/ F.No. 1-2/2012- 'li-IT lJ()Vernm nt 11 dia Department of gricuJture & l'O( pCr<lti( n ( 'rors Division) Kri 'hi Hh~l\ ;11 • Nc\ . I klhi Dall" 2(dlrJ.20 1-1 Sub: rop Production Turgct' for the year 201~-15 - reg. Please iind enclosed herewith the approved 'laIc --wi' . Crop- \ ise tional 'rop Production targeh for the year 2014-15 in respect or oilseeds and commercial crops as given in the Annexure-I. 11. 111 an i I n-\\ isl' ,LIIl! Sl'<t:;\ iKtL!J.!r:,ino.;. puhc:, rcspccti\ (1) , ~ 0&·14 ~b' Encl: / s ahove. (Ik P.I\.. '-'<111<1) Dv. COI1l11 issil Ilcr t( I'(\P~) T 'Ie a,,: 2.<H;-7~1 I.'n all: ]21 s',11 Distrihution: I. Director of gricultur, All States & liT's (as per list) 2 All CODs (8S per list) Copy to: I. Principal AJviscr, D C, Krishi Bhawan, cw Delhi. 2. Adviser (Rt), I ircctorate of F.&S, Kri .. hl J1ha"van, Ne" [ ell i. ). Di 'ector ("'I'I ps), DA ~, Krishi Bbawan. New Delhi. 4. Additional Comm.(Commcrcicll)(A P), f);\C 5. dclitionnl Commissioner (Oilsel'ds)(B). DAC 6. Additional Commissioner ( -1). D (' 7. Dy. 'ommis ioner (Crops). D g. Dy. (' mmi 'sinner rSM). l)A Copy for information to: 1. PPS to Seer tar.' ( & :), 2. PS to Agriculture Commissioner 3. PS to J (Crops) opy also forwarded for uploading on website: ~S (NIC, R.No. 349. Krishi Bhav;JIl - Wehsite: agriconp.I1Il:.111 2. Senior Programmer (NFS ) - Website: nl'sl1l. '0 ·.in l-)S (/ gl1l:lIl.CI Ill. r. Nt). 1-2 /20 12~CL II Government of India Mini~ll'Y ot'Agriculturc Department 01' Agriculture & Cooperation Crops Division Krishi Bhawan, Nell' Delhi Dated: 120.-2014 The Ilon'hle Agriculture Minister Productioll l'Jrgels for the yenr 2014-15. appr vcd the fol1ov,/ing [laS rap-wise alium! I (in million tonnes) Production Target fOt· 201-t-15 Crop_ cason 1 Rice 2 3 Kharif Rabi Total Rabi Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Khari f Rabi Total Kharif Kharif 92.00 f- -- vVh <tl .lowar I ---- 8ajra - - t--laiLc - Ragi - Smail Millets --- Barley --- - Kharir Cereals Rabi Total KharjJ' Rabi Total Kbarif Rabi Total Kharir 'Towl PIlL es - T()l~11 Fooclgrnins ._-- f'olal )ilseed - - 14.00 - 1tl6.00 94.00 3.00 -- -' - 2.50 --- 5.50 9.00 17.00 6.00 - - - 23.00 I. 75 050 - - - --- Rabi rated Coarse - 175 J 1.25 . ----, J 0.25 - --- - 41.50 7.00 12.)0 - 19.50 - - - - 1:10.25 - LH1.75 -- 26' .00 - - 22.00 -~-- --- Rabi 1 J.00 Total 33.00 Sugorcanc C')llon t - :145.00 - JUlc** - !Jc·ta* * -- .Jute & Me la*'" "'Million tHiles of' 170 k I for cotton. '''''Million hales of' 180 kg for Jute & M'sla. . - .\5.00 -- 10.50 0.70 - 11.20 -- .(~ ~7r'O (Dr. \) K "~;lkl) Depuly Commissioner (Crops) S. !J--tJ~ ~ OL' t.-ihu t ion: 1. Senior Ad iser, DAc'Krishi Bhawan. ew Delhi. 2. ch iscr (RL). Directorate or E&S, Krishi Bhawan, ew Delhi. J. Director (Crops), Kri 'hi Bhawan, New Delhi. 