MOKDAD Lynda Associate professor [email protected] Phone : 01 44 05 40 60 Office : P 630 Current Position - Status Head of master mention : Information Systems Department of attachment : MIDO Centre of Research : Aide à la décision (LAMSADE) Member of a central council : CS Education and qualification HDR Informatique (2008 - Paris-Dauphine) Ph.D. Informatique (1997 - université de Versailles) Fields professionnal competence Number of theses guided and sustained : 1 Number of theses in process : 3 Curriculum vitae : MOKDAD Lynda Page 1/6 Publications of Lynda MOKDAD 2012 Articles ● Mokdad, Lynda ; Youcef, Samir . Stochastic bounds for composite Web services response times. Cluster Computing. Volume 15. n° 4. 2012. pages 363-371. Springer. DOI 2011 Book chapters ● Chakhar, Salem ; Youcef, Samir ; Mousseau, Vincent ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Haddad, Serge . Multicriteria evaluation-based conceptual framework for composite Web service selection. Dias, Luis; Bisdorff, Raymond; Mousseau, Vincent; Pirlot, Marc. Evaluation and Decision Models: Real Case Studies. Berlin. 2011. Conference Contributions Ben Othman, Jalel ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Ould Cheikh, Mohamed . Sectorial Coverage in a Deployment of a WMN Backbone Based on Directional Antennas. Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2011) - proceedings. Houston. États-Unis. 2011. ● Kasse, Youssou ; Mokdad, Lynda . Quantitative verification for response times in composite Web service model. 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). Kerkyra. Grèce. 2011. ● Ould Cheikh, Mohamed ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Ben Othman, Jalel . A New Architecture of Wireless Mesh Networks Based IEEE 802.11s Directional Antennas. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), proceedings. Kyoto. Japon. 2011. ● 2010 Articles Fourneau, Jean-Michel ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Pekergin, Nihal . Stochastic bounds for performance evaluation of Web services. Concurrency and Computation. Volume 22. n° 10. 2010. pages 1286-1307. Wiley. DOI ● Mokdad, Lynda ; Ben Othman, Jalel . Enhancing Data Security in Ad hoc Networks based Multipath routing. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. Volume 70. n° 3. 2010. pages 309-316. Elsevier. DOI ● Conference Contributions Curriculum vitae : MOKDAD Lynda Page 2/6 Kasse, Youssou ; Youcef, Samir ; Mokdad, Lynda . Stochastic bounds for end-to-end delay. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 2010. Riccione. Italie. 2010. ● Ben Othman, Jalel ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Ould Cheikh, Mohamed . On improving the performance of IEEE 802.11s based wireless mesh networks using directional antenna. IEEE 35th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 2010 - proceedings. Denver. États-Unis. 2010. ● Ben Othman, Jalel ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Ould Cheikh, Mohamed . Q-HWMP: Improving End-to-End QoS for 802.11s Based Mesh Networks. Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), 2010 IEEE - proceedings. Miami. États-Unis. 2010. ● Haddad, Serge ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Youcef, Samir . Response time of BPEL4WS constructors. 15th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'10). Riccione. Italie. 2010. ● 2009 Articles Ben Othman, Jalel ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Bouam, Souheila . AMCLM: Adaptive Multi-Services Cross-Layer MAC Protocol for IEEE 802.11 Networks. Journal of Interconnection Networks. Volume 10. n° 4. 2009. pages 283-301. World Scientific. DOI ● Haddad, Serge ; Youcef, Samir ; Mokdad, Lynda . Bornes du temps de réponse des services Web composites. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés. Volume 43. n° 7-9. 2009. pages 969-983. Lavoisier. ● Mokdad, Lynda ; Ben Othman, Jalel . Stochastic automata networks for modelling scheduling scheme in WiMAX networks. Journal of Interconnection Networks. Volume 10. n° 4. 2009. pages 481-495. World Scientific. DOI ● Conference Contributions Kasse, Youssou ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Sene, Mbaye . Performance analysis of Web services architecture. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 2009. ISCC 2009. Proceedings. Sousse. Tunisie. 2009. ● Bejaoui, Tarek ; Mokdad, Lynda . Adaptive Hybrid Call Admission Control Policy for UMTS with Underlying Tunnel-WLANs Heterogeneous Networks. IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2009. ICC '09. Proceedings. Dresde. Allemagne. 