ISSN: 0363-9045 (print), 1520-5762 (electronic) Drug Dev Ind Pharm, Early Online: 1–10 ! 2014 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. DOI: 10.3109/03639045.2014.925917 Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy Downloaded from by Srinakharinwirot University on 06/15/14 For personal use only. RESEARCH ARTICLE Plasticizing effect of ibuprofen induced an alteration of drug released from Kollidon SR matrices produced by direct compression Chutima Wiranidchapong1, Nuchnan Ruangpayungsak2, Pattaraporn Suwattanasuk1, Duangratana Shuwisitkul1, and Sujimon Tanvichien1 1 Faculty of Pharmacy, Srinakharinwirot University, Nakhon-Nayok, Thailand and 2Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand Abstract Keywords The objectives of this study were to investigate the effect of storage temperature on drug release from matrices containing 10, 40 and 70% w/w ibuprofen in KollidonÕ SR (KSR). The matrix tablets were produced by direct compression and then kept at 30 and 45 C for 3 months. Drug release from the matrix tablets was examined after storage for 0, 1, 4 and 12 weeks. Scanning electron microscope was used to reveal physical appearance of the tablet surface at the respective time intervals. In addition, differential scanning calorimeter was used to investigate glass transition temperature (Tg) of ibuprofen in KSR at 0–100% w/w based on the principle of Gordon–Taylor equation. At 45 C, the dissolution of ibuprofen in KSR as well as the coalescence of polymer particles were observed to be higher than those of storage at 30 C. The physical state of ibuprofen dispersed in the polymeric matrix and degree of polymer coalescence led to the variation of drug release. The coalescence of polymer particles was a result of the polymer transition from glassy to rubbery state according to water absorption of KSR and plasticizing effect of ibuprofen. The reduction of the Tg of ibuprofen blended with KSR could be better described by the Kwei equation, a modified version of Gordon–Taylor equation. Glass transition temperature, Gordon–Taylor equation, ibuprofen, in-vitro dissolution, Kollidon SR, Kwei equation Introduction KollidonÕ SR (KSR) has been recognized as either matrixforming or film-forming excipient in extended release dosage forms. It is composed of polyvinyl acetate and polyvinyl pyrrolidone approximately at a ratio of 8:2 (Figure 1a). Matrix tablet using KSR as a retarding agent can be produced by direct compression1–4. The stability study of famotidine in KSR matrix tablet, produced by direct compression, revealed the difference in the dissolution profiles after storage at 40 C and 75% relative humidity for 1, 2 and 4 weeks when compared with that of freshly prepared matrix5. No similarity of those was a result of water absorption of KSR. The absorbed water acted as a plasticizer to change a completely disordered structure to network ordered structure. Thus, the extent and rate of drug release in the network ordered structure were altered5. According to glass transition temperature (Tg) of KSR around 35 C3,6,7, storage temperature higher than Tg possibly causes a transition from glassy to rubbery state. This can initiate the structural change and the change of rate and extent of drug release. Moreover, there are many kinds of drug exhibiting plasticizing effect such as lidocaine HCl8, ketoprofen9, metoprolol tartrate10, ibuprofen and chlorpheniramine maleate6,11–16. Address for correspondence: Chutima Wiranidchapong, PhD, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Srinakharinwirot University, Nakhon-Nayok, 26120, Thailand. Tel: +66 37 395094-5. Fax: +66 37 395096. E-mail: [email protected] History Received 16 February 2014 Revised 9 May 2014 Accepted 12 May 2014 Published online 11 June 2014 The increase in weight percent of these drugs in polymeric films proportionally decreased the Tg of those films. Thus, the system containing both drug as plasticizer and polymer with low Tg probably promotes a dramatic increase in mobility of the polymer chains especially at the storage temperature higher than the Tg12,13,17. This may cause a greater degree of coalescence associated with a reduction in the rate of drug release12,13. There was an attempt to describe the reduction of Tg of polymeric matrix containing ibuprofen based on the Gordon– Taylor equation. This study revealed that the experimental Tg values exhibited a positive deviation from the theoretical Tg values according to molecular interactions