Medical University-Plovdiv Erasmus+ Programme Key A c t i o n 1 - Mobility for learners a n d staff H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n S t u d e n t a n d Staff Mobility Inter-institutional1 agreement 2014/2015-2020/20212 between programme countries [Minimum requirements]3 T h e institutions n a m e d below a g r e e to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the E r a s m u s Charter for Higher Education in all aspects related to the organisation a n d m a n a g e m e n t of the mobility, in particular the recognition of the credits a w a r d e d to s t u d e n t s by the partner institution. A. Information about higher education institutions N a m e of the institution (and department, where relevant) MEDICAL Erasmus code BG PLOVDIV 02 UNIVERSITY PLOVDIV BULGARIA COMENIUS UNIVERSITY IN BRATISLAVA SLOVAKIA SK BRATISL02 Contact details4 Website (email, phone) (eg. of the course catalogue) Prof. Dr. Oamianka Getova, MD, PhD, DrSci Institutional Erasmus Coordinator ISA, V. Aprilov blvd., Plovdiv 4002, Bulgaria [email protected] +359 32 643011 + 359 32 602417 + 359 32 602218 Erasmus Institutional Coordinator Prof. RNDr. Ing. Ludomir Slahor, Ph.D., Safarikovo nimestie 6,818 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Phone .+421 2 59244 226, +421 2 59244 236, Fax : +421 2 59244 550, e-mail: [email protected] General English website: bttp;//www.medwni versityDlcvdiv-bq/en/ Erasmus Departmental Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Martina Dubni£kov£, PhD., Odbojarov 10, 832 32 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Tel: +4212 50 117 119 e-mail: 1 Inter-institutional agreements can be signed by two or more higher education Institutions 2 Higher Education Institutions have to agree on the period of validity of this agreement httD://www, httD://www.foharm.u 'clauses may be added to this template agreement to better reflect the nature of the institutional partnership. ^Contact details to reach the senior officer in charge of this agreement and of its possible updates. 1 В. Mobility numbers3 per academic year T h e p a r t n e r s c o m m i t t o a m e n d t h e t a b l e b e l o w in c a s e of c h a n g e s in t h e m o b i l i t y d a t a b y n o later t h a n t h e e n d o f J a n u a r y in t h e p r e c e d i n g a c a d e m i c y e a r . FROM [Erasmus code of the sending institution] TO [Erasmus code of the receiving institution] Subject Subject Study N u m b e r of area area cycle mobility code name * [short cycle, 1st ,2nd * [ISCED] Student Student Mobility for 3rdJ or student periods Mobility Studies for Traineeships * Itot.^l number months oi of the study periods or overage 1 duration BG PLOVDIV 02 SK BRATISL02 727 Pharmacy nd 1", 2 or 3rd 1 2x10=20 No, only by individual agreement SK BRATISL02 BG PLOVDIV 02 727 Pharmacy 1", 2nd or 3rd 12 months (2 students*6 months ) No, only by individual agreement ['Optional: subject area code & name and study cycle are optional. Inter-lnstltutlonal agreements are not compulsory for Student Mobility for Tralneeshlps or Staff Mobility for Training. Institutions may agree to cooperate on the organisation of traineeshlp; in this case they should indicate the number of students that they intend to send to the partner country. Total duration In months/days of the student/staff mobility periods or average duration can be indicated If relevant.] FROM [Erasmus code of the sending institution] TO [Erasmus code of the receiving institution] Subject Subject area area code name * N u m b e r of staff m o b i l i t y S t a f f M o b i l i t y for Staff Teaching lor * periods Mobility Training [ISCED] [total number of teaching average of days periods duration or •/ BG PLOVDIV 02 SK BRATISL02 727 Pharmacy 2 teachers/ 5 hours per week 2 / 2 weeks SK BRATISL02 BG PLOVDIV 02 727 Pharmacy 1/5 1/ 1 week 5 Mobility numbers can be given per sending/receiving institutions and per education field (optional*: http://www.uis.unesco.ora/Educotion/Poaes/internotionol-standard-classificotian-of-educotion.osDx) C. Recommended language skills The sending institution, following a g r e e m e n t with the receiving institution, is responsible for providing support to its n o m i n a t e d candidates so that