared manuscripts are con- to other limitations of InDesign, such as verted to XML , style information added the standard restriction to one index or character styles, object styles and scripts and all referenced illustrations inte- problems with round-tripping. – as well as the implementation of typo- grated. Excisting InDesign templates are graphic conventions – also allows a high filled with this data via IDML synthesis. Systematic use of paragraph and level of automation. This is necessary to We overcome the limitations of InDe- And naturally, le-tex generates tables of contents and indexes dynamically from typesetting data. With volumes of over 2,000 pages and well over 250 indi- ensure optimum throughput and export- sign for math typesetting through a ability to XML. combination of transpect workflow and vidual chapters, we create online PDFs TeX typesetting. MathType math content with cross-references linked to illustra- input and an output format in InDe- is converted to TeX, formatted and then tions, tables, boxes, references and head- sign typesetting. le-tex is very familiar output as EPS. These equation image ings. with the precise limitations and pitfalls files can be easily integrated in the rough XML can be designated as both an of typesetting from XML. If post-im- page makeup during IDML synthe- port script processing is too labori- sis. This allows the production of large ous, we can synthesize InDesign files works with a high proportion of math completely from XML in IDML format. content and excellent typesetting quality. Your contact Dana Minnemann dana . minnemann @ Phone: +49 341 355356 164 13 Springer Medizin | Experience leads to efficiency Hoffmann, Lentze, Spranger, Zepp: Pädiatrie A proven, reliable standard reference work for pediatrics highly complex work was extremely demanding in terms and adolescent medicine in hospitals and doctors’ offices of typesetting, production editing and image editing, as it from the Springer Verlag stable, the new edition of “Pädi- involved compliance with complex layout guidelines for atrie” offers an up-to-date scientific overview in a didacti- text and images and strict time and cost management. The cally appealing form. This title with 2,300 pages and around e-book naturally contains cross-references linked to images, 300 individual chapters split into two volumes was created tables, references and headings throughout the book, and using InDesign within 7 months. The production of this supplementary image material can also be accessed online. I was amazed that this large work with almost 300 chapters and over 350 contributing authors was so unproblematic, smooth and quick to produce. The 2,300 pages of content in printed and electronic form were published in a much shorter time than expected. Sincerest thanks to the whole Leipzig team involved. Michael Barton Manager Production Books GLS, Springer-Verlag GmbH (2014) Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung | Accessibility Journal: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte Admittedly, accessibility is not as exciting as, for example, demanding to implement, especially if there are to be no the latest tablet gadget with interactive video sequences. compromises in terms of graphic design. le-tex achieves But it is important, because it opens up social discourse to this week after week, thanks to its XML and InDesign the blind and visually impaired, among others. And it is expertise. It is a real pleasure when cooperation is as productive and uncomplicated as it is with le-tex, extending beyond simply complying with the standards. You could say that le-tex stands for accessibility in more ways than one. Dr. Hans-Georg Golz Director, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb) (2010) 14 TEX and xmltex Single-source, high quality publishing durch die Summe die Kurve wird also \begin{equation} }=\sum_{k=1}^{n} ^{2}} \sum_{k=1}^{n}L_{k 2}+(\upDelta y_{k}) ^{ }) {k x_ a lt De up \sqrt{(\ \label{eq:6.3.1} \end{equation} angenähert. ing process, which allows a real XML first workflow. Typographically, TeX Ever since le-tex was founded, TeX is far superior to all XSL -FO and CSS3 has been a core component of our pro- engines. The XML source is “single TeX has become firmly established duction. This is reflected in our com- source”. It is used for typesetting, all among typesetting programs thanks to pany name and the hundreds of thou- corrections are carried out in it, and it the quality of its math content typeset- sands of book and journal pages that we serves as an archiving and basic format ting, particularly for scientific and math- process using TeX every year. We spe- for other types of usage. ematical publications. cialize in titles with a high proportion of It is worth getting to know this Thanks to its programmability, TeX/ math content. These include the famous effective tool. From solutions for indi- LaTeX enables efficient typesetting of standard works by Tipler, Dubbel, vidual titles to setting up XML work- standardized layouts and fully automatic Gerthsen and Atkins and the Springer flows with high throughput – our TeX generation of PDFs in automated pro- Handbook series. Although our TeX experts are on hand to help you. cesses. It also has all the necessary pre- production specializes in handling high requisites for handling highly complex proportions of math content, we do a lot services for TeX templates (p. 36) and typography. An open source solution, more besides. system integration (p. 30). it requires no investment costs and is Find out more about our “TeXnical” For ten years, we have been using continuously being developed by a large TeX effectively for native typesetting of global community. TeX is an open data XML data. We produce tens of thou- format which can be read by more than sands of pages every year in this way. just specific software such as InDesign An XML parser written in TeX reads the and QuarkXPress. XML data and passes it on to the render- Your contact Andrea Köhler andrea . koehler @ Phone: +49 341 355356 180 15 Pearson | Textbooks for universities and schools Large, high-quality textbooks from the Pearson Studium series require a comprehensive skill set, ranging from math typesetting and design to image processing and meticulous project handling. The le-tex team combines all these skills, complemented by high availability and expert advice. Philipp Burkart Head of Production Editing, Pearson Deutschland GmbH (2014) Deutscher Apotheker Verlag | Extensive loose-leaf publication with 2,000 pages “Helwig / Otto Arzneimittel: Ein Handbuch für Ärzte und Special attention was paid to the technical implementation Apotheker”, a handbook for doctors and pharmacists, was of the typesetting for the complex 2-column page makeup, produced using a round-trip conversion (Word-XML-Word) and to the automatic generation of a general index. in which customer-specific