between ibuprofen and the polymer18. In case of an interaction between drug and polymer, the Kwei equation, a modified version of Gordon– Taylor, could be better for explanation19–25. If the Tg of polymeric matrices containing various weight percents of ibuprofen can be predicted, it will be an advantage to select the storage temperature in order to reduce an alteration of rate and extent of drug release from this kind of matrices. This study aimed to investigate ibuprofen released from KSR matrix tablets after storage at the temperature below and above the Tg of KSR. To confirm the influence of temperature and plasticizing effect of ibuprofen on the coalescence of polymer particles, scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to investigate the physical appearance of tablet surface. According to the plasticizing effect of ibuprofen, the reduction of Tg of ibuprofen in KSR mixture was examined based on the principle of Gordon–Taylor equation. 2 C. Wiranidchapong et al. Figure 1. Chemical structures KollidonÕ SR; (b) ibuprofen. Drug Dev Ind Pharm, Early Online: 1–10 of: (a) Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy Downloaded from by Srinakharinwirot University on 06/15/14 For personal use only. Materials and methods Materials Ibuprofen (Lot No. IB1S1461) and KollidonÕ SR (Lot No. 14209516K0) were supplied as gifts by BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany. Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate and sodium hydroxide used as buffering agents were purchased from Univar, New Zealand and Labscan, Thailand, respectively. Absolute Ethanol used as a solvent in the analytical process was purchased from J.T. Baker (Phillipsburg, NJ). Preparation of ibuprofen in KSR physical mixture Ibuprofen and KSR, passed through the sieve shaker mesh no. 60 (Vibratory Sieve Shaker Analysette 3 Pro, Fritsch GmbH, Germany), were mixed with mortar and pestle for 15 min at the concentration range of 10–90% w/w ibuprofen in KSR. The mixtures were kept in refrigerated temperature for further experiments. Preparation of ibuprofen in KSR matrix tablet The DSC cell was calibrated with indium (melting point 156.9 C and DH ¼ 27.5 J/g). Each sample, i.e. ibuprofen, KSR, and 10– 90% w/w ibuprofen in KSR physical mixtures, was accurately weighed into standard aluminum pan with cover and scanned using the heating program: heating to 100 C at 10 K/min; cooling to 60 C at 10 K/min; and finally heating to 100 C at 5 K/min. The Tg was examined in the second heating. Mathematical analysis Tg values of 0–100% w/w ibuprofen in KSR versus weight fraction of KSR were fitted to Gordon–Taylor and Kwei equations by non-linear regression (GraphPad PrismÕ version 4.0, San Diego, CA). The Gordon–Taylor and Kwei equations can be expressed as displayed in Equation (1) and (2), respectively19–25. Tg ¼ w1 Tg1 þ Kw2 Tg2 ; w1 þ Kw2 K¼ 1 Tg1 2 Tg2 ð1Þ where Tgi , wi and i are the glass transition temperatures, the weight fractions and the densities of the components in the mixture. Tablets, 1 cm, i.d., of 10, 40 and 70% w/w ibuprofen in KSR were produced by direct compression. The powder, 320 mg in weight, was compressed by hydraulic press at 100 kg/cm2. Each kind of the tablets was kept in either 30 C or 45 C ovens (Universal oven UN 110, Memmert GmbH, Schwabach, Germany) for 3 months. The humidity recorded by digital hygro-thermometer (Daeyoon Scale Industrial, Seoul, Korea) was in the range of 45–65% RH at 30 C and 26–61% RH at 45 C throughout the storage time. where q is an adjustable parameter corresponding to the strength of hydrogen bonding between the components. Eleven experimental data points were used for each fit. The coefficient of determination (R2), runs test and the residual plot were used to evaluate the goodness-of-fit. In vitro drug release Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis Matrix tablets containing 10, 40 and 70% w/w ibuprofen in KSR either storage at 30 C or 45 C for 0, 1, 4 and 12 weeks were examined the drug release using the USP XXXVI rotating paddle method (900 ml phosphate buffer pH 7.2; 100 rpm; 37 C; n ¼ 3) (Vankel VK 7000, Vankel Industries, Edison, NJ). At predetermined time intervals, samples were withdrawn (5 ml, no medium replacement) and spectrophotometrically assayed at 222 nm for ibuprofen (UV-1601, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc., Columbia, MD). FTIR spectra of ibuprofen, KSR and 10–70% w/w ibuprofen in KSR either physical mixtures or melted mixtures