they c a n have the recommended language skills at the start of the study or teaching period: Receiving Optional: Language Language R e c o m m e n d e d l a n g u a g e of institution Subject of of instruction level 6 area instruc- instruc- tion 1 tion 2 [Erasmus code] Student Mobility Staff Mobility for for Studies Teaching [Minimum recommended fij B6 PLOVDIV 02 727 SK BRATISL02 727 Bulgarian English Slovak English [Minimum level: recommended level: 82] B2 in English B2 in English B1 in English B2 in English For m o r e details on the l a n g u a g e of instruction recommendations, see the c o u r s e catalogue of each institution [Links provided on the first page], D. Additional requirements [To be completed if necessary, other requirements may be added on academic or organisational aspects, e.g. the selection criteria for students and staff; measures for preparing, receiving and integrating mobile students and/or staff] [Please specify whether the institutions have the infrastructure to welcome students and staff with disabilities ] B6 PLOVDIV02 All practical Information (in Bulgarian and in English) for incoming students can be found on this address: The autumn semester at Medical University-Plovdiv begins around September 15 of each year and courses end at Christmas. The examination session for the autumn semester takes place in January. The spring semester begins in middle February and ends at the end of May. The exam session for the spring semester is in June and early July. A second exam session takes place in early September for each year. SK BRATISL02 • http://www.fpharm. php?id=3067 • For any other enquiries, please contact Departmental Coordinator, Faculty of Pharmacy: Assoc. Prof. Martina Dubnickova, PhD.: [email protected] or Assistant of Departmental Coordinator: Mgr. Hana BenovS: benovah(S> 6 Foran easier and consistent understanding of language requirements, use of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is recommended, see httpV/ f Е. Calendar 1. Applications/information on nominated students must reach the receiving institution by: Receiving institution Autumn term* Spring term* [Erasmus code] [month] [month] BG PLOVDIV 02 * SK BRATISL02 May,30th for the first semester (September -December) Period of exams: January Full academic year, Winter semester June, 15th (registration) November, 30th for the second semester (February-May) Period of exams: June-July Summer semester November, 15<h (registration) [* to be adapted in case of a trimester system] 2. The receiving institution will send its decision within 4 weeks. 3. A Transcript of Records will be issued by the receiving institution no later than 4 weeks after the assessment period has finished at the receiving HEI. [It should normally not exceed five weeks according to the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education guidelines] 4. Termination of the agreement In the event of unilateral termination, a notice of at least one academic year must be given. This means that a unilateral decision to discontinue the exchanges notified to the other party by 1 September 20xx will only take effect as of 1 September 20xx+l. Neither the European Commission nor the National Agencies can be held responsible in case of a conflict. F. Information x„ grading systems of the institutions [It is recommended that receiving institutions provide the statistical distribution of grades according to the descriptions in the ECTS users' guide7. A link to a webpage can be enough. The table will facilitate the interpretation of each grade awarded to students and will facilitate the credit transfer by the sending institution.] 7 httD:// en.htm 4 BG PLOVDIV02 ECTS Credits: Medical University-Plovdiv follows the ECTS scheme, which means that ECTS credits are allocated to course units, lectures, practical works, etc. at each faculty. ECTS grade Medical University-Plovdiv A 6 Excellent Outstanding performance В 5 Very good Above the average standard with only minor errors C 4 Good Generally sound work but with some errors D 3 Sufficient F 2 Fail Performance meets the minimum criteria with a number of notable errors Considerable further work is required SK BRATISL02 ECTS Grading system: Numerical value Grade A Excellent 1 100-91 8 Very good 1,5 90-81 C Good 2 80-73 D Satisfactory 2,5 72-66 Е Sufficient 3 65-60 Fx Failed 4 594) ECTS Grade % of successful students normally Definition achieving the grade A 10 Outstanding performance with only minor errors. В 25 Above the average standard but with some errors. C 30 Generally sound work with a number of notable errors. D 25 Fair but with significant shortcomings. Е 10 Performance meets the minimum criteria. F' - Some more work required before the credit can be awarded Fx - Considerable further work is required. 