XML was developed and used. We value le-tex as an expert and innovative partner, particularly for complex typesetting of math content and loose-leaf publications, and for aspects such as XML conversion, content management and online editors. Reiner Blankenhorn Head of Production Editing, Deutscher Apotheker Verlag (2014) 16 Word From manuscript to typesetting – seamlessly Word is a popular authoring tool and is used in numerous pub- Cross-references to chapters, sections, images, tables, equa- lishing workflows. Finalizing a manuscript in Word can offer tions and reference entries are linked fully automatically. With a cost-effective alternative to page makeup in InDesign, TeX or our math content workflow, even large numbers of MathType other typesetting systems. We convert both fully marked-up objects can be standardized and output in different formats manuscripts and very large or technically complex Word docu- such as TeX code or EPS graphics. ments quickly and efficiently into the required form. The technical typesetting options in Word appear limited at However, there is also a demand for conversion in the opposite direction, particularly among the growing number of first, but can be extended to an astonishing degree with power- publishers who store their content as full-text XML. le-tex can ful scripts using VBA programming. Our many years’ expe- efficiently convert structured XML data including tables, math rience and wide range of tools allow us to typeset even travel content, index entries or nested lists into Word. Authors can guides full of pictures in Word, as well as journals with a lot then use their familiar Word environment to edit follow-up edi- of math content and reference works with over 1,000 pages and tions of their works. numerous tables. Word can also be used for data normalization. For efficient preparation and reliable conversion of Word manuscripts to We also provide help that enables self-sufficiency. We advise authors how to use Word and create user-friendly Word templates with extensive documentation for publishers. other typesetting systems or XML workflows, le-tex uses automated normalization, checking and conversion tools. With the aid of a large number of VBA macros or batch XSLT processing, we can adapt the manuscripts to the publisher’s stylistic requirements, structure them and mark them up very rapidly. PDF-EPUB workflow For EPUB generation from finished, typeset PDFs, our made-to-measure Word tools are extremely useful. After conversion from PDF to Word, paragraphs that belong together are automatically joined, hard hyphenation is removed, and layout elements are recognized and reassigned. This creates a well-structured EPUB from an inaccessible PDF file via Word very rapidly. Your contact Andrea Köhler andrea . koehler @ Phone: +49 341 355356 180 17 Springer Spektrum | Word-for-word competence Schweizer: Wörterbuch der Geologie The Dictionary of Geology, translated into English by Prof. Volker Schweitzer and published by Springer Spektrum Verlag, is a valuable asset to the professional community. The manuscript was converted to a 3-column layout and typeset exclusively in Word. This 673 -page work required extremely painstaking editing by our typesetting department within a very short timeframe. Services at a glance –– Typesetting of books, journals and proceedings –– Finalizing of Word documents –– Consulting for authors and publishers –– Development and adaptation of Word templates –– VBA macro programming –– Normalization of manuscripts for typesetting and XML workflows –– Conversion of Word documents with math content and tables into TeX and vice versa –– Conversion of Word documents into XML and vice versa 18 E-Book Conversion Quality and expertise We first began converting electronic list titles that only exist in printed form to bring these into line with applica- books for publishers when the EPUB and convert these from old to new ble standards and ensure compatibility standard was still in its infancy. A lot German spelling or from American to with current devices. And last but not has changed in the meantime. Alongside British English if required. We also sup- least, we provide e-book converters and typesetting, e-book conversion is now port publishers with the conversion of checking tools that we have developed the service that le-tex most frequently enhanced e-books and integrate interac- ourselves for the automation of e-book provides to publishers. tive content, animations, read-aloud and workflows. We mainly convert e-books from Adobe InDesign and QuarkXPress raw audio and video data. A new service that we offer publish- We support all current e-book formats such as EPUB 2 and 3 and Ama- typesetting data and print data in PDF ers is individual checking and correction zon MOBI / K F 8, optionally also as fixed format. We digitize and convert back- of older externally produced e-books layout. We also add interactive indexes, 19 EPUB 3 Kosmos | Nature live Those who want to keep their The product spectrum of Franckh-KosmosVerlags-GmbH & Co. KG , abbreviated e-books as backward compatible to KOSMOS , is extremely diverse: Guidebooks, nature guides, non-fiction, cook- as possible with all readers should ery books, DVDs, books for children and young people, games, experiment kits continue to use EPUB 2. and, increasingly, e-books and apps to complement the range. As an added extra However, support for EPUB 3 to supplement the printed guide to garden birds “Welcher Gartenvogel ist das?”, is growing. New readers now the e-book version also includes audio samples. Unlike classic media, this enables integrate EPUB 3 features such as nature lovers to identify birds instantly in the field from the sound of their call pop-up footnotes, math content, using mobile devices such as an iPad or iPod Touch, or discover the variety of dif- fixed layout, audio and video. ferent bird sounds at home. Some of these features can also be seamlessly adopted for Amazon KF 8. This opens up new possibilities for the design of electronic books. We inform you what works on which device and develop a suitable technical implementation for your concept. We anticipate that the production editing costs of e-books will be less than those of the software products and are confident that we can offer our readers interactive additional benefits compared to pure print products. We are delighted to have found in le-tex an expert partner to support us with this. Bettina Schütz Head of Online Sales, F ranckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG (2012) audio cross-references and hyperlinks to print in the discussions on technical further types or customers projects. This pio- PDFs and convert print PDFs to e-PDFs. development. Since 2010, we have been a neering work enables our customers to member of the International Digital Pub- profit from our know-how. Our quality assurance department