were recorded with a Perkin-Elmer FTIR Spectrum One using potassium bromide disks. The melted mixtures were prepared by heating the physical mixtures at the respective weight percent of ibuprofen in KSR by DSC using the heating program: heating from 25 to 100 C at 10 K/min; cooling to 60 C at 10 K/min; and finally heating to 100 C at 5 K/min. Each sample was scanned 64 times and the spectra were recorded at a resolution of 4 cm1. Tg ¼ w1 Tq1 þ Kw2 Tg2 þ qw1 w2 w1 þ Kw2 ð2Þ SEM analysis The morphology of 10, 40 and 70% w/w ibuprofen in KSR matrix tablets stored at 30 and 45 C for 0, 1 and 4 weeks was qualitatively evaluated using SEM. Images were taken with a Hitachi SEM (S-3400, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan) operating at 15 kV. All samples were gold-coated at room temperature prior to imaging. Each sample was analyzed as n ¼ 1. Differential scanning calorimetry analysis Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was carried out using a Mettler Toledo DSC apparatus with a refrigerated cooling system (DSC 823e, Greifensee, Switzerland) and nitrogen as purge gas. Results and discussion In vitro drug release The cumulative drug release (%) of matrix tablets containing 10, 40 and 70% w/w ibuprofen in KSR after storage at 30 and 45 C for 1 week, 1 and 3 months was changed when compared to that of freshly prepared matrix tablets (Figure 2). The rate of drug released from matrix tablet containing 10% w/w ibuprofen after storage at 30 C for 1 week was higher than that of freshly prepared (Figure 2a). In addition, SEM revealed the deformation of polymer particles, which started to coalesce. However, a few gaps between the particles were still observed (Figure 3d). Plasticizing effect induced an alteration of drug release 3 Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy Downloaded from by Srinakharinwirot University on 06/15/14 For personal use only. DOI: 10.3109/03639045.2014.925917 Figure 2. Dissolution profiles of tablets containing ibuprofen in KSR at weight percent of: (a) 10; (b) 40; (c) 70 after storage at 30 C and the respective weight percent: (d) 10; (e) 40; (f) 70 after storage at 45 C. Key: () 0 week; (g) 1 week; (m) 4 weeks; () 12 weeks of storage time. This might be a result of plasticizing effect of either ibuprofen6,11,13,15 or the absorbed water5,26–33. According to a little amount of ibuprofen lowering the Tg of KSR at this ratio of drug to polymer, the absorbed water enhanced the reduction of the Tg of KSR below the storage temperature. Thus, the polymer transition from glassy to rubbery state was occurred after storage for 1 week. This might cause higher dissolution of ibuprofen in KSR, resulting in the higher rate of drug release than that of freshly prepared. After storage for 1 and 3 months, the rate of drug released from 10% w/w ibuprofen in KSR matrix tablet was lower than that of freshly prepared. Furthermore, the coalescence of polymer particles was almost complete (Figure 3g). This might be a longer storage time resulting in the larger amount of absorbed Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy Downloaded from by Srinakharinwirot University on 06/15/14 For personal use only. 4 C. Wiranidchapong et al. Drug Dev Ind Pharm, Early Online: 1–10 Figure 3. SEM of ibuprofen in KSR tablets at weight percent of: (a) 10; (b) 40; (c) 70 at day 0; the respective weight percent: (d) 10; (e) 40; (f) 70 after storage for 1 week and (g) 10; (h) 40; (i) 70 after storage for 4 weeks at storage temperature of 30 C. Magnification 500. water into the polymer5,31. Thus, the Tg of KSR was lower when absorbed water into the polymer was higher, which was in accordance with the relationship of Gordon–Taylor27. In this state, the polymer transition from glassy to rubbery state easily took place. This provided a densification and a reduction of porosity of KSR. The loss of pores resulted in a lower rate of drug release due to the hindered diffusion of water and ibuprofen molecules in the tablet. So the rate of ibuprofen release was decreased. To compare with 10% w/w ibuprofen in KSR matrix tablet stored at 45 C, the rate of drug release slightly decreased after storage for 1 week according to almost complete coalescence of polymer particles (Figure 4d). When the storage time was extended to 1 month, the rate of ibuprofen release was increased because of re-crystallization of ibuprofen out of the film. This resulted in the fracture of the film, which was extensively observed (Figure 