4. Addillonall'ommissiol1er (Crops) (M), f) ',Krishi Bhcnvan. ew Delhi. 5. Additiunal 'ommissioner (Crops) (13), D ',Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. Copy for information to: 1. PPS to Secretary (A&C). 2. PS to Agriculture Commissioner. J. PS to Joint Secretary ( 'raps) State-\\ise and Crop-wise Production target of Foodgrains for the year 2014-L5 Annexure-I PrOUUlIIOI\ In ~1.1 Rice Slales \0, "harif 7 (oUlarat 8 Ilaf\ana 9 Himachal Pradesh i Ilabi ,.. OU I .\ndhra PrJde,h 2 Arunachal Prade,h 3 ..\,sam Bihar 5 Chhaob2arh 6 Goa 2 Ull 3~ i \\ heal folal '-150 I 131 511 .2 00 -IH8 70 au Ii:'. 00 1.20 lJ.lJO -13 671(1 6200 0.80 ILJ 25 280 (l00 0-1u 1650 3900 120 1 13 [) 00 ,100 600 000 11 Jhwldlsnd 29 00 000 Ii 63 3\1 00 12U Ii 00 2Q 00 12 Karnataka 700 3-100 1.1 KerJla 2' 00 380 135 5 15 14' Madhva Pradesh 2600 000 26.00 15 \ laharashlra 30.00 100 0" .:; 00 30.5 ' -100 1 70 (] 30 3% 6-1.30 113 00 050 005 f) 09 900 000 1_~2 000 0.21 52 DO DUO 10 Jammu & Kashmir 16 ~lanipur 17 \'[cghala\ a 18 19 20 21 \ll£omm \iagaland ()ri"a PunJab .22 Raiasthan 2J Sikkim 24 Tamllnadu 25 TriDura 21, LItrakhand 27 Inar Prade-;h 2H We~1 Ben~nl 291 \&"1 hland I 5·1t) I 172 o if) "liarif Rabi TOlal IBairn IKhnrir l. '0 .2 1)0 440 1\ ~5 o CO 000 000 o uu (JOO IJtJ() 5320 1-10 000 003 O_OU lllJO 005 5 :W 005 000 000 000 000 (1 OJ 005 000 o(j() 730 3600 112 flO 5.65 070 0·10 (J 00 070 0.00 000 000 oUO 625 0.30 700 300 0,00 000 Oln " 10 000 000 000 000 ~ .50 00(1 000 0.00 000 -168 a 15 1 50 I) 00 230 aLlu SOD j) 00 10.30 0.1)0 320 0.00 3500 DOD 450 0.00 , 12855 5,75 000 5.75 3 ~O 1500 1201) 000 9 :;-1 1100 1170 LJ no 2204 0.1]0 6.00 0.00 1834 000 a DO 220 nOD 035 DOli 000 0.00 000 IJ 00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ~ 50 uoo 000 05 7330 1130U 00 000 16500 222 il21 5S00 9300 DUO I) ono .jiO (J,OO 000 2 -IJ 7 12 000 ono 5t'>O 900 J03_[l0 Q 00 q 00 onl! 313 000 000 0.00 , 000 oriO 200 00(1 000 00 fJ 1)0 000 (JOO 000 00(1 ono ()(){I n00 lJ.lJO I tl ,1{1 I) Ill} 070 lJ 00 11111) 01111 ')IIIJ flOl1 illiO () flO : I I'undicherf\ (un 011 (liln Oi)1.I lIuD 1" I )lh~r: 1 11 11 ,10'.'1 1110 21111 11111 II Ill) !l1i0 I Ollr,l 11/(' 112R I-IO.nl) IIlGU.I){j ~HII.III) 30.110 1:'.1)0 55.1111 0.11 000 0.00 550 I) 00 0.00 030 000 891 000 I 89 02] 1-111 265 000 37(; );.80 I 55 0.35 1055 742 5.28 n 20 0.30 5 19 oj ti419 II I 11.2-1 000 Total I~ 50 00' 080 550 iUS 101,,1 "harif IRabi IO-li6 280 J871 7301 6565 . 