Presentation on Pilot Project In-Situ Development of 5 Slums in Faizullahganj Ward, Lucknow Nodal Agency:- Navchetna Kendra, 10 Ashok Marg, Lucknow Implementing Agency:- Construction & Design Services, U.P. Jal Nigam , Lucknow Types of Slums Number of Slums identified by SUDA (2001) Number Population 530 6.70 Lacs Location Map of 530 Slums SLUM PROFILE OF THE CITY Slums – Issues (Faizullahganj Ward) Beneficiaries 113 OBC 140 General Existing water Supply = 10% (Approx) 80% houses in slums are pucca with brick wall, PCC flooring, whereas 20% people lives in Kuchcha Houses & Jhopris. Poor sanitation conditions due to clogged drains, collection of household waste water in open pits. SC/ST TOTAL 276 H.H Size 6 Social Composition of Slums in Faizullahganj Ward, LUCKNOW General 7% OBC 57% Partial Sewerage System. 23 Partial water supply. Poor quality of Road Surface. Lack of Social Infrastructure such as Community Centre, Livelihood Centre and Parks SC/ST 36% SC/ST SOCIAL PROFILE OBC General LIST OF BENEFECIARIES UNDER SLUM FOR WHICH IN-SITU DEVELOPMENT IS PROPOSED S No 1 2 3 4 5 Slum Name No. of Beneficiaries Gaur Bheet 52 Bharat Nagar Chamrahi 26 Shivlokpur 138 Daud Nagar 27 Naya Daud Nagar 33 Total 276 Beneficiaries are identified by DUDA on the basis of their Slum Profile: list of dwelling slumsunit status and BPL status. The pucca house owners are not considered for redevelopment in this phase. A WHOLESLUM APPROACH HAS BEEN ADOPTED FOR PROVIDING INFRASTRUCTURE TO THE ENTIRE SLUM. SLUM PROFILE: LIST OF SLUMS SOCIAL SURVEY SNo. Name of Slums SC/ST Gen OBC Pucca Houses Total No of houses to be taken up 1 Gaur Bheet 42 0 10 107 159 52 2 Bharat Nagar Chamrahi 26 0 0 113 139 26 3 Shivlokpur 13 23 102 841 979 138 4 Daud Nagar 8 0 19 72 99 27 5 Naya Daud Nagar 24 0 9 142 175 33 113 23 140 1275 1551 276 Total SOCIO ECONOMIC Livelihood Breakup (Occupational Survey) Slum Name Shivlokpur Gaur Bheet Daud Nagar Naya Daud Nagar Bharat Nagar Chamrahi Total Main Occupation Sno Description 1 Construction Labour 88 42 27 32 25 214 2 Mistri/ Skilled Labour 0 2 - - - 2 3 Pheri 35 1 - - 1 37 4 Driver 2 1 - - - 3 5 Vegetable Seller 4 2 - 1 - 7 6 Mechanic 3 - - - - 3 7 Cook - 4 - - - 4 8 Tailor 6 - - - - 6 Total 138 52 27 33 26 276 SOCIAL SURVEY- LIVELYHOOD BREAK UP Shivlokpur, Gaur Bheet, Daud Nagar, Naya Daud Nagar, Bharat Nagar Chamrahi Construction Labour Mistri/ Skilled Labour 77.54% Pheri Driver Vegetable Seller Mechanic 0.72% 2.17% 13.41% 1.45% 1.09% 2.54% 1.09% Cook Tailor SLUM WISE SOCIO-ECONOMIC SURVEY Social Composition : Bharat Nagar Chamrahi Social Composition : Gaur Bheet OBC 19.23% SC 100.00% SC 80.77% SC OBC SC Social Composition : Shivlokpur General 16.67% SC 9.42% OBC 73.91% General SC OBC SLUM WISE SOCIO-ECONOMIC SURVEY Social Composition : Daud Nagar SC 29.63% OBC 70.37% SC OBC Social Composition : Naya Daud Nagar OBC 27.27% SC 72.73% SC OBC SLUM WISE SOCIO-ECONOMIC SURVEY Livelihood Survey Result (Primary Occupation) - Gaur Bheet Mistri/ Skilled Labour 3.85% Driver 1.92% Construction Labour 80.77% Vegetable Seller 3.85% Cook 7.69% Pheri 1.92% Construction Labour Mistri/ Skilled Labour Driver Vegetable Seller Livelihood Survey Result (Primary Occupation) - Bharat Nagar Chamrahi Construction Labour 96.15% Pheri 3.85% Construction Labour Pheri Cook Pheri SLUM WISE SOCIO-ECONOMIC SURVEY Livelihood Survey Result (Primary Occupation) - Shivlokpur Driver 1.49% Tailor 4.48% Mechanic 2.24% pheri 26.12% Construction Labour 65.67% Construction Labour Driver Tailor Mechanic pheri Livelihood Survey Result (Primary Occupation) - Daud Nagar Livelihood Survey Result (Primary Occupation) - Naya Daud Nagar Construction Labour 96.97% Construction Labour 100.00% Vegatable Seller 3.03% Construction Labour Construction Labour Vegatable Seller EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES STATUS ALL