2014 International Conference on Management, Education, Business, and Information Science(ICMEBIS 2014) Credit risk quantification with the use of CreditRisk+ Boris Kollár1, a, Štefan Cisko2, b 1 Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Department of Economics, University of Žilina, Univerzitná 8251/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia 2 Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, Department of Economics, University of Žilina, Univerzitná 8251/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia a email: [email protected], bemail: [email protected] Keywords: Credit Risk; Default; Model Abstract. The subject of this article is to present one of the credit risk quantification options. It introduces the basic concepts related to CreditRisk+ model. Regular analysis and subsequent early identification of required reserves amount should serve as protection against default and undesirable economic consequences arising from it. In Slovakia, just like in whole global economy, there has been significant increase of credit risk in business sector. This article presents basic approach to CreditRisk+ with use of Poison distribution of defaults. The output of this model is loss probability distribution with the use of individual group distribution. Introduction From mid-seventies of twentieth century the companies began to change defensive understanding of risk to active one [1]. The current risk management is typified by the fact that risk should be treated actively and risk should be respected in all decisions-making. The process of risk management is therefore becoming an essential part of management, business culture and practice and is adapted to particularities of business activities and processes. Risk management requires and must take into account the nature and specificities of companies and activities, companies has to deal with. The main objective of risk management is to limit the impact of various expected and unexpected effects and events, but also to take opportunities they bring together with them and thereby contribute to improvement of business performance. Today, more than ever is growing the importance of modern enterprise management and application of innovative analytical programs and early warning systems. That's why accurate and timely quantification of credit risk becomes important, as the scope and volume of loans is constantly increasing in the business environment. It is also the case of our Central European region which is closely connected to global economy due to our orientation on export [2]. One of the possibilities, that helps to manage risk is CreditRisk+ method. CreditRisk+ method was developed by Credit Suisse Financial Products and belongs to category of "default-mode" models. In contrast to known KMV model, default risk is not associated with capital structure of enterprise. CreditRisk+ model does not give any assumptions about default causes. At the end of risk period, each debtor may be situated only in two possible categories: failure and non-failure. Among basic model inputs are exposures of financial institution to individual borrowers and probabilities of borrower’s defaults. The rate of return is exogenous constant parameter independent of market risk and downgrade risk in CreditRisk+ model [3]. Basic model quantification It is assumed that: • for a credit, probability of default in a given time horizon is the same for discretionary equally long time horizon. • for a large number of borrowers, the probability of individual borrower default is low and the number of defaults, which will appear in given time period is independent of the amount of the past horizon’s defaults. 978-0-9917647-3-0/EDUGait Press, Canada 043 Under these assumptions, the probability distribution of default, during given time period is well represented by Poisson distribution with parameter μ given. for n = 0,1,2,..., (1) where n is number of defaults, m is average number of defaults during one year period, , (2) represents borrower A default probability. where It is obvious, that there is usually finite amount of bonds in the portfolio, therefore Poisson distribution, which specifies the probability of default for infinite amount of bonds, is only approximation of default’s number distribution. However, if the number of borrowers is sufficiently large, the probability, that default’s number exceeds the borrower’s number is negligible [4]. By assuming Poisson distribution of default’s number, we expect that the standard deviation of default rate will be approximated by square root of the default rate mean. In fact, we can observe, that Poisson distribution underestimates the probability of default for all rating grades. This is caused by variability of default intensity at time, that is modeled as a function of changing selected risk factors. If the average number of defaults has stochastic nature and has Gamma distribution with parameters μ and default process can be represented by Poisson distribution. Portfolio loss distribution Derivation of single asset risk is based on expected loss calculation. To derive losses probability of well-diversified portfolio, losses are divided into groups according to their size. Each group contains borrowers with the same credit risk and is considered to be independent portfolio of bonds with following marking [5]: A ... borrower LA ... possible loss PA ... default probability of borrower A εA ... expected loss v j ... possible loss in group j ε j ... expected loss in group j μ j ... expected number of defaults in group j Bonds portfolio of each borrowers group may be handled as an unchanging portfolio. Possible loss of each borrower in group j can be obtained as: vj = j × L. (3) By definition, then we get: ε j= v j ×μ j (4) εA = LA × PA (5) Mark εA expected loss of borrower A, i.e. , than εA is expected loss in one year horizon in group j and is expressed by expected losses sum - εA of all borrowers in group j: (6) Expected number of defaults in group j within one year period is then: (7) Derivation of losses probability distribution for whole portfolio consists of several steps [2]: 1. Derivation of probability generating function for each group j: 044 (8) Because we assume that number of defaults is shall be governed by Poisson distribution, we can derive: (9) 2. Derivation of probability generating function for whole portfolio: With assumption of individual groups’ independence, probability generating function for whole portfolio is: , (10) where is expected number of defaults for whole bonds portfolio. 3. Probability distribution of losses for whole portfolio From the probability generating function for whole portfolio, we can derive probable distribution of losses as: (11) Model assessment CreditRisk+ model is simple and easily implementable model for calculation of expected loss in default state. CreditRisk + is appropriate model for credit risk calculation of homogeneous portfolio consisting of large number of borrowers with low probability of default. It is based on Poisson approximation of individual defaults. Certain disadvantage of the model comes from the fact is, that it does not include downgrade risk [6].Model, in contrast to CreditMetrics method, aims at determining volume of risk capital assets, estimates the distribution of expected losses and values at risk. Unlike KMV model, this method does not focus on relationship between default risk and capital structure of enterprise. Model does not use Monte Carlo simulation, therefore outputs are fully conditioned by input data. Portfolio losses probability distribution may be derived from probabilistic generating function with numerically stable algorithm. Calculation of CreditRisk+ model is calculated by analytical method and is much faster than CreditMetrics model created by simulation method [7]. Another difference is also different approach to default rate. Swiss model considers it to be coherent variable as can be seen at figure 1. Figure (1) - Coherent default rate – CreditRisk+[8] Conclusion 045 Current world financial crisis increases the need for early and accurate credit risk estimation, this need grows for the business, banking as well as for the government sector [9]. CreditRisk+ is appropriate method for default estimation. In the past, there have been many comparison tests with different results. In general, bigger differences between the default estimating models are in the case of low credit price bonds portfolio than for a portfolio composed from higher credit score bonds. Within the method CreditRisk + , credit event is determined by the default current condition, as it is "default-mode" model type. At the same time, however, changes in default rate may signal degradation in the credit quality of borrower [10]. According to us the biggest disadvantage of this model comes from Poisson distribution, because it underestimates the probability of default for all rating grades. On the contrary main advantage comes from easier way of calculation. Acknowledgement The contribution is an output of the science project VEGA 1/0656/14- Research of Possibilities of Credit Default Models Application in Conditions of the SR as a Tool for Objective Quantification of Businesses Credit Risks. References [1] Klieštik Tomáš. Investment management - tangible investments, Žilina: EDIS Publishers, University of Žilina, 2008. 132 p. [2] Gregová Elena. Malé a stredné podniky v podmienkach transformujúcich sa ekonomík SR a RF, Žilina: EDIS Publishers, University of Žilina, 2007. 160 p. [3] Buc Daniel, Klieštik Tomáš. Aspects of statistics in terms of financial modelling and risk. In: Proceedings of the 7th international days of statistics and economics, 2013. Prague, Czech Republic. p. 215-224 [4] Klieštik Tomáš. Risk models based on capital structure of a company. In: Scientific Journal Forum statisticum Slovacum. Vol. 9, No. 6, 2013. p. 78-83 [5] Crouhy, M., Galai D., Mark R. 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