089 9-17-1 0.1·: II -10 6920 698 049 -1100 11850 R -15 11535 617 11)9 .2fJ 2.9-1 075 -150 5.5S 009 ILlS ) lU 6,80 1.8u 0.17 2_30 0.35 rJ02 ) '5 022 1143 4.77 1020 f. 25 37_89 605 439-1 600 I-no 8709 2700 11-109 0.00 830 010 003 013 390 I 38 528 I no 4'J '0 II 1-1281 72 63 I 38 8-123 16185 1-162 ",l" _J 000 000 1500 0.00 1)85 1 -15 2500 I -15 16 ·15 7.50 i100 .1-850 5850 17100 22950 23 84 000 1-10 000 0.30 000 000 3538 0.00 182(1 U00 5358 000 1750 () 00 12.5u 000 3000 0.G0 8288 100 ..t3.25 12613 400 () 00 000 000 O.UO :: 70 11 08 0.00 000 000 160 012 LlOO 0.00 000 -130 020 170 030 3'J6 69 Q2 120.18 050 005 0.09 1070 16562 0.35 405 SO 62 18580 8 Oil DOll 1500 OlJO 2.00 2300 000 315 100 6892 021 (>4 ..53 Il7 OU 000 17 til 18592 ill I 8114 .540 I 72 7 12 8,27 10 Of) 3;] 65 1827 -197311 162 15 11211 I 23) 7 00 1830 o rI(l DOl! i) 00 lJOO 000 () 00 015 000 a 00 000 000 050 0_00 01)0 0.00 292 7 10 00 tJ.OO I) 00 o 10 050 000 000 o I' 000 0.50 870 000 000 5870 000 II 38 000 900 000 Cl 61 liDO I 2.85 32 10 () 20 ·U(l 2 U(j () 00 3 :5 () 00 150 000 000 000 1 7' (160 I) 00(1 01111 I) (lU I 11110 0.011 111)11 1)111) I lIlll! 1)1)11 11111) 111111 ,\-111 3 ~) _'. J~" 130.0U lJOO 000 0.00 0.50 0.00 I.J ClJ 1),00 (,0,1111 0.35 01-1 000 870 000 000 -1.26 005 0.05 IOU 1(10 0.09 4 -10 0.<0 I) IS OliO 000 1-,1.1111 541 2.65 0.00 "hurif Rubi III 1250 000 nuo 'lO.1I11 - :;2 51.79 000 000 000 Din I 2890 0."5 01' .~ 15.5 015 [Tulat ,"harif IR"bi I{\rtl1~5 FooJgrains 000 I (ll)lJ I Rllhi Itlkh Puls~s 012 000 11110 0.'-)11 ono 000 II [7 000 Li UO 1800 000 o 10 0,00 0.00 483 I no 0110 I nO.11l1 5 10 050 200 000 n,lIll 'r, I \11 India 489 000 002 12.00 100 n 1)0 (103 11.20 ,) -II , 005 030 700 050 12.50 300 u (10 111)1) (J 003 0.10 00) 20.10 9UO 707 , 23 o 15 11 00 0,00 IIl)O Dill 0.00 U.nn 069 0,.20 1370 2.30 0.00 925 , 000 2f1 ~IIII )310 000 0',0 flO" Daman'" 000 1 lJ 00 0.00 020 000 0.00 18 no 000 600 II nn 030 020 003 0.03 OJO 0.00 0-10 0.00 005 W50 000 000 CIlIHSC Ccrcal~ "harir 3605 000 095 n 20 I) 200 00 TUlal 0.-15 010 111j(J 13600 1~8 00 020 I) I "hHit" LI 00 11 OU 225 7.00 000 0.00 II 02 Bark) rotal O.I.! I 000 o no ;, 55 n 20 1260 830 000 OULJ Ll.2n " j I) "6.00 "iller I -16 00 Rabi 000 850 000 1)00 060 11'15 -ID Ill) _'U Chandi!!:.uh 31 D&\i Hale·1i I 101\(1 DOli 500 13505 108 (10 0:0 0.1)1,1 "harir lJ -10 I ~O 0-10 Ra21 "a ize -170 ~ bOO ,Rabl .JO\\3r I Sm:111 000 0.20 1.1 U.OO 0.00 J.02 7.60 6770 II 00 20 go I I 15 1)00 (JOO 000 305 f).J2 36 RfJ 6.50 O.-ILJ 020 1500 061 21 50 un ILl(1 17365 10<) 65 IJOO I)IJ() 000 () 20 I IP)u flfl(l POll non (1.20 I Don () 10 420 (1)(1 1 :!' uno 010 n IIU I 000 ,H)() II no (IO{I 000 l)O() 000 /l 00 lion 000 o uO OliO () UO 11.00 II Ull o no I) fill n I If) tJl)[) [I nn 11.01\ IlIII) hIm 1101.1 1)1)0 U[III 11011 1120 "Oil 111'111 11110 , h'l II 15 ~ 511 I".51l 5.110 '-.50 000 15 (j 311.50 I I 1)')1) I 5' I 300 o !lU o UI) (Jon ono II Oil 11111.1 1.11)0 (11)1) II 03 02n 111111 (11)0 Ol)t) 1.1 Ill! ( _IV h 115 In: 12' .