EDUCATION FACILITIES SITUATED WITHIN 2 -3 KM. FROM SLUMS Following state/centrally sponsored works proposed to be converged/ integrated with the project: 1.Sarva Siksha Abhiyan 2.Sishu Siksha Kendra 3.Mid day meal HEALTH FACILITIES STATUS ALL HEALTH FACILITIES WITH IN 2-3 K.m. FROM SLUMS Following state/centrally sponsored works proposed to be converged/ integrated with the project: 1. Pulse Polio Camps 2. Kushta Rog Nivaran Karyakarm EXISTING CONDITION DAUD NAGAR BHARAT NAGAR CHAMRAHI NAYA DAUD NAGAR GAUR BHEET GAUR BHEET LAYOUT PLAN BHARAT NAGAR CHAMRAHI LAYOUT PLAN SHIVLOKPUR LAYOUT PLAN DAUD NAGAR LAYOUT PLAN NAYA DAUD NAGAR LAYOUT PLAN IN SITU HOUSING UNIT IN SITU HOUSING UNIT BASIC PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Water Supply Roads Sanitation Street Lighting Drainage Infrastructure promoting Physical Fitness (Playing Space, Parks and Greens) More than 15-20% space in the Colony has been reserved for green areas Provision of tree guards for shrubs and trees along the internal roads of the Colony Well thought out plantation of trees along the boundary of the Colony and planting of out flowing/out drooping creepers or bushes alongside enclosures Development of Park PLAN OF COMMUNITY CENTRE, CRECHE & DISPENSARY PLAN OF COMMUNITY CENTRE, CRECHE & DISPENSARY IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Implementation Plan for RAY– Faizullahganj Ward, Lucknow S.No. Description of Activity Year I Ist Quarter Activity 1 Preparation of Tender DocumentsGeneral & Commercial Conditions Activity 2 Tendering Activity 3 Contractor Selection Activity 3.1 Finalizing the conditions of contract Activity 3.2 Negotiations of terms Activity 3.3 Awarding of contract Activity 4 Construction Activity 4.1 Monitoring and Supervision Activity 4.2 Scrutiny of Quantities Activity 4.3 Quality Control Activity 5 Assessment and final billing Activity 6 Defect Liability Activity 7 Closure of Accounts IInd Quarter IIIrd Quarter Year II IVth Quarter Vth Quarter VIth Quarter Slum wise Project Cost (in Lakhs) Housing S. No. 1. Slum Name Gaur Bheet Cost Physical Social Total Infrastructure Infrastruct Other Grand Charges Total Cost ure cost 207.72 108.30 32.30 348.32 72.89 421.21 103.51 75.74 1.41 180.65 37.80 218.45 Bharat Nagar 2. Chamrahi 3. Shivlokpur 553.01 0 54.24 607.25 127.07 734.32 4. Daud Nagar 269.16 135.54 33.53 438.23 91.70 529.93 5. Naya Daud Nagar 294.79 175.66 2.1 472.56 98.88 571.44 TOTAL 1428.19 495.24 123.58 2047.02 428.34 2475.35 1 Ratio of Housing to Infrastructure Amount in lacs Percentage to project cost 2 Financing Pattern Housing Infrastructure 1428.19 618.83 69.77 30.23 Housing Infrastructure Others Total Cost in Lakhs 2047.02 100 Total(in lacs) Central grant 714.09 309.41 51.69 1075.20 State grant 601.92 309.41 376.65 1287.99 Beneficiaries Share Total 3 Cost of DU & per DU finance Central grant State grant Beneficiaries Share Total cost (Rs) 112.17 2475.35 Model 1 (Rs. 403563.00) 201781.50 160838.20 40943.30 403563.30 112.17 Model 2(Rs. 368056.00) 184028.00 145961.00 38067.00 368056.00 DETAILED ABSTRACT COST Particulars Amount Model - 1 (247 DUs) 996.80 Model - 2 (29 DUs) 106.74 Transit Housing (2 Nos) 324.65 Housing 1428.19 Infrastructure Cost C.C. Road (5411 mts) 186.58 Strom Water Drain (11216 mts) 63.77 Water Supply System (3 Nos.) 125.13 Sewerage System/ Digester / House Connection (2 Nos.) 91.36 Street Light (68 Poles) 28.40 Community center (03 Nos.) 112.34 Construction of Park (5 Nos., 5291 Sqm) 11.25 Total Infrastructure 618.83 Total Housing + Infrastructure 2047.02 DPR Preparation, Project Management, Supervision and Quality control @ 2% 40.94 Labour Cess Charges @ 1% 20.47 Contingency charges @ 2% 40.94 Service Tax @ 4.05% 82.90 Centage Charges @ 11.875% 243.08 Grand Total 2475.35 Thanking You..........
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