2009. ● Fourneau, Jean-Michel ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Pekergin, Nihal . Stochastic bounds for performance evaluation of web services. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 2009. ISCC 2009. Proceedings. Sousse. Tunisie. 2009. ● Djouama, Amir ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Abdennebi, Marwen ; Tohme, Samir . Topology control for enhanced QoS on infrastructure-less heterogeneous radio networks. 34th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN 2009. Zurich. Suisse. 2009. ● Mokdad, Lynda ; Abdennebi, Marwen ; Djouama, Amir ; Tohme, Samir . Lifetime aware admission control for infrastructure-less wireless networks. 14th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2009). Sousse. Tunisie. 2009. ● Ben Othman, Jalel ; Hamieh, Ali ; Mokdad, Lynda . Detection of Radio Interference Attacks in VANET. Global Telecommunications Conference, 2009. GLOBECOM 2009. IEEE. Honolulu. États-Unis. 2009. ● Serigne, Diagne ; Sene, Mbaye ; Mokdad, Lynda . Load balancing in distributed communication systems: performance evaluation with SWN models. IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2009. LCN 2009.. Zürich. Suisse. 2009. ● Ben Othman, Jalel ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Ould-Cheikh, Mohamed ; Sene, Mbaye . Performance Analysis of Composite Web Services using Stochastic Automata Networks over IP Networks. 14th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2009). Sousse. Tunisie. 2009. ● 2008 Articles Curriculum vitae : MOKDAD Lynda Page 3/6 ● Mokdad, Lynda ; Castel-Taleb, Hind . Stochastic comparisons: a methodology for the performance evaluation of fixed and mobile. Computer communications. Volume 31. n° 17. 2008. pages 3894-3904. Elsevier Science. DOI Conference Contributions Castel-Taleb, Hind ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Pekergin, Nihal . Model checking of performance measures using bounding aggregations. International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, 2008. SPECTS 2008. Proceedings. Edimbourg. Royaume-Uni. 2008. ● Mokdad, Lynda ; Ben Othman, Jalel . Performance analysis of an admission control enhancement in WIMAX networks using SAN. 33rd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2008. LCN 2008.. Montreal. Canada. 2008. ● Castel-Taleb, Hind ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Pekergin, Nihal . Model checking of performance measures using bounding aggregations. International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, 2008. SPECTS 2008.. Edimbourg. Royaume-Uni. 2008. ● Ghazal, S. ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Ben Othman, Jalel . Performance Analysis of UGS, rtPS, nrtPS Admission Control in WiMAX Networks. IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2008. ICC '08. Proceedings. Beijing. Chine. 2008. ● Haddad, Serge ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Youcef, Samir . Response Time Analysis of Composite Web Services. CSNDSP'08 6th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing. Graz. Autriche. 2008. ● 2007 Conference Contributions Castel-Taleb, Hind ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Pekergin, Nihal . Stochastic bounds applied to the end to end QoS in communication systems. MASCOTS'07 15th Annual Meeting of the IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems. Istanbul. Turquie. 2007. ● Bhatti, Usman ; Youcef, Samir ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Monfort, Valérie . Execution Time Analysis of Aspectized Web Services. Second International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2007). La Morne. Maurice. 2007. ● Castel-Taleb, Hind ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Pekergin, Nihal . Aggregated bounding Markov processes applied to the analysis of tandem queues. 2nd International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, VALUETOOLS 2007. Nantes. France. 2007. ● Fourneau, Jean-Michel ; Pekergin, Nihal ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Youcef, Samir . Stochastic bounds for loss rates. Third Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, 2007. AICT 2007.. Morne. Maurice. 2007. ● Castel-Taleb, Hind ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Pekergin, Nihal . Loss rates bounds in IP buffers by Markov chains aggregations. 5th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA 2007. Amman. Jordanie. 2007. ● Haddad, Serge ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Youcef, Samir . Sur le Temps de Réponse des Services Web. ÉCOLE D'ÉTÉ TEMPS RÉEL '07. Nantes. France. 2007. ● 2006 Articles Mokdad, Lynda ; Castel-Taleb, Hind ; Ben Othman, Jalel . Performance Evaluation of Mobile Networks based on stochastic ordering of Markov chains. Studia Informatica Universalis. Volume 4. n° 2. 