RSCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS Chartered Civil Engineers Building and Structural Designers Geotechnical and Foundations Consultants 55 Garstang Road, Preston PR1 1LB Tel. (01772) - 250163 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS : Garstang – 10 Maple Road : Structural Calculations : 2576-001 : 10th June 2014 : PROJECT SECTION(S) DRAWING No. DATE REVISION 1. Arrangement Refer to RSCE Drawing No. 2576-001 new vert. dpc block up ex. window and door openings utility room kitchen sun room 2 No. UB's . min r m. clea no 00 10 ry da un bo fenc e PROPOSED GROUND FLOOR LAYOUT PLAN (1 : 100) 2. Steel Beams Inner Beam Dead : 100 blk wall floor 1.8kn/m2 x 3.5m 0.6kn/m2 x 5.0m/2 = 6.3kn/m = 1.5kn/m 7.8kn/m Live : floor 1.5kn/m2 x 5.0m/2 = 3.8kn/m 3.8kn/m Max. clear span = 3.3 metres I:\2576-Garstang-10 Maple Road\2576-Structural Calculations.docx Date 11/06/2014 Sheet 1 of 13 STEEL BEAM ANALYSIS & DESIGN (EN1993-1-1:2005) In accordance with EN1993-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigenda February 2006 and April 2009 and the UK national annex TEDDS calculation version 3.0.10 Load Envelope - Com bination 1 16.482 0.0 mm A 3300 1 B Support conditions Support A Vertically restrained Rotationally free Support B Vertically restrained Rotationally free Applied loading Beam loads Permanent self weight of beam 1 Permanent full UDL 7.8 kN/m Variable full UDL 3.8 kN/m Load combinations Load combination 1 Support A Permanent 1.35 Variable 1.50 Span 1 Permanent 1.35 Variable 1.50 Support B Permanent 1.35 Variable 1.50 Analysis results Maximum moment; Mmax = 22.4 kNm; Mmin = 0 kNm I:\2576-Garstang-10 Maple Road\2576-Structural Calculations.docx Date 11/06/2014 Sheet 2 of 13 Maximum shear; Vmax = 27.2 kN; Vmin = -27.2 kN Deflection; max = 6.4 mm; min = 0 mm Maximum reaction at support A; RA_max = 27.2 kN; RA_min = 27.2 kN Unfactored permanent load reaction at support A; RA_Permanent = 13.2 kN Unfactored variable load reaction at support A; RA_Variable = 6.3 kN Maximum reaction at support B; RB_max = 27.2 kN; Unfactored permanent load reaction at support B; RB_Permanent = 13.2 kN Unfactored variable load reaction at support B; RB_Variable = 6.3 kN RB_min = 27.2 kN Section details Section type; UKB 178x102x19 (Corus Advance); Steel grade; S275 Section classification; Class 1 Check shear - Section 6.2.6 Design shear force; VEd = 27 kN; Design shear resistance; Vc,Rd = 156.4 kN PASS - Design shear resistance exceeds design shear force Check bending moment - Section 6.2.5 Design bending moment; MEd = 22.4 kNm; Des.bending resist.moment; Mc,Rd = 47.1 Limiting slenderness ratio; LT,0 = kNm Slenderness ratio for lateral torsional buckling LT = 1.308; LTB slenderness ratio; 0.400 LT > LT,0 - Lateral torsional buckling cannot be ignored Design resistance for buckling - Section Des.buckling resist.moment; Mb,Rd = 24.5 kNm PASS - Design buckling resistance moment exceeds design bending moment Check vertical deflection - Section 7.2.1 Consider deflection due to permanent and variable loads Limiting deflection; lim = 9.2 mm; Maximum deflection; = 6.392 mm PASS - Maximum deflection does not exceed deflection limit I:\2576-Garstang-10 Maple Road\2576-Structural Calculations.docx Date 11/06/2014 Sheet 3 of 13 Outer Beam Dead : 100 bwk wall 2.6kn/m2 x 3.5m roof 1.0kn/m2 x 5.0m/2 = 9.1kn/m = 2.5kn/m 11.6kn/m Live : floor = 1.9kn/m 1.9kn/m 0.75kn/m2 x 5.0m/2 Max. clear span = 3.3 metres STEEL BEAM ANALYSIS & DESIGN (EN1993-1-1:2005) In accordance with EN1993-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigenda February 2006 and April 2009 and the UK national annex TEDDS calculation version 3.0.10 Load Envelope - Com bination 1 18.816 0.0 mm A 3300 1 B Support