Biography: Markus Schlitt

Markus Schlitt
Head of Intelligent Traffic Systems of Business Unit
Road and City Mobility, Siemens AG, Infrastructure & Cities Sector
Born on October 22nd, 1976 in Munich, Germany
Studied Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of
Applied Science Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt
Studied General Management at Rotterdam School of Management,
Rotterdam, Netherlands, MBA
Professional history
KSB AG, Frankenthal, Germany
- International Trainee Program
KSB AG, Frankenthal, Germany
- Strategic Lead Buyer and Project Manager
Siemens AG, Siemens Management Consulting, Munich, Germany
- Senior Consultant
Siemens AG, Siemens Management Consulting, Munich, Germany
- Project Manager
Siemens AG, Siemens Management Consulting, Munich, Germany
- Vice President / Partner
Siemens AG, Mobility and Logistics Division, Munich, Germany
- Senior Vice President Strategy and Business Development
Since October 2013
Siemens AG, Business Unit Road and City Mobility, Munich, Germany
- Head of Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS)