Yaling Liu CV - Purdue University

Curriculum Vitae
Yaling Liu
Yaling Liu
550 Stadium Mall Dr,West Lafayette, IN 47907
[email protected]
+1 (765) 775-6055
Ph.D., Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, 01/2011- 09/2014
Dissertation: The Impacts of Climate Change and Agricultural Activities on
Water Cycling of Northern Eurasia
M.S., Meteorology, China Agricultural University, 09/2002 – 07/2005
Thesis: Dynamics of Vegetation Cover and its Driving Forces in the North
Piedmont of Yinshan Mountain
B.S., Geography, Hubei University, 09/1998 – 07/2002
Research Interests
Hydrological impacts
Water and Carbon Cycling
Land-atmosphere interactions
Land Surface Modeling
Liu, Y., Zhuang, Q., Pan, Z., Miralles, D., Tchebakova, N., Kicklighter, D.,
et al., (2014) Responses of evapotranspiration and water availability to the
changing climate in Northern Eurasia, Climatic Change, 126, 413-427
Liu, Y., Zhuang, Q., Pan, Z., Miralles, D., Tchebakova, N., et al., Impact of
forcing data uncertainty on the estimation of evapotranspiration in Northern
Eurasia, in review at JGR:Atmosphere
Liu, Y., Pan, Z., Miralles, D., Teuling, A.J., Jerry Melillo et al, Agricultural
activities aggravate drought in the Northern China, under revision, in review
at Scientific Reports
He, Y., Zhuang, Q., Harden, J.W., McGuire, A.D., Fan, Z., Liu, Y.,
Wickland, K.P. (2014), The implications of microbial and substrate limitation
for the fates of carbon in different organic soil horizon types: a
mechanistically based model analysis, Biogeosciences, 11(16) , 4477-4491
He, Y., Yang, J., Zhuang, Q., McGuire, A.D., Zhu, Q., Liu, Y., Teskey, R.,
(2014), Uncertainty in the fate of soil organic carbon: A comparison of three
conceptually different decomposition models at a larch plantation, JGR:
Biogeosciences, 1-14, doi/10.1002/2014JG002701
Zhu, Q., Zhuang, Q., Henze, D., Bowman, K., Liu Y., He, J., Matsueda, H.,
Machida, T., Sawa, Y., Oechel, W. (2014), Constraining terrestrial ecosystem
CO2 fluxes by integrating models of biogeochemistry and atmospheric
transport and data of surface carbon fluxes and atmospheric CO2
concentrations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion, 14,
Curriculum Vitae
Yaling Liu
Liu, Y., Zhuang, Q., Chen, M., Tchebakova, N., Pan, Z., Sokolov, A.,
Kicklighter, D., Melillo, J., Zhou, G., He., Y., Chen, J., Bowling, L., Miralles,
D., Parfenov, E. (2013) Response of evapotranspiration and water availability
to changing climate and land cover on the Mongolian Plateau during the 21st
century, Global and Planetary Change, 108(0), 85-99.
He, D., Liu, Y., Pan, Z., An, P., Wang, L., Dong, Z., Zhang, J., Pan, X., Zhao,
P. (2013). Climate change and its effect on reference crop evapotranspiration
in central and western Inner Mongolia during 1961–2009. Frontiers of Earth
Science, 7(4):417-428
Zhao, L., Liu, Y., Pan, Z., An, P., Pan, X., Zhao., P., (2013), Impacts of
Climate Change on the Dry-land Crop Water Consumption in Recent
Decades in the North Agro-pastoral Transitional Zone of China, Acta
Meteorological Sinica,27(4), 585-590
He, Y., Q. Zhuang, A. D. McGuire, Liu, Y., and M. Chen (2013), Alternative
ways of using field-based estimates to calibrate ecosystem models and their
implications for carbon cycle studies, JGR: Biogeosciences 118, 1-11
Liu, Y., Pan, Z., Fan, J., and Zheng, D., (2005), Spatial and Temporal
Analysis on Vegetation Cover Dynamics in North Piedmont of Yinshan
Mountain, Resource Science, 27(4), 168-174
Liu, Y., (2005), Dynamics of Vegetation Cover and its Driving Forces in the
North Piedmont of Yinshan Mountain, China Excellent Doctoral
Dissertations and Master's Theses Full-Text Databases
Liu, Y., Pan, Z., Fan, J., (2004), Time-series Analysis of Vegetation Cover in
North Piedmont of Yinshan Mountain, IEEE International Geoscience and
Remote Sensing Symposium, 6,3618-3621
Liu, Y., Pan, Z., (2004), Research on Vegetation Cover Degeneration and
Restoration in North Ecotone, Ecology Economics, 9:51-53
Pan, Z., An, P., Liu, Y., (2004), Research on Environment Change of
Ecology System in North Ecotone—for the example of Wuchuan County,
Chinese Agriculture and District, Vol.24.No.5:37-41
Pan, Z., An, P., Liu, Y., Zheng, D., Tuo, D. (2004). "Change of
eco-systematical function in northern ecotone: A case study in Wuchuan."
Journal of China Agricultural University, 9(1): 37-40.
Presentation Selected
Liu, Y., Zhuang, Q., Miralles, D., Tchebakova, N., Kicklighter, D., et al.,
Analysis of evapotranspiration uncertainty due to uncertain forcing data in
Northern Eurasia, AGU Fall meeting, Dec., 10, 2013, San Francisco, CA,
Liu, Y. Response of evapotranspiration and water availability to changing
climate and land cover on the Mongolian Plateau during the 21st century. Sep.
20, 2012, Course EAPS59100, West Lafayette, IN, USA (Invited lecturer)
Zhuang, Q., Chen, M., Zhu, X., Liu, Y., et al., Changes of Land Use and
Land Cover and Carbon and Water in Northern Eurasia, EGU annual meeting,
Apr., 4, 2011, Vienna, Austria
Curriculum Vitae
Yaling Liu
Numerical model development
Mass data processing and supercomputing
GIS and RS analysis
Programming in C/C++, MATLAB, EVNI/IDL, Python, R, ArcGIS, Fortran,
Unix shell scripting
Advanced Statistics application (e.g., MCMC, Bayesian, Machine Learning)
Research Experience
NASA Land-Use and Land-cover Change Program - (NASA- NNX09AI26G,
NN-H-04-Z-YS-005-N, and NNX09AM55G)
Research on changing evapotranspiration and water availability due to
changing climate and land use/cover change
NSF Carbon and Water in the Earth Program (NSF-0630319)
Research on water/carbon cycle dynamics due to changing climate,
forest stand age change, land use/cover change and fire disturbances
National Natural Science Foundation of China(30270269, 30370824)
Research on environmental change impacts, ecological reconstruction
and sustainable development in the farming-grazing ecotone
American Geophysical Union (AGU) student Travel grant, 2013
Travel grant for Women in Science of Purdue University, 2013& 2014
Public Services
Editorial board member for Advances in Water Science and Technology
Reviewer for Water Resources Research, Hydrology and Earth System
Sciences, PLOS ONE
Professional Society Memberships
American Geophysical Union
Professional Experience
Research Assistant, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary
Sciences, Purdue University, 01/2011 – present
Research Assistant, Beijing Oriental Wisdom Tech Dev. Co., Ltd, Beijing,
China, 05/2006 – 03/2010
Geography Teacher, Beijing Experimental Foreign Language School,
Beijing, China, 07/2005 – 05/2006