2. Visa The sending and receiving institutions will provide assistance, when required, in securing visas for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and information sources: 5 Contact details (email, phone) Institution [Erasmus code] Mrs Sophia Goneva erasmus adm©> Mgr. Hana Benova, Assistant of Departmental Coordinator Tel. +421 2 50117387 BG PLOVDIV02 SK BRATISL02 W e b s i t e for i n f o r m a t i o n httD:// httD:// 3,Xnsurjmce T h e sending and receiving institutions will provide assistance in obtaining insurance for incoming a n d o u t b o u n d mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. T h e receiving institution will inform mobile participants of cases in w h i c h insurance cover is not automatically provided. Information a n d assistance can be provided by the following contact points and information sources: Institution [Erasmus code] BG P L O V D I V 0 2 SK BRATISL02 C o n t a c t details (email, phone) W e b s i t e for i n f o r m a t i o n Mrs Sophia Goneva erasmus Mgr. Hana Befiov3, Assistant of Departmental Coordinator Tel. +421 2 50117387 httD:// httD://www.fpharm. php?id=3069 4. H o u s i n a The receiving institution will guide incoming mobile participants in finding a c c o m m o d a t i o n , a c c o r d i n g to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Information a n d assistance can be provided by the following persons a n d information sources: Institution [Erasmus code] BG PLOVDIV02 SK B R A T I S L 0 2 C o n t a c t details (email, phone) Mrs Sophia Goneva erasmus admtamedunlversitvplovdlv-ba Mgr. Hana Benov3, Assistant of Departmental Coordinator Tel.+4212 50117387 W e b s i t e for i n f o r m a t i o n httD;// http://www.fDharm.uni ohp?id=3069 6 Institution [Erasmus code] Contact details (email, phone) Mrs Sophia Goneva erasmus [email protected] BG PLOVDIV02 Mgr. Hana Benova, Website for information htto;//www.meduniversitv-olovdlv. bo/en/ Assistant of Departmental Coordinator SK BRATISL02 Tel. +421 2 50117387 [email protected] 3,Unsurgnce The sending and receiving institutions will provide assistance in obtaining insurance for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. The receiving institution will inform mobile participants of cases in which insurance cover is not automatically provided. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and information sources: Institution Contact details [Erasmus code] (email, phone) Mrs Sophia Goneva BG PLOVDIV02 erasmus admCffimeduniversitY- Website for information httD://www.meduniversitv-olovdlv,ba/en/ Mgr. Hana Befiova, Assistant of Departmental Coordinator Tel. +421 2 50117387 SK BRATISL02 httD:// [email protected] 4. Housina The receiving institution will guide incoming mobile participants in finding accommodation, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Information and assistance can be provided by the following persons and information sources: Institution Contact details [Erasmus code] (email, phone) BG PLOVDIV02 SK BRATISL02 Mrs Sophia Goneva erasmus Mgr. Hana Benova, Assistant of Departmental Coordinator Tel.+4212 50117387 [email protected] W e b s i t e for information httD:// httD://www.fDharm.uni Dho?id=3069 6 w G. SIGNATURES OF THE INSTITUTIONS (legal representatives) BG PLOVDIV 02 MEDICAL UNIVERSITYPLOVDIV SK BRATISL02 Prof. Dr. Stefan Kostianev, MD, PhD, DrSci Rector Medical University-Plovdiv Prof. RNDr. Ing. lludomir Slahor, PhD. Erasmus Institutional Coordinator SK BRATISL02 j . _ 4 FF8.2014 Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Martina Dubnickov&, PhD. Erasmus Departmental Coordinator 8 Scanned signatures are accepted 7
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