Interested? Then we look forward to checks the finished e-book against the lishing Forum (IDPF) which is respon- master and ensures that there are no sible for the specification of the EPUB hearing from you. We would be happy to display problems on our reference read- standards. help you realize your e-book projects. ers. Any errors are noted and corrected before the e-book is sent to the publisher. Not only do we strive to stay up-to- We also continually test which features are supported by the readers that are widespread on the market. New date with advances in e-book formats features are tested by our development and readers, we also play an active role department and implemented in proto- Your contact Martin Kraetke martin.kraetke@ Phone: +49 341 355356 143 le-tex p ublishi ng service s Automation and Applications 22 le-tex aspect SiMPLiFieD PuBLiSHinG One application – all output formats upload Check ? Publish I ?? I IDML I I I ?? ? ? Word input Id A PDF /A ? I? I I I II I I OK nOt OK ? X-3 PDF / X-3 XML I I Archive data I I WORD with comments XHTML EPUB Tests and text substitutions ? Kindle –– Checking of paragraph and character styles –– Checking the continuous numbering of floating objects I such as tables and illustrations –– Hierarchy checking A I APP –– Checking of linked graphics –– Automatic typographic fine-tuning ·· Reduced fixed-width space for e. g., i. e. etc. ? ·· Eliminate duplicate spaces, tabs etc. Your format I le-tex aspect. simplified publishing I the 3-step principle of le-tex aspect Handling everything from data checking data in all the required e-book formats in get started easily, and manuscripts can and EPUB creation to XML conversion, parallel with the print output. be converted into output formats such as automated page makeup and conversion XML , XHTML , PDF, EPUB or MOBI /KF 8 of manuscripts to InDesign rough page based publishing system and works (Amazon Kindle) with just a few clicks makeup, le-tex aspect is the web-based according to a simple principle: thanks to the intuitive navigation. system integration platform for state-of- Upload › Check › Publish. the-art publishing workflows. le-tex aspect is designed as a web- It offers standardized workflows that Even if automated page makeup is not required, le-tex aspect can be used to allow books and periodicals to be pro- optimize publishing processes and pro- and ensures economical and efficient duced fast and cost-effectively. Ready- vide quality assurance. publishing processes by outputting the made standard packages enable users to It offers a high level of automation Using IDML synthesis, le-tex aspect 9 23 Schwabenverlag | Serial cost-effectiveness The Schwabenverlag AG group of companies uses le-tex aspect for automatic page makeup and generation of EPUB and XML. The manuscripts are marked up with the aid of a Word template and uploaded either chapter by chapter or as a single file. The data is checked and automatic text substitutions executed. In the event of errors, a Word file with comments is output for the user. For us, le-tex aspect is an ideal and cost-effective solution for producing print PDF, EPUB and XML from Word files simultaneously. Wolfgang Sailer Head of Production Editing, Schwabenverlag AG (2014) aspect / transpect If transpect is the engine and transmission, aspect is the body transpect core. aspect also provides the basic infrastructure for and cockpit. PDF generation and for converting non-XML formats such as le-tex transpect, the open source framework for checking and converting XML-based formats (see following page), is readily usable with aspect for a wide range of user groups and PDF, DOC and MathType to XML. If only a simple web interface or an HTTP API without roles/ rights and workflows is required for a converter, le-tex offers many publication workflows. aspect adds functions such as user aspect light as an inexpensive solution for this with every management, roles/rights, workflows and web interface to the transpect project. We will be glad to send you detailed generates an InDesign rough page function means that users can obtain makeup from a manuscript. This allows assistance with editing manuscripts information on le-tex aspect, or you precise size estimation and rapid galley from experienced production editors and can find out more on the Internet at: proofs, as well as saving on typesetting typesetting and conversion specialists. costs. The flexible checking mechanisms The modules developed by le-tex can help ensure compliance with prescriptive of course also be combined to provide document styles and support editorial a customized configuration. In other managers, copy editors and authors with words, you can decide for yourself how configurable text substitutions and cor- your publishing workflow is to be con- rection functions. The built-in support figured. Your contact Andrea Köhler andrea . koehler @ Phone: +49 341 355356 180 24 le-tex transpect validatewith-rng html2hub docx2hub epubtools docxtools check-styles hub2docx validate-withschematron evolve-hub crossrefresolver xml2idml idmltools lengths xml2tex idml2xml mml2tex dynamictransform catalogresolver The framework for checking and converting XML data hub2docbook hub2tei hub2html loadcascaded 25 catalogresolver Hogrefe | InDesign-XML-EPUB workflow Hogrefe is a leading psychology publisher based in Göttingen complexity of the XML data and the layout requirements, in Germany with subsidiaries in many European countries. makes an XML first workflow with InDesign seem very prob- The two key goals of Hogrefe’s XML workflow for book lematic. production are to produce electronic products at the same A subsequent conversion process is difficult, too. The time as the print products and to maintain XML data that solution developed by le-tex consists of firstly defining style is compatible with the NLM /JATS industry standard. The sheet names and other conventions across all series, then run- continued popularity of printed books is taken into account ning an intensive automatic check after each conversion step by the fact that the books are still mostly typeset in InDe- to detect unanchored images, prohibited styles and uncited sign. For acceptance reasons, the company did not want any references. The solution is an ex-post (XML last) conversion changes made to the classic author proof based on a first process, therefore, but with exceptionally detailed checks and pagination. This condition, combined with the relatively high error correction by the typesetter before print approval. The le-tex converter allows us to continue working with trusted typesetters and to retain many proven workflows. Jürgen Schneider Production Editing Manager, Hogrefe Verlag GmbH & Co. KG (2013) hub2jats transpectdoc colors htmlreports hub2bits hyphenate css-expand hex css-generate Framework There are considerable risks involved in Converters from/to XML -based formats