4g). After storage for 3 months, the rate of ibuprofen release was the lowest. This might be a result of ibuprofen re-dissolved into the polymer, leading to the complete film formation. This indicated that drug dissolution and recrystallization in the polymeric matrix were interchangeable during the storage period34. In case of matrix tablet containing 40% w/w ibuprofen in KSR, the rate of drug release was the highest at the initial state (Figure 2b, e). This might be a result of higher concentration of Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy Downloaded from by Srinakharinwirot University on 06/15/14 For personal use only. DOI: 10.3109/03639045.2014.925917 Plasticizing effect induced an alteration of drug release 5 Figure 4. SEM of ibuprofen in KSR tablets at weight percent of: (a) 10; (b) 40; (c) 70 at day 0; the respective weight percent: (d) 10; (e) 40; (f) 70 after storage for 1 week and (g) 10; (h) 40; (i) 70 after storage for 4 weeks at storage temperature of 45 C. Magnification 500. ibuprofen dissolved into the rubbery polymer, which was confirmed by the apparent deformation of polymer particles at day 0 (Figure 3b). This indicated that the polymer transition from glassy to rubbery state was immediately occurred. After storage at 30 C for 1 week, the coalescence of polymer particles was more complete (Figure 3e), so that the rate of drug release was dramatically decreased. When the storage time was extended to 1 month, the rate of drug release was increased, which corresponded to the fracture of the film (Figure 3h). Finally, the rate of drug release was decreased to the lowest rate after storage for 3 months. This might be a densification of polymeric matrix after longer storage. At storage temperature of 45 C, the rate of drug release was decreased after storage for 1 week, 1 and 3 months. The lowest rate of drug released from 40% w/w ibuprofen in KSR matrix tablet was observed after storage for 3 months (Figure 2e). This was in accordance with the more complete coalescence of polymer particles at the longer storage time (Figure 4e, h), in which the storage temperature was above the Tg of the polymer. For 70% w/w ibuprofen in KSR matrix tablet, the rate of drug released from freshly prepared matrix was slow at the first 8 h and then rapidly increased after 8 h of dissolution test. After kept at 30 C for 1 week, the rate of drug release rapidly increased after 4 h of dissolution test. The highest rate of drug release was noticed after storage for 1 month. However, the rate of drug release decreased after storage for 3 months (Figure 2c). It was interesting to note that the highest concentration of ibuprofen in KSR matrix tablet did not provide the fastest rate of drug release Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy Downloaded from by Srinakharinwirot University on 06/15/14 For personal use only. 6 C. Wiranidchapong et al. at day 0. In addition, SEM revealed both dissolved ibuprofen around the deformed particles of KSR and crystalline ibuprofen all over the tablet surface (Figure 3c). This might be a limited concentration of KSR, which needed to dissolve ibuprofen into the matrix. Only dissolved ibuprofen dispersed in KSR could decrease the Tg of polymeric matrix whereas crystalline ibuprofen could not alter the Tg of drug–polymer mixture23,24. Thus, crystalline ibuprofen could not promote the deformation and coalescence of KSR particles. According to poorly water-soluble drugs35–37, ibuprofen was slowly released from freshly prepared matrix at the first 8 h of dissolution test. After 8 h of dissolution test ibuprofen was rapidly released because the porosity inside the matrix was increased after drug release. When the storage time was longer, the re-crystallization of ibuprofen was more observed (Figure 3f, i). This was in an agreement with the incomplete coalescence of polymer particles in matrix tablets kept for 1 week and for 1 month at 30 C. This resulted in higher drug release, especially after storage for 1 month. However, the rate of drug release was decreased after storage for 3 months at 30 C. This might be more coalescence of polymer particles after longer storage time. In case of storage at 45 C, ibuprofen release (%) after storage for 1 week obviously increased when compared with that of freshly prepared matrix tablet. The highest rate of drug release was also observed after storage for 1 month. When the storage time was extended to 3 months, the rate of drug release was almost similar