Cephalopods in Penghu Waters – Diversity and Resources Mong-Fong Lee, Ph. D., Assistant professor, Department of Aquaculture, National Penghu University of Science and Technique Evolution of cephalopods-1 Cambrian (∼530 Ma) Cephalopods evolved from a monoplacophoran-like mollusc in which the conical, external shell was modified into a chambered buoyancy apparatus. mid-Palaeozoic (∼416 Ma) cephalopods diverged into nautiloids and the presently dominant coleoids. (Kröger, et al., 2011) Evolution of cephalopods-2 late Palaeozoic (∼276 Ma) Coleoids (i.e. squids, cuttlefish and octopods) internalised their shells diverged into Vampyropoda and the Decabrachia. Due to their soft bodies, most coleoid cephalopod hardly fossilize well. (Kröger, et al., 2011) Taxonomy of cephalopods Subclass Coleoidea is divided into two Superorders: Decapodiformes Orders Teuthoidea (most squids) Sepioidea (cuttlefishes, Ram’s Horn, pygmy, bottletail and bobtail squids) Octopodiformes Orders Vampyromorpha (vampire ‘‘squid’’) Octopoda (octopuses). (Strugnell, et al., 2006) Yearbook on Fisheries Statistics of Taiwan (Penghu County), Fisheries Agency, the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan 花枝 cuttlefishes 烏賊 cuttlefishes 魷魚 year Sepioteuthis lessoniana 鎖管 squids 章魚 octopuses Other cephalopods 2003 198(18205) 0 20(2200) 758(121156) 2(0) 0 2004 180(17910) 0 18(1995) 606(92491) 3(600) 0 2005 159(21842) 0 11(1210) 538(89720) 0 0 2006 196(38670) 0 12(2720) 671(199608) 0 0 2007 X 103(18191) 14(3344) 361(77263) 0 0 2008 X 48(6765) 4(516) 274(65444) 0 0 2009 X 57(8245) 4(600) 244(51898) 0 0 2010 X 87(13057) 8(2394) 187(50401) 0 0 2011 X X 7(2435) 168(44828) X 0 2012 X X 5(1463) 124(30776) X 0 Production(value): Tonne (NT, thousand dollar); X: A specific item was deleted. What is the niche of Penghu? Chinese coastal water 1. Preservation of marine environment 2. Development of green energy Penghu Taiwan Kuroshio Monsoon current of south China sea 11 Reproductive strategy of aquatic animals Fish Hermarphroditic fishes of experimental models ► 黑鯛(Acanthopagrus schlegelii) 玳瑁石斑(Ephinephelus quoyanus ) 克氏小丑魚(Amphiprion clarkii) Cephalopods Experimental models : ► 虎斑烏賊(Sepia pharaonis) ► 萊氏擬烏賊(Sepioteuthis lessoniana) 鹿兒島蛸(Amphioctopus kagoshimensis) Gonadal development (Lee, et al., 2011) Development of Germinal ducts Exploration of octopus diversity in the shallow waters in Penghu 15 16 Abdopus sp. Amphioctopus fangsiao Amphioctopus aegina Abdopus sp. Cistopus taiwanicus 17 Amphioctopus marginatus Abdopus sp. 17 Octopus vulgaris Taiwan Biodiversity information Facility http : //www.taibif.tw/ 18 Oyster culture in Chuwang waters: from November to August (or Sptember) 22 Distribution of body size of Octopus sp. in one collection Mature Larva 23 24 25 Measurements and counts Table 1. 