CV - Jonathan D. Jackson, PhD

Curriculum Vitae
Jonathan D. Jackson
Brandeis University MS-062
415 South St.
Waltham, MA 02454-9110
+1 (781) 736-2797
[email protected]
Ph.D., Psychology, Washington University, 2014
M.A., Psychology, Washington University, 2010
B.A., Cognitive Science, Rice University, 2007
St. Louis, MO
Houston, TX
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Neuroscience, Brandeis University, 2013 – 2015
Waltham, MA
Collaborator, Ctr for Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, 2014 - Boston, MA
Butler-Williams Scholar (formerly NIA Summer Institute), 2014, National Institute on Aging
NINDS Training Grant Fellow, Summer 2013 – 2015, Brandeis University
Outstanding Student Poster, May 2013, Massachusetts Gerontology Association
Poletsky Award for Dementia Research, October 2011, The Richard and Mildred Poletsky Education Fund
Diversity Travel Award, April 2009, Midwestern Psychological Association
Chancellor's Fellow, Fall 2007 – Spring 2013, Washington University
IPNG Training Grant Trainee, Fall 2007 – Spring 2009, Washington University
Danforth Scholar, Fall 2007 – Spring 2010, Washington University
McDowell, G. S., Gunsalus, K. T. W., MacKellar, D. C., Mazzilli, S. A., Pai, V. P.,…, Jackson, J. D.,…Polka, J.
K. (2014). Shaping the future of research: A perspective from junior scientists. F1000Research, 3:291. doi:
Jackson, J. D., Weinstein, Y., & Balota, D. A. (2013). Can mind-wandering be timeless? Atemporal focus and
aging in mind-wandering paradigms. Frontiers in Psychology. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00742
Jackson, J. D., & Balota, D. A. (2013). Age-related differences in attentional selection: Quality of task set or
degradation of task set across time? Psychology and Aging, 28, 744-753. doi:10.1037/a0033159
Jackson, J. D., & Balota, D. A. (2012). Mind-wandering in younger and older adults: Converging evidence
from the Sustained Attention to Response Task and reading for comprehension. Psychology and Aging, 27,
106-119. doi:10.1037/a0023933
Jackson, J. D., Balota, D. A., Duchek, J. M., & Head, D. (2012). White matter integrity and reaction time
Curriculum Vitae
Jonathan D. Jackson
intraindividual variability in healthy aging and early-stage Alzheimer disease. Neuropsychologia, 50, 357-366.
Jackson, J. D., Balota, D. A., & Head, D. (2011). Exploring the relationship between personality and regional
brain volume in healthy aging. Neurobiology of Aging, 32, 2162-2171.
Jackson, J. D., & Balota, D. A. (in prep). Detecting increased genetic risk and preclinical markers of
dementia: The power of attentional variability. To be submitted to Neuropsychology.