conditions Support A Vertically restrained Rotationally free Support B Vertically restrained I:\2576-Garstang-10 Maple Road\2576-Structural Calculations.docx Date 11/06/2014 Sheet 4 of 13 Rotationally free Applied loading Permanent self weight of beam 1 Beam loads Permanent full UDL 11.6 kN/m Variable full UDL 1.9 kN/m Load combinations Load combination 1 Permanent 1.35 Support A Variable 1.50 Permanent 1.35 Span 1 Variable 1.50 Permanent 1.35 Support B Variable 1.50 Analysis results Maximum moment; Mmax = 25.6 kNm; Mmin = 0 kNm Maximum shear; Vmax = 31 kN; Vmin = -31 kN Deflection; max = 4.8 mm; min = 0 mm Maximum reaction at support A; RA_max = 31 kN; RA_min = 31 kN Unfactored permanent load reaction at support A; RA_Permanent = 19.5 kN Unfactored variable load reaction at support A; RA_Variable = 3.1 kN Maximum reaction at support B; RB_max = 31 kN; Unfactored permanent load reaction at support B; RB_Permanent = 19.5 kN Unfactored variable load reaction at support B; RB_Variable = 3.1 kN RB_min = 31 kN Section details Section type; UKB 203x102x23 (Corus Advance); Steel grade; S275 Section classification; Class 1 Check shear - Section 6.2.6 Design shear force; VEd = 31 kN; Design shear resistance; Vc,Rd = 196.6 kN PASS - Design shear resistance exceeds design shear force I:\2576-Garstang-10 Maple Road\2576-Structural Calculations.docx Date 11/06/2014 Sheet 5 of 13 Check bending moment - Section 6.2.5 Design bending moment; MEd = 25.6 kNm; Des.bending resist.moment; Mc,Rd = 64.4 Limiting slenderness ratio; LT,0 = kNm Slenderness ratio for lateral torsional buckling LT = 1.311; LTB slenderness ratio; 0.400 LT > LT,0 - Lateral torsional buckling cannot be ignored Design resistance for buckling - Section Des.buckling resist.moment; Mb,Rd = 33.3 kNm PASS - Design buckling resistance moment exceeds design bending moment Check vertical deflection - Section 7.2.1 Consider deflection due to permanent and variable loads Limiting deflection; lim = 9.2 mm; = 4.795 Maximum deflection; mm PASS - Maximum deflection does not exceed deflection limit USE 2 No. 203x102x23kg/m UKB’s with M10mm dia. Bolts and spacer tubes at max. 500mm centres Check Masonry Bearings MASONRY BEARING DESIGN TO BS5628-1:2005 TEDDS calculation version 1.0.03 Masonry details Masonry type; Aggregate concrete blocks (25% or less formed voids) Compressive strength; punit = 3.6 N/mm ; Mortar designation; iii Least horiz dim of units; lunit = 100 mm; Height of units; hunit = 150 Masonry units; Category II; Construction control; Normal Partial safety factor; m = 3.5; Characteristic strength; fk = 2.9 Leaf thickness; t = 100 mm; Effective wall thickness; tef = 167 mm Wall height; h = 2400 mm; Effective height of wall; hef = 2400 2 mm N/mm 2 mm I:\2576-Garstang-10 Maple Road\2576-Structural Calculations.docx Date 11/06/2014 Sheet 6 of 13 Beam to span in plane of wall Spreader lb B t ls hs Bearing details Beam spanning in plane of wall Width of bearing; B = 100 mm; Length of bearing; lb = 300 mm Dead load; Gk = 20 kN; Imposed load; Qk = 3 kN Design load; F = 32.3 kN Bearing safety factor; bear = 1.25 Allowable bearing stress; fcp = 1.020 Loading details Masonry bearing type Bearing type; Type 1 ; Check design bearing without a spreader Design bearing stress; N/mm 2 fca = 1.075 N/mm ; 2 FAIL - Design bearing stress exceeds allowable bearing stress, use a spreader Spreader details Length of spreader; ls = 450 mm; Depth of spreader; hs = 150 Bearing safety factor; bear = 2.00 mm Edge distance; sedge = 0 mm Spreader bearing type Bearing type; Type 3 ; Check design bearing with a spreader Loading acts eccentrically within middle third – triangular stress distribution 2 Design bearing stress; fca = 1.434 N/mm ; Allowable bearing stress; N/mm