~ ~.12 1112.501-115.110 -1).110 II J5.1I11 87 1~5.00 1JIIJ.511 .2 20 5250 U1)(' 0,(10 00(1 nl)D 1100 U II I ~So I 11110 fi 20 l) 1)3 n ::0 11-11 II 'I~ 1J1J".51l }(" II.IHI State-wise and Crop-l~'ise Production target of Pulses for the year 2014-15 Annexure -II Production in Llkh tonnes JVI oong Pigeon pea 51. States ~o. I Andhra Kharif Prad~~h Kharir Rabi Vrd Total Kharif RHbi Cram Total Rabi Pulses Other Rabi Pulses Other KbariJ Pulses Kharif Rabi Total 2.91 0.85 0.60 lAS 0.38 1.80 ~.18 7.60 0.12 1.2-1 .+.26 [ 1.24 15.50 2 Assam 3 Bihar 0.05 0.52 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.95 007 1.02 0.00 0.25 0.30 0.00 0.30 0.25 {J.OI 0.37 2.75 0.05 0.80 0.00 0.16 1.00 0.75 4.50 0.80 5.50 .+ Chhattisgarh :5 Gujarat 6 IIaryana 035 2.88 0.30 0.05 0.65 0.03 0.0:::' 0.38 0.68 0.07 1.03 0.71 0.35 0.62 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.37 0.67 0.02 2.84 1.72 1.05 0.25 1.00 4.-10 0.50 5.58 2.40 1.80 6.~8 O. 15 2.70 0.25 0.07 6.80 2.30 7 Himachal Pradesh 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.11 0.16 0.18 0.17 0.35 8 Jammu & Kashmir 0.00 0.02 0.00 002 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.02 0.20 0.02 0.22 9 Jhar~hand 10 Karnataka 11 Kerala 12 Madhya Pradesh l3 Maharashtra 1--1 Orissa 2.50 6.'27 0.03 -tHO 11:::'0 1,30 0.05 0.86 0.01 0.39 3.00 0.30 000 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.46 0.05 0.89 0.01 0.41 3.00 0.76 1.00 0.-+0 0.06 2.25 2.50 0.30 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.02 1.00 0.-17 0.06 2.28 0.45 0.77 0,00 0.06 080 0.80 0.71 0.60 0.02 3. [5 0.50 0.77 -1.00 8.30 0.10 7.50 17.50 :::'.70 2.25 6.00 0.03 -I \00 12.50 1.60 6.25 14.30 0.13 0.32 1.54 5.30 001 37.80 12.00 0.35 15 Punjab 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.02 001 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.03 0.07 LL08 0.12 0.20 16 Rajasthan 0.14 4.00 0.00 -l.00 0.70 0.00 0.70 1--1.80 3.16 0.20 8.00 15.00 2300 17 familnadu (J.:'8 0.11 0.30 OAI 0.26 1.20 1.-16 0.05 0.20 0.'+5 115 2.00 3. [S 18 Uttrakhand J9 Uttar Pradesh 0.03 2.67 0.01 O. J2 0.00 0.32 0.01 (). 1I 0.18 JAR 828 0.'+2 6.50 0.20 2.63 0.02 6.00 o.n 0--1-4 000 0.-10 0.11 ........ " _.":'.J 15.00 0.62 21.50 20 West Bengal U.02 0.02 0.20 0.22 0.35 0.09 () .-+-1 0.36 0.01 0.85 O.-tO 1.50 1.9(j 21 Other~ l) {10 0.26 0.15 0.-+1 015 0.10 U.25 O.6t) 0.75 0.-10 1.7(j 1.3--1 :UU 10.83 ·U8 15.01 12.00 ·t08 16.08 93.00 10.00 23.7'" 70.00 115.00 195.00 22 All India 37.17 ~.50 0.~5 ,~8.S0 30.00 ·UO State-wise and Crop-wise Production target of oilseeds for the year 201-J-15 Annexure-HI <;;1. '\0. Stales I Groundnul ) So~ Kharif Rabi , Total I Andhra Pradesh 2 Bihar .i IChhanisQarh .~ Guiarat 5 HaJ)ana I 700 0.0 I 0.