Conditional value-at-risk estimation using non-integer values of degrees of freedom in Student’s t-distribution Andriy Andreev Swedish School of Economics, P.O. Box 479, FIN-00101, Helsinki, Finland Antti Kanto Helsinki School of Economics, P.O. Box 1210, FIN-00101, Helsinki, Finland This paper provides an analytical formula for CVAR calculated using t-distributions with non-integer degrees of freedom. We generalize standard formulas, calculated on the assumption of normal log-returns without compromising on the difficulty of the calculation procedure involved. We also extend the results of Heikkinen and Kanto (2002) to show the impact of kurtosis on values of CVAR. The results are summarized in a closed-form formula that can, with little effort, be used by risk managers in the evaluation risk exposures for a family of heavy-tailed distributions. 1 Introduction Risk managers and regulators need measures for the evaluation of risk. There are two common measures of risk: value-at-risk (VAR) and conditional value-at-risk (CVAR) (Jorion, 2000; Artzner et al, 1999). The former is the lower bound that is reached with given probability, usually 95%, 97.5%, 99% or 99.9%. The latter gives the expected loss assuming that the lower bound is reached. The simplest way to proceed is to assume that returns are normally distributed. However, in practice this assumption seldom holds because the tails are heavier than in the normal case. One possible alternative is Student’s t-distribution (Student, 1908), which has slightly heavy tails. In his seminal article, Student considered distributions with integer degrees of freedom, but mathematically this is not necessary. In this paper, therefore, we allow degrees of freedom to be nonintegers. A nice property of this class of distributions is that kurtosis and degrees of freedom have a simple relationship. Thus, degrees of freedom can easily be estimated using the method of moments. In practice, the kurtosis is often larger than six, leading to non-integer degrees of freedom of between four and five. The critical values of Student’s t-distribution with integer values are often reported in standard textbooks. Recently, Heikkinen and Kanto (2002) reported them with several non-integer values. In this paper we present a compact formula for CVAR with non-integer degrees of freedom. It shows that if the data are The detailed comments of the Editor-in-Chief are gratefully acknowledged. 55 56 Andriy Andreev and Antti Kanto heavy-tailed, ie, have large kurtosis, the CVAR calculated using the normal assumption may differ significantly from the t-distributed one. Section 2 provides proofs and formulas. In Section 3 we illustrate the findings with examples. Section 4 concludes. 2 Calculation of VAR and CVAR for Student’s t-distributions The literature on VAR (see, eg, Alexander, 1998; Jorion, 2000) often assumes logarithmic returns to be normally distributed, implying that excess kurtosis is zero. This condition is too restrictive and does not find empirical support. Standard statistical tests suggest that most financial time series have heavy tails. Student’s t-distributions allow for the modeling of non-zero excess kurtosis. Furthermore, for applications in multivariate quantitative risk management, the most useful copula is the t-copula (see, eg, Dematra and McNeil, 2004). Extreme value theory (EVT) estimates the distribution of the maximum (see, eg, McNeil, Frey and Embrechts, 2004) and completes the evaluation of risk exposure using an algorithmic procedure. Our results suggest a closed-form formula to determine risk exposure in a one-dimensional case. The density of a non-central Student-t distribution has the following form (Abramowitz and Stegun, 1971): ( ) 1 + ( x − µ ) f ( x) = βν Γ ( ) πβ ν Γ ν +1 2 2 ν 2 − 1+ ν 2 (1) where µ is a location parameter, β is a dispersion parameter and ν is a shape parameter, or degrees of freedom. The standard t-distribution assumes that µ = 0, β = 1 and that ν is an integer. We follow Heikkinen and Kanto (2002) by assuming non-integer degrees of freedom and applying the method of moments to estimate the parameters. The calculation of CVAR for normal random variables amounts basically to hazard rate evaluation at a significance level quantile, ie, CVAR n = − s 2 f (q) F (−q) (2) By construction, CVAR is always smaller than VAR when both are taken as negative numbers. A simple check shows that the classical CVARn formula for normal random variables produces misleading results if applied directly to t-distributions, ie, one can easily find quantiles of the t-distribution for which Equation (2) gives a number larger than VARt . We calculate analytically the correction term that fixes the classical formula q for t-distributions. Since ∫ – f (x)dx = F(– q), the CVAR of the t-distribution (see Equation (1)) can be written as follows: Journal of Risk CVAR estimation using non-integer values of degrees of freedom in Student’s t-distribution ( ) x = ∫ x f ( x )d x = ∫ x 1 + Γ ( ) πβ ν β ν q F ( − q ) CVAR t −∞ q Γ −∞ ν 2 ν +1 2 2 − 1+ ν 2 dx Let ν > 1. Straightforward integration by substituting y = x 2 ⁄ βν gives q βν q2 ∫− ∞ x f ( x ) d x = − ν − 1 1 + β ν f ( q ) Furthermore, CVAR t = − βν q2 f (q) 1+ ν − 1 β ν F ( − q ) The second central moment of the t-distribution can be estimated as m2 = βν ⁄ (ν – 2). Assuming that ν > 2, we get the moment estimator β = ((ν – 2) ⁄ ν)m2 , yielding ( CVAR t = − (1 − w ) m 2 + wq 2 ) F (−q) f (q) where w = 1 ⁄ (ν – 1). Let ν > 4. Simple calculation yields w = kur(6 + 3kur), since ν = 4 + 6 ⁄ kur, and where kur stands for excess kurtosis. Using moment estimators s 2, kur (6 + 3kur ), we finally obtain the estimator = kur w ( = − (1 − wˆ ) s 2 + wq ˆ 2 CVAR t ) F (−q) f (q) (3) which is a weighted sum of sampled variance and squared quantile. grows with Figure 1 demonstrates that the impact of the quantile weight w excess kurtosis but that it is bounded by 1 ⁄ 3. One can see that a kurtosis value of 40 is already large enough to use Equation (3) in the limiting form = − 2 s 2 + 1 q 2 f ( q ) CVAR t 3 3 F ( − q ) (4) Another limiting case arises when excess kurtosis is zero. Equation (3) can be rewritten as a function of kurtosis: = − 2 kur + 6 s 2 + kur q 2 f ( q ) CVAR t F (−q) 6 + 3 kur 6 + 3 kur (5) = 0 suggests that the quantile weight has no effect. The result is a classiand kur Volume 7/Number 2, Winter 2005 57 Andriy Andreev and Antti Kanto 0.6 Volatility weight (1 – W ) 0.4 Quantile weight (W ) 0.2 Weights 0.8 1.0 FIGURE 1 The weights as a function of kurtosis in Equation (3). 0.0 58 0 20 40 60 80 100 Excess kurtosis cal CVARn formula, Equation (2), ie, hazard evaluated at the appropriate quantile scaled by volatility. Equations (3) and (5) are consistent estimates. They—play the same role as the ) ÷ formula for the calculation of value-at-risk VARt = tαν βˆ , where βˆ = ((3 + kur 2 )) × s (see Heikkinen and Kanto, 2002). (3 + 2kur 3 Simulation results The results of numerical integration for non-integer degrees of freedom and correcting coefficient values for the calculation of VARt have been summarized in Table 2 of Heikkinen and Kanto (2002). The effect of kurtosis on VARt at different probability levels is presented in Figure 1 of the same paper. Our first objective is to report the effect of excess kurtosis on CVARt at different probability levels and to compare these findings with results one would obtain by assuming normal log-returns. Equation (3) is the basis for the results shown in Figure 2. Heikkinen and Kanto (2002) found that the effect of kurtosis on the value of VARt is almost insignificant at the 97.5% significance level, with a somewhat lesser effect at lower levels and an increasing effect at higher levels. In contrast to these findings, higher kurtosis increases CVARt at all levels, with a mild exception for the 90% significance level, when CVARt decreases slightly for small values of kurtosis. This tendency of CVARt to increase manifests itself more strongly as the significance level approaches 100%. At levels above 97.5%, the increase becomes very marked in comparison to VARt calculations. Journal of Risk CVAR estimation using non-integer values of degrees of freedom in Student’s t-distribution FIGURE 2 The effect of excess kurtosis at different confidence levels on CVARt , s = 1. 