choosing a particular software prod- such as DOCX , IDML , EPUB, HTML , uct. Will the manufacturer still exist in DocBook, TEI and NLM /JATS/BITS and five years’ time? Will the manufacturer extensions, e.g. in order to check PDFs le-tex transpect is not a closed continue to develop the product? Can and image files, are now freely available. application, but a system made up other providers service the installation? of numerous components that we Is it possible to have the suitability of the the open source modules, but also a assemble and configure according product independently verified? methodology that allows the modules to customers’ specific needs. To eliminate these risks for its cus- le-tex transpect consists of not only to be combined into workflows. Exam- tomers, le-tex has released its basic con- ples include conversion from InDesign verters as an open source framework. (IDML) to publisher-specific XML and 26 1. The typesetter creates the final Print PDF file and exports the IDML file from Adobe InDesign. In the next step, she uploads the Print PDF INDD IDML file to le-tex transpect. flat HUB IDML Typesetting Export Conversion Upload Workflow Document flow Manual process Automatic process XProc XSLT Document Configuration file Conversion Download 6. Based on the HTML-Report, the typesetter checks the InDesign file, corrects mistakes and converts the IDML file again. EPUB Amazon KF 8 ONIX InDesign workflow with le-tex transpect then to EPUB, or conversion of Word Configuration cascade chored marginal notes and illustrations, manuscripts (DOCX ) to XML and then to Different checking and conversion rules pseudo headings without proper styles IDML for a first rough page makeup in can be stored for each imprint, book or uncited references. InDesign. series or even for each individual title, The technologies behind these con- which overwrite the rules of next highest verters and checks are the W3C stand- further developments do not need to be level in each case. ards XSLT 2.0 and XProc and the ISO made freely accessible, however, as per- Schematron and schema checking, with dis- standards Schematron and Relax NG. mitted by the BSD license selected by play of the relevant messages at the error le-tex. location in the browser. Schematron based, company-wide converter solution allows detection of errors that a DTD is shown in the illustration above (see validation is unable to spot, e. g., unan- also the reference on p. 25). Customer-specific installations or The key components of le-tex transpect are: An example of a le-tex transpect- 27 3. The publisher-specific XML is generated 2. The IDML file is converted to flat Hub. Then headings, lists and other structures are from the evolved Hub. The XML is validated tagged automatically and an evolved Hub with Schematron and Relax NG. The valida- XML file is created. tion results are stored as Schematron SVRL reports. evolved HUB Publisher XML Conversion Report SVRL Conversion XProc XSLT Validation XProc XSLT Report SVRL Validation Schematron RelaxNG CSS Collect reports Conversion XProc XSLT HTML Report HTML 5. Starting from the publisher-specific XML , Report SVRL 4. The SVRL reports are collected and the additional output files are generated besides warning messages are patched into the HTML the HTML report. preview of the publisher-specific XML . and develop the conversion application. ple web user interface. In combination and customization of le-tex transpect, This epitomizes our approach of gener- with le-tex aspect, you can use its roles/ and with integration in existing pro- ating customer loyalty through technol- permissions management and project cesses. The offer is rounded off by ogy leadership and service rather than administration/progress monitoring training and support. le-tex transpect through dependence on proprietary functions. Eventual integration in your therefore lets you continue to use your solutions. content management system is possible We support you with the installation tried-and-trusted typesetters and typesetting workflows in future. le-tex even goes one step further Links to demo applications which via an HTTP API . you can download and run from the command line can be found at with its open source policy. In principle,, or any other XML consultant can maintain you can use our hosted application’s sim- Your contact Martin Kraetke martin.kraetke@ Phone: +49 341 355356 143 28 Cornelsen | Design toolkit / semi-automatic typesetting For Cornelsen’s teacher handouts, le-tex developed an XML -based workflow including automatic generation of InDesign rough page makeup. The Cornelsen editors use various Word templates which are all, however, based on the same schema. For new series, Word templates are generated with a subset of the schema. After uploading the Word files, an HTML preview and an IDML rough page makeup are generated. Different InDesign templates are stored depending on the series. The typesetters then generate PDFs from the IDML files for galley proofs or continue with the fine-tuning of the page makeup. This allows structured data to be produced and saves on typesetting costs. Because of the automatic IDML generation, we achieve structured data and save typesetting costs. Marcus Bohlmann Manager Production Systems, Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH (2014 ) XML quality assurance with le-tex transpect What is actually the equivalent to the imprimatur for XML data? Who checks the XML and what quality criteria does it need to meet? For a printed book, the quality is checked with one or more review cycles, the position proof, color proof, specimen copy and final print approval. When it comes to XML data, this question seems to go largely unanswered for many publishers. Although XML is increasingly maturing into the central data format for publishing, the 29 Walter de Gruyter | Submission checker Features The De Gruyter Submission Checker uses over 100 Schematron rules to check –– XML schema validation the XML supplied by typesetters for the publisher’s journal production. It –– Schematron checks thoroughly checks the metadata, naming conventions and file structure of the –– Checking profiles (e. g. for new packages. It also validates the data in relation to the publisher’s schema and titles and backlist data) performs a Unicode character check and a PDF check. The individual rules –– Error handling and display can also be combined into checking profiles in order to guarantee different according to severity (e. g. degrees of rigor in the checking of current data and archive data. “Error”, “Warning”) –– Combining of rules into families (e. g. “Naming conventions”, For our service providers, the Submission Checker is the central instance for ensuring the quality of our journal production. le-tex is an important partner for us for further developments to ensure compliance with our XML standards. Franziska Bühring Manager