-10 42.49 0.05 530 000 12.30 0.01 000 OAO -1.16 0.00 46.65 0.05 3.50 1.56 5.06 7 Madh~ a Pradesh 1.98 0.00 198 81 ~vfaharashtra 2::0 0.3-1 Kharif 3.00 0.00 100 0.60 0.00 6 Kamataka 9 Orissa hean I Production in lakh tannes IRapeseed 0.04 0.94 Isarno""-I Casto,- SunnO~\cr & Mustard Rabi Kha rir Rabi Sesamum Linseed Total Rabi , Kharif Kharif Kharif 1.00 0.14 001 0.00 0.06 000 0.00 0.60 0.20 a.oo 000 13.00 0.02 0.02 004 0.90 00\ 000 0.22 0.]4 0.00 0.00 4.40 9.7D 020 004 001 000 0.00 000 000 0.27 on 0.10 0.00 2.20 10.50 1.28 2.00 3.28 0.30 015 0.25 004 54.00 9,00 0.00 0.00 000 0.01 I 10 045 1.20 0.65 3.40 4700 0.99 I. 0.00 000 I 003 000 0.22 0.80 I o 10 I 0.00 003 0.03 0.'l0 000 0.50 0.30 I TotalOilseeds 1\ iger Kharif Kharir I 004 000 o 12 Rabi Total 6.20 1.04 0.0-+ 0.00 1104 0.29 1.71 57.03 0.08 866 9.97 17.24 1.33 1.93 65.69 10.05 008 7.50 14.36 21.86 0.25 57.79 9.00 66.79 2.53 099 52.50 1.99 0.06 0.90 030 0.80 O.OJ 0.0-1 009 0.08 0.05 0.15 010 0.16 0.36 49.97 1.00 o.n lolPuniab Raiasthan 12 Tamilnadu 003 9.00 4,20 0.01 9.01 11.00 0.50 36.30 0.00 0.00 020 0.00 020 0.00 000 0.00 000 2.70 0.03 080 Cl.OO 003 0.00 000 _J).> 0.70 36.31 076 5984 3,20 7.40 000 0.00 0.03 009 o 12 000 00-1 OJI 0.00 0.00 4.58 3.29 7.87 13 t Ittar Pradesh 0.95 0.00 0.95 a 12 8.00 0.00 000 000 0.54 0.:2.5 0.00 l.S6 8.05 G.G I West 8engal 15 Others 0.05 025 1.76 0.29 181 5.20 1.10 0.00 O.OJ 000 0.06 (LOO 0.00 208 0.20 002 0"" ., ._-t 003 008 2.18 716 9.3-1 054 000 060 005 I 005 0.20 , 0.20 0.07 0.08 1.38 l.S2 :2.90 16 AI/India 72,43 18.13 90.58 85.96 J.97 4.58 1.33 16.65 6.61 1.70 1.10 220.00 110.00 330.00 II I~ I 1J 9.52 6.55 I I ')"" --, Annexure -IV State-wise and Crop-wise Production target of Comercial Crops for the) ear 2014-15 SI. No. States Sugarcane (in Lakh tonnes) Cotton* Jute** 1 Andhra Pradesh 152.00 0.00 61.00 2 Assam 11.00 7.18 0.00 3 Bihar 135.00 0.00 16.00 4 Chhattisgarh 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 Gujarat 130.00 108.00 0.00 6 Haryana 75.00 23.00 0.00 7 Karnataka 357.00 11.00 0.00 8 Madhya Pradesh 35.00 17.00 0.01 9 Maharashtra 654.00 87.00 0.00 10 Nleghalaya 0.00 0.00 0.20 11 Nagaland 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 Orissa 0.00 4.00 0.20 13 Punjab 22.00 60.00 0.00 14 Rajasthan 0.00 13.00 0.00 15 Tripura 0.00 0.00 0.20 372.00 16 Tamilnadu 3.00 0.00 17 Uttar Pradesh 0.21 1370.00 0.00 0.00 18 Uttarakhand 70.00 0.00 0.00 19 West Bengal 16.00 81.00 20 Others 1.00 13.00 0.00 21 All India 350.00 ] 05.00 3~50.00 * Production in Lakh bales of 170 kg for Cotton. * Production in Lakh bales of 180 kg for Jute & .\tlesta. Mesta** Jute & IVlesta** 1.19 0.30 2.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.30 0.30 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.10 0.30 1.19 7.48 18.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.30 0.50 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.21 0.00 82.10 0.30 7.00 112.00
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