to that at the beginning (Figure 2f). This might be a result of the storage temperature well above the Tg of KSR, which enhanced the polymer transition from glassy to rubbery state. This was in an agreement with the deformation and the coalescence of polymer particles, which were more intense than those of storage temperature at 30 C at the same period (Figure 4f, i). In addition, the disappearance of ibuprofen crystal from the tablet surface was observed after storage for Drug Dev Ind Pharm, Early Online: 1–10 1 month (Figure 4i). The more dissolved ibuprofen in KSR resulted in the faster rate of drug release. Thus, the rate of ibuprofen released from 70% w/w ibuprofen in KSR matrix tablet after storage at 45 C for 1 week and for 1 month was increased. Conversely, the more amount of dissolved ibuprofen in KSR greatly enhanced the complete coalescence of polymer particles. This resulted in the reduction of the porosity inside the matrix tablet. Thus, the rate of drug release was decreased after storage for 3 months. DSC analysis DSC curve of ibuprofen investigated by heating from 25 to 100 C at 10 K/min exhibited the melting point around 77.87 C. The Tg of ibuprofen was observed around 44.10 C when the melted ibuprofen was cooled to 60 C at 10 K/min and then heated to 100 C at 5 K/min (Figure 5). Similar heating program was used to investigate the Tg of physical mixtures containing 0–100% w/w ibuprofen in KSR. The Tg of KSR was around 39.09 C. For 10–90% w/w ibuprofen in KSR physical mixtures, the Tg values were between the Tg of pure components. In addition, the Tg of the mixture was decreased as the increase of weight percent of ibuprofen (Figure 6). This Tg behavior was in an agreement with the principle of Gordon–Taylor19–25. It was meant that only amorphous ibuprofen could decrease the Tg of KSR. Thus, ibuprofen acted as a plasticizer when it was in an amorphous form or a dissolved form blended with the polymer. In addition, DSC curves of 80 and 90% w/w ibuprofen in KSR mixtures exhibited the exothermic peaks onset around 40 C, followed with the endothermic peak around 75 C and 77 C, respectively. This indicated that at high concentration of ibuprofen in KSR melted mixture amorphous ibuprofen tended to rapidly re-crystallize into crystalline ibuprofen, which displayed the melting point depression as an increase of weight fraction of KSR. Figure 5. DSC curve of ibuprofen. Program: heating to 100 C at 10 K/min; cooling to 60 C at 10 K/min; and finally heating to 100 C at 5 K/min. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy Downloaded from by Srinakharinwirot University on 06/15/14 For personal use only. DOI: 10.3109/03639045.2014.925917 Plasticizing effect induced an alteration of drug release 7 Figure 6. DSC curve recorded in the second heating from (60) – 100 C; 5 K/min: (a) KSR; mixtures containing ibuprofen in KSR at % w/w of (b) 10; (c) 20; (d) 30; (e) 40; (f) 50; (g) 60; (h) 70; (i) 80; (j) 90; (k) ibuprofen. Figure 7. Tg versus weight fraction of KSR curves based on experimental data (g); Gordon–Taylor equation (- - -); Kwei equation (—). Tg analysis Fitting Tg values of 0–100% w/w ibuprofen in KSR to Gordon– Taylor and Kwei equations gave coefficient of determination (R2) equal to 0.8730 and 0.9026, respectively (Figure 7). By means of runs test, experimental Tg and estimated Tg obtained from Gordon–Taylor equation were significantly different (p value ¼ 0.0238) but experimental Tg and estimated Tg obtained from Kwei equation were insignificantly different (p value ¼ 0.2619). This indicates that Tg of ibuprofen in KSR is a better fit to the Kwei equation. K and q values, the Kwei equation parameters, determined by curve-fitting were 1.002 and 80.05, respectively. A negative q value indicates that the inter-associated hydrogen bonding between ibuprofen and KSR is weaker than the selfassociated hydrogen bonding of each component21,23,24. In addition, the residuals corresponding to the fits of Gordon– Taylor and Kwei equations were apparently non-random (Figure 8). The non-randomness of the residuals suggests that Figure 8. Residual analysis corresponding to the Gordon–Taylor fit (a) and the Kwei fit (b). even Kwei equation does not completely described Tg behavior of ibuprofen in KSR. This might be a result of rapid re-crystallization of ibuprofen out of the polymeric mixture. This crystalline ibuprofen could not lower the Tg of KSR. FTIR analysis FTIR spectrum of ibuprofen displayed peaks around 3000, 1720 