eProducts & Standards, Walter de Gruyter GmbH (2014) “Formatting”) –– Filtering of the displayed errors according to checking rules/error family/severity –– HTML or PDF display of the XML file with on-the-spot error display –– Optional: Checking of PDF and image data –– Cascading configuration issue of quality assurance still remains are tailored to publishing conventions of the XML data in order to allow indi- largely unaddressed. Higher standards (“business rules”), and which remain vidual checks. need to be applied to XML data than to unnoticed by a schema validation. This typesetting data exclusively intended makes it possible to ensure, for exam- XML checking tools based on le-tex for printing. All elements and attributes ple, that essential metadata is available, transpect. transpect offers many key fea- must be correctly named and nested in name conventions are complied with tures to facilitate this (see box). accordance with the structure require- and tags are used in the right context. ments of the XML schema. This can be However, there are also things that These problems can be solved with Conversion and checking of XML are two sides of the same coin. Even if checked with a simple schema valida- cannot be checked by either a schema your XML production is not based on tion. However, this only ensures the validation or a Schematron check. This transpect, you can still use it for qual- correct form of the XML data. Whether is the case, for instance, if highlight- ity assurance. It does not matter who the content of the XML data is correct ing was not transferred to the XML , yet supplies the XML or who developed the cannot be checked with a schema valida- the file still complies with the struc- XML workflow. le-tex transpect can be tion, since this sheds no light on whether tural requirements of the XML schema integrated easily in existing processes a text frame has not been anchored, an and the Schematron rules. In this case, and used for quality assurance of your image caption is missing or a cross-refer- proofreading is required in the form of XML data. ence leads nowhere. a comparison between the XML and the The XML technology Schematron is master. However, very few proofreaders ideal for this. With Schematron, rule- are trained in analysis of XML source based checks can be formulated for XML text. It is therefore necessary to provide data. It allows rules to be written that the editors with a legible representation Your contact Martin Kraetke martin.kraetke@ Phone: +49 341 355356 143 30 System integration Web applications toolkit We develop made-to-measure web appli- You can run your applications your- cations for you ranging from solutions to self on a Linux server or assign us to individual problems to a “control center” host them. We rent a suitable server for that allows you to monitor and control you in the cloud, monitor its operation, your processes. take care of security updates and create To do this, we use a toolkit of various components, some freely available and backups if needed. Our license terms ensure that your Components –– Role, user and team-based rights system some that we have developed ourselves, investment is secure. You receive the –– Saving of content as XML which we combine, configure and if source code for your application. You –– Tree and list display of content necessary develop further, depending can choose to assign us with mainte- on your needs. This allows us to execute nance and further development, handle prototype functions rapidly and work it yourself or organize it through third closely with you to develop them to pro- parties. duction stage. The technical basis for our applica- –– PDF generation with LaTeX –– Online editor a relational database, in the file system for the implementation of the web interface. in Subversion –– Data conversion via le-tex transpect tions is Ruby on Rails. Data is saved in and/or subversion. We use Bootstrap objects –– Saving of assets in the file system –– Simple workflow control Your contact Thomas Schmidt thomas . schmidt @ Phone: +49 341 355356 120 –– Data exchange: HTTP, FTP, e-mail, WebDAV 31 Deutscher Apotheker Verlag | <DaBi/> Data Library For Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, we implemented <DaBi/> the background. The content is exported to the Subversion (Datenbibliothek, data library), a system for managing repository of the CMS at the touch of a button. archive data. The data is stored centrally in a Subversion Using LaTeX, DaBi-Manuskript can also generate a PDF repository. Our Rails application offers a web interface that from the XML data captured in this way. The PDF display allows company-wide searching of archive data. Depending corresponds for the most part to the print output. In some on the role of the user, information is provided on the avail- projects, the print PDF can be generated directly from the ability of data, and individual output formats or the whole system. In other workflows, the XML data is passed to type- data record can be downloaded. The user also receives sup- setters. port with the creation of new archive records. An interface with Klopotek publishing software allows comparison with the works listed there. Together with BaseX GmbH, we have transferred large parts of the data storage to an XML database. This allows new queries to the system to be formulated ad hoc via XQuery. Metadata from Klopotek can be linked with information from the archive system. DaBi-Manuskript is a component that was developed as part of <DaBi/>. It allows authors to enter their content directly in the browser via an editor. The online editors are configured according to the content type so that the author can only create content that is valid with respect to the stored schema and/or DTD. The markup in the online editor uses styles in a simi lar way to word processing programs. The XML source can be viewed by the author, but usually stays discreetly in 32 Copernicus Publications | TeX2NLM Copernicus Publications wanted to implement an XML first ing the layout of the journals. It is currently (as of Oct. 2014) workflow without having to create XML first. The company being tested and should be able to process hundreds of arti- wanted be able to make increased use of the staff’s knowl- cles per month in future. edge of preparing and marking up journal articles in TeX. On the basis of LaTeXML, le-tex developed a converter that checks the syntactical and structural correctness of the TeX sources first, then converts them to NLM and generates a PDF from the XML sources that largely corresponds to the PDF which was created by the staff from the TeX sources. The PDF data of the open source articles is offered for download in the familiar layout. The XML data can be used in future to provide the articles as HTML and make the content available for other uses. The conversion can also be used interactively via a GUI