fcp = 1.633 2 PASS - Allowable bearing stress exceeds design bearing stress Check design bearing at 0.4 h below the bearing level Design bearing stress; N/mm 2 fca = 0.256 N/mm ; Allowable bearing stress; fcp = 0.770 2 PASS - Allowable bearing stress at 0.4 h below bearing level exceeds design bearing stress MASONRY BEARING DESIGN TO BS5628-1:2005 TEDDS calculation version 1.0.03 I:\2576-Garstang-10 Maple Road\2576-Structural Calculations.docx Date 11/06/2014 Sheet 7 of 13 Masonry details Masonry type; Aggregate concrete blocks (25% or less formed voids) Compressive strength; punit = 3.6 N/mm ; Mortar designation; iii Least horiz dim of units; lunit = 100 mm; Height of units; hunit = 150 mm Masonry units; Category II; Construction control; Normal Partial safety factor; m = 3.5; Characteristic strength; fk = 2.9 Leaf thickness; t = 100 mm; Effective wall thickness; tef = 167 mm Wall height; h = 2400 mm; Effective height of wall; hef = 2400 N/mm 2 2 mm Beam to span out of plane of wall lb Spreader t hs B sedge xedge ls Bearing details Beam spanning out of plane of wall Width of bearing; B = 200 mm; Edge distance; xedge = 500 mm Length of bearing; lb = 100 mm Imposed load; Qk = 9 kN Bearing safety factor; bear = 1.50 Allowable bearing stress; fcp = 1.224 Loading details Dead load; Gk = 33 kN; Design load; F = 60.8 kN Masonry bearing type Bearing type; Type 2 ; Check design bearing without a spreader Design bearing stress; N/mm 2 fca = 3.041 N/mm ; 2 FAIL - Design bearing stress exceeds allowable bearing stress, use a spreader Spreader details Length of spreader; ls = 600 mm; mm Edge distance; sedge = 300 mm Depth of spreader; hs = 150 Bearing safety factor; bear = 1.25 Spreader bearing type Bearing type; Type 1 ; I:\2576-Garstang-10 Maple Road\2576-Structural Calculations.docx Date 11/06/2014 Sheet 8 of 13 Check design bearing with a spreader Loading acts at midpoint of spreader 2 Design bearing stress; fca = 1.014 N/mm ; N/mm Allowable bearing stress; fcp = 1.020 2 PASS - Allowable bearing stress exceeds design bearing stress Check design bearing at 0.4 h below the bearing level 2 Design bearing stress; N/mm fca = 0.366 N/mm ; Allowable bearing stress; fcp = 0.770 2 PASS - Allowable bearing stress at 0.4 h below bearing level exceeds design bearing stress 3. Roof Structure Purlins Dead : Live : 1.0kn/m2 x 1.5m 0.75kn/m2 x 1.5m = 1.5kn/m = 1.2kn/m Max. clear span = 2.7 metres TIMBER BEAM ANALYSIS & DESIGN TO EN1995-1-1:2004 In accordance with EN1995-1-1:2004 + A1:2008 and Corrigendum No.1 and the UK National Annex incorporating National Amendment No.1 Tedds calculation version 1.5.09 Load Envelope - Com bination 1 3.887 0.0 mm A 2700 1 B I:\2576-Garstang-10 Maple Road\2576-Structural Calculations.docx Date 11/06/2014 Sheet 9 of 13 Applied loading Beam loads Permanent self weight of beam 1 Permanent full UDL 1.500 kN/m Variable full UDL 1.200 kN/m Load combinations Load combination 1 Permanent 1.35 Support A Variable 1.50 Permanent 1.35 Span 1 Variable 1.50 Permanent 1.35 Support B Variable 1.50 Analysis results Design moment; M = 3.542 kNm; Design shear; F = 5.247 kN Total load on member; Wtot = 10.494 kN Reactions at support A; RA_max = 5.247 kN; RA_min = 5.247 kN Unfactored permanent load reaction at support A; RA_Permanent = 2.087 kN Unfactored variable load reaction at support A; RA_Variable = 1.620 kN Reactions at support B; RB_max = 5.247 kN; RB_min = 5.247 kN Unfactored permanent load reaction at support B; RB_Permanent = 2.087 kN Unfactored variable load reaction at support B; RB_Variable = 1.620 kN Timber section details Breadth of section; b = 75 mm; Depth of section; h = 200 mm Number of sections; N = 1; Breadth of member; bb = 75 mm Timber strength class; C16 Load duration; Long-term Design compressive strength; fc.90.d = Member details Service class of timber; 1; Length of bearing; Lb = 100 mm Compression perpendicular to grain - cl.6.1.4 Design compressive stress; c.90.d = 0.700 N/mm ; 2 2 1.185 N/mm PASS - Design compressive strength exceeds design compressive stress at bearing I:\2576-Garstang-10 Maple Road\2576-Structural Calculations.docx Date 11/06/2014 Sheet 10 of 13 Bending - cl 6.1.6 m.d = 7.083 N/mm ; 2 Design bending stress; N/mm Design bending strength; fm.d = 8.615 2 PASS - Design bending strength exceeds design bending stress Shear - cl.6.1.7 d = 0.783 N/mm ; 2 Applied shear stress; N/mm Permissible shear stress; fv.d = 1.723 2 PASS - Design shear strength exceeds design shear stress Deflection - cl.7.2 lim = 10.800 mm; Deflection limit; fin = 7.295 Total final deflection; mm PASS - Total final deflection is less than the deflection limit Hip Rafters Partial VDL : Dead : 1.0kn/m2 x 1.5m Live : 0.75kn/m2 x 1.5m = 1.5kn/m = 1.2kn/m Point Loads from purlins : Dead : Live : = 2.0kn = 1.6kn Max. clear span = 3.2 metres TIMBER BEAM ANALYSIS & DESIGN TO EN1995-1-1:2004 In accordance with EN1995-1-1:2004 + A1:2008 and Corrigendum No.1 and the UK National Annex incorporating National Amendment No.1 Tedds calculation version 1.5.09 Load Envelope - Com bination 1 5.100 0.0 mm A 3200 1 B I:\2576-Garstang-10 Maple Road\2576-Structural Calculations.docx Date 11/06/2014 Sheet 11 of 13 Applied loading Beam loads Permanent self weight of beam 1 Permanent point load 2.000 kN at 1600 mm Variable point load 1.600 kN at 1600 mm Permanent partial VDL 0.000 kN/m at 0 mm to 1.500 kN/m at 1600 mm Variable partial VDL 0.000 kN/m at 0 mm to 1.200 kN/m at 1600 mm Permanent partial VDL 0.000 kN/m at 1600 mm to 1.500 kN/m at 3200 mm Variable partial VDL 0.000 kN/m at 1600 mm to 1.200 kN/m at 3200 mm Load combinations Load combination 1 Permanent 1.35 Support A Variable 1.50 Permanent 1.35 Span 1 Variable 1.50 Permanent 1.35 Support B Variable 1.50 Analysis results Design moment; M = 6.628 kNm; Design shear; F = 6.245 kN Total load on member; Wtot = 11.470 kN Reactions at support A; RA_max = 5.225 kN; RA_min = 5.225 kN Unfactored permanent load reaction at support A; RA_Permanent = 2.093 kN Unfactored variable load reaction at support A; RA_Variable = 1.600 kN Reactions at support B; RB_max = 6.245 kN; RB_min = 6.245 kN Unfactored permanent load reaction at support B; RB_Permanent = 2.493 kN Unfactored variable load reaction at support B; RB_Variable = 1.920 kN Timber section details Breadth of section; b = 75 mm; Depth of section; h = 225 mm Number of sections; N = 1; Breadth of member; bb = 75 mm Timber strength class; C24 I:\2576-Garstang-10 Maple Road\2576-Structural Calculations.docx Date 11/06/2014 Sheet 12 of 13 Member details Service class of timber; 1; Length of bearing; Lb = 100 mm Load duration; Long-term Design compressive strength; fc.90.d = Compression perpendicular to grain - cl.6.1.4 Design compressive stress; c.90.d = 0.833 N/mm ; 2 2 1.346 N/mm PASS - Design compressive strength exceeds design compressive stress at bearing Bending - cl 6.1.6 Design bending stress; N/mm m.d = 10.474 N/mm ; 2 Design bending strength; fm.d = 12.923 2 PASS - Design bending strength exceeds design bending stress Shear - cl.6.1.7 Applied shear stress; N/mm d = 0.829 N/mm ; 2 Permissible shear stress; fv.d = 2.154 2 PASS - Design shear strength exceeds design shear stress Deflection - cl.7.2 Deflection limit; lim = 12.800 mm; Total final deflection; fin = 8.607 mm PASS - Total final deflection is less than the deflection limit I:\2576-Garstang-10 Maple Road\2576-Structural Calculations.docx Date 11/06/2014 Sheet 13 of 13
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