and 1230 cm1 corresponding to O–H stretching vibration, asymmetrical carbonyl stretching vibration and C–O stretching Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy Downloaded from by Srinakharinwirot University on 06/15/14 For personal use only. 8 C. Wiranidchapong et al. Drug Dev Ind Pharm, Early Online: 1–10 Figure 9. FTIR spectra recorded at room temperature in the range of 4000–400 cm1: (a) KSR; physical mixtures of ibuprofen in KSR at % w/w of (b) 10; (c) 20; (d) 30; (e) 40; (f) 70; (g) ibuprofen. Figure 10. FTIR spectra recorded at room temperature in the range of 4000–400 cm1: (a) KSR; melted mixtures of ibuprofen in KSR at % w/w (b) 10; (c) 20; (d) 30; (e) 40; (f) 70; (g) ibuprofen. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy Downloaded from by Srinakharinwirot University on 06/15/14 For personal use only. DOI: 10.3109/03639045.2014.925917 vibration of carboxylic acid, respectively38–42. For KSR, composed of polyvinyl acetate (PVA) and polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) at the ratio of 8:2, the peak around 1739 cm1 corresponding to the carbonyl stretching vibration of ester group in PVA was observed. In addition, the bands around 3469 and 1663 cm1 corresponding to N–H stretching vibration and carbonyl stretching vibration, respectively, of amide group in PVP38,41 were also observed. The N–H stretching band shifted to lower wave number was noticed in both physical mixture and melted mixture of 10–30% w/w ibuprofen in KSR (Figures 9 and 10). Furthermore, the peak around 1663 cm1 shifted to 1658 cm1 was noticed in 30% w/w ibuprofen in KSR melted mixture. This implied that hydrogen bonding between carbonyl group of PVP and hydroxyl group of ibuprofen might be occurred41. This was in an agreement with the shift of the peak around 1230 cm1 to 1240 cm1 in melted mixture of 10–40% w/w ibuprofen in KSR. This indicated that C– O stretching vibration of carboxylic acid group of ibuprofen was changed to C–O stretching vibration of ester group38. The occurrence of the interaction between ibuprofen and KSR supported the finding why the Kwei equation could be better described the Tg behavior of amorphous ibuprofen blended with KSR. The appearance of the shoulder around 1700 cm1 in melted mixture of 70% w/w ibuprofen in KSR implied the presence of crystalline ibuprofen in the mixture41. This phenomenon revealed rapid re-crystallization of amorphous ibuprofen in 70% w/w ibuprofen in KSR after DSC analysis42–44. Conclusions The compressed matrix tablet containing ibuprofen dispersed in KSR displayed the alteration of drug release during storage at 30 and 45 C, which were the temperature below and above the Tg of KSR, respectively. The degree of the coalescence of polymer particles and physical state of ibuprofen dispersed in the polymeric matrix caused the variation of drug release. Either plasticizing effect of ibuprofen or water absorption of KSR promoted the polymer transition from glassy to rubbery state leading to drug dissolved in the polymer and the coalescence of polymer particles. Only dissolved ibuprofen made the Tg of KSR lowering, which could be better described by the Kwei equation, a modified version of the Gordon–Taylor equation. Prediction of the Tg of KSR blended with ibuprofen at various weight percent is useful for designing the conditions used in manufacturing process. In addition, it is helpful for selection of the storage temperature to prevent the polymer transition, which causes the alteration of physical state of ibuprofen dispersed in the polymer matrix and the variation of drug release, respectively. Acknowledgements The authors would like to express their heartfelt thanks to Boonta Chatweerasakul for her support to proof the language of this work. Declaration of interest The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of this article. This research work was funded by Faculty of Pharmacy, Srinakharinwirot University, Grant number: 318/2557. References 1. Novoa GAG, Heina¨ma¨ki J, Mirza S, et al. Physical solid-state properties and dissolution of sustained-release matrices of polyvinylacetate. Eur J Pharm Biopharm 2005;59:343–50. Plasticizing effect induced an alteration of drug release 9 2. Kranz H, Wagner T. Effects of formulation and process variables on the release of a weakly basic drug from single unit extended release formulations. Eur J Pharm Biopharm 2006;62:70–6. 3. Sahoo J, Murthy PN, Biswal S, Manik G. 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