Jackson, J. D., Wetherell, J., & Lenze, E. J. (in prep). Mindfulness-based stress reduction improves cognitive
outcomes in anxious older adults. To be submitted to the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
Jackson, J. D., Wachutka, J., Vigderman, A., & Gutchess, A. (2014, April). Memory enhancement through
induction of an autobiographical mode in younger and older adults. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging
Conference, Atlanta, GA
Jackson, J. D., Weinstein, Y., & Balota, D. A. (2013, November). Atemporal focus in mind-wandering
paradigms. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada
Jackson, J. D., Balota, D. A., Duchek, J. M., Fagan, A. M., & Holtzman, D. M. (2012, November). Attentional
control and biomarkers for Alzheimer disease in non-demented older adults: Sensitivity of a Stroop switching
test. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis, MN
Jackson, J. D., Fagan, A. M., Holtzman, D. M., Morris, J. C., & Balota, D. A. (2012, July). Detecting
preclinical markers of dementia: The power of sustained attention and mind-wandering. Poster presented at
the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Vancouver, Canada
Jackson, J. D., & Balota, D. A. (2012, April). Age-related differences in maintaining task set in Stroop-like
interference paradigms. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA
Jackson, J. D., Balota, D. A., Duchek, J. M., & Head, D. (2011, November). White matter integrity and
reaction time intraindividual variability in healthy aging and early-stage Alzheimer disease. Poster presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Seattle, WA
Head, D., Jackson, J. D., Balota, D. A., & Duchek, J. M. (2011, July). White matter integrity and
intraindividual variability in aging and early-stage Alzheimer disease. Poster presented at the Alzheimer’s
Association International Conference, Paris, France
Jackson, J. D., & Balota, D. A. (2010, April). Mind wandering in younger and older adults: Evidence from
SART and reading for comprehension. Poster presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA
Jackson, J.D., & Balota, D. A. (2009, November). Stroop interference and goal neglect: Reduction and
elimination of the Stroop effect. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston,
Curriculum Vitae
Jonathan D. Jackson
How Memory Changes with Age
Waltham Council on Aging, Waltham, MA – May 2014
Weston Council on Aging, Weston, MA – November 2014
The Basics of Alzheimer Disease
Boston City Hall, Boston, MA – October 2014
Attentional Control in Aging and Early-stage Alzheimer disease
Brain Aging Neuroimaging Group, Charlestown, MA – November 2013
Sensitivity of Attentional Control in Aging and Early-stage Alzheimer disease
Volen National Center for Complex Systems Retreat, Provincetown, MA – October 2013
Alzheimer’s Research Update
Alzheimer’s Association, St. Louis, MO – October 2012
The Power of Attentional Control in Aging Research
Alzheimer Disease Research Center’s African-American Advisory Board, St. Louis, MO – October 2012
This is Your Brain on Personality
Adult Children Study Brunch, St. Louis, MO – October 2010
The Clinician Partners Program (2012) – training on the latest diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer’s disease
Freesurfer (2012) – training to use the popular brain imaging and segmentation software package
SPM for Basic and Clinical Investigators (2012) – training to use SPM8, a software package for
functional neuroimaging
Structural and Functional Brain Connectivity via MRI and fMRI (2014) – training to use various
tools for imaging and analyzing rs-fcMRI, DTI, and DSI data
Certified CDR Rater (2014) – official designation as a rater for the Clinical Dementia Rating scale
Member, Massachusetts Gerontology Association (2013 – )
Member, Association for Psychological Science (2009 – )
Member, International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment (ISTAART) (2012 – )
Member, The Psychonomic Society (2014 – )
Curriculum Vitae
Jonathan D. Jackson
A D -H O C R E V I E W E R
Consciousness & Cognition
Psychology & Aging
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Journal of Experimental Psychology: LMC
Psychosomatic Medicine
Acta Psychologica
Frontiers in Psychology
Brain & Cognition
Washington University, Fall 2011 – Experimental Psychology
Washington University, Spring 2012 – Psychology of Aging
University of Massachusetts Lowell, Spring/Summer/Fall 2013 – Cognitive Psychology
Wellesley College, Spring 2013 – Brain and Behavior
Northeastern University, Summer/Fall 2013 – Seminar in Psychobiology
Brandeis University, Fall 2013 – The Cognitive and Neurobiological Basis of Memory
Name: David Balota
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 314 935-6549
Title: Professor of Psychology
Employer: Washington University
Relationship: Graduate Student Mentor
Name: Denise Head
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 314 935-8732
Title: Associate Professor of Psychology
Employer: Washington University
Relationship: Dissertation Chair
Name: Angela Gutchess
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 781 736-3247
Title: Assistant Professor of Psychology
Employer: Brandeis University
Relationship: Postdoctoral Fellow Mentor
Name: Janet Duchek
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 314 935-7445
Title: Associate Professor of Psychology
Employer: Washington University
Relationship: PI, Cognitive Psychology Lab