or integrated in automated workflows via REST. As well as converting the articles, the system also provides an interface for managing the metadata and configur- DIN | Standard checking portal Every year, DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. pub- fore, le-tex transpect functions as a creation guideline set lishes approximately 2,000 draft standards. These drafts, out in program code, and helps DIN to output its wide vari- which are usually Word files with TIFF images, all need to ety of input data in a standardized way – quickly and easily. be converted to XML for display on the DIN draft standards portal. However, to convert reliably from Word to a pre-defined XML format, some degrees of freedom must be limited in the Office application. For this purpose, the DIN authors can use le-tex transpect with the “Upload–Check–Convert” principle. After uploading, an extensive, configurable system of rules currently consisting of over 50 checking rules monitors compliance with a wide range of conventions – from image resolution to correct text markup – in the background. If the checked manuscript corresponds to the specifications, the data is automatically converted to XML , and if not, the errors are marked precisely in the check report, specifying exactly the characters concerned. In effect, there- 33 KNV | DiVA Adverts le-tex developed a content management system that allows the creation and management of advertisements and advertising campaigns in e-books. The advertisements can be conveniently created using an online editor and then inserted as advertising campaigns in e-books for defined time spans, retailers and products, and with defined priorities. In the resulting solution, the CMS specifies which advertisements will be added to which product for which retailers and in what sequence, setting expiry dates in each case. For its digital publishing distribution business, Koch, Neff To supplement this, le-tex developed software that inte- & Oetinger Verlagsauslieferung GmbH was looking for a grates the advertisements created in the CMS automati- process for integrating advertisement pages in e-books in cally in existing e-books and ensures their compliance with an automated and context-dependent way. standards. DiVA Adverts allows us to offer our customers a simple, dynamic and effective advertisement management system for e-books that is easily integrated in our digital publishing distribution workflows without media discontinuity. This solution represents a further important marketing tool for our publisher clientele. Philip Roeder Head of Digital Publishing Distribution, Koch, Neff & Oetinger Verlagsauslieferung GmbH, Stuttgart (2014) Hogrefe | CHPD The “Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs” (CHPD) is a standard reference work on the North American market. The data from the previous edition was converted to DocBook by le-tex. In addition to the print data, data that conforms to the web standards HTML , CSS and JavaScript was created from this XML using standard XML processing technologies (XSLT 2.0). The resulting converted data is integrated directly in a web application that provides access management for individual and institutional users, also created by le-tex. The data can also, however, be used on a standalone basis, including a keyword search, which means that it can be distributed on other media and is suitable as a basis for creating apps. 34 Apps Beyond enhanced EPUB Scope of services for creating a standard app –– Analysis of content and feedback, information on data problems, advice on additional features –– Import of content from XML –– Conversion of illustrations –– Request for and integration of the required metadata –– Creation of the app for the current versions of Android and iOS –– Test on four devices: iPhone, iPad, Android tablet, Android phone –– Provision of test versions for customers –– Support with publishing the app in the App Store and/or Google Play The possibilities for enhancing content with new interactive The user can add variables and calculate the result directly via features are still limited with PDF and EPUB. Our native apps an input mask. for iOS and Android can compensate for these limitations. In order to offer an attractive solution, we have developed One practical application, for example, is calculating the dosage of medications. The basic data on the medication is the le-tex standard app for publishing content. For a fixed price, obtained from the content. The user enters the values for it offers all the key features that you need to make your content weight, gender and age in a form and receives the result. available for mobile devices: Unlike EPUBs, apps offer additional options for monetiza- –– Hierarchical navigation tion using dynamic advertising, in-app purchases and sale via –– Full-text search using a database App Store, Google Play or Amazon Store. –– Functionality for bookmarking particular sections –– Adapted table display allowing the user to switch between two variants The app is created on the basis of your XML data, marked up according to a schema developed by us. If required, we can offer you a solution for converting your existing data. –– Note function We create special additional features according to your individual requirements. An example of this is the integration of calculators that adopt formulae and constants from the content. Your contact Thomas Schmidt thomas . schmidt @ Phone: +49 341 355356 120 35 Struki Efficient structuring of references Struki at a glance –– Input and output formats: XML, DOCX, IDML, TeX, HTML –– Fully automatic or interactive structuring –– Browser-based operation or automated use via REST –– Optional DOI lookup –– Formatting according to selected citation style Linking of references in online publications adds value for the –– Insertion of the structured and formatted references in the reader and is increasingly becoming a standard requirement for Word or TeX file or, in the case of InDesign, provision either scientific publications. Precise tagging of references is an impor- as an XML file for import or as a script for modification of the tant factor in enabling the correct links to be generated automat- source document. ically. Manual tagging, however, is an extremely laborious task. To address this situation, le-tex developed “Struki”, an in-house tool for the company’s production departments, Struki can be used interactively with a browser or integrated in your automated workflows via REST API . which supports and facilitates this stage of the process. Struki As well as analyzing and identifying the components of a is now available for our customers too and can be used by you reference, the formatting of references is also a key feature of and your service providers and by authors. Struki. In this step, the components are reassembled and reformatted according to a selected citation