2006. pages 191-208. Hermann. ● Sfar, Safouane ; Ben Othman, Jalel ; Rojas, Octavio ; Mokdad, Lynda . VIP (VHE in Mobile IP networks) Architecture. Journal of Communications. Volume 1. n° 5. 2006. pages 28-38. Academy Publisher. ● Conference Contributions Curriculum vitae : MOKDAD Lynda Page 4/6 Ben-Othman, Jalil ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Ramirez, O. . ATHOMIC: Architecture managing Tcp Handoff Over Mobile Ip Connections. IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, 2006. Proceedings. Dubai/Sharjah. Émirats arabes unis. 2006. ● Mokdad, Lynda ; Bhatti, Usman ; Youcef, Samir ; Monfort, Valérie . Simulation-based Response-time Analysis of Composite Web Services. 10th IEEE international Multitopic conference, INMIC'06. Lahore. Inde. 2006. ● Boutrous Saab, Céline ; Melliti, Tarak ; Mokdad, Lynda . Performance evaluation for mobile access to composite Web services. International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services(ICIW'06). Gosier. France. 2006. ● Castel-Taleb, Hind ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Pekergin, Nihal . Stochastic Ordering based Markov process aggregations: applications to tandem queues. Fifth International Symposium on Communication systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP'06). Patras. Grèce. 2006. ● Castel-Taleb, Hind ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Pekergin, Nihal . Loss rates bounds for IP switches in MPLS networks. 4th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications. Dubai/Sharjah. Émirats arabes unis. 2006. ● Mokdad, Lynda ; Sene, Mbaye . Performance measures of a Call Admission Control in mobile networks using SWN. Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Performance evaluation methodolgies and tools. Pise. Italie. 2006. ● Haddad, Serge ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Moreaux, Patrice . A New Approach to the Evaluation of Non Markovian Stochastic Petri Nets. 27th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency, ICATPN 2006. Berlin. Finlande. 2006. ● 2005 Conference Contributions Mokdad, Lynda ; Castel-Taleb, Hind ; Ben Othman, Jalel . Performance Analysis of a Call Admission Control for mobile networks. 1st International Computer Systems and Information Technology Conference (ICSIT 2005). Alger. Algérie. 2005. ● Ben Othman, Jalel ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Bouam, Souheila . Performance Analysis of AMCLM protocol (Adaptive Multi-services Cross-Layer Mac protocol. IEEE 62nd Vehicular Technology Conferences, (VTC2005-Fall). Dallas. États-Unis. 2005. ● Haddad, Serge ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Moreaux, Patrice . Performance evaluation of non Markovian stochastic discrete event systems - A new approach. WODES'04 7th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. Reims. France. 2004. ● Ben Othman, Jalel ; Castel-Taleb, Hind ; Mokdad, Lynda . Multi-services MAC protocol for wireless Networks. The 3rd ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, 2005. Le Caire. Égypte. 2005. ● Castel-Taleb, Hind ; Mokdad, Lynda . Performance measure bounds in mobile networks by state space reduction. 13th IEEE / ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems (MASCOTS 2005). Atlanta. États-Unis. 2005. ● 2004 Articles ● Haddad, Serge ; Mokdad, Lynda ; Moreaux, Patrice . Evaluation de performance des systèmes stochastiques à événements discrets non Markoviens - une nouvelle approche. e-STA. Volume 1. n° 3. 2004. Société de l'électricité, de l'électronique et des technologies de l'information et de la communication. 2003 Conference Contributions Ben Othman, Jalel ; Mokdad, Lynda . Performance evaluation of MIR (Mobile IP Reservation Protocol), based on stochastic automata networks. 57th IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference, 2003. VTC 2003-Spring. Seoul. Corée du Sud 2003. ● Mokdad, Lynda ; Castel-Taleb, Hind ; Ben Othman, Jalel . Bounds on Performance Measures in Wireless Networks. INOC 2003 - International Network Optimisation Conference. Evry. France. 2003. Curriculum vitae : MOKDAD Lynda Page 5/6 ● ● Ben Othman, Jalel ; Mokdad, Lynda . A New Tool for Performance Evaluation for Wirless Networks. 10th International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2003. Papeete. Polynésie française. 2003. 2002 Working Papers ● Mokdad, Lynda ; Ben Othman, Jalel . Stochastic Bounds on Handover for Wireless Networks. Université Paris-Dauphine . 2002 . Curriculum vitae : MOKDAD Lynda Page 6/6
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