4 0 2 CVAR 6 8 0.999 0.995 0.990 0.975 0.950 0.900 0 10 20 30 40 50 Excess kurtosis Figure 2 makes clear the differences between CVARt and CVARn. Since the excess kurtosis is zero for normal random variables, the corresponding values of CVARn are points on the graph. They are obviously ordered inasmuch as higher points correspond to higher significance levels. By definition, as excess kurtosis tends to zero Student’s t-distribution tends to a normal distribution. Surprisingly, one can see that CVARt < CVARn at the 90% level. This effect is mild but present. As the significance level is increased the plots come more into line with intuition: the effect of excess kurtosis is to increase the risk value. Figures 3a and 3b scale the effect of excess kurtosis on (C)VARt (C)VARn. Surprisingly, the intuitive hypothesis that higher kurtosis implies higher (C)VARt fails for both ratios, with the more pronounced effect observed for VARt VARn. Figure 3c presents a contrast by plotting CVARt VARt , indicating the importance of the choice of risk measure. The ratio is strictly larger than one for all confidence levels. Unlike Figures 3a and 3b, there is no clear ordering in the graphs. This phenomenon should be examined further, especially when excess kurtosis is less than 10. All the curves in Figures 3a and 3b are ordered as functions of p-values: a larger p-value corresponds to a larger value of (C)VARt (C)VARn. This observation makes analysis simple. Another important observation is that CVARt CVARn > VARt VARn for all p-values. The most interesting question is what happens when the ratio equals one, ie, when (C)VARt = (C)VARn. The answers are different for CVAR and VAR. In line with Heikkinen and Kanto (2002), Figure 3b suggests p = 0.975 to be the level Volume 7/Number 2, Winter 2005 59 Andriy Andreev and Antti Kanto 10 20 30 40 Excess kurtosis 50 2.0 1.5 CVAR t ⁄ VAR t 0.5 0.5 0 0.999 0.995 0.990 0.975 0.950 0.900 1.0 1.5 VAR t ⁄ VAR n 2.0 0.999 0.995 0.990 0.975 0.950 0.900 1.0 1.5 1.0 CVAR t ⁄ CVAR n 2.0 0.999 0.995 0.990 0.975 0.950 0.900 2.5 2.5 2.5 FIGURE 3 The effect of kurtosis on ratio of (C)VARt to (C)VARn. 0.5 60 0 10 20 30 40 Excess kurtosis 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 Excess kurtosis at which VARt VARn for all values of kurtosis. Alternatively, VARt > VARn for p > 0.975, while VARt < VARn for p < 0.975. Somewhat surprisingly, a similar effect is observed for the ratio CVARt CVARn (see Figure 3a). This is not as straightforward as for VARt VARn: the threshold level depends on the value of kurtosis and belongs to the p-value interval [0.9, 0.95]. CVARt CVARn takes values on both sides of one for the same p-level. For instance, at the 90% level, CVARt CVARn < 1 for all levels, but, if p = 0.95, CVARt CVARn > 1 for kur > 1, while CVARt CVARn = 0.99 for kur = 1. Finally, we demonstrate our findings using the same Nokia stock that was used by Heikkinen and Kanto (2002) to illustrate the effect of excess kurtosis on the calculation of VAR. The stock has been followed for four and a half years, during which it shows large fluctuations on a monthly scale. We apply Equation (5) with s = 20% and kur = 10, indicating a Student’s t-distribution with 4.6 degrees of freedom. The results are summarized in Table 1. These indicate that there is a rapidly growing difference in the value of CVAR at higher p-values, in contrast to the much smoother behavior of the VAR estimates. Journal of Risk CVAR estimation using non-integer values of degrees of freedom in Student’s t-distribution TABLE 1 Monthly estimates of VAR and CVAR (%) for Nokia stock. VAR (normal) VAR (Student, kur = 10) CVAR (normal) CVAR (Student, kur = 10) 95% 97.5% 36.2 34.0 45.4 50.7 43.1 43.6 51.4 66.4 Confidence level 99% 99.5% 51.2 57.8 58.6 90.1 56.7 69.8 63.6 110.7 99.9% 68.0 103.5 74.1 169.2 4 Concluding remarks We have presented a simple closed-form formula for the calculation of conditional value-at-risk (CVAR) using Student’s t-distribution. Equation (3) is a weighted average of the estimated variance and the square of the allowed critical point. It contains a classical formula for the calculation of CVAR for normal distributions as a partial case. Since financial data usually have heavy tails, it will be of interest to practitioners. Assuming finite kurtosis, the weights are easy to estimate from the data, so Equation (3) provides a quick and useful tool for risk management. REFERENCES Abramowitz, M., and Stegun, I. A. (1971). Handbook of mathematical functions with formulas, graphs and mathematical tables. Dover Publications, Inc., New York. 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