竹灣章魚(Octopus sp. PH 2)外觀形質測量 章魚編號 10 20 22 樣品性別 M M M 採樣月份 8 9 9 全長(TL): 50 44 43 總重(TW)(g): 5.06 4.17 4.27 背面軀體長(ML): 13 11 12 腹面軀體長(VML): 11 10 12 軀體寬(MW): 11 1 10 頭長(HL): 5 7 6 頭寬(HW): 12 11 12 眼長(EL): 2 2 2 漏斗長(FL): 4 4 2 漏斗寬(FW): 3 2 2 最深腕膜(DWD): B:11 BCD:10 CD:10 最淺腕膜(SWD): E:9 AE:9 AE:8 腕長1(AL1)(左L/右R): 35/34 32/31 35/32 腕長2(AL2)(左L/右R): 36/38 34/36 34/39 腕長3(AL3)(左L/右R): 42/34 37/31 39/34 腕長4(AL4)(左L/右R): 37/40 36/35 35/35 吸盤直徑(SD): 2 2 2.5 交接器長(LL): 2 1.2 1.2 普通腕的吸盤數(SNN): 106 101 97 右三腕的吸盤數(SNR3): 73H 82H 78H 鰓數(GN): 5 4 4 終端器官長(TOL): NR 1.5 1 卵長(EgL): - - - NR:沒有發現;D:受傷或斷肢;R:再生;H:交接腕 測量單位: mm 5 F 8 98 13.88 25 20 22 9 20 2.5 8 4 B:17 CD:11 61/66 70/70 D/61 D/70 3 - 110 97 4 - 2 6 F 8 65 9.08 15 11 14 6 15 2.5 2.5 3 CD:15 E:13 41/41 49/43R 47/49 45/46 4 - 123 123 5 - NR 21 F 9 61 6.08 14 13 13 7 13 2.5 4 3.5 C:16 E:12 46/40 51/47 51/47 45/44 2.5 - 113 103 4 - NR 26 Spawning in the laboratory 27 Embryonic development of Octopus sp. 28 Day6 Day7 Day8 Day9 First reverse Day10 29 Day26 Day27 Day28 Day29 Second reverse Day30 30 Ovary of Octopus sp.- stage II OD OD OG OG O 6月 PO O:卵巢 OG:輸卵管腺 OD:輸卵管 PO:卵母細胞 31 Ovary of Octopus sp.- stage V Intertidal waters at the Shagon village 33 Table 1. 沙港章魚(Octopus sp. PH 1)外觀形質測量 章魚編號 1 2 樣品性別 M M 採樣月份 7 7 全長(TL): 133 135 總重(TW)(g): 16.58 16.24 背面軀體長(ML): 18 24 腹面軀體長(VML): 17 23 軀體寬(MW): 21 25 頭長(HL): 11 11 頭寬(HW): 19 17 眼長(EL): 3 3 漏斗長(FL): 19 13 漏斗寬(FW): 4 4 最深腕膜(DWD): AB:16 A:16 最淺腕膜(SWD): E:13 D:13 腕長1(AL1)(左L/右R): 97/97 96/96 腕長2(AL2)(左L/右R): 86/98 85/83 腕長3(AL3)(左L/右R): 85/55 72/45 腕長4(AL4)(左L/右R): 84/81 70/75 吸盤直徑(SD): 1.5 1.5 交接器長(LL): 4.5 4 普通腕的吸盤數(SNN): 163 156 右三腕的吸盤數(SNR3): 53H 54H 鰓數(GN): 7 8 終端器官長(TOL): 8 10 卵長(EgL): - - NR:沒有發現;D:受傷或斷肢;H:交接腕 13 M 5 130 19.87 29 30 22 10 22 3 15 5 ABC:16 E:12 84/92 86/80 71/45 67/55 2 4 173 64H 7 5 - 測量單位: mm 15 M 5 103 11.77 23 23 11 10 11 3 7 4 ABC:12 E:10 76/69 67/66 60/36 48/60 1 3 153 56H 8 4 - 7 F 6 155 27.71 27 26 27 11 24 3.5 5 3 AB:21 E:15 112/112 D/96 81/80 81/82 2 - 199 161 8 - 2.5 12 F 5 90 8.37 17 17 16 8 17 2.5 6 3 A:12 E:9 66/60 60/55 59/63 52/53 1.5 - 169 144 8 - NR 16 F 5 168 22.51 34 30 21 11 18 4 12 7 ABC:16 DE:14 95/95 88/95 80/85 85/80 2 - 166 149 8 - NR 18 F 7 105 10.98 19 19 22 9 18 3.5 7 4 C:15 AB:12 82/76 81/75 72/71 76/D 1.5 - 160 149 8 - 2 35 Radula structure (SEM) 36 Digging into sands in the wild 37 Dging behavior in the laboratory 38 Abdopus sp. Intertidal waters at the Shoumen village 39 40 Arms of Abdopus sp. 41 Camouflage of Abdopus sp. in the fields 42 Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene 700 bp 600 bp 500 bp 400 bp - samples kOv kOv primers Oct Omin pOsp C S Omin Omin Omin pCis pOv pOv Cis Omin Oct kOv: 基隆真蛸; pOsp: 澎湖特有種; C: 澎湖竹灣章魚; S:澎湖沙港章魚; pCis: 澎湖小孔蛸 pOv: 澎湖真蛸; Oct: Octopus vulgaris; Omin: Octopus minor; Cis: Cistopus taiwanicus 43 Sepia pharaonis Octopus Squid Cuttlefish Acknowledgement 52 Thank you for your attention! 李孟芳 53
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