style. This makes imple- Struki is based on the following principle: mentation of a uniform citation style considerably easier. Some –– Markup of references in the typesetting system with Word-/ standard citation styles are pre-configured in Struki. Addi- InDesign paragraph styles or TeX macros –– Uploading of typesetting data to Struki –– Extraction of the references based on the markup –– Automatic analysis of the references and tagging of the components in XML (author, title, year, start_page etc.) –– Optional: Interactive post-editing of the results in the web tional or customized styles can be created and configured by the user in the browser. Another feature is the marking of incomplete references. If important information is missing (such as the year of publication), notes are added in the corresponding locations in the source document. browser –– Optional: Request to CrossRef and addition of a DOI to the references –– Transformation of the semantically marked-up XML reference in the selected citation style Your contact Thomas Schmidt thomas . schmidt @ Phone: +49 341 355356 120 36 Document Templates Structuring for Word, InDesign and LaTeX InDesign The technical quality of the manuscripts supplied often has InDesign templates for typesetters are primarily important a major influence on the duration and cost of a publication’s for InDesign XML workflows. This applies for both automated production process. It is therefore a worthwhile investment to generation of an IDML rough page makeup and XML creation provide authors with tools that support them with manuscript from the final typesetting data. The use of InDesign templates creation, in order to minimize the work required for integra- is not necessarily the exclusive realm of graphic designers, tion in the production workflow. however. The only really important thing is that defined character, paragraph and object styles must be used for semantic structures. Typesetters can define their own formats for typographic anomalies according to specified name conventions. For further automation, we also provide InDesign scripts. These enable, for example, boxes and images to be placed auto- LaTeX matically, cross-references and hyperlinks to be linked and images to be converted to e-book-compatible formats. LaTeX is particularly widespread for the creation of scientific publications. Packages for numerous special applications help authors to convert their content to a layout that meets their requirements. A wide range of “TeXnical” tools are available for this in the form of LaTeX macro packages. Some authors familiarize themselves with typographic issues to achieve optimum formatting of their manuscript. A further requirement in most cases is to format publications according to defined layouts and design guidelines, and References possibly also to convert the data to XML. If manuscript creation and further processing are not coordinated with each other, editing the manuscripts can involve a –– Walter de Gruyter: LaTeX and Word template in the lot of work and authors may become angry about the changes De Gruyter house style for various book and journal to their layout. output formats We help you to optimize this interface. We create customized style files for your authors which convert your layouts into TeX and help you to develop markup guidelines. A typical macro package for converting a customer-specific layout consists of the style files that define the layout together with user documentation for the author. This user documentation is created using the style file so that it provides authors with not only content information, but also an example to guide them. –– Wiley-VCH/Wiley: LaTeX package for authors for manuscript preparation in line with the publisher’s DTD –– Carl Hanser and Hanser Fachbuchverlag: LaTeX templates in two layouts for authors for camera-ready production –– Suhrkamp: Word template for structuring and markup of manuscripts 37 De Gruyter Oldenbourg | Finalizing Word input Nolte: Transatlantische Ambivalenzen Word Word is a popular and widespread word processing pro- in user-friendly menu bars or ribbons. Integrated macros help gram. Approximately 90 % of all authors use Word as a tool ensure convenient automatic generation of headers and indexes for editing their manuscripts. The use of Word templates etc. Formats can be limited so that the content can be smoothly plays a key role in this. Their elements have to match all the converted to XML or other formats without manual interven- publication’s content features, and they have to be easy to use tion. for authors and editors. They also need to meet the publish- le-tex creates manuals for this aimed at specific target er’s needs for standardized, reusable content. le-tex devel- groups. We are happy to offer you advice and support with ops style sheets for MS Word and OpenOffice that precisely defining the possible elements and developing templates, and meet these requirements. Depending on customer needs, we we can also, for example, run workshops with your editorial create Word templates that ensure correct formal and seman- team. tic acquisition of content, as well as templates that can be used to generate finished layouts/output data (e. g. for camera-ready production). le-tex offers attractive and detailed solutions for both types of template. The paragraph and character styles are displayed Your contact Andrea Köhler andrea . koehler @ Phone: +49 341 355356 180 le-tex publishing servic es Consulting and Training 40 Consulting and Training Andrea Köhler Gerrit Imsieke Thomas Schmidt Manuela Pohle Technical expert knowledge is increasingly in demand in the publishing sector due to the digitization of production processes, sales channels and products. Now more than ever, new technologies require continuous updating. However, it is not possible to employ your own specialist for every subject area. Martin Kraetke le-tex offers cutting-edge expertise in publishing production processes based on over 15 years’ experience. We not only pass on our knowledge internally, but also make it available to our customers through training and consulting. Martin Hillert 41 Consulting Training Know-how subscription le-tex supports publishers with estab- Want to expand your knowledge of e. g. lishing new standards and processes. We XML technologies, e-books or InDesign analyze workflows, interfaces and con- techniques? We offer a comprehensive A flexible and inexpensive way to profit tent, advise on the latest technical pos- training program, the content and meth- from our experience and knowledge is sibilities and suggest optimum and effi- odology of which we tailor to your spe- the le-tex know-how subscription. cient solutions. Each project has its own cific requirements. Our specialists offer Subscribe to receive our expert requirements. We therefore agree indi- you valuable tips and information based knowledge with different quotas of vidual design and planning tailored to on sound knowledge and practical expe- hours depending on your needs, and publishers’ specific needs. For instance, rience. If required, we can also create we will provide you with a specialist if you want to introduce a publishing tutorials, documentation or courses that who will immediately analyze your XML schema, we examine your publica- you can use for internal training. subject-specific questions and solve any tions, classify their structure, semantics problems you encounter. Any hours and typography, develop a requirements that you do not use are carried over to analysis and check which schema and/or the next month during the term of your enhancements are best to map your con- subscription, and billing is in 5-minute tent. This may well be an off-the-shelf units. schema, see next page. [email protected] Typesetting systems –– Word Production –– LaTeX –– Format, typesetting, data and –– InDesign metadata conventions –– Author templates and manuscripts –– Standardization and –– Template creation –– Advanced techniques and automation XML –– Syntax and structure Topics XML –– XML schemas –– Word –– Introduction of XML workflows –– XPath, XML namespaces –– LaTeX –– Selection of XML schemas and E-books –– InDesign –– E-book formats and –– E-books automation XML databases –– XML standards and specifications –– XML –– Readers and reading software –– HTML E-books –– Design with CSS –– CSS –– Optimization of e-book –– Conversion and export from type- –– JavaScript XML quality assurance production workflows setting systems –– XSLT –– Formats, readers, retailers Development –– XProc –– Enhanced e-books –– XSLT –– Ruby on Rails System integration –– XProc –– Regular expressions –– System launch and migration, –– Ruby on Rails Price –– Regular expressions –– EUR 6.50 per 5 minutes e. g. CMS/MAM systems 42 @letexml The news at first hand Want to be kept up to date with our latest developments in open source tools, new articles and talks by us? Then simply follow @letexml on Twitter. le-tex is a specialist in angle brackets – tron. Examples: Every citation must be ples are the integration of linguistic anal- and all the less obvious aspects of con- referenced in the text. A DOI must be ysis in a “Word → Analysis → Word” tent modeling and processing. The first resolved by CrossRef. round-trip workflow and the generation question is whether XML data really These are also the main reasons why of complete InDesign (IDML) layouts needs to be at the center of the workflow. we mostly recommend XML and not with all anchored frames, index entries The answer is yes, it is mostly advanta- AsciiDoc, LaTeX, Office or DTP formats etc., and with up-to-date metadata from geous, because XML offers a good bal- as the central formats for workflows. It’s an export of the publishing ERP software. ance: It can be automatically processed true that Office and DTP programs fre- These complex, multi-stage transfor- or manually edited; it is standard-com- quently have XML -based file formats. mations are “orchestrated” by a further pliant yet also allows integration of pub- However, these are too liberal and not standardized XML -based language: lisher-specific elements; and it harmoni- suitable for checking and enforcing of XProc. The open source framework ously supports both highly structured rules. This type of XML is nonetheless a transpect is based on XProc and and metadata and barely marked-up prose. useful starting point for transformation ranks among the most extensive XProc Our approach is also balanced – into more suitable XML which is easier libraries worldwide. pragmatism is our dogma. And while we have clear convictions on the one hand, on the other we do not to check and can be converted into other output formats. Powerful checking rules can be easily Opting for XML technologies from le-tex means choosing open standards, efficiency and leading technology. It is the see XML workflows as an end in them- formulated in Schematron, and com- aim of le-tex to make itself superfluous, or selves. plex selections and analyses are possible at least to transfer knowledge – Schema- for large sets of data. At the core of this tron rules can also be managed by pub- need a DTD.” Despite their popularity powerful tools is XPath, the query lan- lishers’ own specialists, and other XML in the publishing industry, DTD s are guage for XML. service providers can handle the mainte- You will never hear us say: “First you a hopelessly outdated and inadequate XPath is also the core of XSLT which nance of transpect installations. technology compared with the modern we use not only to check content, but schema languages XSD and Relax NG. In also to transform automatically from specialists by setting up convenient val- addition, too much of a burden is placed one format to other formats. We only use idation and transformation scenarios for on DTD s and other schema languages the modern variants XSLT 2 and 3. With the oXygen Editor. when it comes to semantic modeling of XSLT 1, you can only convert well-struc- We also support publishers’ in-house Last but not least, it is worth men- content – as if the aim is to ban meaning- tured data into more poorly structured tioning that women are responsible for less sentences such as “The house eats data, whereas with the newer variants, 50 % of the development work on XML conditions” using grammar rules. We you can generate well-structured data technology at le-tex. This is an unusu- are convinced that a much better way from poorly structured data. We are ally large percentage for the information is to enhance standard schemas such as world-renowned experts in XSLT 2 and 3. technology sector and proves that in the DocBook, TEI , JATS/BITS or HTML with We train practitioners, speak at confer- right environment, IT does not have to semantic modeling languages such as ences, and give advice through mailing be a male-dominated field. RDFa. lists – in fact, we might have already Another option is to formulate additional constraints, which cannot be expressed using grammar, in Schema- helped your XSLT developers in this way. XML and XSLT help us to realize advanced publishing workflows. Exam- Your contact Gerrit Imsieke gerrit.imsieke@ Phone: +49 341 355356 110 le-tex [ɛl.ˈeː.tɛç] 1. Specialist full-service provider for the production of complex, high-quality publications. 2. Artificial word, made up of → LE and → TeX LE [ɛl.ˈeː] Abbreviation for the city of Leipzig TeX [tɛç] Original TeX typesetting system, developed by Prof. Donald E. Knuth, Stanford University. TeX is used primarily in math typesetting. le-tex publishing services GmbH | Weissenfelser Strasse 84 | 04229 Leipzig | Germany Phone +49 341 355356 0 | Fax +49 341 355356 950 | [email protected] © 2014 le-tex publishing services GmbH – The Content Engineers.
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